Page 17 - TheGoldBug1933-34
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SPORTS Football -- Intra..Murals -- Soccer SPORTS Fighting Bucknell Team Bows 13-14 BUCKNELL SOCCERITES Before Onslaught of Green Terrors: FAN F 0 D D E·R BEATEN BY TERRORS Weak Loyola Eleven Fails to Score By t'Pat" Mahoney IN ARMISTICE DAY TILT McNally Leads In Piling Up 54-0 Speicher Leads Attack Loyola Score FIRST ROUND OF TOUCH Football player Is College Spirit Personified FOOTBALL IS COMPI.ETED Now, as the dusk begins to enshroud another pigskin The Western Mary land soccer team Western Maryland s fighting Terror season and the autumnal Saturday afternoon football pag- won the annual soccer game from Buck- eleven completely upset the· dope buck- eant prepares to take its leave in order to give the sports nell University by overwhelming the et on Saturday, November 4th, when it The first round of intramural touch stage over to winter athletic pastimes only one thing re- Lewisburg soccerites by a score of 7-2. met the highly touted Bucknell Bisons football has 'been completed. The re- main to lend the finishing touches to the grand finale Western Maryland began her charge on the Brooks Field grounds at Scran- sults or the last games are as follows: that is to be portrayed during the last two weeks in Novem- at the sound of the whistle and the as- ton, Pa. The final score of 14-13, in the The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity "Pat" bel'; that is the selection of the various All-American, All- sault was led by Captain Speicher down Terror's favor was a direct reversal of touch football squad won the first game Mahoney Section, and All-State teams. the field to a goal within the first min- last year's score, when Bucknell held Friday, November 3, by defeating the ute of play. From then on Captain the margin of victory. Bachelor eight 6-0. "Then the shrill note of the whistle or the sharp crack of the gun Speicher pushed three more tallies The closeness of the victory indicates The Red and Blue team, although out- brings to a close the last of the pigskin contests for this season there through the uprights. "Rody" Jaeger how evenly matched the teams were; weighed, played a splendid game and will saunter from the gridiron those stalwart sons of various Alma and "Pete" Wyand scored two and one first one team held the upper hand; then made their only score in tho third per- Maters who have carried the banners of their schools into combat goal respectively, sending the score up the other gained the advantage. It was iod when Beauchamp int.ercepted a pass throughout the Fall. Some of them will be swallowed up in the darkness to 7. a fierce fight with Western Maryland and ran 40 yards for a touchdown. Babs of sport oblivion, others will be singled out and honored with places on Western Maryland was able to hold holding a. narrow lead through the 'I'hornas, Bachelor back, made several mythical all-star teams that are selected by experts as a special recogni- the offensive position during most of greater portion of the game. long runs that nearly resulted in tallies tion of their exceptional playing. the game and was seldom threatened. The Terrors broke into' the scoring and heaved several long passes to Stal- But no matter whether they are to be honored individually or for- Once on a penalty kick and, once on a column in the second period when Shil- lings for gains. gotten entirely they can turn in their moleskins with a feeling- of hav- fl'ee kick did Bucknell score. The first ling recovered a fumble by Reznichak The same day the Pi Alpha Alpha co- ing contributed', merely by participation, towards moulding one of penalty kicked by Bucknell was scored on the Bison's twenty-five yard line. horts downed a fighting Delta Pi Alpha the greatest emotions existing in the world today-college spirit. Foot- while the second in the latter part of On the first succeeding play Shepherd team 6-0. The Black and White team ball has done much to mould this spirit. The average pigskin-chaser the game hit the cross bar above broke through tackle for twenty yards. scored their only touchdown by virtue is ';I better college man, a more worthy campus representative because "Goalie" Grimm's head and was Mergo made a substantial gain through of a pass, Mahoney to Chapman. The of his participation in football and the average student is likewise more bounced to safety. The second Buck- the line ::nd on the next play Shepherd fine work of the Delta Pi Alpha back- of an asset to his college if he is enthusiastic over the achievements of his nell goal was a clear kick from without carried the ball on a short sweep around field, Boyer, Jaeger and Kesmodel, stood fellow college man. the penalty area, being misjudged by the right end for a touchdown. Mergo out during the entire game. For the Tet;rors Have Likely All-State Material 'Western Maryland. One of the four of kicked perfectly for the extra point. Black and White, the play of Mahoney In looking back on the accomplishments of our own Green Terrors Captain Speicher's successful kicks was The Terrors were unable to withstand was outstanding. we find several who will be singled out for high honors. Speaking con- a penalty. the power of the Bucknell offensive in On Friday the 