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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SPORTSi Football - Intra-Murals - Soccer I SPORTS Terrors Win Over Mountaineers by a INTRA-MURAL SPORT Score of 7-0 After a Long Struggle; FAN FODDER SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED Drop Opener to St. Thomas 12 to 2 By npat" Mahoney At a meeting of the Intra-mural sports committee on Monday night plans and Vince Hopkins Of Mt. St. Mary's, DUQUESNE IS THE NEXT arrangements were made for the sports Plays W onderfu1 Game Faulty Line Play ·Corrected on the program for this coming year. The TERROR GRIDIRON FOE members of the committee are Charles DUNN SCORES TOUCHDOWN The opening blast of the new grid season fired by the Daneker, Bachelors; "Ben" Boyd, Black Terrors at St. Thomas a few weeks ago was poorly touched and White; "Rody" Jaeger, Delta Pi; The Green Terrors face their first ma- With a number of unsuccessful scoring off and the resultant back fire ruined the chances of the " AI" Sadusky, Gamma Beta; "Andy" attempts behind them the Green Terrors jor opponent when they engage Duquesne green and gold' warriors to get off to a good start on their Gorski, Juniors; "Pete" Gault, Sopho- suddenly found their scoring punch in University at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, current schedule. mores, and Cecil Mark, Y. M. C. A. No the second half" 'of their clash with Mt. F'riday night, Oct. 13. By no figment of." ~'~at" The clash with the Tomcats was the first opportunity Freshmen representative has been ap- St. Mary's when Jim Dunn ended a the imagination can Western Maryland a oney for the Terror coach to view his charges under fire as the pointed yet. . brilliant thirty-seven yard drive by be rated the favorite. Duquesne this abbreviated pre-season training period was not sufficient for a definite Touch-football is the first sport on the piercing the left side of the Mt. St. year possesses one of the strongest teams line on his new men, and the play of some of the boys in key positions program and games between the classes Mary's forward wall for the touchdown in the Eastern sector. "The Dukes" left much to be desired. Many hours of hard work were spent on the and between the fraternities will be that gave the Harlowmen their first vic- are coached by Elmer Layden, a member forward wall prior to the Mt. St. Mary's skirmish, and even though played on Tuesday and Friday afternoon. tory of the season. of the immortal foul' horsemen and some concerted drive and scoring punch did not appear d'efinitely until the The league opens this coming Tuesday The 'I'error attack, potent enough to experts rate them on equal terms with the third quarter, indications were in the final period that the Terrors are with the class team taking the field. score sixteen :first downs and amass a Pittsburgh Panthers. Comparing the two well on their way toward finding themselves. l 'Fred" Malleus and Roland Sliker are total of close to three hundred yards on _ teams as they now are the Terrors seemed co-managers of the touch-football league running plays, functioned well enough in doomed to go c.own to defeat. Terror- Tomcat Clash Produced Many Thrills and will see that the games are played midfield but for the lone scoring venture The season's records of the two teams The Terror-Tomcat conflict, while it found the Terrors lacking in when scheduled and keep account of the of Dunn's was anything but smooth- show the Dukes far superior. Duquesne driving force and effective line play, was a real treat from the specta- results. working once inside the 10-yard strip. has played four games and has won them tors' point of view. Splendid placement of punts, defensive goal line With the opening of the touch-foot- The Mountaineers, led by the brilliant all. They licked Waynesburg 19-6, beat stands, timely passes resulting in scores, and good tackling were the ball league each fraternity and class individual play of Vince Hopkins, put up West Virginia Wesleyan 20-0, beat Buck- elements that combined to form a composite picture which stood out starts off with a clean sheet and it should a spirited battle before a large Home- nell 6-0 and trimmed the University of vividly in relief against a background of rabid St. Thomas' rooters. be its aim to get 100' pel' cent partici- Coming Day crowd, and made several West Virginia. The Terrors have played Phychology had its part in the Tommie's victory. A mammoth pation in the sports and also to put a threats to snatch victory from their ad- two games, losing to St. Thomas 12-2, pep meeting was held at the school on the day before the game and the good team in the field. The rules govern- adversary but were never quite equal to and eking out a 7-0 win over Mt. St. keynote of every speech was the fact that the Terrors had been selected ing touch-football are as follows: the occasion. Mary's. These scores and the oppon- by the local Kiwanis club over the Tomcats as the team to engage The schedule for touch-football is ar- The Harlowmen had an opportunity to ents of the respective teams show that Bucknell in the annual game sponsored by the club. A winning fever, score in the opening period when Fergu- Duquesne is theoretically the stronger. shared' by both players and fans was worked up at the pep meeting ranged so that the fraternities will play on Friday and the classes on