Page 29 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Basketball SPORTS -- Boxing I SPORTS . Basketeers Retain Lead in League I ~--,.,.....,.,.....,..,.,..,..............-~--,.,.....,.,.....,..,.,..,..............-"""""""'~""""""'..............-~ TERROR BOXING TEAM . Race by Defeating Mt. St. Mary's I FAN F 0 D D E R DROPS FIRST MEET OF SEASON TO MARYLAND Was the Fastest and Hardest Fought By npat" Mahoney Game Ever Witnessed By W. TERROR FIVE DEFEAT M. C. Students Old Liners Score 5 to 3 Victory BISONS, LOSE TO TOMMIES Over Western Maryland MT. ST. MARY'S, 31; W. MD., 35 Stahley Gets Well-Wishes of Student Body Cause Upset By Winning Two It was with a feeling of joy mingled with regret that With George Ryscavage leading the Games From Washington the people connected with Western Maryland received the WIN IN HEAVY CLASSES way, a Terror team that fought to the College news released last week that Skip Stahley would be with bitter end overcame a strong Mt, St. us only a short time longer. Skip has been appointed The Terrapins of the University of Mary's team in a heart- thrilling en- The 'terror basketball team returned Head Football Coach at the University of Delaware and Maryland pulled something of a sur- counter, that kept a capacity crowd in from its invasion of Pennsylvania with will leave the Hill at the close of the current basketball prise to Mary land collegiate boxing a constant uproar, on their home floor one victory and one defeat chalked up "Pat" season. fans when they defeated the Ter- Tuesday night, January_23, by a score in its record. Bucknell Dniversity was Mahoney He will carry with him the good will of the entire rors of Western Maryland in their box- of 35-31. Ryscavage who formerly the conquered foe while St. 'I'hornas Col. undergraduate group when he leaves the environs of the local insti- ing contest which was held in the played center but in the last three lege was the victorious opponent. Since tution; especially those athletes with whom he has been connected Ritchie Coliseum on January 20th. The games has played forward lead the as- their return, however, the Terrors have during the past four years. Stahley is well grounded in the art of bouts were held before a capacity . sault against the Mountaineer team. He tasted victory twice in the Maryland pigskin technique and as taught by one of the foremost gridiron experts crowd that filled the field house to the scored nine foul attempts in nine tries Intercollegiate League, both times ill the East, Dick Harlow, and the experience and fruitful knowledge brim. The 'I'errapins gained verdicts and sank a couple of baskets at oppor- against ';Vashington College, first on gathered from his association with the Terror head boss should stand in the first five weights before the Ter- tune times. Ryscavage was ably as- their home floor and second in the him in good stead when he goes out on his own as a grid-mentor. ror supporters got a chance to cheer. sisted by 'his team mates who by win- Shoremen's gym at Chestertown. These These light weights have been the sup- ning this well deserved victory more two victories have made the Terrors un- posed weak spots of the Terror team, firmly en trenched themselves on top of disputed holders of first place in the Had Brilliant Athletic Career At Penn State yet the Terror boys who performed in the Maryland Collegiate League with league with two victories and no de- Stahley began his athletic career at Lebanon High School where them, especially Rusteburg in 125- three victories and two defeats. feats t.o their credit. he starred in basketball and football. Upon his graduation in 1926 pound class and Capt Myers in the 135- Mt. St. Mary, last year's Maryland The Bucknell - IN estern Maryland he decided' to continue his studies at Pennsylvania State College. While pound class gave excellent accounts of champions, scored first and ran up an game was hotly contested. The Bisons at the northern Pennsylvania institution he developed into one of the themselves. With close fights being eight-point