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r RECITAL SOPHOMORE FRIDAY, OCT. 27 HALLOWE'EN PARTY ALUMNI HALL I TUESDAY, OCT. 27 8:00 P. M. GIRLS' GYM 8-11 P. M. Vol. 11, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 26, 1933 ~ Sophomore Class Will Entertain W. M. C. will be Host for uy" Conference School at Hallowe'en Dance Tuesday CODE OF HONOR OF Led by Prof. Van Dusen and Mr. Henson GIRLS' INTERCLUB COUNCIL Freshmen Will Be Guests At I Moor TRIAL STAGED BY For Rushing Season on the "Hill" Week-End of November 3 Annual Affair GIRLS WILL WEAR COSTUMES SENIOR MILITARY CLASS 1. There shall be a Code of REV. BLACKWELDER TO Colleges of Maryland, Delaware Honor which shall bind each active and the District of Columbia The Senior students in Military and alumnae club member and DELIVER CHAPEL SERVICE Will Be Represented As Hallowe'en rolls around again, the Science are holding a mock court-martial Sophomores will continue to carry out which began Monday, Oct. 23. The de- pledge to keep club matters a INTERESTING THEME SELECT an old tradition on the" Hill" by enter- fendant is Maurice C. Fleming, who is closed question at all times. This The Reverend, Oscar F. Blackwelder, taining the Freshman class. In time accused of stealing a watch which was restriction means that there is to D.D., formerly pastor of Christ Lutheran Nearly one hundred-delegates from the past it has been customary to entertain intrusted to him by his commanding of- be no statement made to a non- Church, Baltimore, but now pastor of the colleges of Maryland, Delaware and the club girl by a club girl, concerning with a party, but this year the class of ficer, Alfred Sadausky. He is also ac- Church of the Reformation, Washington, District of Columbia will gather here on '36 has decided that a dance will be cused of having sold a compass, govern- any individual club's traditions, D. C., will preach on Sunday afternoon November 3 for the annual joint meeting more appropriate. ment property, and deserting. regulations, or bidding. during the college year in Alumni Hall, of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. This affair is to be held in the Girls' The defendant disappeared from duty 2. There shall be no rushing at four 0 'clock. His subjects for the The theme extending through the three gymnasium, Tuesday, Oct, 31. Dancing for a period of several days. When he from Open-Date until acceptance first four Sunday afternoons will be: days of the convention will be "Today will continue from eight to eleven. The was next seen he was in Baltimore. His of bids. Full cooperation on the ,'If I Could Be Like Him." Challenges Christianity". music is to be furnished by Joe Baum- clothes were dishevelled and one of his part of club-girls and non-club "Youth in a Day of Crisis." These meetings are held annually un- gardner's Orchestra, of Westminster, leggings was missing: Sergeant Louis girls is expected. "The Need of Personal Power." der the auspices of the Tri-State Council which has heen playing at the Armory Ebert found him and placed him under "The Art of Appreciation." of Chriatian Associations. They are held frequently this year. For those who do arrest, returning him to his company A choir of over a hundred voices un- in the various colleges of the districts, not care to dance there will be eight card commander for questioning. When he MISS ESTHER SMITH WIlL der the direction of Miss Ruth Sherman the host of last year being Johns Hop- tables in the alcove. was unable to produce the watch, Ser- GIVE SPEECH RECITAL J ones, and an orchestra of twenty pieces kins University. It has been decided that the girls are geant Ebert disclosed facts which showed directed' by Mr. Philip Royer, 'will fur- The principal speakers of the confer- to come costumed and the boys semi- that Fleming had disposed of one of his FRIDAY IN ALUMNI HALL nish the music. ence will be Professor Henry Pitt Van formally. This, however, does not mean Dr. Blackwelder need not be introduced compasses to pay a debt at a pool room. Dusen, of the Union Theological Semi- jackets and sweaters, but rather an affair The proprietor of the pool room was to many students on the "HilL" His nary, and Mr. Francis A. Henson. approaching the club dances. secured as a witness for the prosecution. She Has Had Wide Experience In series of sermons delivered 111 Baker Professor Van Dusen is a graduate of The color scheme for the decorations is He was Joe, "the Wop' '. The part 'was Dramatics Chapel two years ago left a long .lasting Princeton University and the Union to be the conventional orange and black. played by Tony Diksa. The witness, WILL READ "TRISTRAM" impression. His subjects are interesting Theological Seminary and is now the Paper decorations will be augmented by speaking in broken English, gave start- and practical yet contain much religious Dean of the Seminary from which he re- an arrangement of corn and pumpkins ling evidence as well as providing many Miss Esther Smith will give a recital value. Having a good educational back- cently graduated. He was formerly As- about the floor. laughs for the spectators. 