Tuesday son swept left end for a brilliant run of However the Terrors have the habit of and was kept running throughout the entire game. with the exception that a team represent- 50 yards after Shepherd had intercepted playing inspired football when pitted Brought to the peak of their game by a month's training session ing the Y_ M. C. A. will participate in a Blue and White pass on his own 2S- against first rate competition, this fact in the mountains the Tommies went into the contest with a determina- the class league in place of the Senior yard line, The Mountaineer line held in itself makes the outcome of the strug- tion to take advantage of the first break that came their way, When class. Games will begin at 4.15. If any for three downs and took the 'ball when gle difficult to forecast. an opening appeared they struck with all the fury of a cyclone and team is not ready to take the field 10 Shepherd's pass to Ferguson was incom- The squad, 24 strong, namely Sadusky, protected their lead with equal fierceness when the Terrors threatened minutes after this time they will forfeit plete over the goal line. Pontecarvo, Dunn, Shepherd, Schweiker, to cross their goal line. the game. The schedule is: An unsuccessful aerial attack was Ferguson, Woodberry, McNally, Willis, launched by the Terrors late in the sec- Mergo, Cumberland, Draper, Blissman, Terror Running Attack Potent FIRST ROUND ond quarter in an effort to produce a Gorski, Shilling, Diksa, Lucas, H. Kap- There is little doubt in the minds of those who follow the local Tuesday, October 17- score before the half ended. A long toss lan, B. Kaplan, Berger, Jones, Campo- gridders closely of the potency of the green and gold running attack. Y. M. C. A. vs. Freshmen. from Shepherd to Blissman was good for freda, Lipsky, Hurley, McIllven, accom- The 294 yard's gained by rushing against the Mountaineers and the fact Juniors vs.· Sophomores. 33 yards. But the same pass was incom- panied by Coaches Harlow and Stahley that the Terrors had the ball ill the territory of the Scranton team Friday, October 20- plete in the end zone as the half ended. with Mgr. Outten, left Thursday morn- almost all afternoon will attest to -the correctness of such a belief. Bachelors vs. Delta Pi. 'The break that lead to the only score ing at S A. M_, by bus, for Pittsburgh, Black and White vs, Gamma Beta. A scoring punch-the ability to put forth that extra effort on the of the game came shortly after the com- where they expect to hold a practice goal line-seemed to be the thing lacking in the Terror makeup dur- Tuesday, October 24- mencement of the second half. Louie session Thursday night under the flood ing the struggle with the boys from the coal regions. Scrimmage ses- Y. M. C. A. vs, Sophomores. Kaplan recovered a Blue and White fum- lights in preparation for the encounter. Juniors vs. Freshmen. sions under game-like actual ble on the Mountaineer 37-yard line. The team received a rousing send-off by to adjust this lack of drive. conditions were the remedies prescribed Friday, October 27- quarter of the clash at In the third From this point the Terrors pecked away the entire student body which wished Emmitsburg the seeds sown in practice were seen to bear fruit when Bachelors vs. Black and White. for foul' consecutive first downs, stopping them success in their contest with the Delta Pi vs. Gamma Beta. only when the goal line was reached. Dukes of Duqeusne. Jimmy Dunn culminated a concerted drive from the enemy 37-yard McNally and Dunn slipped cff the tackles line with a thrust at right tackle, which was good enough to produce Tuesday, October 31- on two consecutive reverses to score the the first touchdown of the year. Y. M. C. A. vs. Juniors. first. Shepherd and Dunn added another assemblage of opening day rooters at Harlowmen Put On The Spot By AU Foes Sophomores vs. Freshmen. on three plays thru the intenor of the Scranton in the season's curtain raiser Friday, November 3- line. Shepherd crashed thru to the 5-yard for both schools. If early season happenings may be taken as a criterion of future Bachelors vs. Gamma Beta. marker on a spinner and Dunn went thru Coach Harlow's charges gave the Toms events, then all the foes on the Terror schedule will be making the Black and White vs. Delta Pi. left tackle for the touchdown. bill Shep- plenty of trouble in the opening half clash with the green and gold standard-bearers the one they want most herd added the extra point on a place- with deceptive reverse plays and double to win. ment. line shifts that had the Scrantonites be- The coaches at St. Thomas brought their proteges along at a W. A. A. HOLDS HIKE SUPPER wildered most of the time. Brilliant goal furious clip in early training in order to have the squad prematurely The game was marked by splendid punting on both sides. Highcove and line stands when the Terrors threatened "hot" for the opening clash with the Terrors. Mt. St. Mary's played The Woman's Athletic Association held Riley, the Mountaineer kickers sent long seriously enabled them to hang on to the as good a brand of football against the Harlowmen, as they are apt to its annual supper hike, Friday evening, spirals down the field with plenty of lead they had taken a short time after display this season, in an effort to avenge defeats of the past few years October 6, in honor of members of the "height to enable the end to cover