Page 16 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Thoughts at Random VARIETY A REVIEW OF Ii By "Hazel" and "Hazelnut" BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE Br-r-r-r wuz it kold last weak i-we I CAN WAIT I Cln·istopher. As soon as she saw him thot we'd freaze until the steem began to By the author of "Miss Tiverton Goes she knew that he was Dio n, although by Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday sizzle thet snow storm wuzent so bad Out" no action on his part could she detect during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, either wel, let's git down tu wurk Bobbs-Merril Co., 1933 that he knew. And then there hap- Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. and sea. wa t we hay got fur you all. ... pened a thing that seemed even more Reviewed by Laurlene Straughn SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR "Red-S.F.-Widmer-Booster-Wade" fi- strange. He stole Adela's money. But nally got sum dates with "Libby Wine" It was a dream Adela Mainwaring she though t: "This only a test of my EDITORIAL STAFF -" Hill- Billie Willis" spoiled snm ov A dream that was conceived in a faith. Fate does not mock us so!" Editor-in·Chief F. P. MITCHELL, '34 them fur him to .... " Mary Caldwell" heart that had been cheated of its Christopher waa apprehended for his, Associate Ed'~tors ' E. J. MAHONEY, '34 ESTHER V. RIGHTER, '34 due. Having been married when very theft; but Adela followed him patient- News Editors DOROTHY M. PAUL, '34; CARLTONBRINSFIELD, '35 haz thre boizes 'on a. string '-" Carlie young to an elderly man of wealth, COPY'Editors FRANCES ELDERDICE, '3'5, C. L. WHITTINGTON, '34 Moore" and "Shugrue" makes up fur ly to the prison village where she ob- Sports Editors " MARTHA HARRISON, '34, EUGENE WILLIS, '34 the othur two .... EXTRA! they cam- Adela never had known any love other tained domestic work. And nightly pused fifteen (15) gurls fur eatin ' to than the rather impersonal devotion Adela went to the prison wall and as MAKE-UP STAFF much-pretty sune we wil hav tu say- she had had for her invalid husband. the winds blew cold from the north Managing Editors ANTHONY DIKSA, '34, LORA M. OUTTEN, '34 , 'May we go tu klas today i ',.... She had never permitted herself that making her voice powerless, the lonely AssUJtant Managing Editor HERBERT STEVENS, '36 dream until, when she was twenty-two, Stenographer FRANCES GLYNN, '35 "Randolph (Rosebnd) Shilling" iz her husband died. "Adela,' where are figure stood and called again and again: pretty gud, so he sez; two gurls acktually "I am here, Dion. Come--" BUSINESS STAFF you going I" 'I'h is question came from Out of this illusion could grow only Business Manager R.. L. CAffiNES, '34 cut in on him at the Soph Party .... the gaping mouths of the members of a greater disillusion, but the warped Advertising Manager " KALE MATHIAS, '35 "Dunn" followed second with one cnt- his family, on the day of the funeral. mind of Adela Mainwaring could not AssUJtant AdvertiJ>ing Manager. , EDWARD BEAUCHAMP '35 in .... since "Cleona" came back tu Adela did not know and said so, but expect that. 'I'here came a night, while Circulation Mana,ger ~ CARL EVERLY; '34 skool, "Shorty" t.ells the baize thet he.iz gathering her coat more closely about vigil' on at Assistant Circulation Managers going tu sea hiz sistur wen he gozes in tu her she passed from the room, leaving when her Christophel' the made snow-swept plain, his escape and OLIVE MAY BUTLER, '35 ARTHUR J. DOWNEY, '3'4 sea "Timmons "-" Leitch" bet t u I' behind her the magnificent house, sev- THOMAS EVELAND, '36 EDWARDGAULT, '36 watch out .... you'd be surprized tu no she could see him in the moonlight run- M. R. STEVENS, '35 SIMEON MARKLINE, '36 how many married men their ar on the en astounded in-laws, and her accus- ning away from the prison, toward her. HELEN WHITCRAFT, '34 hill .... dunt ya think thet we shud join tomed mode of living. Then she felt him brush by her and REPORTERS the Red Cross '-pretty sune we'll bea Thus the dream became a quest, and away from her. And then she knew. Laurlene Straughn, '34; Louise Needy, '34; Muriel Day, '34; Edith Forney, '35; axed tu giv fur the community chest .... Adela began to follow it almost blind- Dion would never have run from her. Orpha Pritchard, '34. every time" J ohn Olsh ' heal's thet hymn ly. She' had only the rather remote re- It was then for the first time in twenty Clarence Bussard, '34 ; James Bopst, '35; Brady Bryson, '35; Reynolds Simpson, -"'Vatchman, 'Watchman--", he re- ligion of the experiences of her old years that Adela relinquished her illu- '36; J. W. Nichols, '35; Robert Brooks, '36; Dexter Beans, '34. memburs wat a. fine time he had keaping governess who had happily ma.rried, and sion aud her dream. 