Page 14 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. CONCERNING THE LYNCH· ING THE ROMANCE OF WORDS A WESTERN SHOREMAN: QJlnsnrn,QIlubn,nub ~nrirtirn (Continued from Page 1) ""¥"'''''' , '"' ~ ""...., ....... "" .. "..,., ""¥"' fire after covering its nude flesh with DELTA PI ALPHA Y.W.C.A. The original meaning of the Greek verb a g'raph. An epigram is a pointed wrtt- gasoline. It is evident that the evil- g1'apho and corresponding noun gram'llUl ing on some thing or person. Since the doers regre ted their action, however, for The fraternity is happy to announce The Y. W. C. A. met Wednesday, Oc- seems to have been" scratch," an indio actual weight of a writing was very as the flames curled around the cri~p, that WilTiam Bratton, '36; Pete Gault, tober 11. The Rev. Mr. Robinson was ~ation of the earliest means of writing small, the term gram (also millig1'a?n, black flesh, licking it hungrily, the mob '36; John Elserode, '36, and have been the speaker. On Wednesday, October and one not yet wholly extinct, according kilogmmb) ca-me to be used as a unit of by degrees carne back to normal, sensed pledged. 18, the annual candle light service was to the colloquial use of that word in Eng- weight in the metric system. Gram?ll{l,r the pollution of the filthy thing it had held for the new members. lish. This same idea, by the way, is sim- in ancient times meant the study of liter- done, and slowly dispersed into the night. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ilarly expressed in the words "hiero- ature, that is, the writings of people; And yet many a citizen of the Eastern glyph' , (sacred carving) and "cunei- now it is a study concerned with the Shore secretly possesses a piece of the Delta Sigma Kappa takes pleasure in W.A.A. form" (wed g e-s hap e d impression). structure of language whether written or hempen rope with which Armwood was 'announcing that Louise Orem has been New members were taken into the W. Grapho finally came to mean "write" spoken. It is even possible for one to be hanged and will proudly display it to his formally pledged into the club. A. A. at its meeting Monday, October of his as evidence grandchildren active and in this sense has more than 1200 familiar with literature without being a part in what he will call "upholding Law The club held a theatre party in Bal- 9. Peg Lansdale was elected Basket derivatives in English. Most of these are good grammarian. and Justice on the Shore"! timore on Tuesday, October 24th. The Ball manager replacing Dorothy Mitch- Lee I scientific, and their wide application will . guests were Jean Baer, Virginia Hosh- ell', '35. A paragmph was originally a mark BRADY O. BRYSON. all, Kate Bishop, Bunny 'I'ollenger, become evident from a glance at some of beside the writing to indicate a new sub- Irwin, Barbara Bennet, Elizaheth Wol- \ those in common use. The same idea is ject; now the word is synonymous with ford, Henrietta Twigg, Margaret Lans- frequently expressed in slightly different INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS the writing itself. Photograp7~ are im- dale, Mary Caldwell, and Marguerite form by noun, verb, adjective, and ad- . State Theatre R,ingler. I pressions written by light. A einemato- International Relations Club met verb, as autogmph(w(alUy. Usually, , Monday, October 16. Plans for the the person writing is denoted by -graph- g1'aph is a machine for projecting these i I coming year were discussed and an in- 61', the writing by -gnf,phy, and the thing impresaions in such a way as to convey BIG MUSICAL FRENCH CLUB teresting exchange of ideas concerning written by -g1'a?n or -graph. the appearance of motion. A seismograph Le Cercle Francais met Tuesday, Oc- the situation in Germany followed. registers the tremors of the earth. An One Day Only A eartographe?' prepares charts, while tober 10; a short program was held and II a biog1'apher writes lives. Geography is addressog1'aph saves time by writing ad- FRIDAY new members were taken into the club. a writing about the earth, while ethno- dresses,a dictog1'aph records the words "THE GOOD Plmls for the coming year were dis- I SHAKESPEARE CLUB graphy deals with the races on it. Topo- of the "boss" for later use by the COMPANION" cussed. In the future the club will The Shakespeare Club held its first g1'(vplly descri bes a particular place and stenogmpher -(short-hand writer), and a Starring meet the first Tuesday in each month. meeting on Tuesday the 17th of Octo- should not be confused with typography, mimeog1'aphing machine easily makes which deals with printing. Lithogmphy, copies, while a protectog1'aph makes the J esse Matthews ber. Over forty were present. The (impression by stone) is quite different forgery of checks more difficult. A It has entertainment par W.W. club decided to reduce its dues from $1 50 cents to Boughton year. from petrography (writing about rocks). barograph keeps an automatic record of excellence W. W. held a rush party in Baltimore talked on the per advantages Miss of studying Paleography is concerned with manu- the weight (of