Page 19 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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MERRY HAPPY CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD_ December 7, 1933 TION IS THEME· PAGEANT Will BE THE Christmas Holiday Season to Start OF INSPIRING SERMONS Passing in Review FEATURE OF SPECIAL With Many Traditional Activities IN SUNDAY SERVICES By BRADY O. BRYSON CHRISTMAS SERVICE Sunday School Class Will Be Host Fanfares of trumpets, bursts of con- CALENDAR To School At Party Blackwelder Delivers Last Of fetti, gala parades, enthusiastic shouting "Heart 0' Mary" To Be Presented Pre-Christmas Sermons and singing, and a great deal of effusive By Senior Speech Students Sunday, December 10. HOLIDAY DEC. 15-JAN. 2 . festivity, not a little of which gurgled Chapel Service, A 1 u m n i The long-awaited Christmas vacation is DEVELOPS HAP- PINESS 'out of a bottle, helped to turn back the MISS E_SMITH, DIRECTOR Hall, 4:45 P. M. now close at hand, and as 'is traditional, clock fonrteen years on Tuesday. ' 'Man- Wednesday, December 13. the college is preparing a number of ac- Continuing his series of sermons at the ufacture, sale, and transportation" are The annual Christmas service held by Y. M.e. A. and Y. W. C. tivities suitable for the celebration of the chapel exercises, Dr. O. F. Black· no longer illegal in states that allow it; the college will be on Sunday,. December A. Meetings, 6:30. Special joyous season. This Christmas vacation del' completed the fourth, fifth and tho "noble experiment" is dead. 10, at 4 :45 P. M., in Alumni Hall. As Christmas Programs. will be an unusually long one. The stu- sermons on the past three Sunday Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Utah success- is the traditional custom, the main POl" dents leave the Hill Friday, December in Alumni Hall. His themes ively as the 34th, 35th, and 36th states, tion of the service will consist of a one- Thursday, December 14_ 13, at noon, and return by 8.00 P. M., the sermon have all revolved about the ratified the repeal amendment and drove act play, given by the senior members Sunday School Party, Mc- J anuary ·2, in time for classes the follow- of enj oying life. The fourth he the final nails in prohibition's coffin. At of the Speech department. This, year Daniel Hall Lounge. ing day. "The Art of A ppreciat iou ' , ; 5.31 P. M., E.S.T., the last delegate of , 'The Heart 0' Mary" has been chosen. As is the custom, the traditional Christ- fifth he called" The Appreciative At- proud Utah cast his deciding vote, Gover- It will be supplemented by Christmas Friday, December 15. mas service on Sunday at 4.45 in Alum- de Toward Life"; the sixth he named nor Blood notified Washington and ex- music and addresses suitable to the oc- Senior Carol Singing. ni Hall will usher in the events of the e Secrets of a Ha ppy Life". actly eighteen minutes' later the President casion. Friday, December 15_ week. Special music is being prepared by Some people can go to a small affair signed the repeal proclamation. "The Heart 0' Mary", written by Senior Breakfast. the College Choir and the Orchestra, and assimilate a great deal, whereas oth- Bartenders throughout the various wet George M. P. Baird, is an impressive a pageant, appropriately dealing with the people can go to the same affair and states promptly put their liquid cheer on drama in blank verse, unusual in style. Friday, December 15. infancy of Christ, will be presented by nothing from it, began Dr. Black- top of the bar in plain sight and began The action takes place forty-two days af- Christmas Recess beg ins the senior speech students. A suitable in discussing the" Art of Appre- their feverish attempts to fill the over- ter the birth of Christ. The theme is 12:00 noon. address for the occasion will also be tion". A difference in degree of ap' whelming demands for the favorite old Mary's flight to Rgypt with her child, given. This service is the most beautifui tion is responsible for the differ- time cocktails-Martinis, Manhattans, in an effort to save him from the execu- of the year. Plans, as they are f ormu- in assimilation. Culture, he pointed and Bronxes, at 40c to 60c apiece. terrible MAHONEY AND HURLEY lated now, will make the vesper service is the product of a well proportioned Hotels were crowded to the