10th, the Gamma Bets servatively, we expect- to find not less than foul' Green and Gold stand- This game was about the best of the the latter part of the second period won their second victory by stopping ard-bearers on most of the All-State teams selected by local grid year played by Western Maryland. Ev- when Reznichak took a lateral pass the Delta Pi's, 6-0. Both teams played authorities. ery player was a star and was at his wide around their own right end and a beautiful game and both had several A player who is certain to come in for a high honors at the end best as shown by the final mark. Grimm ran to the one foot line before being fiue chances to score. The Red and of this season is the Terror co-captain and brilliant tackle, Al Sadaus- did his part in goal in keeping several forced out of bounds by Pete Mergo. Blues made their score on a long pass kyo The play of the big lineman has been of the highest order through- more boots from passing through. The Terrors held in strong fashion, for from Mathias to Holmes who was be- out his college career and this year his achievements on the gridiron The game this year throws a reflec- it took the Bisons two plunges at the hind the goal line when he caught the merely complete the niche in Western Maryland's Hall of Fame which tion on the one of last year in that the line to push the ball over, a touchdown ball'. Kesmodel made several nice runs he began carving for himself when he lfirst donned the Green and Gold amount of goals ahead each year over by inches. Peters, who made the score of almost the length of the field but moleskins over three years ago. the same-last year being 5-0, and this for Bucknell was forced to dive high was stopped by Gamma Bets' fleet safe- Another Terror who is expected to successfully mount the heights year 7-2. into the air over a wall of bodies in ty man, Mathias. of all-star greatness is Johnny Blissman. By his courageous efforts Western Maryland plays in the near order to produce the points. The Buck- and his tireless work the former Kiski star has established himself as future. West Chester Teacher's College nell try for point went wide. a vital cog in the Terror machines of the past two years and it is only (Thursday) at Chester; Gettysburg at The second Terror touchdown came in land for McNally; L. Kaplan for Lu- Iozical to expect that his splendid work will earn him a place on a num- Westminster, and University of Mary~ __ ... the third quarter on a pass from Mergo, cas; Dunn for Mergo; Cumberland for be~>of mythical all-star elevens. He is one of the fastest wingmen in the land. which sailed twenty-five yards into the Dunn; Lucas for L. Kaplan; L. Kap- State and is especially adept at down-the-field work. Despite his 160 arms of Jack McNally who dodged two+ lan for Lucas. Bucknell-Rhubright pounds and' small stature he has no equal in this section in working J. David Baile tacklers and ran twenty-five yards more for Endler; Mcgaughy for Farina; Do- on a tackle or getting out in the enemy secondary to clear the way for for the touchdown. Shepherd's try for bie for James; Raymaley for RIm- the ball-carrier. . point was good. The remainder of the bright; Sitarsky for Berry; Bean for "Everything Electrical" game was a hectic battle with Bucknell Reznichak; Berkarnp for Boiston. Shepherd Again Has Banner Year using lateral and forward passes, be- First Downs: Bucknell, 10; Western Bill Shepherd, who has been characterized by many sport author- wildering spinners at the Western Maryland, 7. ities as the best &J.l-around back in the State, again enjoyed a banner Maryland forward wall, and sweeps Forward Passes Completed: Bucknell, year on the gridiron. Shepherd's hard driving power .as a ball-toter J. D. Katz around the ends. The'W estern Mary- 4 out of 20; Western Maryland, lout of made him the logical man to carry the ball when the going was tough- QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING land team resorted mainly to its usual 4. est close to the enemy goal line and his success in gaining the last deceptive running attack, using but four Forward Passes Intercepted: Buck- fe\~ yards for the score is evid~nced by his top-ranking position in Special Rates to Students passes, one of which was completed and nell, 1; Western Maryland, 1. the list of high scorers in the State. Bill not only headed the list last resulted in the second touchdown. Dur- Yards Rushing: Bucknell, 144; 'Vest- year, but also stood' high in the national ranking of leading score~>s. ing the dosing quarter Western Mary- ern Maryland, 141. There is very little that the Pennsylvania lad cannot do on thegnd- land was' mainly on the defensive, de- Penalties Against: Bucknell, 30 yds.; iron and no All-State team would be complete without him. pending upon the kicking powers of I Western Maryland, 55 yds. v The fourth member of this quartet whom we expect to win all-star Mergo and Dunn to guard their margin honors is Jack MeNally, whose sobriquet "Jack Rabbit" is well earned. of victory. I MeNally is 156 pounds of potential dynamite on any gridiron and when The final score of the game came in LOYOLA GAME his nimble feet start carrying him around the opponent's end a sub- the closing quarter as Bucknell ad- stantial gain is inevitable if his