Page 12 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. .- ,r Thoughts at Random V A R I E'T Y A REVIEW OF By "Hazel" and "Hazelnut" BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE well, well, an' well-it's bin a gud long time since we 've started this colyum FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES became more wealthy, and hard ; was Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday -this issue is its furth burthday-well Lloyd E. Douglas divorced from his second wife, and was during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, now fur the nuze-- also very lonely. "faryiand. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postofflce. "Mary Benson" wuz skared silly be- Reviewed by Laurlene Straughn SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR kause she thot she'd git hur name in the "Dinny, does it make you happy to Joan came to New York to work. She last colyum-e-anyway, she got the swellist be like that I" And Diuny didn't know. and Din ny feB in love, but this did not EDITORIAL STAFF black eye--she sed "Twiggie" hit her He only knew that he was like that-- last long, for Dinny still found the pen! F. P. MITCHELL, '34 wifh the hissil, but it turned out to be cynical, sarcastic and skeptical. And stronger than the sword, and a very Associate Editors _ E. J. MAHONEY, '34, ESTHER V. RIGHTER, '34 "Randle's" shoe .... "Earl Hissey" has this is why. Dinny christened Ferdinand, acid pen better than love itself. For News Editors DOROTHY M. PAUL, '34, CARLTON BRINSFIELD, '35 sum pals (. )-he got his hands baythed was born to a savage revolt against a they quarrelled when Dinny accepted Copy Editors FRANCES ELDERDICE, '3'5, C. L. WHITTINGTON, '34 one night .... "Hazel Jones" haz the Sports Editors MARTHA HARRISON, '34, EUGENE WILLIS, '34 world that had trapped his trusting the editorship of a very notorious dropsy-e-she dropped the collection plate young mother, Julia Miller, and killed periodical which was vulgarly smart, MAKE-UP STAFF in Sunday school an' tu make matturs her. 'Reared by his aunt and her self-consciously clever, and as blasphe- Managing Edito1's ANTHONY DIKSA, '34, LORA M. OUTTEN, '34 worse it wuz "Dr. Bertholf's" hat .... preacher husband in an atmosphere of mous as a Lucifer. Dinny lost Joan and Assistant Managilng Editor HERBERT STEVENS, '36 "Fowble" and sum othurs hav bin us- smug piety, stinginess, and hypocrisy, found the key to life and God the same Stenographer FRANCES GLYNN, '35 ing "Thomas' Pool" az a recreation cen- Dinny had developed a philosophy that day. For he discovered in his mother's BUSINESS STAFF ter fur the past fue nights .... " Right- would have soured a man of fifty. "I've little desk, that had become his, the Bu,siness Manager R. L. CAIRNES, '34 er" iz all thrills-" Leo" showed up af- got to go it alone, and I will! I'll show secret drawer, and his inheritance. Advertising Manager KALE MATHIAS, '35 ter a long (~) absence- 'em!" With this self-challenge still When Julia Miller knew that she could Assistant Advertising Manage')' _ _ _EDWARD BEAUCHAMP '35 It iz getting pretty bad wen sumbody ringing in his heart he boarded the day not live, she broke into expression Ci1'oulation Manager CARL EVERLY; '34 goes around tatling to the deans .. thet iz coach for Magnolia College. He went against the undeserved punishment that Assistant Circulation Managers not niz and iz dun at grammar skool, you it alone. He used his tongue, and he she and her child must suffer, and OLIVE MAY BUTLER, '35 ARTHUR J. DOWNEY, '3'4 know .... "J. B. Snozzle Timmons" and used his pen. He bit into the traditions against God. In an excess of emotion THOMAS EVELAND, '36 EDWARD GAULT, '36 "Sta lliugs" ran away with "Sprague" of this small college, and laughed at the she tore at a Bible given her, and one M. R.. STEVENS, '35 SIMEON MARKLINE, '36 on Saturday nite--" Dick Martin ' also HELEN WHITCRAFT, '34 faculty, and spat in the face of all corner of a page remained in her hand. showed up over the weak end-much to things conventional. Then he met Joan, H contained only a few words:-"for- REPORTERS "Ev Bowens" delite .... wa t do yu think and she wanted to know if it made him give us our trespasses as we forgive Kathlyn Mellor, '34; Louise Needy, '5'4; Muriel Day, '34; Edith Forney, '35; Orpha 0'1' a guy who gives hiz gurl a compli- Pritchard, '3'4. happy to be like that. It didn't make those who trespass against us, and mentary ticket tu a futball game an then her happy. And that mattered to Din- lead-" into Julia's fever racked brain Clarence Bussard, '34; James Bopst, '35; Brady Bryson, '35; Reynolds Simpson, makes her pay the tax+-wot wud you do '36; J. W. Nichols, '35; Robert Brooks, '36; Dexter Beans, '34. ny. But it was soon after this, that came a few minutes of cool reasoning to a guy like that "Joe Lipsky" ~ Dinny was expelled for blackening the and sanity. The 'I'Iiing was so clear, "Gisrael 's ' Ford wuz travellin ' the self righteous eye of Mr. Orville Kling, which before was only an empty phrase. Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. strait and narrow road around Pittsburgh the secretary of the Y. M. C. A. This Why, it was like a simple business an' it got tu close to the edge and fell gave Dinny the chance to give wider proposit.ion, and a sporting one at that. oyer. circulation to his venom, for having Suppose you owed a Mr. Smith one undressed Sumbody E D I T o R I A L in the dark sed that "Jones" only tu find had some journalistic experience, he hundred dollars, and ten people owed the other night you ten told you apiece, out later on that he furgot tu turn the did not find it difficult to get work on Mr. Smith dollars unti] these and debts were newspaper. Dinny's Chicago that a large switch on .... The Maryland State Con- Once in a. while an event occurs which, although in itself not par- ference fur teachurs iz a grate thing-if rise was rapid, complete, and sensa- paid you couldn't pay him. Then sup- ticularly significant, really marks the passing of an era-and whenever you dunt think so just ax the teachurs tional. At twenty-five he was editing pose Mr. Smith would say "If you can- an era passes, someone ought to take note of it and publicly record who went there- a daily column, in a New York paper, cel all these debts to you, I will cancel entitled "Green Cheese" in which he yours to me, and we'll be square. Will the fact. Such an event happened on Hoffa FeW the other night. "Nickey .Nichols ' iz giving sum ov, thru the lips of his mouthpiece you do it~" This was Julia's heritage The freshmen had been subjected to the customary indignities and the freshmen boizes a break-including Luna, blase aspersions on anything that to her then unborn son. And this was had performed the traditional pajama snake dance down Main street. "Lathrop "-it wunt be long before it savored of the homely and unsophisti- the turning point in Dinny Brumm's will be just the opposite _... "Peter They had been galloped down before the grandstand and' placed on Grimm" got stud up bya freshmen gurl cated. Luna was fond of saying "Look- life. This Thing was itself its own sweet t" Dinny that and it, not did their knees around' the bonfire in complete subjugation. Nothing' re- -shame on TOU fur not putting hur on had Gramp, isn't communication with Dinny power think light, what and Luna might say. his cut off all even of sembling the passing of an era in all that. But as the program pro- the" Black List". family, had almost forgotten Joan, and Luna didn't seem to matter anymore. had hiz furst "Hubbard" "date"- ceeded, one who had witnessed similar spectacles in the past could "Mathias" sez he .speuds hiz Saturday was secretly very lonely. She belonged to that world of Green see that something had happened. In the first place, one was struck nites in Baltimore, but he meaut "Loch Cheese where things did not seem to NitJ::Lj; that only a few of the sophomores carried paddles and 'Raxen' '_.... The Black &; Wllite Klnb Zandy Craig, when Julia Miller met be what they were, and where nothing nothing where these were not used as padaIes. In the second place, it was startling indorses" Needy" az the best dancer on him; was an engaging young university was sincere or there vital was not way. because lived, to observe that the freshmen had' been allowed to weal' clothing under the hill-whom du you indorse~ .... student. They were married secretly, their pajamas. Such consideration for the comfort of "rats" on a "Teachur Martin" took a paddle to hiz and when discovered were prevented furst class SHRDLU RDLU-nevur had from living together by Zandy's father. Dinny began with his aunt and uncle. cold initiation night is a thing heretofore unheard of. But that was any trouble with SHRDLNU .. _. "Miss Had Zandy been a few years older or That was hard, but he found that this not all. As different groups of the freshmen were called upon to pre- Mudge" sez thet she dun t mind yer put- a bit stronger willed, Dinny Brumm thing had a power that was beyond his sent their contribution to the entertainment the attitude of the sopho- tin' papers in hur desk, but emphatically would never have been the hero of such pen. At last Dinny had cancelled he it that everything, then was mores seemed actually to be considerate and sympathetic, and "big- ,she dozen't wa.nt any flowers or apples a chronicle as this. But Zandy lacked went for Joan. and She wouldn't see him, brotherly "-" Give the youngsters a hand", the master of ceremonies Zada, wur thay "Skotch" with the in courage what he could not make up guds wen yu got ure "shorts" f for in love, and JUlia, because of stren- but he sent her his mother's letter, and urged. What a contrast this to the usual haughty, sophomoric slave- "Strutters" suggestions) uous work, died, her only heritage to they were married the same day. Zandy driving frenzy. And the spirit of the occasion seemed' to have a civil- "Grinllll-Baechtel' , her son: being contained in a letter Craig was the last to forgive his son, izing effect on the freshmen, for in contrast to the near-obscenity that , , Davis-Williams" which she secreted in a hidden drawer but in the end, there was no one left "Lathrop-Nichols' , of her little walnut desk. Zandy be- out, and no one was lonely anymore. has characterized many of the performancs of various initiates in "Dunn-McWilliams' , came wealthy, sent money to his son, past years, this year's program was as clean as the proverbial hound's "Manspeaker-DunJap' , which the boy never received because Luna threw back her head and tooth_ The old days of shivering and paddling and obscenity may re- So long