limit and tors of the King's (Herod's) even more impressive and lovely. dozens of patrons waited no short time orders. On the way, she stops to rescue WILL HEAD BASKETEERS Next Thursday evening, Dr. Ward's a slave woman in distress. The story Appreciation is not acquired, he con- for a table and much longer lor a drink. projects the real meaning of the Christ- Sunday School class will entertain the It is developed gradually. We Liquor was none too plentiful, even mas spirit, and the plot is dramatic and The basketball squad followed the ex- entire school at a Christmas party. There develop it in three ways. The first though 800,000 gallons of government ample of the Terror football squad the will be a real Santa Claus present, a developing a sense of curiosity about four-year-old whiskey were placed in the original. other day and at a meeting elected Co- Christmas tree, and appropriate gifts secrets of life, the meaning of the hands of dispensers. Laurlene Straughn will assume the lead- Captains for the current s8?son of 1933· will be distributed. ... e, and the purpose of man, by the Hel'e in Maryland Governor Ritchie ing role of Mary, and the part of her 34. Hurley and Mahoney, both seniors, Friday morning, bright and early, the cred use of questions. Questions, he signed the State bill at 8.22 P. M. and husband, Joseph, is played by William were the men chosen. seniors will continue the yuletide custom Iained, are microscopes through which Baltimoreans proceeded to celebrate in Wright. The slave woman will be en- Co-Captains Hurley and Mahoney have of singing Ohristmas carols under the may examine the secrets of life. a grand way. The same bill legalized off- acted by Doris Fowble. The part of played as regulars on both the F'reshmen windows of the dormitories. They also The second way of developing appre- sale of high-test beer, fortified wines and Elizabeth, the mother of Jolin, will be and Varsity teams throughout their col- will sing at the homes of the professors tion is by developing a sense of rever' liquor in Westminster. taken by Helen Whitcraft. Katherine legiate basketball careers. They held on Ridge Road. Curiosity without reverence can It is interesting to me to note that the Timmons will play the persons of Ruth down the regular guard berths on the Later in the morning, the seniors will but not appreciate life. A lack President made a last-minute appeal for and Miriam, 1'-]}.0 are two young women Frosh team and have continued. to hold be entertained at a breakfast given in ,,"~~.rery causes unhappiness and sub- temperance when he proclaimed the leg· of Bethlehem. Ohrysr;s, a Greek slave. is the same positions' on the varsity outfit. their honor by the members of ",'~,,",.,-.,-~~" motive for music, art and litera- alization of alcoholic beverages. It portrayed by Anna Wigley. Hurley received his initial basketball class. Friday is senior day \and it is sounded much like a half-hearted attempt Although quaint, "The Heart 0' training at Central High in Bridgeport, then that they do their part in making The third way to develop appreciation, to reconcile the drys and betrayed the Mary" is a recent production marked for Connecticut, and Peekskill Military Christmas more beautiful than ever. to Dr. Blackwelder, is by de- Executive ts personal attitude toward this its beautiful directness and for the inter- Academy ·in New York. Mahoney attend- a sense of insight. Insight is liquor question. est it holds. ed Calvert Hall in Baltimore, the school DEBATERS PICK TOPIC vision as demonstrated by such Miss Esther Smith will direct the play. of many fine collegiate basketball stars. is looked Repeal as Milton, Helen Keller and F. thinkers as a great on by maJ1Y leading An unusual and beautiful setting, depict- In physical aspects the Co·Coptains FOR CONHNG SEASON step in the economic Eyes bee .mistakes ; insight sees salvation of ths-country. Wets point to ing the atmosphere of a home of the time are the long and short of it. Hurley Dr. Black\7elder cited music, the inevitable increase. of employment, of Joseph and Mary has been arranged. stretches six feet one inch into the ozone , football, travel and men as 'Special lighting has also been ananged "'hile Mahoney barely manage& to reach At the last meeting of the debating the added debate for a subject