Page 24 - TheGoldBug1933-34
P. 24
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. UG Thoughts at Random VARIETY !300KS, PLAYS, AND LIFE A REVIEW OF and "Hazelnut" By "Hazel" rit But the aged Fulbert discovered Hel- back this it haz bin a long time since weave and PETER ABELARD oise's and Abelard's deception. After colyum-but we're agen by Helen Waddell Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Th~rsday rareing tu go .... the durt is scarce az A Literary Guild Selection that, to remain in her uncle's house during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Weetminster, uzual, but we wil do the best we kan was torture for Heloise, and Abelard Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. . . . . thet wuz sum dance in the armory Reviewed by Esther Righter, '34 took her away to his sister in Brittany . SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR ncwyeers .... sum ov us got back in The love story of the great scholar, When he brought her back to Paris af- time .... "E. O. Bryson" got their by the Peter Abelard, and Heloise has been ter several months, it was to make her EDITORIAL STAFF skin ov hize teath and tuk "Miss Fran- carried down through the years until his wife. Against the wishes of Gilles Editor-in-Chief , F. P. MITCHELL, '34 ces Sarah 'Glynn" .... "Mathias" wuz the fact that there was an Heloise in he did it-and indeed against those of Associate Editors : _E. J. MAHONEY, '34, ESTHER V. RIGHTER, '34 their az wuz "Dunlap" by the way he Abelard's life is as familiar a fact as News Editors DOROTHYM. PAUL, '34, CARLTONBRINSFIELD, '35 Heloise, for she felt that marriage Oops) Editors FRANCES ELDERDICE, '3-5, C. L. WHITTINGTON, '34 gave hur a five pound box ov c_andy that there was a book called Sic et Non. would ruin Abelard's life as a church- Sports Editors " .. " MARTHA HARRISON, '34, EUGENE WILLIS, '34 fur crislmas thet iz all the we ken Always regarded as a partly legendary man. In marrying he was breaking remember now . incident in the lives of two people too faith with the Church. However, Ful- MAKE-UP STAFF "Ebert" played sandy clauze to "Don far off to seem real, the story has now bert had promised to forgive if they Managing Editors ANTHONY DIKSA, '34, LORA M. OUTTEN, '34 Kaiser's" gurl .... sum littol kid saw taken on a new significance and a married. Assistant Managvng Editor HERBERTSTEVENS, '36 Stenoqrapher , FRANCES GLYNN, '35 "Ebert" giv hur the box ov candy, 'n strange vitality under the pen of Helen Through the following months Hel. sed-"thet iznt sandy clauze thet iz Wadden. There is a tensity and emo- olise 'proved her mettle. Fulbert had BUSINESS STAFF Jimmy Durante" .... we hav a very im- tional depth throughout the book that Business Manager , , R. L. CAIRNES, '34 holds our interest. And yet, perhaps f0l'giv.en completely, and she was des- Advertis-ing Manager KALE MATHIAS, '35 portunt announcement tu make .... cer- the only thing that we can really appre. perately afraid of the half-demented Assi.'ltant Adve1·tising Manager , EDWARDBEAUCHAMP, '35 tifikates fur the memburs ov the mis- old man. The marriage had to be kept Ci1'
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