Page 27 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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r I I BEAT BEAT NAVY HOPKINS Vol. 11, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 25, 1934 w. M. C. Alumni Association Will Hold BRYSON AND "TERP" WARD IJunior Speech Players Will Present Mid- Winter Banquet in Baltimore TO HEAD 1935 ALOHA UnusualCroup of One-Act Plays in Alumni Hall, Friday, February 2nd At a meeting of the junior class held James L. Fieser of Red Cross Asso- in Smith Hall recently, Brady O. Bry- ciation Will Be Principal son was elected editor-in-chief of the Speaker Passing in Review 1935 Aloha. Norman Ward was given Satire and Humor Feature In Dif- By BRADYO. BRYSON the office of business manager of the ferent Productions The Western Maryland College Alum- year book at the same meeting. Library Regulations nie Association will hold its annual Bryson has been connected with the DIRECTED BY MISS SMITH NEW MONEY POLICY mid-winter banquet and dance at the .Gold Bug for the last two years in the Emerson Hotel, Baltimore, on Friday The new money policy put so quickly capaci ty of columnist. His literary abil- There have been frequent questions The junior Speech Players of Western evening, February 2, at 7.00 o'clock. ill effect last week by President Roose- ity is officially recognized by his ap- on the college campus concerning the Maryland College will present three A fine program is being arranged, velt is a highiy complicated project, pointment to this important office. rules of the library, so the Gold Bug one-act palys in Alumni Hall on Fri- which will prove of special interest to thousands of columns of newspaper As a partner and cohort, Bryson has · wishes to take this opportunity of pre- day, February 2, 1934. The plays will all the alumni. Janles L. Fieser, Na- \vriting have been devoted to its expla- a worthy man in Ward. He will be senting the following statements which be directed by Miss Esther Smith, pro- tional vice.chairman of the American na tion and hours upon hours have been very competent in a position that is the librarian made in a recent inter- fessor in the Department of Speech, Red Cross Association will be the prin- spent in attempts at an interpretation. of potent importance in the production view with one of the reporters: whose previous efforts have elicited cipal speaker. Dr. A. N. Ward, presi- Yet, as one observer commented, the of the annual. "The books of the library may be most favorable comment and have dent of the college, and Richard C. Hal" must impressive thing about the whole Bryson is a member of Delta Pi Al- classified as one day books, over-night brought Great pI easure to lIlTestern low, football coach, are the other proposition is the fact that so few peo- pha while Ward is a Gamma Beta Chi. reserve books, and week books, which Maryland audiences.' The plays are:: speakers. ple understand it. Working together they should produce include fiction books and the various I I An Excellent Thing in Woman, ' , Judge Charles E. Moylan, of Balti- The objective of the movement is a book that will live' up to the high methods' books not in great demand. I I Prelude and Fugue," by Clifford Bax, more, president of the Alumni Associa- quite obscure. Undoubtedly the Pres- standards set in previous years. Students are allowed to take out the and I I Funny Business, ' , by Glenn tion, will be the toastmaster. ident has some good in mind yet he has above mentioned books fOT only that Hughes. cornmit.tcd himself in a general way. period of time which the classification There are a large number of Western These productions are somewhat dif'- Maryland Alumni iu Carroll County. Two experts in finance even went so far DR. T. Z. KOO OF SHANGHAI of the book itself designates. Ref'er-' . fl'rent than anything ever attempted Reservations are being made to Wil'liam as to say that Mr. Roosevelt has taken SPEAKS TOSTUDENT BODY once books may not leave the library. heretofore. "An Excellent Thing in Wu- A. Weech, banquet treasurer, Post simply a tentative step and is leaving "It is the purpose of the library to man" is a delightful comedy which dis. Office box No. 88, Baltimore. The cost his path wide open for future experi- develop the. sense of responsibility .'plays an unusual means of plot develop- of the banquet will be $1.75. All stu- mentation by not announcing what he Dr. 1'. Z. Roo, a gradua~ of St. John's within the student to such a degree that ment. The players are: hopes to arrive at. Then when some- he will promptly return his book. It dents desiring to attend will be wel- University of Shanghai, and a noted Dr. Vance Janna Randle comed. thing is arrived at, he will announce Chinese lecturer, spoke to the assem- must be understood that his failure to Dr. Taylor. Proctor Messler is as having been his aim. return, the book promptly is an en- The 'Western Maryland College Club, gred student body last Monday morning croachment or infraction upon the The Girl. Nadine Ohler with headquarters in Philadelphia, will Other comments have been profuse at the weekly convocation. His subject I I Prelude and Fugue" is an extreme and in many cases contradictory. Some rights of other students-oftentimes it hold its second annual banquet Friday, ,,'as, "How to become International- results in a student's not securing the departure from the usual' type of