Page 10 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PASSING IN REVIEW THE DOPE BUCKET press, curtailing the freedom of written QIlnssrs, QIlubs,nub ~nrirtir!l (Continued 1) from Page opinion with an iron hand. How well he recognizes the potency of the news- Well we failed to qualify with a perfect average as an expert prognosticator papers! Irving-Webster but if we can maintain our 900 average throughout the season we'Il be satisfied. But Hitler also has much for which Beta Beta Beta Our own Terrors crossed us up by bowing to St. Thomas and Elmer Layden's ho seldom receives credit. His bril- The literary society held its first Dukes trounced West Virginia. With these exceptions we managed to call the liance is unmistakable; as a student of At the first meeting of the fraternity turn in every case. meeting of the year in the society hal] the fol1owing officers for the 'coming This time we look for the foHowing: government he is well ahead of his last Monday. After an opening address year were elected: October 13. contemporaries. The extent of his very by the president Roland Sliker, an im- St. Thomas vs. West Liberty-The Tom-Cats will continue t.heir winning streak. advanced legislation is exemplified by promptu debate was held on that much- President, Lora M. Outten; vice- Bucknell vs. Vil'lanova-The Bison will win this one by a shade. his recent legislation of the practice discussed question-Resolved: That all president, Mi ldrr-d F. Burkins; secre- Mt. St. Mary's vs. St. Vincent-Mounts are due for a win here. of ethanasia which is the providing of Pitt-Navy-The Smoky City boys will have too much for the Tars. rat rules should bej abolished. The tary-treasurer, Sara Fadeley; Histor- Georgetown-Manhattan-Tbe New Yorkers by an eye lash. a peaceful death for incurables whose affirmative side of the question was up- ian, Dorothy ]\1[. Paul, Johns Hopkins vs. Lehigh-Lehigh all the way. lives mean only torture for themselves held by the team of Charles Whitting- Tulane vs. Maryland-The Terps will take this one on the chin. and a burden on someone else. How ton and William Jones. Richard Kiefer Catholic U. vs, St. Jolm's-The Johnnies don't have a chance here. humane this act seems, yet how reluct. and Robert Cairnes made up the oppos- Loyola vs. Langly Field-Soldiers will repeat again this year. BLack and White ant we would be to practice it! ing team. The decision was waived. America. A short talk by Earle Hissey on "What R. O. T. C. ASSIGNMENTS ARE The recent launching of the N. I. R. a literary society means to me", and a The fraternity is happy to announce ANNOUNCED A. headed by President Roosevelt who i.eview of current books given by Nor- that Hugh B. Chapman, '36, has been is a dictator of a more conservative but man Ward concluded the meeting. pledged. N • • Speed ~ o •• (Continued from Page 1) E • certainly none the less vigorous nature Company "C" • Beauty • • • than his fellow despots, has given so- Kimmey, Henry B., Captain, Williams, W • • Smoothness cialism its big chance in the most influ- Charles S., 1st Lieut., Second in Com- ential government in the world. The PARKER'S WATERMAN'S mand; Toll enger, Clifton, 1st Lieut.; Remington Rand Model 1 N. I. R. A. is unmistakeble socialism in INK w. M. C. INK Timmons, John B., 1st Lieut. its embodiment of government-con- Company"C" troll ed commerce. The success of the FOLDED Stationery LONG Holmes, Richard H., 1st Sgt; Ryscav- program hangs in tho h.cnds of the busi- SHEETS SHEETS age, George, PI. Sgt.; Ward, Albert N., ness interests of the country. Complete PI. Sgt.; Wampler, Atlee W., Sgt.; co-operation is essentially the key to ALL COLORS BLOTTERS AND HOLDERS Mark, Cecil H., Sgt.; Olsh, John, Sgt.; the President's problem in his despcr- Kaddy, Charles E., Sgt.; White, Har- ate attempt to revive American eco- SHAFFER'S Coffman's CARTER'S old S., Corp.; Prince, Donald H., Corp.; nomic strength. INK INK Read, Charles' E., Corp.; Riley, James Reports have been circulated show- TIMES BUILDING A., Corp. ing remarkable increases in employ- Band ment under the new act. As much as Sliker, Roland E., Captain; Bussard, seven hundred per centum increase has Clarence L., 1st Lieut.; Myers, Paul H., been recorded in a single company. In Lst Lieut. other sections pessimism has seeped r"%lO.'OiOIQI~~~~lOlOiOIOlOiOIOlOiOIOiOIOIO!Ol0iOIa~' Jones, George E., 1st Sgt.; Brinsfield, An entirely new portable-new through and results have been question- Irving C., Sgt.; Yingling, Dennis N., in design, construction and per. able. ~ i Sgt.; Dudley, Allen R., Corp.; Elseroad, formance , • • • • Acclaimed by Wha t the winter has in store for m In appreciation of college business past and future we ~ John K., Corp.; Richards, James R., owners as the finest standard America will pretty definitely reveal Corp.; Schneider, Byron A., Corp.; portable typewriter ever built. the merits of what so far have been re- ~«.