'watch ovur McDaniel Hall this summer- with this small faith Adela started For :t year Adela accepted the advice her she the with the a hymn (we havunt found fur Worthy opinion; Model management ; Correct news. ky" yet-may be next time) .... "Sadus- knew search for for 'her some one who Along and hospitality of her friends one night somewhere. waited then and docility of defeat, the way she gave the imaginative ob- listening to carolers sing "Rise to adore tyfoid fevur shots hav 'shot' sum uv ject of her quest the name of Dion. He the Mystery of Love", there was re- D I T o R I A L us gurls .... ' 'Lavin" haz bin maid house shaped Adela's every thought and ac- born in her the old dream, and with a "Tall Stories Club' '- ov the mothur quest, , and thet izn't the half ov it; .... " Ann tion, and becoming thoroughly obsessed ec- greater went faith she again renewed the her rambling idea she grew back and dominant with this to The Screen Just what does a moving picture mean to the 'average Prout" wuz embarrassed tu SUIll degree centric, and in increasing measure men- house in the lonely coombe and its student of a college today 1 wen" Bernie" had tu shift hip pads .... tally unbalanced. And the years went homeless wanders-to wait. sum boizes hay instituted a. barbur skool To the majority, by far, the motion picture is a method of relaxa- on the hill-' , Crawshaw" wuz the furst by. "To the unintelligible dream tion. It is the methods by which we can. get away from the steary vicktum-by the way, he prefers tu be The coombe was dark, and the can- That melted like a gliding star. grind of college work. It is a place to take a date. But most surely kalled - "", "Crankshaft", dle-lit rambling house was not a cheery I said: "We part to meet fail' gleam! we do not stop to consider it a means of culture. , 'Axle Greece' " or even ' , Transmis- spot. A straggling gronp of people You are eternal, for 'you are. stealthily. in almost These were In the first place, hardly a person stops to consider the type of sion" .... crept homeless drifters to whom Adela To love's strange riddle, fiery wit of all create, the In fiesh and spirit picture to which he is going to see. Naturally enough, we ask what is wat kind ov a skoal iz thisf-an edi- gave nightly shelter. Among them, to- "Mocker, I said, "of mortal wit, the n~me ?f the show and what it is about, ana if it is any good at all, torial appears in the gold bug givin' us night, was 'a tall yonng man named Me you shall not mock. I can wait." but nme times out of ten, even then we will go without d'oing -that. the ideal' thet mild hazing iz deaa, bnt a Not one of us at any time stop to think if the show will be beneficial fue dazes latur the Balto. Sun prints an to us at all. As a matter of fact, the majority of the so-called super account of the klass spirit shown at U. t preductions of the screen are mere drivel that ought to be disregarded of M's. tug ov war, and on the Same Looking At Other Campuses altogether. But do we disregard them ~ We do not. ,'¥'e go to them page an account of the skool spirit at I ~ and are entertained. Well, that seems to be the prime purpose of a Chesterstown-come on let's not all be movie-to entertain, so why kick? 