one- January 26, in the Erwin Building, 401 say it is a sort of inflation; others say minded. material which he has been assigned. act play. This play is similar in char- 'Walnut Street, in the above mentioned with apparent relief that it is a step Dr. Roo, attired in the colorful gar- The books, then, must be returned at acter to O'Neill's "Strange Interlude," city. President 'Ward will be one of away from inflation. Some are glad ments of the Chinese people, stated that but it is interesting to note that it was that fiat money will be abolished; oth- 9.45 o'clock on the morning of the date the speakers. there were three ways by which we may on which they are due. If the student first produced five years before ors say that gold certificates paid to become internationally instead of nu- "Strange Interlude" was written. The The Washington Alumni will hold Federal Reserve banks f'or such gold fails to meet his responsibility, a fine of their annual banquet at Scholl's Fri- that the government called in are noth- tionally minded. He stated that we ten cents for the morning, twenty cents players: day;- February 9. All students and must seeuurselves as others see us, that for the afternoon, and twenty-five cents Rosemary . Jessie Shipley ing but fiat money! we must look at each other as individ- Alumni are cordially invited and are fur the entire day is imposed on him Joan Lydia Fogle urged to attend. I sincerely doubt that even the ma- uals, and not as types, and that under. for keeping reserve books overtime. A The last of the plays to be presented jority of members of Congress really neath all the exterior of racial customs, fine of five cents a day is imposed on is "Funny Business." TIns is an hilar- k now just how involved the program ail' races of men are fundamentally the those students 'who keep the week ious farce, almost burlesque; with a DR. BLACKWELDER can be and what it to be the only one same. lecture was interestingly illus- books overtime. that all of those students it. The players: sa tire running Senator entails. sparkling of vein His Carter Glass seems "I suggest RESUMES SERVICES I subject has and his chief expression on the trated with many examples which servo who do not yet fully understand the Duris Hazel Jones definite who ideas concrete his poin ts. At the close of ('lL to prove indict- the library governing ed the proposal as stealing. his timely address, Dr, Roo entertained rules further information-I come to me Jerry Dennis Brown shall for be Robert Wink Bromio Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder resumed his However, I do not think that the the students with Chinese folk songs glad to talk with them." Trivia Emily Dashiell series of sermons on Sunday in Alum- President is revolutionizing our mone- w hich he played on the flute. Craccus Norman Ward ni Hall. Illness had forced him to miss tary system with no objective in mind, Dr. Roo is now making a world tour, Pantaloon Harold White the chapel service the preceding Sun- hoping that, by experimentatiun as it addressing groups and students in many TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF Colombi ne Lucille Bork day afternoon. different countries. goes along, he may improve the situa- Harlequin . James Bopst an COLLEGEPAPER OBSERVED Dr. Blackwelder's subject was "How tion. He is seeking a currency system After his graduation from the uni- Lady Whiffle Orpha Pritchard tv develop a sense of responsibirty". which will have greater soundness, ade- versity, Dr. Roo was fur nine years Lord Whiffle Rale Mathias He stated that the underlying tenet in- quacy, and less fluctuation. He hopes official wi tli the Chinese Railway ser- Bumpkin Norman Ward developing this sense of responsibility that he will give to the new system a vice. In 1905, he was a member of the So closely has the Gold Bug become These plays will be open to the pub- was the fact that Christ makes it pos- greater stability than has been onjoyed Second Opium Conference called in connected with are life on the h il'l that lic. There will be no admission charged. of it as to think apt most students sible fur us to be the finest and best in the past. To do this he has collect- Switzerland by the League of Nations, as that we ought to be. ed the gold that he could and has with- being one of three chosen to represent a permanent institution Gold old as the is a school. tho However, Bug In illustrating his point, he said that drawn gold coin from circulation. Now, the Chinese people as a whole. For comparatively modern institution. MUSIC STUDENTS GIVE SEC· it was easy to win a ball game from since all gold is in hands of the govern- several years, Dr. Roo has been one of Many years prior to it there was a the stands, and simple to drive a car ment, the value of the dollar will not the secretaries of the World Student magazine known as the College Month. OND RECITAL OF YEAR from the back seat. One of the great- fluctuate because gold will not be subject Christian Federation. ly. This was more of a literary publi- est advantages .of developing a sense to changes varying with security. Guld cation and since it was published but The students of music gave their sec- of responsibility was its power to make values can be held stable and hence gold .once a month, was not suited for news ond recital of the year on Tuesday eve· a man out of a persun who had had no dollars wiil be stable. DR. W. LYNN OF HOPKINS aud anllouncements. The Monthly how- ning in Smith Hall. Students .of :Miss sense of duty imposed upon him'. WILL SPEAK TO J ones, Miss Gesner and Miss Hirons took Mureover, the government will have ever, continued in existence until the Dr. Blackwelder paid a compliment the' power to change the gold content TRI.BETA Gold Bug was well esta:blished in its part. The songs rendered by the Glee tv Knute Rockne, whom, he believes; of the dollar at will. By the use of position. Club were representative .of the sixteenth did a great service to mankind by di. this, Mr. Roosevelt hopes to vary the Dr. W. 