> contract for this space. ~ ~ ~ Strasbaugh, Wayne V., Corp.; Zimmer- Yet it costs no more than ordinoo garded only as theoretical economics. I ~ man, Sterling, Corp. arv machines. Price $60.00 Generous terms. ~ I DUNN AND SADAUSKY ARE Take advantage of the 7 da)' fTee trial "John" Everhart ~ T. W. MATHER &: SONS i< FOOTBALL CAPTAINS THE COLLEGE BARBER ~ BONSACK'S <::5 (/ i (Continued from Page 1) AND BOBBER cord. As a Sophomore and Junior he AT THE FORKS 7:~~'e-~~e __ ~ gained all state recognition in footba1'1 at which sport he has primarily limited __ ~h--=im:;;:.self.Co-Captain Dunn is a quiet, ~ unassuming sort of fellow, he leads by Lowest Price in Town example rather than words. and CARAM~?;!~A?F.OUR .SU~?~ES .. Co-Captain AI Sadausky is also a GOOD QU ALITY 10c Pennsylvania product. He comes from 3 Ring 3 Size 5C I . . 10c CHOCOLA TE SUNDAE Mahoney City. Similar to Dunn he DRY CHOCOLATE . 10c engaged in three sports namely, foot- Loose Leaf Fillers Pkg. THREE IN ONE SUNDAE . 10c ball, basketball and track in high 3 Ring Leather and Stiff Back BUTTERSCOTCH SUNDAE . 10c school. For four years he was varsity LOOSE LEAF COVERS CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW SUNDAE . 10c tackle winning all scholastic honors in HOT FUDGE SUNDAE . 15c his Junior and Senior years. He played Coffman's 25CEach COLLEGE SPECIAL . 15c two years of varsity basketball and TIMES BUILDING CHOCOLATE PECAN SUNDAE . 15c made his letter in track. When he fin- ished at Mahoney City high, AI went to Griffin's Goodie Shoppe Key Stone Academy for one year where Opposite State Theatre he starred in three sports thereby gain- ing renown as one of the best prep PRESIDENTS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS OF SODA CANDY LUNCHES school athletes in the state. Al en- 7HE LEADING UNIVERSITIES RECOMMEND foiled wit]; Co-Captain Dunn in the fall Homemade Ice Cream 40c to $2.00 II to 2 of 1930 and continued to star as a Frosh WEB STER·S DEVELOPING AND PRINTING football and basketball man. Sadausky 24-hour Service-Guaranteed gained by unanimous consensus of opin- £OLLEGIATE ion a berth on the all state aggregations FILMS as a tackle and during the seasons of All Sizes 1931 and 1932. Similiarly to Dunn, Sa- H of Toasted Sandwiches dausky is a quiet, earnest worker and UThe best American. dictionary that has yet appeared lor a college student to keep within arm's reach. What he in a game his leadership dominates and does not find between its covers in relation to the general will n.ot. be inspires others through self example. use 0/ soords in speech arts or on printed pages Lome, Direc .. to a liberal necessary degree."-Orton tor, Instit.ute oj Lit.erature, Universit.y 0/ Aliaml. abridged on tho The dictionary based it -is because TEXACO LUBRICATION "Supreme best Authority"-Webster's New International Dictionary. Drive in here. 0 u r Lubrication tions. spellings, and correct hundreds a dictionary of Biography; a 106.000 entries including with defini- of new words, use; Service gives you more miles on the etc.; a dictionary of punctuation; words use and phrases. abbreviations, ~ rules Gazetteer; of capitals, other of foreign Many Road, less time in the Repair Shop! features of practical value. 1,268 pages. 1.700 illustrations. See It At Your College Bookstore or Write for Information to Main and Bond St. Station the Publishers. FRIDAY-OCTOBER 13-14-SATUl{DA Y RALPH YINGLING, Proprietor G. & C. MERRIAM CO. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Matinee Saturday 2.30 P. M. FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES I IN DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, SR. "MR. ROBINSON CRUSOE" Heagy Bros. KO - ED KLUB Also first episode of BUCK JONES in "GORDON OF GHOST CITY" BARBERS This entire program is benefit of the Boy Scouts of Westminster Invites Next to State Theatre MONDAY-OCTOBER 16-17- TUESDAY Western Marylanders To Their "BEST SODA SHOP IN TOWN" "STORM AT DAYBREAK" NEW LOCATION .. with KAY FRANCIS AND WALTER HUSTON Opposite Firemen's Building SODA .-. SUNDAES WEDNESDAY-OCTOBER 18-19- THURSDAY "THE KISS BEFORE THE MIRROR" Service-Satisfaction with NANCY CARROLL AND PAUL LUKAS Cleanliness TOASTED SANDWICHES FRIDAY-OCTOBER 20-21-SATURDAY A REAL "GREEN AND GOLD SPECIAL" Reissue of "Whoopee" Complete Line Why Not Try One? with EDDIE CANTOR IN TECHNICOLOR -of- Also second episode of Buck Jones in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Candy Cakes Cigars Cigarettes "GORDON OF GHOST CITY" LEATHER GOODS MONDAY -OCTOBER 23-24- TUESDAY AND ACCESSORIES Shaffer, Parker, Waterman A Complete Line of "THE MUMMY" Pens COLLEGE-CUT PIPES-- TOBACCOS With Boris (Frankenstein) Karloff Modern Watch and Jewelry WEDNESDAY-OCTOBER 25.26- THURSDAY Repairing GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS "THE NARROW CORNER" Special Prices to Students Kodaks Films • Photo F'nishing with DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr., and PATRICIA ELLIS Columbia Jewelry Co. COMING-"DINNER AT 8" ~BlB:B;$IO:B~iOIBlB:B'~~IOIOiOICiOIOiOIO!00i0~OiOI(
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