'in Alumni Hall, Friday evening at eight ground, a splendid speaking voice, ability sociate National Secretary of the Student During the intermission refreshments Sergeant James J. Dunn, supply ser- o 'clock. From her varied repertoire, she to get his ideas across to the audience in Y. M. C. A. He is recognized as one of will be served, and "Jimmy" Richards geant of the R O. T. C. unit, in his has chosen to read Edward Arlington a convincing way, a wide and varied ex- the ablest leaders in Y. M. C. A. and Y. will sing several popular numbers. Jun- statement of the equipment issued to the Robinson's dramatic poem, Tristram, It perience, Dr. Blackwelder forms a com- W. C. A. Conferences. iors and Seniors, will receive refreshments accused and of that which he returned, is a delicate, fragile, and vital version of bined unit rarely seen. It is after much Recently, Prof. Van Dusen published upon purchasing a refreshment ticket, disclosed the fact that several articles had Wagner's opera, Tristram» and Isolde. negotiation and planning of the college "The Plain Man Seeks for God", which which will also serve as an admission not been returned. Mr. Robinson is one of the greatest of officials that we are able to have such an has been recognized as one of the most ticket. Freshmen will not need a ticket. When the accused was asked to make a modern American poets, and his version able speaker on our campus. significant books of the year, having been Juniors and Seniors may get refreshment defending statement explaining his con- of Tl-istl'am won the Pulitzer prize of As prevlously announced, it seemed at chosen such by the Religious Book Club. tickets for fifteen cents each from duct, he said nothing, nor did he produce 1927. one time that DT. Blackwelder would Mr. Henson ie an economist who is con- White, Brooks, Wolford, or Lansdale. any witnesses, though it was his privi- Miss Smith is the director of dramatics only be able to come Thursday evenings. cerned about the contribution which pro- lege to procure witnesses in his own de- at Western Maryland College. She has That although somewhat awkwardly ar- phetic Christianity can make to funda- fense. When he finally told his story, his given numerous di'amatie recitals in the ranged, was, welcomed by many. Now mental social change. He has been Exec- SOPHOMORES alibis, seemed far-fetched and his explan- city of Baltimore and its vicinity. Prior that he will deliver the regular chapel utive Secretary of the National Religion ations were vague in many places. As to her coming to the college, she was em- service, a grand opportunity exists to and Labor Foundation. Mr. Henson has THE DANCE we are putting on listen to a capable speaker, and to think widely in all parts where of Baltimore of the United will cost each of us 35c. We will witnesses who helped to confirm some of ployed in the city and directed plays pro- seriously about questions and problems traveled and Europe. He is co-author of States she gave readings, need this money at once if the the story as it was described by Private Fleming, Cadet Officers Kesmodel, Sliker, fessionally. There also she had a private of supreme importance, as they are un- , 'Russia, Between the First and Second dance is to be successful. Boys class of speech, which was composed of ravelled by Dr. Blackwelder. His ser- Five Year Plans." may pay "Bob" Brooks, girls, and Shilling appeared. juveniles. Miss Smith's training, ex- mon, "Sun·Crowned Men"~ delivered Friends of the conference will enter- "Libby" Wolford. The make-up of the cast is as follows: Lieutenant Colonel Edward W. Hurley, perience, and individual talent in the when he was, here two years ago is still tain the delegates over Friday, Saturday R.O. T.n, President; 1st Lieut. Clarence field of dramatic expression have com- thought by many that heard it to be a and Sunday nights without charge, and L. Bussard, R.O.T.q, Law-Member; Cap- bined to make her an artist of outstand- very outstanding piece of work. the cost of the meals at the