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E.XTRA P RIC E 5c SPECIAL EDITION of the COMPLETE REPORT GOLD BUG < Direct Wire Returns of Today's Game from Boston with Boston College Vol. 11, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. I November 18, 1933 BOSTON COLLEGE, 12; WESTERN MARYLAND, 9 COLLEGE PLAYERS WILL DR.BLACKWELDER DRAWS Boston College Beals Green Terrors PRESENT MYSTERY DRAMA Passing in Review LARGEC6NGREGATIONS In Battle That Is Outstanding By The "THE THIRTEENTH CHAIR" By BRADY O. BRYSON TO SUNDAY SERVICES Hard Play Of Evenly Matched Teams Recovery a Faalure? Annual Thanksgiving Play To Be The Blue Eagle seems to have develop- Problems Which Face Mankind Are Given In Alumni Hall ed an ominous quantity of black and blue His Theme SENIOR HOME IC. GROUP Field is Muddy from a Light Snow spots during the past few weeks. The For the past three Sunday afternoons Which FeU Last Night. MISS SMITH DIRECTS first wave of patriotic enthusiasm and the students' of Western Maryland Col- OPENS PRACTICE HOUSE cooperation created by General .Iohn- lege and friends from the community By RICHARD W. KEE~'ER "The Thirteenth Chair", a mystery Special Wi1'e Service to the GOLD BUG has play in three acts, will be presented on son's skilfully directed propaganda aris- have been inspired by sermons given by The first group of senior home eco- are su bsided and sharp differences Thanksgiying night, November 30, in ing over the recovery administration's Dr. O. F. Blackwelder of Washington, D. nomics students moved into the Practice On a field that was very muddy from a Alumni Hall by the College Players. 'I'his methods and questionable results. And it C. His topics were" Is Life Worth Liv- House at Carroll Inn on Thursday, No- light suow which fell last night, the is one of a series of three long plays tha t ing~", "Youth In a Day of Crisis", vern bel' 2. Members' of this group are: Ghen Terrors of Western Maryland and will be given by the College Players seems evident that an increasingly voluble and" The Need of Personal Power". Inez Flanagan, Kathryn Smith, Mary the Eagles of Boston College fought a the N. R. A. has set in. against reaction during the year. The other two are the Men of such prominence as 'Walter In speaking on the subject "Is Life Mather, Mary Elizabeth Carter, MaTY battle that ended with the close score Christmas play, first taken over by the Lippman, Mark Sullivan, Henry 1. In' Worth Living ", Dr. Blackwelder began Parks, and Mary Haig. These six stu- of 12·9 in favor of the Eagles. speech department last year, and the an' graham, and Alfred Emanuel Smith have by askiIlg the three greatest questions in dents remain in the Practice House for First Quarter nual senior class play given during Com- uttered sharp criticism and caustic com- the Universe: first, "Am I My Broth- six weeks, returning to College on 'I'hurs- mencement Week. ment on the President's attempt to force er's Keeper"; second, "If I Die, Shall I day, December 14. Sadausky won the toss and elected to The play, a fascinating and thrilling Live Again ~", third, "Is Life Worth The Practice House is under the per receive. McNally carried the kickoff an improvement of the national economic back to the 25·yard line. Mergo made mystery, was written by Bayard Veiller, situation. It would, indeed, be a difficult Living ~" He gave three reasons for the sonal supervision of Miss Bertha Stock- one of the better known playwrights of thing to discover a single representative raising of the latter question: first, be- ard, instructor in home economics. It is two yards. Mergo kicked on the sec- the present day. It first appeared on the group of business men today who would cause it is the basis of all mortality and in the nature of a laboratory where the ond down to Frietas on the Boston Col- Broadway stage in 1916 and had a. very not question the whole program. With enthusiasm; second, because of the grow- girls put into practice the theories which lege :l7-yard line. Dougan failed to snccessful run. Margaret· Wycherly the exception of Official Washington the ing num bel' of pessimists; third, because they have learned in their previous home