lead before Hurley sank a lead at half time 15-11, but. when the best all-around athletes ever produced there. Participating in foot- given to Maryland in the 125, 135 and long one and made two foul shots to second half started and Sadausky, who ball, basket ball and lacrosse he won for himself a large share of the 155-pound .divisions plus two technical put the Tenors in the running. From has been a nemesis to Bucknell for three athletic glory which accrued to Penn State in the collegiate athletic knockout victories in the 115-pound this point on the Terrors gathered mo- years, entered the game, Western Md. world at this time. It was in the first-named sport that the Lebanon and 145-pound weights, the Terrors mentum and tied, then passed the hard put on a burst of scoring that tied the flash garnered his greatest prestige as an athlete. Under the coaching I came back and swept to victories in fighting Mount boys. At half time the game and eventually won it. Before of Bob Higgins who is now head coach but, who was serving as end 'the 165 and 175 and heavyweight score stood 20-19 in the Ten-or's favor. Sada.usky entered the fray the Terrors coach at the time he developed into a slam-bang type of wingman classes to make the final' score 5-3 in When the second half began, excite- had been unable to solve Bucknell's whose main forte was to crush the interference enabling the other line- the Terrapins' favor. ment mounted. The score was tied again zone defense. Sadausky's height and man to get a clean shot at the ball carrier. He was also noted for his Gorski in the 165-pound weight gave aud again. Both teams guarded closely ability to play the spot enabled the Ter- ste-llar down-the-field work and his ability as a pass receiver. his opponent a boxing lesson and won and pass brilliantly, yet the Terrors rors to break down this barrier. The Due recognition was given in his senior year when he was selected handily. The Terrapins forfeited the seemed to call on hidden resources Bisons in th~ last four minutes of play by Andy Kerr, Colgate coach, to play on the all-star team selected 175 fight to Kaplan, while Pontecarvo which matched the substitutions that completed stopped praying a zone and f'rom all the leading colleges in the East to compete against an all-star scored a technical knockout over the the Mount made. With a minute to reverted to a man .to man. Mahoney, group from the West in the annual Intersectional battle put on by the Maryland heavy in the second round play the Terrors lead 35-31. Mt. St. Terror guard, slipped away from his Shriners on the Pacific coast every year. The Eastern team won the which finished the evening's proceed- Mary's made frenzied efforts to get man and sank a final field goal as the game 13-7. ings. Summary: within scoring distance but the Terror- game ended. The final score being, 115-Pound Class-Bill Waner, Mary. men prevented all attempts. The final Western Maryland 34, Bucknell 26. Was Basket Ball Captain In Senior Year land, defeated Bob Bennett, Western gun which ended the struggle found Pete Merge was the scoring ace for _Maryland, by a technical knockout in spectators ond players alike, breathing the evening as he snared six field goals Stahley was captain of the basketball team in his last year at State the second round. aud sank foul' fouls. Myers forward aud lead the team thru a very successful season. He was also regular Class Harry Carroll, 125-Pound To praise an individual Stahley man and Davis, center, with nine points center on the lacrosse team. Upon receiving his sheepskin fr-om the Maryland, defeated - Charles Rusteburg, i.i indeed an honor because all five who each, lead the Bisens in scoring. Blue and White institution he came directly to Western Maryland Western Maryland, decision. played throughout the contest per- Liueup: where he took up the duties of assista.nt football coach and scout and formed well, yet Ryscavage whose foul • head basketball coach, positions which he has held up to the present 135-Pound Class - Dick Babcock, shooting in the face of necessity was '" estern Maryland . . o G F T time. He also served as lacrosse coach until financial conditions made Maryland, defeated Paul Myers, Wes- o Cumberland, f. deadly, deserves recognition. Sadansky o o it necessary to curtail the athletic program, necessitating the drop- tern Maryland, decision. too, did yeomen work in retreiving balls Hurley, f . 