teammates give him any kind of decent vanced the ball with forward passes IVWith Jack McNally leading the at- blocking. His work in the Mt. St. Mary's, Georgetown, Maryland, and and smashing power plays into the line tack with five touchdowns, the Green Bucknell games figured largely in victories ov~r these powerfu.l oppo- and around the ends. Finally Rezni- Terrors closed their current football nents and the five touchdowns he scored agamst Loyola during the chak slashed through right tackl'e from season in Baltimore by crushing a tw-. quarters he played just about clinched his place on the All-State the three-yard line for the score. His weak Loyola College el~vel1 at Home- team. first kick was wide, but the play was wood on Armistice Day by a 54-0 score. called back as both teams were off-side. The contest was watched by a mere On his second attempt Reznichak kicked handful of spectators. the game ended with the ball resting on W11at is of equally great importance goal making the score 14-13 in favor of Immediately on receiving the open- the Tenor three-yard line. is the fact that 93% of the electorate the Green and Gold. ing kick-off, the Terrors drove to a Co-captains Sadausky and Dunn, as at the polls gave a vote of confidence Both teams continued to play hard, touchdown, McNally scoring on the well as Shil'ling, McNally, Willis, Hur- to the Hitler regime. Can we of the fourth play of the game. Twice more ley, and Diksa made their last appear- great United States say that our peo- fast ball as the waning moments of the game brought Western Maryland closer in the first qua,ter McNally tallied on ance before a home crowd, as they close ple are practically unanimously behind to victory. As the game ended the Tel'- runs of 10 and 30 yards. Shepherd their careers against Boston away from our leaded kicked all three extra points. The home this Saturday. These figures indicate that Germany l'Ors were holding the ball deep in Buck- nell territory after having gained thir- fourth touchdown came through a thir- has awakened. A new vigor, a new in- ty yards on a wide end run by Cumber- ty yard pass from Cumbel'land to Wil- terest, a new national strength has been la.nd and a play through the line by lis who stepped untouched over the PASSING IN REVIEW born with the Hitler regime tha t can- goal line for the score. Jimmy Dunn not be overlooked. Mergo. Both teams displayed a thor- (Continued from Page 1) ough knowledge of football fundamen- kicked the extra point. A few minutes Recognition of Russia tals, as the blocking and tackling of later Dunn ran 36 yards for another cUlTed and' di~credited the allegation as Litvinoff, Russian unofficial ambassa- touchdown. The first half ended with both elevens was fierce and hard but having been denied by Luther. dor to the United States, has arrived always clean. the Terrors leading 34-0. ,/ All money, time, and energy used in bringing a message of· friendship and a The second half found McNally still The lineups: foreign attempts to arouse anti-Hitler desire to create amicable relationship running wild. He sCDl'ed on runs of 52 Bucknell West('rn Maryland and 54 yards, with Shepherd kicking sentiment is literally wasted simply be- between Soviet Russia and America. Endler L.E. Blissman the extra points each time. Shepherd, cause the German people are so solidly America has long refused to recognize Dempsey L. T. Badausky not eontent with kicking points, in ter- behind Hitler and his policies that it is the Soviet government set up in revo- James L.G. Campofreda cepted a Loyola pass and ran fifty yards practically impossible to destroy his lution but the time has now come for a Farina C. Lipsky for a score. He then kicked the point. power. The returns of the recent plebi- wiser and more just consideration of Dorman R. G. B. Kaplan Loyola's line was outclassed by the scite eonstitute a remarkable proof of recognition. Other countries have Boiston R.T. Lucas Terror forwards, therefore from the Hitler's support by his people in his slowly but nevertheless surely reached Wilkinson R.E. Gorski first, the Greyhounds relied on their newly-created Germany. recognition of the famous government Sitarsky Q. McNally passing attack for a score. The Terror In the first place 900/0 of the German of experimentation in the great country Reznichak L.H. Shepherd pass defense, however, functioned well', electorate came to the polls and car- of Russia. The United States has suf- duties. Myers R.H. Woodbury and no longforwards were completed. ried out its voting other country I seriously fered considerably in an economic way any the in doubt that Peters F. Dunn In the last quarter with Western world can point to an election in which through her failure to fall in lines. Per- against Russia has been Substitutions: Western Maryland- Maryland subs in almost every position such a great percentage of her voters haps prejudice allayed by time to allow it. sufficiently Ferguson for Woodbury; Mergo for Loyola nearly scored when it switch'3d were interested enough in national af- Certainly it ,vould be to the advantage I Dunn; Shilling for Gorski; Cumber- from a passing to a running game, but fairs to exercise their privilege. of both countries.
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