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Beat Georgetown! Beat Duquesne! Vol. 11, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 12, 1933 PROF. JOSEPH WILLEN 1934 ALOHA EDITOR R.O. T.e. Assignments are Announced ASSUMES POST As HEAD Passing in Review ANNOUNCES ASSISTING By Head of Western Maryland Unit OFGERMAN DEPARTMENT By BRADYo. BRYSON STAFF FOR COMING YEAR Democracy vs. Dictatorships Selections Were Made By Captains Has Spent Much Time In Studying A sc<;>re of years ago practically the Many New Ideas and Plans Have . Woolley and Holmes In Germany and Peru whole world clearly sacrificed peace and Been Formulated plunged itself into four years of peril- HURLEY IS LT. COLONEL IS A NATIVE OF GERMANY ous and costly confusion in order to WILL BEGIN WORK SOON Promotions and assignments in the make the world "safe for democracy". Professor Joseph ,,\ illen, who is a na- The struggle was long and bitter; the An entire Aloha Staff has been plan- Western Maryland College R. O. T. C. tive of Germany, and who has attended cost in bloodshed and wasted resources ned and announced by Charles Whit- Battalion were announced by Captain school in both Germany and the United was proportionately as great, Yet in tington, Editor of the 1934 Aloha. Mr. Wolley, head of the Military Depart- States, is the newest member of the spite of this noble effort this same Whittington was elected editor and Mr. ment. These appointments made by Faculty of the College, filling the vaean- whole world seems to be imperceptibly Anthony Diksa, Business Manager of Captain Woolley and Captain Holmes cy left by Professor Taggart of the Ger- yet surely slipping from democracy to the Aloha in the Spring of 1933 by the became effective on October 10, 1933. man Department. He received his de- dictatorships. presen t Senior class. These selections are as follows: gree of Bachelor of Arts from Colum- The appointments are as follows: Organization or Battalion for the Aca- bia University and his degree of Mas- Italy demic Year 1933-1934 ter of Arts from the University of Benito Mussolini with his Italy, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Roland Pennsylvania. stands foremost in the ranks of the Sliker; Associate Editors, Lease Bus- Staff Professor Willen received the ear- dictators. He has revamped and prac- sard, Louise Needy; Write.up Editors, Hurley, Edward W., Lieut. C010neI; lier part of his education at the Gymna- tically re-created a country with his Earl Hissey, Cornelius Gisriel, Margar- Kesmodel, William P., Major; Diksa, sium in Hanover, Germany. The course iron rule. And his Italy of today with et Yocum, Laurlene Straughn; Sports Anthony; Captain, Adj.; Fleming, Mau- at the Gymnasium requires nine years the renewed vigor of a most solid regi, Editors, Eugene Willis, Mildred Burk- rice C., 1st Lieut. P & T. to complete, the latter part of the me is unquestionably superior to the ins; Calendar Editor, John B. Timmons; Ferguson, Bruce E., Sgt. Color Guard; course corresponding somewhat to the Italy of pre-Mussolini days. Copy Editors, Kennard Rhodes, Eliza- Moore, Charles V., Sgt. Color Guard; high school in the United States. How- beth Landon; Snap-Shot Editors, Louis Wyand Preston W., Sgt. Color Guard; Russia Ebert, Martha Harrison; Junior Edi- ever, two years' credit is given in col- A dictatorship of more dubitable suc- Leister, Michael A., Sgt. Color Guard. leges here to graduates of the Gymna- tors, Brady Bryson, Carlton Brinsfield, Company "A" sium. Professor Willen spent two years cess is that of Soviet Russia with Stal- Charles Moore; Art Editor, Robert DUNN AND SADAUSKY ARE Mahoney, Elmer J., Captain; Whit- in holding the, reins of government. Holder. from 1922 to 1924 in Peru, studying Economic distress in the form of a more, John H., 1st Lieut. Second in Rody Spanish. shortage of wheat for bread and in- Assistant Business Managers, Mgrs., CO-CAPTAINS OFFOOTBALL command; Sadausky, Alfred A., 1st From 1925 to 1929, he studied at Co- Jaeger, May Russell; Ci;'culation Lieut.; Downey; Arthur J., 1st Lieut.; lumbia University, where he received controlable poverty among the poorer Edward Hurley, Alfred Sadausky, Dor- Wright, William J., 1st Lieut. classes cannot be overlooked. othy Paul; Advertising Mgr., Richard This fall for the first time in Wes- his Bachelor Degree. He held a one- However, it must be remembered that year scholarship at the University of Kiefer. tern Maryland football history the Oompany "A" Pennsylvania and was awarded the de- Stalin has to deal with a nation which The theme of the Year Book has not Green Terror team is lead by co-cap- Mathias, Francis K., 1st Sgt., Fleagle, has for centuries been steeped in con- tains. Jimmy Dunn and Al Sadausky gree of Master of Arts in 1931. At servatism. Advancement during the been definitely decided upon as yet. Samuel B., PI. Sgt.; Randle, Ernest' E., presen t, he is working on his thesis for Many new ideas and plans have been who have starred at halfback and PI. Sgt.; Commerford, Gerald, Sgt.; his degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He pa-st