3 o 6 ping of the Indian game. 145-Pound Class-Hal Burns, Mary- of the backboard. Mergo, Hurley and Ryscavage, c. . . 2 16 4 Stahley succeeded in imparting to the· wingmen that have come land, defeated Dick Kiefer, Western J\'fergo, Mahoney worked in splendid co-opera- Mahoney, g. g . , . . 6 4 o under his tutelage his thorough knowledge of end play and the per- Maryland, by a teclurical knockout in tion with Ryscavage and Sadausky. The 1 o 2 Iormances of the Terror terminals has been of the highest order during the first round. team's work in this game indicates that Sadausky, c. . . . o 3 o 6 o th e last several years. 155-Pound Class - Lyman Me Aboy, at last a Tenor basketball team is go- Comerford, f. . . o o o Since coming here Stahley has gradually assumed various duties Maryland, defeated Don Keyser, Wes. iug places. Fowble, c g . o o o connected with athletics until at the present time he serves as an in- tern Mary land, decision. Lipsky, Line-up: . o o o structor in the Physical Education department and shares the graduate 165-Pound Class-Andy Gorski, Wes- W.M. C. Mt. St. Mary's Berger, g. , managers duties besides his regular duties as assistant football coach tern Maryland, defeated Stewart Me- Points Points awl head basketball mentor. Caus, Maryland, decision. Mergo 4 F Chalkey 9 Totals .............. 15 4 34 175-Pound Class - Bernie Kaplan, Ry:scavage 13 F Cardell o Bucknell G F T Western Maryland, won on a forfeit. Sadausky 6 C Hopkins 5 Lytle, f. 1 3 5 Gold, but Fowble who had taken Hur- Heavyweight Class - Tom Pontecar- Hurley 6 G Lynch 14 Myers, f. 3 2 8 CoCaptains Hurley and Mahoney at through place Maryland, continued Mahoney 6 G Sullivan 3 Davis, c. 3 2 8 guards Coach Stahley to function perfectly ley's Ryscavage came sank a final with a goal vo, Western Maryland, by defeated Carl and two points technical content and to let was Stalfort, a Si tar sky , g. 1 o 2 just as the whistle blew. The final knockout in the second round. Total 35 Total 31 Leichliter, g. 1 o 2 them play, but Coach Kibler. of the Western Referee: Menton-Loyola. Gilleland, g. 0 1 1 Shorernen constantly made substitutions count being College 18. Maryland 23, Score-s-Maryland, 5; Western Mary- \or ashington James, g _. 0 o o in attempts to overcome the Terror lead, land, 3. but without avail, the final score be- This Terror victory was the first time W.M.C.BOXERS]OURNEY ing, Terrors 29; Shoremen 18. that a Green and Gold team has beaten Totals 9 8 26 fl ·Washington College o.utfit on its home TO MEET NAVY MITTMEN Referee: Good; Dmpire: Miller j Scor. The whole Terror quintet performed floor. This victory also established the BASKETBALL SCHEDULE er: J onos; Timer: Gerhart. as a team, more than it had in previous Coach Harlow will take his ring pro. games. Ryscavage played splendidly at Terrors as a contender for the Maryland tf'gees to the Dnited States Naval St. Thoma§ College, who the Terrors his new position, while Sadausky out- League Title, as it placed t11em on top Dec. 5. Georgetown 31; W. M. C. 9. Academy this Saturday, January 27th. met in Scranton, were eutirely too pow· I .jumped every center that opposed him. of the heap with two victories and no Jan. 6. Navy, 41; W. M. C. 21. His warriors who are expected to bear erful for the Stahley quintet. The Tom- Mergo, Hurley and Mahoney did their defeats. 9. Catholic D., 41; W. M. C., 23. tJ1e brunt of batt.le are now nursing mies quickly grabbed a lead which they sl,are in ma.king the Terror's opening Ryscavage and Mahoney played out- 12. Bucknell, 26; W. M. C., 34. sears of conflict suffered in the recent constan tly increased and when the game game a win :for the victory column. standing ball for the Terrors. Rysca v- 13. St. Thomas, 56; W. M. C., 21. W. M. C., 29. 