gain. Dougan made nine yards. Frie- played the leading role. of the alarming number of suicides. Af- economics courses. There are six "du· tas failed to make a first down. Frie- defenders of the N. R. A. are startlingly ter citing the experiences of David Liv- ties" and each girl has to perform each tas kicked out on the Western Mary- About four years ago, the play was few. put on the screen, with Miss Wycherly But a matter of much deeper concern ingstone, Martin Luther, JolmWesley, one for a week. These" duties" are: land 26·yard line. McNally made a yard again playing the part that she created. than external criticism is the evidence of Jesus and others and telling what they guest, hostess, cook, assistant cook, maid Shepherd made a first down, on his own Miss Esther Smith will direct the play, friction within the very ranks of the had to say about life being worthwhile, and housekeeper. I 3S·yard line. A pass by Mergo was and from the continued success of the recovery boards and the apparent lack of Dr. Blackwelder suggested three ways to An "Earthquake Bridge J:'arty" was intercepted by Dougan on the Boston other presentations that she has offered, faith ill+ the plan by the administrators make life richer-to endure it, to enjoy given by the group last Saturday, Nov. College 45-yard line. Frietas quick- . evident that this one will .enjoy as themselres. TIle three chief mernbors of it, to be enthusiastic about it. He con- 11, for the other senior home economics kicked over the goal line. Mergo got great favor with the andience. the first 13·man Industrial Recovery cluded his. first sern«. 1 with six ways to s,tllrlpnt•., Ot hor guests were: the Misses off a poor punt that went out of bounds The cast is as follows: produce enthusiasm oyer life. Evelyn Mudge, Sara Smith, Marie Par- on his O'Yn 44-yard line. Dougan was Helen 0 'N eill Mildred German Board were Gerald Swope, of Genera: "Who suffered most during the war ~" ker, and Laurie Brown. Ruth Gi llelan hurt and Driscoll went in. Frietas Teagle, Stan. Walter Will f)ro 'by Frank Mitchell Electric, Oil, and Alfred C. P. Sloan, of of Gen- "Youth", was the answer which Dr. won high prize, and Mary Haig the eon- failed to gain. Frietas kicked out on dard Mrs. Crosby Martha Harrison cral :Motors. Strange as it may seem, Blackwelder gave to the question he solation prize. Dean Fannie May Stover, Western Maryland's three-yard line. Roscoe Crosby Cornelius Gisriel these men publicly stated that they be. asked. Young men whose preparation for nfr. and Mrs. A. M. Isanogle and May Mergo kicked from behind his OWll goal Edward Walcs " Frederick Malkas lieved that business should remain free life was delayed by the war and the de· Russell have been dinner guests at the line to Frietas who returllcd the ball Mary Eastwood Kathlyn Mellor of governmental influence. pression suffered from the struggles Pr·actice House this week. to the Terror 19·yard line. Frietas Helen Trent Esther Righter Such a statement is in direct anti. which were begun by old men. Youth The next group enters the Practice passed to Tosi to the Western Maryland Grace Standish Louise Needy absorbs the bumps in a crisis. The only House January 4 and remains until Feb· five·yard line. Driscoll carried the ball Braddish Trent Janna Randle pathy to the President's procedur·e to thing he can possibly do abont the situa· ruary 15. Anna Frances Sewa~'d, Ade· to the one·yard line. Driscoll scored to cannot Ho,Yard Standish Maurice Fleming date and a lack but be construed pro- tion is to alter the vision ()f the people. laide Horner, Estelle Williams, Margaret ovel' tackle. Westerll Maryland 0, Bos- of faith the in represent Philip Mason William Wright The number of comparatively youthful Robertson, Eileen Waybright, and Hazel ton College 6. Kelley ,,'ent in to make Elizabeth Erskine Mildred Burkins gram by tIle administrators. TIle board men who have changed the vision of the Horchlcr comprise that group. the kick and missed. Pollock " Donald Prince "'as actually on the point of resigning world is great, for youth made the mao Shilling ran the kickoff back to West· the law FIRST DANCE OF YEAR Rosalie La Grange