mercury) for observations Also Good Shorts last Saturday at the Georgetown game. Shakespeare and Miss Riley spoke on scripts penned centuries ago. Calligraphy in the hydrog1'aphia office, which studies Later they dined at the Salad Bowl. IS beautiful handwli~ing In any age. water and its activities, and is of value Shakespeare's sonnets. to the oceanog1'aph~r also, who makes a MON.,-TUES.,-WED., A gmm'1n,(Lphone writes sound just as study of the seas. It should not be for- a g1'aphophone or phonog1'aph; the last gotten that graphite is, a material for "TOO MUCH HARMONY" term is most common with us. A tele- writing, but on the other hand that a Bing Crosby, Jack Oakie, grall~ is a writing at a distance, a cable- description may be gu(,phia even when Skeets Gallagher, Judith Al- Extra Special Offer gmm is written by cable, and a radio- spoken. len and big supporting cast. g1'am by wireless. Cryptog-rallns (or TO DECEMBER 1, 1933 -gmphs) are secrets written in cypher; It is of interest to know that several Paramount Superior Musical! 50 CHRISTMAS CARDS including Your Name Printed ideogra'IJ~ (or -g1'ap7~) try to symbolize hundred additional words have come from You'll be sorry if you miss it. word "write" the Latin (sa-ribo). clearly the idea of a thing. This last is Probably a hundred for times as mauy words Call, Write, or Phone 401 the method used by the Chinese and Jap- in our language expressing the idea of THUR.,-FRI. anese. A pictograph accomplishes the writing have come from Greek and Latin P. G. Coffman Co. same purpose by picture representation. Greatest A diagmm expresses an idea symbolical- as from the Anglo-Saxon urritam; Charlie 'Chan's Case TIMES BUILDING ly by a writing-out of lines, as does also EDGAR B. JENKINS. r--_~---'~~!......J!_._WILL BE HOST FOR "Y" CONFERENCE G. C. Murphy Co. 5 and IOc Store (Continued from Page 1) 6· 10 W. MAIN STREET 56 W. MAl,,; ST., WESTMINSTE1<, MD. 10:30 a.m. Addresses: Prof. Van Du- Complete Outfits for the Student We are ready to supply your Hallotoe'en sen and Mr. Henson. 12 :45 a.m, Lunch. Needs=such as Party Favors, 2: 00 p.m. Panel Discussion. Candy and Costumes 3 :3'0 p.m. Recreation. 6: 30 p.m. Banquet. Attention Students! SUNDA Y, NOVEMBER 5th 9: 00 a.m. Address: Mr. Henson. 10: 00 a.m. Discussion Groups. REMAIN LOYAL U: 00 a.m. Closing Session: Prof. Van CODvincin9nstiIDODg Dusen. 11 :45 a.m. Dinner. to your - That WEDSTER·S J. D. Katz OLD FRIENDS COLLEGI4TE Is the Best QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING Ahridged Dictionary Special Rates to Students "I can hardly belleve 1 shall ever apply to It any test it will not creditably sustain. It is an amazing product of accurate and usable scholarship." said H. L. Seaver, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Presidents TEXACO LUBRICATION sities agree with this opinion. Heads of leading Unfver- is and Department Collegiate webster:e Drive in here. 0 u r Lubrication best because it is based on the "Supreme Authority"- en- I06,000 New Dictionary. International Webster'S Service gives you more miles on the tries Including hundreds of new words, with deflnitions~ spellings. and correct use; a dictionary of Biography; a Gazetteer; rules of punctuation;use of capitals, abbre~ Road, less time in the Repair Shop! ~iiOU'SE vlations, etc.; a dictionary of foreign words and phrases. :Many other fea- Main and Bond St. Station tures of practical value. 1,268 pages. 1,700 illustrations. See ItAt Yeur College Bookstore or Write for Information to the Publishers. RALPH YINGLING, Proprietor l G. & C. MERRIAM CO. SPRINGFIElD, MASS. FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES , FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th and 28th , "BROADW AY TO HOLLYWOOD" with an all star cast. Downtown at Also third chapter of "GORDON OF GHOST CITY" KO - ED KLUB Mather's MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th and 31st "TURN BACK THE CLOCK" Next to State Theatre You will find with Lee Tracy and Mae Clark "BEST SODA SHOP IN TOWN" MALLORY HATS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st and 2nd SODA SUNDAES "PENTHOUSE" FRIENDLY SHOES with Warner Baxter and Myrna Loy ----------------------- TOASTED SANDWICHES ARROW SHIRTS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 3rd and 4th FAULTLESS PAJAMAS "MOONLIGHT AND PRETZELS" A REAL "GREEN AND GOLD SPECIAL" A great Musical Comedy. Also 4th chapter of Buck Jones In Why Not Try One? HOLEPROOF SOX 6th and 7th i "GORDON OF GHOST CITY" BEAU BRUMMEL TIES Candy Cakes Cigars .- Cigarettes MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOVEMBER WILSON BROS. TUX "EMPEROR JONES" 8th and 9th I A Complete Line of SHIRTS with Paul Robson <' COLLEGE-CUT PIPES-TOBACCOS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOVEMBER GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS T. W. Mather and Sons with Madge E~ans, Una Merkel, Phillips Holmes . I Kodaks Films • Photo Finishing FOR *SA**LE>B'~'~**~~~~~~~: "BEAUTY ~~~~~ ~================================----~==========~
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