college will tain Henry B. Kimmey, R.O.T.C.; 1st ing charm. Opportunity will be given to the people be nominal. A registration fee of f"V- W. M. C. REPRESENTED Lieut. Arthur J. Downey, RO. T.C.; 1st In her stay, on the" hill", Miss Smith of Westminster and vicinity to hear Dr. enty-five cents will be charged to defray AT COLLEGE EXERCISE Lieut. Paul H. Myers, RO.T.C.; 1st has established an enviable record of Blackwelder during all his sermons. Par- the expense of the program. Lieut. John B. Timmons, RO.T.C.; 1st large audiences and well rendered selec- ents and friends of students are espe- The program schedule is as follows: Samuel Biggs Schofield represented Lieut. Clifton J. Tollinger, RO. T.C.; 1st tions. Required attendance is not neces- cially invited to join in the afternoon FRIDA Y, NOVEMBER 3rd Western Maryland College at the inau- Lieut. John H. Whitmore, RO.T.C.; 1st sary to flll the seats, students as well as worship. 3: 00·5: 00 p.m. Registration. gural exercises held at Washington Col- Lieut. William J. Wright, R.O.T.C.; Cap- friends of the college from Westminster Dr. Blackwelder's sermons will con- 6: 30 p.m. Opening Dinner. lege, Chestertown, on Saturday, October tain Richard W. Kieffer, R.O.T.C., Judge and vicinity are to be seen approaching tinue for the next' twenty-nine Sundays 7 :30 p.m. Social Period. 21. Approximately forty delegates from Advocate; 1st Lieut. Charles S. Williams, }\_]unmi Hall long before the beginning of of the college year. He is recognized as 8: 00 p. m. Opening sessions: various colleges in the East viewed the R.O.T.C., Asst. Judge Advocate; 1st the program. Having the double advant- one of the most inspirational leaders in Addresses by Prof. Van Du- exercises from a reserved seat section. Lieut. Eugene Willis, RO.T.C., Defense age of entering directly in her readings church work, and he has gained a host of sen and Mr. Henson. They wore the academic cap and gown. Counsel; Captain Elmer J. Mahoney, and indirectly in plays, she seems to draw admirers through his work on the radio On the platform sat President Franklin R.O.T.C., Asst. Defense Counsel. more praise with each performance. as well as in the pulpit. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4th Delano Roosevelt; the Honorable Albert 9: 00 a.m. Parallel Discussion Groups. C. Ritchie; Hiram Staunton Brown, A.B., (Continued on Page 4) LL.D., Chairman of the Board of Visitors « CONCERNING THE LYNCHING » and Governors, who presided over the Editor's Note: Because of the fact that a large portion of the student body is represented by students from both the western and eastern ceremonies; the Right Reverend George shores of Maryland it is interesting to read what a person from each section thinks on the lynching. Therefore we are publishing the MANY GRADUATES OF '33 following articles, knowing that they will decide nothing, either pro or con, W. Davenport, Bishop of the Diocese of AN EAS'l'ERN SHOREMAN: HAVE TEACHING SHOREMAN: Easton; Dr. Gilbert Wilcox Mead, Presi- A negro, guilty of a heinous crime, is taken from the county A WESTERN Shore may truly be equal if not superior to any POSITIONS The Eastern dent of Washington College; Raymond jail by a mob, is beaten, stabbed, hung, and his body burned. part of the State of Maryland, but certaiuly the atrocity Allen Pearson, M.S., D. A gr., LL.D., Henry L. Mencken and numerous lesser Menckens have used a committed by its normally quite respectable people last The following members of the class of President of the University of Maryland; great deal of descriptive language to characterize this, event Wednesday night fails to measure up to the high standards 1933 have been placed in teaching posi- section and David Allen Robertson, B.A., Litt. and the journalists of the country in which it occurred. These spoken of by the natives of the shore in respect to their birth- tions. This list is as complete as' can be ana are horrified. They isolate one incident learned with demonstration fact, the hideous D., LL.D., President of Goucher College. do not take into account the situation which produced the inci- place. In so utterly devoid of restraint so reeking could even ap- made up from the material on hand. which barbarism, The ceremonies began at 11 0 'clock dent. proximate intelligent, civilized action, causes one to consider D. Allen Mardela with the invocation by the Right Rever- The lynching was a regrettable and unfortunate affair, but even discrediting the virtues of the community across the Millicent S. Cockey Dundalk Susanne end Davenport. President Mead