Mary Parks when Secretary of COlllmerce Roper chine a,ge. "Youth alone," said Dr. em Maryland's 31·yard line. On an end Tim Demohue William Kesmodel averted a that difficult sitnation by an- Blackwelder, "can lift or lower run McNally failed to gain. McNally nouncing had served its the Board Sergeant DUlll1 Lora Outten of averages." Suggesting to youth a way WILL BE ON NOV. 26 lost three yards. Western Maryland time and a new 011ewould be appointed. in which to lift the law of averages, he kicked. Driscoll made three over center. Swope then suggested his plan which mged that youth determine to take ad· Driscoll made a fir~t down on ,;Vestern WOULD-BE TEACHERS would greatly limit the government and vantage of his spare time and to endea· giYe a Delta Pi Alpha dance, the first :J1aryland's 48·yard line. FI'ietas passed fratemity The will Thanksgiving of the trade the powers PRACTICE IN COUNTY would increase in regulating commerce. vor to do its best. Youth, he asserted, to· dance of the season, November 25, in to E. Kelly for a gain of 12 yards. Dris· associations can take with its face coil made a first down on the Green the sky trails Tel" Roosevelt, by ignoring the plan, fur- ward the mountain·top of perfection as the Girls' Gymnasium. "Bud" Codori rors' 32·yard line. Frietas went off ther snbstantiated the protests that the exem plified in Jesus Christ. "Christ and his Pennsylvania Ramblers, who have tackle for nine yards. Kelly was thrown For the past few weeks it has become played here in preyious years and meet that has a familial' sight to see a sman group of President not been ursurped to powers public Youth ", he concluded are the hope of with great approyal by the student body, for a yard loss. A pass, Frietas, to E. utilized tho have "ery anxious looking indi"iduals wait- good. Prosperity does not seem to be the world. need of the world today is will furnish the music. Permission has Kelly, is incomplete. E. Kelly tried a The great ing outside of McDaniel Hall for the lurking around the cornel', conditions for· personal power in a day when mao been received frol11 the authorities to run field goal from the Western Maryland aITh'al of the college Studebaker. do not promise better times, and the the dancing from 8.30 to 11.30. 34·yard line, but missed. Boston College Since October 17, the Education De. chines have made man machine· like. This· The guests of honor are to be Mr. and was offside, and Western Maryland took partment has been sending its practice outlook seems to grow only more con· "'as the gist of the third of the series of the penalty. Frietas kicked over the goal fused and threatening in the hands of sermons by the Washington minister. We Mrs. Hanison, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow, J. line. Shepherd made five yards, and Mc· teachers out to th e schools of Carroll :5 Neil Staley, George E. Hunter, Winston Many believe that a more county to judge how well equipped are the N. R. A. interpretation for the let- need personal power because tradition Willey and Alfred Sadausky and James Nally ran out of bounds on his OW1129· appropriate the Western Maryland students to car- ters "N. R. A." would be "No Recovery being broken down, because this is a ma· Dunn as football co·captains. .yard line. Shepherd made a first down. ry ont the principles of education iiI chine age, because t11e modern doctrine Shepherd failed to gain, and the quarter Allowed". is that of individual freedom, and be· This is the first dance to be sponsored , ended. wllich they llaye been so thoroughly by the Delta Pis. It is hoped that the drilled. TIle first group, which '.