was chosen amples of sight and insizht. Insight constructively revenue which may be used to contribute to the beauty of the pag· five feet nille, but what Mahoney lacks in society, the cU;Tent season. After several during by the government, and the described is an interpretation of eant. stimulated circulation of money which ;s height he makes up by his agrressive debatable questions were discussed, it was a sign of healthy commercial activity. play. decided that the subject should be: Re· "Appreciation," the doctor concluded, The seiection of these two men met is an art, not science. We can begin CertHinly it is indisputable that some JUNIOR CLASS HOLDS with the popular appwval of all concern· soh'ed, That the essential features of the a mystic fellowship with Jesus, and modifications ·of the law were absolute ed and nnder their leadership the team N.R.A. be a.dopted as a permanent policy seeing more, heaTing more, and feeling ne(Jessities. In the form of the eight· PARTY FOR FRESHMEN should have a nighly successful season. of the United States government. ,ye can increase that fellowship ac- eenth amendl}lent and associated laws, The society also decided to have pre· prohibition definitely was not accomplish- liminary practice deoates both to aid in his sermon entitled "Appreciative ing its end. It was farcical in nature It started with a bang and kept right TRI BETA WILL GIVE the selection of the teams and to give the ttitudes Toward Life ", Dr. Blackweld· and the American public refused to con· on till the last daJ1ce had ended; and PRIZES FOR ESSAYS candidates needed practice. Prospeetive include the established the reason for holidays. tinue to wink its eye at prohibition evils. thus, this year's junior class party will women debaters Thelma 011811, following: Josephine Bork, Lucille ays are" Holy Days", set aside to In O1licago alo11e prohibition maintain- be remembered as one of the outstanding ed a fourteenlyear continuous warfare wcial events of the year. A flOOTshow di· The local chapter of Beta Beta Beta Dawson, Eleanor Lines, S. Price, Idamae (Continued on Page 4) will offer prizes in conneMion with the Riley, S. Smith, Katherine Timmons and between rival bootleggers which involveu rected and headed by the versatile Chuck Fraternities' National Essay Contest. more than a thousand brutal murders, Kaddy, initiated the evening's program. Subjects for the essays, which are de· Mary Parks. untold robbery, and general lawbreaking. The first act was entitled "You're Because of the number of candidates, SERVICE It is hoped that these things will no,v. be Gouna Lose Your Gal", in which Messrs. termined by the national headquarters, the composition of the men's teams has Rules future. HELD FOR COMMUNITY curbed. Kaddy and D. Moore displayed their ,,,ill be posted in the near about March I, not as yet been determined. for the of the William B. Jones, ending contest, The most interesting fact of the mat- well known vocal ability. Maudre are now in the making and will be an· men's debating team, the manager making has been ter now seems to be the discussion of the Willis was the heroine and Lucas, the nounced soon. out a tentative schedule of teams to be price of liquor. At the present m.oment, hero of the next number, "You Gotta Be morning, November 30 at 10.30 the cost .of the beverages i& so high that a Football Hero", with Terp Ward the Being fairly young, the fraternity has met this winter. 'clock. Large delegati!lns from the vari- it appears that bootleggers will thrive victim of the fact. The third act and the been able to extend membership privilege churches of Westminster were pres· still in spite of the general feeling that piece de resistance was entitled" Shang· only to classes of the recent years. With 1934 ALOHA TO DEPICT The college choir sang the great an- repeal would be the death knell of the hai Lil", with Kaddy, duck walk and all, this in mind, a plan for Alumlli member· ATMOSPHERE OF "HILL" "Hallelujah", from the Messiah, gangster. 