centuries has been practically neg- formulated and the Aloha is expected to tackle, respectively, the past two years Grimm, Preston S., Sgt.; Benson, Alvin spent the past summer in Germany, ligible alllong Russian peasantry. At be greatly improved over past years. share the honor. Both men have play- L.; Sgt.; Moore, Daniel K., Sgt.; Ponte- studying and collecting material for least Stalin's experiment is an admira- Another new feature is that a student ed regularly since their Sophomore year carvo, Thomas, Corp.; Thomas, Francis 'his thesis, which is on the subject of ble testing grounn for radical' COIDmll- will hohl the posi tio n 01 Art- Editor for- and their dual leadership is a juat re- \Y., Corp.; Graham, Ralph J., -GOl1T.; the philosophy of Emil Goethe. nism whose future depends largely on merly held by "Pete" Gomsak, an ward. Humphries, William L., Corp. that of Russia. Professor Willen taught two years at Alumnus of Western Maryland. Jimmy hails from Grove City, Penn- Company- "B" the Delphi Academy in Brooklyn, two Germany sylvania, He graduated from his home Kiefer, Richard W., Captain; Shilling, years at the University of Pennsylvania Perhaps the most notorious of the re. high school in the spring of 1930 and James R., 1st Lieut., Second in com- to PROF. SCHEMPP RECEIVES and one year at Haverford College, be- eently empowered dictation is the col- ill the following fall enrolled at Wes- mand; Dunn, James "V., 1st Lieut.; Wil- fore coming hero to Western Maryland orful Adolf Hitler. His ascension torn Maryland. The Grove City flash lis, Eugene, 1st Lieut.; Ebert, Louis, 1st College to teach. the controlling position in the Father- Ph.D. DEGREE FROM U.ofP. as he was termed in high school days, Lieut. land has stirred Europe and America wrote his name indelibly on the sport Company "B" Pennsylvania be- calendar of Western any SORORITIES ANNOUNCE more than country governmental change in mencernent his degree University of Penn- fore he decided to matriculate at W. M. Paul B., PI. Sgt.; Randle, Janna L., PI. Gorski, Andrew, 1st Sg t.: Schweiker, at the June Awarded Com- f'or a good many a major years. all-around athlete was an Jimmy C. of the and subsequent his deeds Moreover, SAME PLEDGING RULES practices have even caused some politi- sylvania, Professor Edwin K. Schempp, performer then. He participated suc- Sgt.; Lucas, Webster L., Sgt.; Blissman, cally minded souls to predict inevitable of the social science department, be- cessfully in football, basketball and .Iohn R., Sgt.; Lipsky, Joseph A., Sgt.; war proceeding from German dissen- came another member of the Western track. This was evidenced through his Stone, William C., Sgt.; Bare, George The Women's Inter-Club Council, rep- selection on all county, all Western S., Corp.; Woodbury, James A., Corp.; to attain the Doctor resenting the three sororities on the tion. He has been criticized severely Maryland faculty ranking. Those profes- Pennsylvania football teams for three Brooks, Edgar R., Corp.; Beauchamp, of Philosophy campus, wishes the following informa- on all sides for his methods and the most sors previously attaining this degree years and basketball quintets for two Edward L., Corp. tion to be available for the freshmen radical of his ideas. years. Being a captain is no new ex- (Continued on Page 4) women students: He undoubtedly has deserved some are Messrs: Little, Spicer, Whitfield, Jenkins, perience to Jimmy as he captained his Bertholf, as well as Miss Ebaugh. There are three sororities on the Hill, of the criticism. He does deal harshly Mr. Schempp came to Western Maryland football and basketball teams in his Delta Sigma Kappa, Phi Alpha Mu, and and occasionally his dispassionate at- as assistant professor of social science in Senior year. He also lead the track W.W. titude toward humanity seems almost February, 1932, after spending the first team for two years. Since his enroll- DR. LAWRENCE LITTLE Freshmen and sophomores shall not incredible. He strikes swiftly, de- half of the academic year working upon ment at Western Maryland, Jimmy has be bid to any dub, until they have at- cisively, and at the critical moment. his thesis, "Merger Merchandising In more than lived up to his athletic re- GIVES CHAPEL SERMON tended Western Maryland College for He also uses his power indiscriminately the Package Food Products Industry." (Continued on Page 4) one year. Juniors and seniors may be having no regard whatsoever for the Dr. Lawrence Little, in opening his bid to any club after attending Western geuera/lly accepted rights of men. For Mr. Schempp, a native of Wisconsin, address during Chapel service Sunday Maryland for one semester. example, he did not hesitate a moment was awarded his A. B. degree at Ober- BONFIRE AND PARADE evening, October 8, astounded the stu- A girl must have a scholastic aver- to put an absolute ban on the public lin College in 1924. After spending dent body with the statement that age of C in the required number of (Continued on Page 4) some time in sales promotion work and FEATURE FRESHMAN NIGHT "Down the ages the World has been