'PACIFISTS-there iz tu many a.l- Upper classmen of Rochester Univer- many reports the present group of col- ready .... The trouble is, that we disregard the really fine things that we sity believe that silence and composure lege students has reached the pinnacle conld get out of any movie. By listening to good actors and actresses sum mol' strtltters:- are signs of cnlture, and so it is only of wild life. Much of questionable stu- speak, we can surely improve our diction. By watching the men and' " Smedes- Kiefer" the freshmen who join whole-heartedly dent conduct is blamed on prohibition. women walk and move, we can learn some fine points on ow' own "Main-Elseroad' , in cheering footbal' games. If prohibition is removed what then ~ actions. '( Nichols-Lathorp" The college lllan may at his will show "Yocum-Sliker" As Blue Ridge College students are tempera.nce or intemperance. WI;ether The greatest trouble with the screen, and also its greatest asset, he will transfer theoretical training re- IS the wide variety of subjects which it brings before the eyes of an "Erwin-Marklin' , offered minor prizes for best kept dor- ceived during school years to vital life eager public. vVe get a tast~ of history. We see life at its lowest "Watson-Chas. Williams" mitory rooms. problems and display real discrimina- "Murphy-McNally' depths. We see foreign lands that it will be impossible for us to visit. "Lewis-Mnrphy' , , tion in choice of values remains to be We get the living conditions of peoples. We get a great number of On Thursday night, October 19, the seen. stage plays that it would have been impossible for us to see. ,,¥,e get the way things luks (, McNally" and students of Loyola College stag·ed a aspects of life in .all its phases. "Muddy Waters Lewis" are going tu parade as part of the pre-game rally for The Y,e,lLow Ja.cket, of Randolph-Ma- The trouble with tHe movies is that to put over the material to the bea related indirectly .... "Robert Hol- the Loyola-Hopkins contest. Pajama- con College keeps its eyes-or ears open public, it is over eager to exaggerate. Thus vve get an erroneous idea der" thinks thet Hood Gurls nevur in- clad freshmen led the parade on ~oot, for examples of faculty absent-minded- of a subject. vVe' get a picture of the thing as it is not. And we are fringe on etiquette standards, but thet while upper classmen followed on tops ness. Each week some professor is fea- so influenced by the movies that that is where the danger lies. we gurls. do .. you shud hav hurd wat the of wagons and draped over automobiles. tured-and the faculty members are Frederick gurls that ov him two .... a nue The parade organized at North Ave. Therefore, before we go to the movies, it seems that we should klub haz bin (n'ganized; it iz the F.J.C. and St. Paul St., advertising itself with quaking in their boots and trying to have a clear understanding of what the show is about-how it is rated . , .. 0 thet hororable menshon dinnur!- placards, flares, and much noise and con- keep awake. what it deals with, who are the principal piayers. In short, we should the three dea.ns hav agreed thet maybe if fusion, wound through the down-town Plans are being made at Gettysburg d'ecide whether the thing is worth seeing. If it is, then we should go the E and F Students got more tu eat district. At Sun Square a rally was College for the allllUal Pan-Hellenic and to see the movie with our minds wide open, to learn as much as possi- thet they wud git sum high marks .... held and the stndents yelled themselves Military Balls, to be held November 24 ble from it as we can, because without a doubt the moving picture of "Hendrickson, Jr." got hiz hare cut fur hoarse. and 25. Emerson Gill, whose orchestra today is the greatest influence on people of today, culturally. a change ... Dean Miller wuldn't evun let The NRA for the philosophy class at is familiar to radio fans, will furnish sum boizes build a bon-fire aftur the Loyola is "No Reasoning Allowed." music for both dances. Miss Miriam Bucknell game-but we all had a fire any- Mann and "Pinky" Hunter (a crooner) Your Opinion Everyone has heard of the story of the flock of sheep. way .... "John Stallings" disappeared The freshmen at Roanoke College will be the featured soloists. When one leads the way, why the others calmly trot at the Soph Party, and "Snozzle Tim- may talk to co-eds, but when they do The folks at Gettysburg College have along behind him and follow him blindly, wherever he may go. mons" wuz afraid to cut in on anyone they must keep their hands over their been seeing things. On two occasions, 'but the aforemenshoned ... "Jack