them. the echo of the opening whistle had died and to please a large home-corning-day crowd. Freshmen class. The Terror kickers, Mergo and Dunn, away. Duquesne, with five consecutive victories behind them, will be Special arrangements were made so more than matched them in effectiveness Stan Kucab, sturdy back of the Tom- bat tling to keep clean a spotless record and the Night Riders have not, that members of the new class might be- by booting the ball out of bounds within Cats, was the big man in the backfield. by any matter of means, forgotten the scoreless tie to which they were come acquainted with older members of the 15-yard marker and the goal line. Kucab, a Benny Friedman in the art of held' by the Green Terrors two years ago. the association. heaving aerials, personally attached him- Bucknell will be striving to hold their place in the Scranton big WESTERN MD. MT. ST. MARY'S self to the starting end of two beautiful game spotlight and Maryland, with little hope of victory against Following supper an informal meeting Blissman L. E. Sullivan passes which produced both touchdowns Tulane and Florida, will point all of its resources toward the clash was held on the hillside at which those Sadausky L.T. Ferko chalked up by the Harding hustlers. Tom with tIle Westminsterites in an effort to avenge last year's defeat. attending were addressed by the presi- Berger L.G. Cullen Kelly, wing custodian, hauled down the Loyola has always made victory over the big Green team their one dent and managers of the seasonal sports. Murley C. Farrell first heave on the goal line after it had A short outline of the year's program B_ Kaplan R.G. Kennedy traveled over forty-five yards and Pete big objective and Boston college entertains no thoughts of a repetition was presented and Freshmen were brief- Lucas R.T. McBride Tabone, ace half back, wason the busi- of last season's tie game. and if they ly introduced to 'tho purpose and methods It is a rough road that lies ahead of the Harlowmen Shilling R.E. Charlkley ness end of the other pass. can reach the end of their journey with a fair share of the spoils of of the Association. Shepherd Q.B. Devaney Dunn L.H_ Lynch The Marylanders, in the closing min- victory they can rightly take their place alongside of the other fine Ferguson R. H_ Highcove utes of the first half, opened up with an teams of yesteryear. Willis F. B. Hopkins offensive that took the pigskin from their own 4S-yard line to within two feet of SCORE BY QUARTERS the goal line. Although battered hard by age that brought them to the six-yard "Pop" Smelser Western Maryland _... '.. 0 0 7 0-7 a series of line smashes which found line. But again the Tom-Cat 's forward Mt.St.Mary's. ,, .O 000-0 Shepherd and Dunn doing most of the wall got down to, business and blocked HEADQUARTERS Touchdown-Dunn. Try for point- ball carrying the Purple and White for- three attempts to crash the scoring zone FOR Margaret's Shepherd (one out of one by place kick; ward wall stood intact while the Terror on line bucks via tackle and center. On uDOWN TOWN DUTY" Dunn holding the ball). backs hammered away for three downs the fourth down Shepherd pegged a lat- and finally took the spheriod when an at- eral toss to Cumberland, but the blond- Substitutions: Western Maryland- J. D. Katz and Mergo for Willis, Schwieker for Fergu- tempted end run failed on fourth down. hatched sophomore was halted on the son, L. Kaplan for Lucas, Lipsky for The only score of the day accruing to three-yard strip by Suppy. QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING Hurley, Campafreda for B_ Kaplan, Me- the Big Green Team came in the fourth Many forward passes were tossed in the Earl's Nally for Mergo, Shilling for Gorski, Dis- quarter when Joe Lipski broke thru to closing minutes of the game as the Green Special Rates to Students ka for Blissman, CumbeIland for Shep- block Waleski's punt as he attempted to Terrors made a desperate effort to tie the UNEW WAY" herd, Gorski for Shilling, Woodberry for kick out from behind his own goal line. score, but all were futile. Gorski. Mt. St. Mary's-Reilly for High- The big back of the Tom-Cats fell on CLEANERS and DYERS cove, Fosick for Sullivan, Gillespie for the ball before a Western Maryland man Score by periods: Satisfactory Work Farrell, Canfield for Lynch, Chalkly for could cover it for a touchdown. St. Thomas ... . __.. 6 6 0 0-12 Reasonable Prices Passick. Numerous scoring opportunities were Western Maryland ...... 0 0 2 0-2 College Representatives afforded the Green Terrors, but they William Williams . ST. THQMAS, -12; W. MD., 2 could not take advantage of them. In Touchdowns-St. Thomas, K-elly, Ta- Elizabeth Humphreys Crushing the jinx which the Green the fourth quarter, Waleski fumbled and bone. Western Maryland Safety-Wal- COMPLETE REP AIR SERVICE Nuf Said Terrors -of -Western" Mary land have held gave Blissman a chance to drop on the eski. Referee--Frank P. Magnire, Holy "A Trial Will Convince" over them during the past few years, St. ball. Starting on the Tommie's IS-yard Cross. Umpire--C. J. Rilk, Penn State. 99 Pennsylvania Ave. Thomas' gallant defenders rode to vic- line, Dunn, Mergo, Shepherd, and Cum- Head linesman-M. S. Schureman, E. M. ARNOLD, Proprietor tory by a 12-2 score before a hysterical berland cracked the local line for yard- Princeton.
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