Page 18 - TheGoldBug1933-34
P. 18
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BOSTON COLLEGE, 12; I Frietas kicked to Quarter who was ~ "John" Everhart Fourth Merge Qllussrs, OIlubs,uub ~nrtrttrs WESTERN MARYLAND, 9 I brought down on the Maryland, 22-yard THE COLLEGE BARBER three yards made line. an end McN ally Mergo kicked to Frietas on AND BOBBER run. (Continued from Page 1) on the 50-yard line. Frietas made AT THE FORKS PHI ALPHA MU DELTA PI ALPHA three yards off tackle. Ott made two right side of the line. On another buck Phi Alpha Mu announces that Beth The fraternity recently held a smok- Dunn .nett.ed two more yards. Dunn yards over center. Frietas kicked the to Ball brought balf over the goal line. Bryson has been formally pledged to er. Their guests included some of the carried ball over tackle to Eagle's 28- the 20-yard line and on first play Shep- to State Theatre the club. members of the freshmen class and new yard line. Shepherd's pass was in- ! herd made five yards. Mergo made one The club's open day dinner was held upper classmen. complete. Shepherd bucked to 19-yard yard over tackle. Mergo kicked in the club-room, November 14. line off tackle. Dunn makes first down F'rietas who was tackled on the Mary- w.w. over "enter to 14-yard line. Schwieker line. land to passed. CLASSES, CLUBS AND SOCIETIES substitutes '1 d' for Ferguson. Two line I Killilea 42-yard Maryland's Frietas ten-yard Iine, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 on t I Y.M. C. A. W. W. announces the pledging of the PBays fafl e to gdalll~. MCNtlall Y II'at n 0 -/ but Boston was offside. Willis substi- "Ann Carver's following g i r 1-s : Mary Berwager, aston our-yar me WI 1 a a era 1 '".. I y, McNal was During a business meeting of the re- Frances Glynn, Dale Watson, and Ellen pass. Shepherd made one yard. Dunn tuted for on the Terrors' Frietas' kick line. Profession" downed one-yard cent "Y" Convention on the campus, Holmes. made another yard, Shepherd failed Mergo got off a poor punt, it went out -With- Willialh P. Kesmodel was elected Presi- Open day was observed at Carron to score. Shepherd ran off right end on his own ll-yard line. Sadausky dent of Collegiate Church Council. Inn, Novem,ber 14. for a touchdown. Shepherd kicked the Fay Ray and Gene Raymond extra point. Western Maryland 7, Bos- threw Frietas for a one-yard loss. Dunn Love has to take a back seat DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ton 6. replaced Mergo at right half-back po- for a woman's ambition to OFFICERS' CLUB sition. Driscoll made three yards over make a mark in the business Lipski kicked to Driscoll who re- Delta Sigma Kappa entertained at center. world. Here's a story that is At the last meeting of the Officers' turned the ball to BOStOI~'S35-yard line. an Inter-Sorority Tea Thursday· after- Tosi, Boston end was called back to pleasingly different. Club the following officers were elected noon, November 9, in McDauiel Hall Boston penalized five yards. Dunn threw -Also- for the coming year: Lounge. Frietas for a four-yard loss. Driscoll try a place kick but he threw a pass President-E. W. Hnrley Delta Sigma Kappa held its open day failed to gain. Frietas kicked to the instead which was incomplete. Boston Tintype and Tom Howard Vice President-R. Shilling Terror's 36-yard line. Two plays fail received a five-yard penalty for over- Comedy dinner in McDaniel Hall Lounge, Tues- time in calling signals. Boston threw Secretary-R. W. Ki'efer day evening, November 14. to gain. Dunn kicked to Eagle's 25- Treasurer-A. A. Sadausky yard Iino, Driscoll failed, to gain two more passes