was the truly appalling fact is that justice in our land should be so Chesapeake. Tessie Cox Glenburnie an orderly people then presented and inaugurated to his lax and dilatory as to arouse two years ago and law-abiding murdered For the lynching of the negro was motivated by more than a Margaret Erb Sykesville Lee Euel deeds. to barbaric Over of law-loving office by Hiram Staunton Brown. Presi- Green K. Davis, his wife, and two daughters. The cruelties mere desire mere exasperation people for swift justice; there was Henrietta Little Mechanicsville at the dragging Lee case behind more than dent Mead responded with his inaugural inflicted on the women of that family far exceeded those ill- the cruelty, as those who seek to justify the mob's action say. Pauline Phillips Pittsville address. Following this, Franklin Delano flicted on George Armwood. Did our literary intellectuals rush The murder of Armwood was committed because of a blood- Caroline Reed Sykesville Roosevelt was presented with the man- to their pens on that occasion ~ I do not remember it. Ades thirsty desire for horrible vengeance on the part of a people Mary Ellen Senat Kentucky (State) the occasion of Lee, using damus for the award of the Degree of and Levinson hurried to the defense and to teach disrespect for who temporarily reverted to a condition as primeval and un- Dorothy May Smith to sow the red seeds of Communism of crude of the crudest Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa, by the the white man; among the negroes, and our "best minds" in- civilized as that this thirst for vengeance, savages. criminal mo- Ellen Tyler Glenburnie a prime And behind Secretary of the Board, S. Scott Beck, directly condone their missions. It has cost the State $25,000 tive, there raged and seethed racial prejudice of which Eastern Catonsville Esq. The degree was then awarded to to sentence Lee to execution. There are other instances of the Shore people are undeniably guilty. - Rizpah Wickes McDonogh School Borchers C. Milton Mr. Roosevelt hy President Mead. Be- delay of justice. The sneering press speaks of "civilization". Nor can the crime be compared favorably with the lynch law Harold Chandler Indian Head is "civilized" a murderer which sides his own diploma Mr. Roosevelt re- A land of women to go mildly and allows should reconsider or de- of the vigilantes of western pioneer days, for as some are wont to John Leo Delaney Cumberland punished be- spoiler justice, the saw the necessity swift westerners When do. ceived a facsimile of the diploma pre- fore it condemns the giving of just deserts to such a creature execution was accomplished by silent, fast-working, clear-think- C. Russell Herbst Sparrows Point sented to George Washington in 1789, by a mob. The people of the Eastern Shore are as civilized, as ing men who respected order in all that they did. V. Richard Martin _.Smithsburg the only other President of the United respectable, and as law-abiding as are those of Carrol! or 'I'here was no crazed mob, no revelry, no slicing off of ears States to receive an honorary degree from Alleghany. They have verbally protested to no avail. Finally to be displayed in fiendish joy to a crowd composed not only John Musselman Because Savage Trundle _ . Washington College. President Roosevelt they rise up violently in defense of their women. of Maryland of I of grown-up men (although their behavior belied the fact) David Wine Preston and Ridgeley respect for the manhood counties of the other Jane responded with a short address. The believe they would do the same. If the lynching at Princess but also of women and children undoubtedly quite ignorant of Emily Ewing will have charge of the whooping the entire circumstances of the case, but nevertheless ceremony was concluded by the benedic- Anne, by terrifying the criminal colored element or for any and yelling for blood. Nor after the hanging did the west- cafeteria at Easton High School. tion. other reason, prevented the shaming of one woman or the mur- erners display their avidity for melodrama -at the sacrifice of Lewis Tuckerman, '32, and Henry Ca- _Approximately 20,000 people attended der of one person, or even if, because of it, justice shall be all that Christian philosophy stands for by brutally dragging the inauguralexereises. swifter in the future, then it is well that it occurred. the dead body the length of the town and by setting it on ples, '32, will teach at Berlin and Snow - WILLIAM B. JONES. (Continued On Page Four) Hill, respectively.
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