hours to become a member of any club. research for the Hlinois Bell Telephone waiting for us." If the marks are not made up at the end Company, he returned to Oberlin and The annual pajama parade and bon- Dean Little outlined briefly the won- of the third semester after pledging, CONVOCATION IS OPENED was awarded his A. M. degree in 1927. fire celebration of the incoming class derful advancements that have been the pledge is automaticaHy dropped. From this time on until June, 1931, Mr. was held Tuesday evening, October 10, made during our present time, and then Rushing season shall extend from ap- BY ACADEMIC PROCESSION Schempp taught at the University of on Hoffa Field. The freshmen were stressed our responsibi'lity to this age proximately November of one year to Pennsylvania and then begun work on formed in single file at the gymnasium of opportunities. November of the next. Social functions The annual service of Convocation the thesis. and were marched down town. The line He then passed on to the darker side shall consist of two parties for each was held in Alumni Hall Wednesday, snaked, filling Main street and blocking of the picture. We are faced with the club during the fir stiyear, one for each October 4, at 10 o'clock. In academic traffic for a time. As the march pro- problems left by a depression the like club the early part of the' second year, procession the faculty marched into the BIOLOGY PROFESSORS gressed the chant "How Green I Am" of which has never been experienced and one date in the second year open to auditorium. Dr. Fred G_ Holloway, RECEIVE HIGH HONORS was taken up, followed by college songs in the course of our history. There is all three dubs. president of the Theological Seminary, and yells, The procession stopped in a tremendous increase in unemploy- Freshmen and upperclassmen are re- an an alumnus of Western Maryland Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf and Professor front of Koontz's coufecturant where ment, racial hatreds are expressed free- quested to respect these regulations and College, offered the opening prayer. C. L. Bennighof have recently been several yells were given and songs were ly, and the percentage of crime to the thereby assist in keeping the Inter- President A_ N. Ward delivered the ad- elected as fellows of the American As- sung. Then the line resumed the march, population is at a level never reached Club Council a functioning organiza- dress speaking upon the- subject of the sociation for the Advancement of Sci- leapfrogging and snaking its way to before. The American masses are tion. life that can be de developed more ful- ence. The association is open to all Hoffa Field. weak and easily led. Our greatest need ly in coHege. Three things each of us When the freshmen arrived at Hoffa bring to college, our bodies, our minds, scientists who care to belong, but the Field a bonfire was blazing. The mem- is for leaders; men who are strong, who and our spirits. These we are to govern election to a fellowship carries with it bers of the new class gave a demonstra- can be calm in the face of a:dversity. NEWS PLASHES and improve in order to get the most the recognition of special merit. tion of their entertaining abilities for The World has become greedy for from our college life_ First, we should For some years Dr. Bertholf has been the benefit of the student body and gain. The personality of the laborer In the elections which were train our bodies to be subservient to studying bees with special attention to friends of the college. The outstanding has been sacrificed for profits. But the held by the various classes yes- our spirits; second, we must· use our the study of the effect of various types numbers (m the program were: a har- nation is being slowly awakened to the terday, the foUowing men were minds in our body and not be governed of light on bees. In 1931 he was award- monica selection, a quartet, an exhibi- fact that we can only better ourselves elected presidents of their respec- ty mere instinct; third, our spirits are ed a scholarship for a year's study in tion of tumbling by R. McKenzie, a de- by co-operation~to cut the' other fel- tiv,e classes: eternal and we should exercise our Germany_ bate by Lathrop and Shugrue, and a low's throat win in the end bring. about sriritual capacity to the fullest extent Professor Bennighof has experi- new college song, the words of which our own annihilation. Senior 'Class John R. Jaeger while one earth_ Striving to accom- mented with lower animal life, espec- were written by members~f the fresh- Our chief aim is to' bring about the Junior CLass Webster Lucas plish these three things through the ially Planaria. In recent years, he has man class. The program was concluded acceptance of a right attitude to social Sophomore Clruss Harold White study of Christ we will ultimately reach been making an intensive study of the with Maryland Yell and the Alma obligations and a reestablishment of our goal, the life mQre abundant. Mayfly. Mater. our passions for relig~ous matters.
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