'Gardner Lynn of Johns Hop· It was not until ten years agu this and seventeenth centuries. recting the lives .of young men intu the value .of the dollar with the price levels kins University will be the guest speaker month that the first newspaper was Sonata op. 2 no. 2 Beethoven right channels. Someone has said that in order to maintain a fairly constant at the monthly meeting of Tri-Beta 7.15 published on the hill. Even this was Scherzo the "battles of citizenship are being standard of purchasing power for cur-' P. :M., Tuesday, January 30, in Roum 22 not in a true sense, a school paper, for Doris Belt won on the college campuses. rency. The great difficulty in my opin- Science Hall. it was published independently by the I Love Thee Grieg He also gave the disadvantages in ion is that the President wiH find it I I Fossils of Vertebrates Found in · Black and 'White Club. Slumber Song Grieg developing a sense of responsibility. hard to keep so closely in touch with Maryland" will be the subject of Dr. The first issue of the Black and :Martha Harrison They are the dangers of becoming a , price levels that he will be able to rap- Lynn's talk. This topic should be of Black and White as it was called made Voi che sapete Mozart lone wolf, a fighter and a tyrant, a mar· idly make changes in the gold of his particular interest at this time since the its apl)earance on January 22, 1924. It from " The Marriage of Figaro" tyr, or an egotist. dollar in proportions exact enough to recent discovery of fossils and bones near was a three-column, four·page pa.per, Mary Wooden The advantages of the development maintain a standard purchasing puwer. Cumberland, Maryland. · slightly smaller than the present Gold are many and far overshadow the dis- Dr. Lynn of Johns Hopkins Zoology Bug. The Editor was Sterling Ed- Plaisir d' Amour Martini Curran advantages. In the first place, a sense Of course the theory is very fine, Department has dune research work 'un i wards, and the Business :Manager, C11arles Life of responsibility is a way to clothe the ",hethel' it will "",ork in practice re- vertebrate anatomy. Although he may E. Bish. Reba Snader mains to be seell. There is much more lIfe with significance. Then again you he classed as a young scholar, receiving A survey of the first issues gives an Sonata op. 22 Beethoven become a pillar on which the commu- to it than has been set forth here, but his Ph.D. some two years ago, he has : interesting glimpse intu the life here Adagio con mult' espressione nity can rest. It also makes life inter- since economists cannot argue on the already established himself among the at that time. Doctur Ward was begin- Mary Berwager esting. It makes a person avoid gos- subject, too much should not be ex- annals of scientists. · ning the campaign to raise the first half Nightfall Hamblen pected. sip. Any person who gossips is con- This me-eting will be open to the entire of a $1,100,000 endowment goal. With Muon-Marketing Weaver fessing a week mind. Last of all, it One of the most important features student body. · this the plans called for a new Science Louise Birely makes everyone a creatur .of better of the proposal.seems to be the discon- : Hall, 3. girls' dormitory., two boys' dur- civilization. tinuance of the use of gold coin as ~ : mituries, and a gymnasium. Our first Valse Chromatique Le8chet·i8zky In conclusion, Dr. Blackwelder gave medium of exchange in internal trade. fer to hoard gold cuins because of their · wrestling team had gone down to de- Carolyn Green his formula fur developing a sense of In the first place, gold coins are of no intrinsic value. Lugically, they would feat before West Virginia' in its first In These Delightful, Pleasant Groves responsibility - cultivate an intimate greater convenience than paper certi- not huard paper money for its intrinsic match by a sCQre of 20-0. In a letter Purcell friendship with Jesus. Jesus possessed ficates and thus no mechanical value value. Actual circul'atory media of ex- on the first page Doctor Wills congratu· Winter Song Waelrent in the highest degree .of all the sense will be lost by their absence. In the 'ehange need have nu such _value, al- .lated the Black and White on its ven- Weep, 0 Mine Eyes Wilbye .or respunsibility. He passed it on to us, secund place, a great ideal of hoarding though it is wise to have the media ture and sta.ted the need for a news- The Nightingale Weelkes and we must carry the turch to the in times of national crisis will be elim- backed by sumething .of valuable na- paper. The Wassail Song Glouoestershire Carol greatest extent we can. inated. Many people with money pre- ture. (Cdntinued' Q!! Page Four) Glee Club
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