til next time. of the intervention of his hypocritical laughed, hysterically, man i a call y. turn, but we doubt it. It looks more like the passing of an era. And uncle, gave up trying to reconcile the "Lookit, Gramp, Lookit, isn't every- hi':ltory will give credit to the courageous classes of 1936 and 193'7. lad, and deserted him completely. He thing rosyf" But nobody heard. L. lVLBERTHOLF. Patronize Our Advertisers Looking At Other Campuses Among the most important things which have been taught us by the depression-we believe that there still is a depression in spite of "Pop" Smelser Georgetown's Hoy.a for October 18, has St. all that is said contrariwise-we must consider how much it has mad'e states that "reports which are on hand S1udent John's College Bureau established has a Employment which us think. Even the college student, who up to this time had con- FRUIT-PIES from the North ha.rdly -evince an opti- already functioned well in securing po- sidered that a school was merely a place to spend four more years ICE CREAM-POP mistic outlook for Western Maryland sitions for students in various fields. before going out into a cold, cruel world, began to think. Suddenly, -"Come on down"- in Saturday's game." Georgetown The Student Council at St. John's has on the fact their hopes to base he woke up to the fact that life was not going to be all a bowl of cher- seemed Western Maryland's Terrors had abolished private "rat parties" in the that removing one ries, and that he had better make the best use of his college career so RADIOS AND ELECTRICAL not come up to expectation in the first dormitories, thus system. TheI'e of the evils of the is an rat that he would be fitted to make a place for himself in that mad whirl- APPLIANCES games of the season, and that reserve interesting custom of making the St. wind called' life. All Makes of Radios strength was on hand to play on the John's freshmen paddle each other Repaired Georgetowner's side if necessary. The Perhaps that is the reason why the true spirit of college life up , HQya also said: rather than having the sophomores do prevents system here has improved markedly since the past year.. For some strange }. Stoner Geiman "Western Maryland is next in line. the job. This classes to a great ill feel- extent, illg between cause, we on the Hill seem to realize suddenly that the trivial things Phone 24 Georgetown's Bulldogs travel to the alld certainly cuts down on the number do not count. Weare not so full of the rah! rah! spirit which is sup- Monumental City on Saturday to give of grudges worked out in paddling. posedly a true characteristic of every collegian. We were tremen- the Terrors a taste of snappy football. dously disappointed when our football team failed to win all of its H. E. Reese, Tailor This latter is rapidly getting to be a The old Hammond-Harwood House in been It has always games, but we did not condemn them as we sometimes did i.n the past. SUITS MADE TO ORDER traditional and one. should be even more so a Annapolis, an excellent example of hummer We got behind them and' gave them our utmost support. In the pep Cleaning-Pressing this year, for Hagerty's men put spice early colonia~ architecture, has been Altering-Repairing meetings there is a decided lacking of horse play which formerly char- 28 West Main Street in any ball game. The Blue and Gray made the colonial museum of St. John's Stu- and is open to the public. College, acterized them. Instead, the cheering has grown in volume, in pre- is flying high once again, flapping in dents and their guests are admitted free CISIOn. It is the cheering of men and women who have found out that the breeze, and we've got fuB steam up. of charge. to be hard they are cheering for a definite purpose, not just merely to see how Georgetown the is going boys of Dick to stop, tough for Har- even much noise they can create. Starner's "Hillside Inn" low. Let's go, Hoyas, on to Baltimore. The annual Freshman - Sophomore Rush at Bucknell consists of a free-for- On the whole, there seems to be a decided increase in the amount COUNTRY FOOD al started by a group of sophs intent of study which is being done on the campus. There is a decided and On the eve of Boston College'S an- on hanging a pair of frosh pants on the increase in the support of such institutions as the Y. 1\1. C. A. and' the COUNTRY COOKING nual Columbus Day game with Centre wall. The freshmen, enraged because Y. W. C. A_, and the Sunday School. At Popular Country Prices College the students of Boston College their banner has been lowered from the campus flag pole, advance on the sophs. help to further college spirit by an au- Can it be possible that the students up here have awakened to Just over the Hill on the Individual combats result, and prison- A tomobile the fact that there are quite a few fine things up here at Western Taneytown Road heads the torchlight parade. goes band ers are taken. This year the sophs from which procession found themselves losing conquered, Maryland College 7 It~eems that it is. May we continue on the voy- GAS and OIL University Heights into Boston to the eight of their men to the frosh and t.ak- age of discovery of the better things. hotel where Centre's squad is quartered. ing only one freshman prisoner.
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