16. Wash. College,18; defeat at the hands of the University ellded by an overwhelming score. Die~z, Huey f01" Washington College was the age was a· tireless floorman all evening; 01 Maryland. Tommy's center, lead the St. Thomas at- Shoremen's outstanding player. while Mahoney sank three beautiful 20. Wash. College, 18; W. M. C., 23. The annual Terror-Middy bouts are tack. Coach Stahley, when he saw that On Saturday night, January 20th, the long shot at opportune times during 23. Mt. St. Mary'S, 31; W. M. C., 35. always regarded as the acme of colle- St. Thomas far surpassed his team in Terrors traveled to Chestertown, where the course of the game. 27. Hopkins; W. M. C., ~ giate engagements in Maryland and are experiellce and skill took advantage of they met Washington College in a re- The summary: Feb. 6. Loyola. 6. Hopkins. expected to be fought before a packed such a situation and gave all his squad tUl"n game. Many thought that the Western Maryland G F T 10. University of Maryland. house. an opportunity to perform under· actual Shoremen would promptly prove that Mergo, f. . :..... 0 1 1 13. Loyola. These fights mark the debut of the game conditions. the Terror's first victory was a mistake. Ryscavage, f. 1 2 4 Navy team into their 1934 completion. West em Marylaml officially made its But on the contrary Coach Stahley and ,Sadausky, c. 3 1 5 21. Mt. St. Mary's. Navy, however, is weH prepared to debut into the Uaryland Collegiate his squad were out to prove that the I Hurley, g. 1 2 4 Mar. 1. La Salle. College. Military 2. Penn meet the Terror attack as they have League on Tuesday, ,Tanuary 16, when first victory was only a beginning or Fergerson, g. 0 o 0 au almost veteran team except in two it. was hOilt to the Shoremen from Wash- the first stepping stone to other league Hahoney, g 3 1 7 weights which are in the lighter divi- ington College at the Westminster Ar_ triumphs. Fowble, g. 1 o 2 sions. This fact elevates the Terror mory. The contest was a closely guarded, BOXING SCHEDULE hopes of victory because they are well The Terrors entered the contest as thrilling game from the opening whistle Totals 7 9 23 fortified in the upper weights, but are the underdog which they abruptly dis- to the final goal which chilled the Jan. 20-D. of M., 5; W. M. C., 3. somewhat weak in the lower divisions. pplled by sinking the first basket when blood when t'bey sank a foul, but Hur- Washington G F T 'If Navy has a couple of inexperienced Hurley on a quick break sank a beauti- ley pushed the Terrors ahead with a Giraitis, f. 0 3 3 Jan. 27-Navy-away. men in these lower weights the Terror ful one ha.nded shot. The Shoreme.n, field goal. From this point on the Ter- Bilancioni, f. 0 o 0 Feb. 3-St. John's-home. fighters will have an even chance of however, quickly retaliated. FJ.·om this rors were generally ahead by a point or Proudfoot, f. 1 o 2 Feb.10-Penn State-away. victory. point Qn the game was featured by close two, although the game was tied at var- Hodgson, f. 0 1 1 Feb. 17-Syracuse-away. Coach Harlow is undecided as to what guarding, excellent, passing and fierce ious stages. At half time the Terrors Skipp, c. 1 2 4 :Feb.24-Bucknell-away. men he'll fight in the lower weights, but p"laying on the part of both teams. At lead 11-10. With two minutes to play Huey, g. 0 1 1 Mar. 3-West PoinF----away. more than likely GOl~ski, Kaplan and half time the score stood, Western in the> second half the Terrors lead Ward, g _ 2 1 5 Pontecarvo will adequately care for Maryland 17, Washington College 10. 19-18. Hurley and Mahoney had gone Nicholson; g. . . . . . .. 0 2 2 Mar.10-Catholic Dniversity-a:vay: their respective opponents in the upper The new combination of Sadausky at out on personals, and for the first time. Mar. 17-Intercollegiates (Place not 18 three. elasaes. center, Ryecava,ge a.nd Mergo forwards,. things looked bad for the Green and ! Totals • ••••• ~ ...... t • "',~ .... settled,. )
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34