'i'he government is now work- in the role of the broken·hearted search- ship is being worked out. Handel. The order of worship was as Dr. Frederick Whipple Appel, associate Though somewhat slow in getting start· ing on a plan to do away with this men· er. A chorus composed of Maudre Willis, professor of Biology at St. John's Gol· ed, and hanpdicapped in having no work· acing evil. Kitty Rose, Lucille Bork and Belva room, the 1934 Aloha is progressing. Processional Hymn, "PTaise to· God, I Hughes performed in a manner that lege, was the guest speaker at TTi Beta's Praise' , ; LOTd's Prayer in Most of the states have so legislated monthly meeting -Wednesday, November This year, in spite of financial difficul· led by the Rev. George A. Early, that the flagrant evils of pre·war days would have done justice to dancing school 29. Speaking on «The World's Food ties and other limitations, the staff looks Jimmy Glynn Franky Grove Square Church of the Breth- will be eliminated. American citizens· products. supplied the background and by their Supply In Relati~n To Population", he forward to presenting new items as well Bopst ; Orchestra; Welcome GTeeting, Dr. realize that if extremes continue after clever accoDlpaniment while Nichols and gave an interesting and worthwhile dis- as using improved methods of tech:itique. Norman Ward, president of Western the first big spree and after normal wet Tyson lent their voices to the harmonies. cussion. An entirely new point of view predomi. College; Responsive Reading, conditions are established, a positive re- According to Dr. Appel, the population nates in the photography. Rather than 105, Selection 47, Dr. Fred G. action will inevitably set in and greater After the acts Joe Baumgardner's of the world is gathered around four presenting unnatural, sterotype pictures, president of the Westminster restrictions will be placed once more Cavaliers began a progmDl of consistent- great areas: China, India, Northeastern the camermen have tried to catch the Seminary; Anthem, "Halle- upon the beverage. ly good dances. At intermission cider United States, and Central Europe. spirit of the occasions. New and more , from Messiah, Handel; Prayer, Moreover, there are those who believe and cheese sandwiches were served, after therefore the food supplies are badly 10' appropriate backgrounds are used where . J. Earl Cummings, pastor of the M. that repeal will place drinking on a saner which the orchestra continued its. inter· cated in relation to the p.apulation mass· it is thonght advisable. The indiyidual Church; President's Thanksgiving basis than existed during the prohibition pretations of well chosen dance tunes. In es. Some races, due to necessity and in· senior photographs have been posed for amation, read by Mr. George Math- era. It is difficult to predict the outconwt fact, it performed so well that everyone herited characteristics, can live on much and the prints that will appear in the announcements and appeal for .benev- of this reform movement (it certainly is was reluctant to leave when the last dance leE:S food than others. Synthetic foods Annual selected. Campus scenes that are offering, Mayor George E. Mat· a reform when compared with prohibi· was over. are not probable to predominate in the different and reflect the atmosphere of ; Hymn of Praise, "Now Thank tion conditions, paradoxical as the word The freshmen were the guests and they future for many reasons, one of which the situation are being emphasized. All Our God; address, Rev. H. G. C. sounds). Surely since the" no ble exper· showed their appreciation by attendance· being that the world will be able to pro· The art work is being taken care of rector of Ascension P. E. iment" proved to be of no value, on the part of nearly all of them. Many duce food for all its population for many by the students and though not ha'l"illg a ; Recessional Hymn, "Come Ye repeal such as we now have deserves a sophomores and seniors also attended. centuries. Scientists have proven that the definite theme centers aroUlld "person· fnl People, Come"; Benediction, chance. Here's hoping (a drinkless The chaperones present were Miss Stock- rate of popUlation increase follows defi~ ality on the campns." In the finished Martin P. J. Egan, pastor of St. toast, I assure you!) that conditions im· ard, Miss Brown, Miss Snader, Dr. Jen- nite cycles. At the present time there is state the drawings will be in black, white ohn's Catholic Church. prove under the new system! kins and Mr. Hurt. a tendency toward a decline of the cycle. and silver half tones.
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