-ent to Anti-Nazi cause this is a greater woi'ld. Freedom is ;'student body will give them their heart- Score: Boston College,G; Western Lisbon High School, was besieged by J e,yish interests in America seem to not the right to do what you please bnt iest support. Maryland, 0. ought. - questions from those who are destined be foolishly spending a great deal of it is the the power to do what you compara· The dance committee, made up of Earl Second Quarter Though is smaller world to .be tried sooner or later and who energy in attacking the Hitler regime tively because of the forward march of C. Hissey, Robert Cairnes and Earnest Mergo made 15 yards over center, wished to be reassured or to profit from in Germany. Not long ago Uutermeyer Randle, have decided to make this affair but both teams were offside. A pass the expm'ience of those who have gone science, yet it is greater b~ause it has a post football season celebration. Our from Mergo to Ferguson made a first of Tammany fame in New York City greater possibilities. A" greater world down on Maryland's 44·yard line. Mer- before. On the whole, the practice tea- very vociferously attacked Hans Luth- necessitates greater personal power. last game, that with Boston College, will chers seem to regard it as a very en- ('1', German ambassador to the United "Education,)' Dr. Blackwelder asserted, have been played the week before. go's pass was intercepted by Frietas joyable experience. The teachers and The dance will be semi·formal. The '''lIo ran it to the Eagle's 47·yard line. States, as lfeillg guilty of attempting "is not baggage but power." Religion, Frietas's pass to Furbush netted a first pupils of the Carroll county schools are to Germanize American institutions by he added, is power throngh the love of admission charge will be $l.50, payable down for Boston on the Terrors' 42· very sympathetic and cooperative with underhanded methods. God .. at the door. yard line. Frietas attempted another these young teachers. But the usually quite affa.ble and al· The gymnasium will be decorated with It has been through the courtesy of ways very calm Hans waddled off to paper streamers in the fraternity's colors. pass but it was knocked down. Driscoll the Superintendent of the schools of cOllfer with Secretary Cordell Hull of DR. F. WHIPPLE APPEL Corn shocks and pumpkins are to be ar· made 6 yards off tackle. Time out for Maryland, replaced Campofreda Kaplan Carroll connty that seniors in Educa- the State Department, very nicely stat- WILL ADDRESS TRI-BET A ranged around the floor. at guard and Dunn replaced Mergo. tion have the privilege of observing ed the aHegation, denied it, and hinted Dr. Frederick Whipple Appel, associ· Frietas kicked but Md. is offside. Frie· and doing their practice teaching in the that an apology was in order. Hull ate professor of Biology at St. John '8 University, working on the physiclogy of tas kicked again to Dunn ,\'ho is downed classrooms of the high schools. Ten promptly issued a bulletin expressing College, will address the members of 'I.'ri- the internal secretions of the sex glands. on the 19·ward line. Shepherd makes hours of observing aud ten hours of his regrets that the public attack oc- Beta Tuesday evening, November 28, on Several summers ago, Dr. Appel was en- seven yards on an off tackle play. Dunn teaching are required for each student the subject, "The World's ],'ood Supply gaged in work at Solomon's Island and in his major field of study, while twen- (Continued on page 3,col. 3) in Relation to the .Population." '1'he is one of the directors of the laboratory kicked on second down. The ball to is re- Frietas '''ho the it ran by turned ty hours are required of Music and meeting will be held in Room 22 of there. made Home Econol1li~s majors. The work of bility, and resourcefulness, nse of Eng· Science Hall at 7 0 'clock. The subject upon which Dr. Appel has Boston 42-yard line. over Driscoll Dnnn tackle. on a buck fi'-e yards the practice tea,c\er is observed by tea- lish, grasp of subject niatter, discipline, Dr. App!') received his doctor's degree chosen to speak is one of general inter· intercepted a pass and ran to Boston's chers of the special methods courses and and other factors which are regarded from the UniY~rsity of Chicago in 1927. est and should'appeal to all of us. The 35·yard line. the student teachers are graded on such as significant characteristics of a suc· For the academic year 1927·28 he was ap· ,meeting will be open to all who care to Dunn made five yards on a buck over important points as personality, adapti- cessful teacher. pointed National Research Fellow at the come. (Continued on Page 4)
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