which were incomplete. SATURDAY Matinee 2.30 'I'he members who will serve on the around end. Frietas passed to Killilea Terrors' ball on 20-yard line. Willis' KEN MAYNARD in DEBATING SOCIETY dance commit tee are C. S. Williams. E. all Boston's 47-yard line. Half ends. pass was intercepted by Frietas on the "Phanthom Thunderbolt" Wil'lis, and L. Ebert. At the first meeting of the debating Score at end of first half, Western 35-yard line and was run back to the society the following people were elect- Maryland 7, Boston College 6. Terror 23-yard line. -Also- BETA BETA BETA ed to office: Third Quarter Sadausky was knocked out but re- News, Andy Clyde in "His Roland Sliker-President covered to remain in game. Driscoll Weak Moment", and Cartoon The biological fraternity met at Katherine Timmons-Women's Man- Frietas kicked to Blissman on his 26- gained four yards over cen tel'. Fri-ctas Prof. Benninghof's home Tuesday even- agel' yard line who ran it back to the Western passed to Tosi but pass was not com- MONDAY-TUESDAY ing, November 7. Cordelia Pullen, Sar- \\"illiam Jones-Men's Manager Md. 45-yard line. A hidden shovel pass pleted. Failure to complete second ah Fadely, Dorothy Paul, and Frank After a brief discussion, the society by Dunn was taken by Shepherd who ran pass gave Boston a five-yard penalty. "fhis Day and Age" Mitchell were initiated into the organi- agreed that the managers should select to the Eagles' 30-yard line. Killilea re- Frietas kicked oil t of bounds on the -With- zatiou. A business meeting in which underclass assistants, in order that the covered Dunn's fumble. Driscoll Tan to Terror two-yard line. Dunn kicked to of "Too plans for the coming year were dis- society have trained leaders for next the Boston 48-yard line. Maloney ~ent Frietas on the 28-yard line. On an end Judith Allen (Star Ric h a r d Much Harmony), cussed was followed by the reading of year. The appointees are Miss Lucille around end to the Terrors' 33-yard line. run Frietas went to the 13-yard line. papers ou pseudo-biological SUbjects. Bark and Mr. Charles Moore. Driscoll gained a yard, and then two Frietas' pass was knocked down. Ball Cromwell, Charles Bickford. yards. F'rietas carried the ball to the was passed over the goal' line. Shep- Produced by Cecil B. DeMille. Ifoot line. Frietas went over f'or the herd passed from the 15-yard line to HI!VILER'S land,7. Gorski on the 36-yard line. Shepherd's ARMISTICE DAY OBSERVED score. Boston College, 12; WeEltern Mary- WEDNESDAY pass In a short but impressive ceremony, INVITES YOUR Tosi's kick failed. Frietas kicked to . second on' the failed. Shepherd passed to THURSDAY 48-yard line. Shepherd Dunn Armistice Day was celebrated on the Blissman, who ran back 20 yards to the made six yards on an off tackle play. W. C. Fields, Allison Skip- worth and Baby Le Roy HiJ:l last Saturday morning. Company PATRONAGE Terror 40-yard stripe. Shepherd passed Ott intercepted Shepherd's pass. Frie- -In- H of the Maryland National Guard, the "Everything You Want" to Dunn, who went 20 yards to the tas m:tde seven yaI'ds on a buck over local Boy Scouts, the Boys' Band and Eagles' 40-yard marker. Shepherd made center. Game ended. Final score, Bos- "Tillie and Gus" school children paraded to Hoffa Field four oyer tackle. Shepherd's pass to ton 12, Western Mary land 9. where they were joined by the local Dunn was incomplete. Dunn kicked over R. O. 