McNal- heads. at football games, a bullet has appeared The public of today is nothing more than big flock of sheep. In ly" haz five ice-cream sodas coming tn mysteriously out of nowhere and chased every phase of life, it is like that. Even in the smallest phase of pub- him az a rezult· ov the Loyola game- animals around the gridiron. Once it lic life, which is the neighborhood, there is a definite tendency toward "Murphy's" Brother iz the luzer too ... Students of Connecticut State de- .was a mule, the next time a bear, and this unfortunate circumstance. How often have Mrs. Smith and lVII's. "Rodman H. Haynes", the all-round ath- mand half the royalties received from each time it prophesied a victory once Wallace just had to have a new fur coat simply because the Jones fam- lete (f) izn 't so hot at pool. ... humor publications to which their ex- of the "Bullets" over the "Bears", once ily got one recently. aminat.ion papers are sold. of the "Bullets" over the "Mules". hear iz sum thin that we just hurd; The same simple rule applies everywhere. In an election, people their iz a frosh gurl by the naim of An inter·esting editorial in the La- do not stop to consider the pros and cons of the cases which they are "Me 'Williams' , 'n she haz bin doin' Salle Collegian asks what the reaction A stlrvey made by New York Univer- deciding. They follow blindly what one person or group of persons "Jimmie Dunn's" washing, ironing, and of American citizens, and especially of are "bull believe. mending! .... ~I'at cha think ~_:__,, Needy' , college students and graduate, will be sity reveals to that scholarship. sessions" only The What comes of such a condition? Well," fools rush in where an- and "Mary Parks" got the devil fnr to the repeal of the 18th Amendment. justifications for their existence are gels fear to tread," and as a result we come to grief. Not always, handin' snm eats out ov the winder tu Each generation is branded as being recreation and the formation of public however, is this true. At times, there happens such a thing as luck. stlm hnngry boizes .... all thoze pop worse than the preceding one, and from opinion. The people have followed a leader into the proper ehannel, and much quizes thet ar comin' lately-" Hazel' , good results from it. had for one mourning in a row, 'n (( Ha- zelnut" thre in a string the next day .... of the hole ideal' who thinks thet they ar Sometimes, it seems that there is a great deal of benefit derived I" Dot Jenkins" alias 'Dean', has bin gonna win .... ' 'C. V. Pullen" haz a se- from this following of the leader. If a leader did not have the whole 'oficially awarded the ,name by the gurls; cret passion fur (' J. Randle' '-no fool- Phone 359-J support of the group looking up to him, where would' he be? He in' .... 0, 0 "Millie Burkins" just cant wants tu , would be as many presidents of these United States have found them- she iz such a hel~ we~l sumbody axed our stop singin '-" I 'II be faithful--." Frank T. Shaeffer sea or no snmthm .... sumbody selves, fighting a losing cause because there were too many people who opinion ov the butie contest fur the she mnst be trying tn rea shure hUl'self ... wanted to express their own petty opinions. Of cOl,rse, every person Aloha-it iz a great r ideal' fur a nuze- PLUMBING, HEATING has a right to his own opinion, but in cases where the issue is of para- paper, but fur a yeer bnk it iz all wet- i guess this iz about all we have ttlr AND OIL BURNER mount importance, to use Jimmy Durante's famous line, "What's your Ifur one thing the way the fotografer haz yon now so we maid up sum poetry- opinion against thousands of others?" It is not worth a thing if it is taken pictures it wud l't do tu judge the And now we hav to say so long, CONTRACTOR uSf'd merely to stir up a lot of trouble. ' contestents frum rea life 'n. then' hav We hate to-so you see; 92 W. Main Street So therefore, let us follow a leader, and not try to raise a rumpus thoze pictures appear along with results But we'll be back again snm mor- WESTMINSTER, MD. when we find out that he has made a mistake or two. ov the contef>t-sumbody must bea back Sez "Hazelnut' '--sez me.
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