'r. C. unit. Taps was played dur- , the goal line. ing a minute of silent prayer for those Driscoll made a yard in two line plays. fallen in the War. This was foHowed Dunn ran Frietas' kick back to the Bos- by the playing of "The Mackenzie's ton 44-yard line. Three line plays failed. Banner" and a parade by the R. O. to gain. Dnnn kicked out on the Boston T. C. College I-yard line. Frietas kicked to Doctor Ward gave the opening pray- Pharmacy DUlln on the Eagles' 34-yard line, but er and R,ev. Reifsnyder of the Re- 'ball was called back. Moynahan went in formed Church gave a short and inter- for FI·ietas. Moynahan made a safety. esting address. The Rev. Egan, of the Score: Boston College, 12; Western Catholic Church pronounced the bene- Maryland, 9. diction. Many students and friends DRUG-SODA Moynahan kicked off from his 20-ya,rd from nearby braved the cold weather to line to McNally It was the Terrors' ball attend the ceremony. on Boston's 49-yal'd line. Ferguson LUNCHEONETTE slipped and lost 12 yards. Dunn kicked THOMAS' to the Boston 21-yard marker. The There crawling. for ball was a penalty SHOES Private Booths was on Boston College's 16-yard line. MEN'S WEAR Driscoll ran to Boston's 26-yard line. Westminster, Md. Moynahan kicked to the Terrors' 27- yard line. The field was then sloppy, We Welcome and there were many slips. Two line plays failed to gain. Dunn kicked out Western Maryland Students to Ott on Boston's yard line, and the period ended. Score, Boston College 12; Western Maryland 9. *9{~~~_~~~~0i01O~~~~Sfe{e~~~:et&fe-lE t . I OPERA HOUSE 56 W. MAIN ST., WESTMINSTER, MD. Complete Outfits for the Student m WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 16, 17, 18 MATINEE SATURDAY, 2.30 (D ~""J'.·rI'.·."·~rN'rN'''''.'''''''''''.''Y..·rI'rI'rl\I'_''''~'''''''aYrfi.·'lIY.~Ys.a~.r:~ "" "THE BOWERY" I, - .: JUST FOR FUN .~ With Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper, George Raft and Fay Wray, :~ :. Pert Kelton :" Try this out and see if you get the same total: :" MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th and 21st :~ In what year were you born , , . . . . . . . . ~ Noel Coward's "BITTER SWEET" •~ Wh . ? .e The author of "Cavalcade", "Design For Living", and "Private ~ In :~:: Je~~rdi1~~~ ~~~~r'~~il~~~?: : : : : .... , . . . . . ~ Lives", now gives you "Bitter Sweet" How many years have you been in this college? . . . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd I~ I~ ::. ::. "SOLITAIRE MAN" I~ Total. .. - . _. . . . . . . . . . . . 3,866 I~ With Herbert Marshall, Lionel Atwill, Mary Boland, May Robson. I Also added attraction, "CENTURY OF PROGRESS, WORLD'S ~ Always Reliable - MATHER'S STORE ~ FAIR". As much as it would take three days to see at the fair. II i ? ••••..•.••••••.•.•.••• -'rI' ••••••• •••••••••••• ~~.~ •• ~~.~~II" • C en. Ire .... Paul Whiteman THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd with I a _ ••••••••••• -.--.--. • m .~. A OF JAZZ", and his orchestra in "KING IrD •••• •••••••• ~~ , Bing Crosby. All in technicolor. Also "Century of Progress Fair" at Chicago; also Laurel & Hardy Comedy. (' Coffman's Stationery FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th and 25th SATURDAY, 2.30 P. M. MATINEE "KING OF JAZZ" TIMES BUILDING "BLAZING PRAIRIES", 6th chapter of Buck Jones In "Gordon of Ghost City." Laurel & Hardy Comedy. TALLYS MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th and 28th THANKSGIVING CARDS The Stars of "Golddiggers of 1933", Warren William and Joan { CREPE PAPER Blondell, in "GOODBY AGAIN". Also plenty of comedies. CUT OUTS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th and 30th MATINEE THURSDAY, 2.30 P. M. Greeting Cards for Every Occasion JEAN HARLOW in "THE BOMBSHELL" ~~~~I~~~OK>lO!<:*)OO~
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23