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r I DON'T FORGET TENNIS' DAY MOTHER'S SUNDAY, W. MD. vs. LOYOLA Baltimore MAY 14 THURSDAY, MAY 11 Vol. 10, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 11, 1933 May Russell and E. W. Hurley Will ANNOUNCEMENT Theme of Annual May Day Celebration Head Student Governments of 1933-34 A few extra copies of the 195'3 is Announced by Co-Ed Committee Aloha have been ordered. Students Inaugu- I OFFICERS' CLUB HOLDS who have not paid their Aloha fees or Newly E;:tt:1 ~~::~~:: their college activity fees must do so COLONEL RUTHERFORD Fete Will Take Place on Hoffa ELECTED I ANNUAL MILITARY BALL immediately in order to get a copy of INSPECTS R. O. T.C. UNIT Field, May 30 OTHER MEMBERS the annual. Faculty i.iembers may place orders for one of the extra PRO G RAM IN REHEARSAL The Women's Student Government As- Many Guests Attend Important copies provided they do so immediate- Certificates Presented To Former sociation held its annual election Friday, Social Affair ly. Men will please see Stoddard W. Md. Cadet Officers A novel and interesting program is now May 5, in Smith Hall. Anna May Rus- Routson and the women, Helen being arranged for the annual May Day sell was elected president for the next The eighth annual Military Ball spon- Doenges. '1'he annual R. O. 'r. C. inspection was which will be held on Hoffa Field, May scholastic year. Other officers of the As- sored by the Officers' Club was held in held May 8. The Battalion was inspect- 20. The theme which has been selected sociation are as follows: Vice-president, Science Hall, Saturday, May 6. Russ ed by Colonel Rutherford. On Monday is the triumph of spring over winter in a Dance ORIGINALITY IN COLOR Mary Parks ; honor chairman and senior Cullen and his orchestra from Baltimore, Colonel Rutherford inspected classes of garden where five beds of flowers come representative, Anna Frances Seward; who played at t'he Pan-Hellenic the different years of training in their to life under the influence of spring. treasurer and junior representative, Ada April 22, furnished the music Saturday AND ART WILL BE THEME respective fields. The basic, or first year Winter, represented by Louise Needy, Rebecca Smith; secretary and sophomore night. R-apiers, machine grins, flags, and class, was inspected in Lewis Hall on the enters with the winter winds. They dance representative, Mary Katherine Hill. other insignia of the Military Depart- OF THIS YEAR'S ALOHA fundamentals of Military Training. around the flower beds in front of the The new constitution was approved and ment made for a very attractively dec- 'I'he second year class was examined on May Queen's Court and then disappear accepted by the members of the o-rganiza- orated room. drill and comrnands., The third year as spring enters with her warm rains, and sunbeams. to tion. Lieutenant Colonel Leo Delaney, as Distribution Date Set For May 28 course showed their ability with the ma- life, dancing The flowers slowly come Two in their mo-rtar. gaily chine gun and trench beds. The newly elected Men's Student head of the Battalion, and Miss Esther Due to the rain and disagreeable weath- flowers Council was called together Saturday, Righter, Major George E. 'Hunter, Com- NOVEL LAYOUT PLANNED er the regular Monday parade could not Maypole from each bed go to the two whieh side are to be on either Xl.ay 6, for the first time by the presi- mandant of the Officers' Club, and Miss be held. The Battalion was inspected in of the COUTt. They dance around the dent, Edward Hurley. The members of Jane Wine headed the receiving line. With the 1933 Aloha in its final stages the Gym and Levine Hall. Maypole while the rest of the flowers and the council for the coming year are: Among the patrons were Mr. and Mrs. E. of production, David Trundle, editor, is Company , , A ' , drilled for a short the elements form a background. William Williams, Earl Hissey, and Pat M. Mellor, Mr. W. Mather, Mr. and Mrs. ,able to say that this year's annual will time, followed by exercises by Company Promptly at four 0 'clock the proces- Mahoney, seniors; Charles Moore, Andy J. P. Wantz, M'I'. and Mrs. Frank Thom- be one of the snappiest and most original "B". Company "C", led by Captain sion will proceed from the top of the hill Gorski, and John Stallings, juniors; as, in addition to the following members books ever produced on the Hill. Every Richard Marti n was then closely inspected. the procession Lefty Davis, Ralph Graham and Bud of the faculty: Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Ward, effo-rt has been expended to make it dif- Following this inspection Colonel Ruth- down to the field. When the queen will be the grandstand reaches Daneker, sophomores. Mahoney, Gorski, Dr. T. )1. Whitfield, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. ferent from other Alohas, and at the erford presented four former Western crowned by President A. N. Ward. The and Hurley were members of the Council Harlow, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Spier, Capt. sapie time to preserve the basic traditions Ma-ryland College graduates with certifi- queen will then be escorted to her throne, last year. and Mrs. H. D. Woolley, and Capt. and of the Western Maryland College year Mrs. T. R. Holmes. books. cates for the completion of a course in where she will be entertained. Ed HUTley was recently elected to head "Defense Against Chemical Warfare." Those who will take pad in the per- the body by a large 'majority of the men The Military Ball is the only dance- of The art work for the annual is being Those presented with certificates were: f'ormance are as follows: students. He stated that he is pleased the year held on the campus to which out- undertaken by Peter D. Gomsak, '30, Lieut. Henry Caple, Lieut. Joseph Ma- Winter winds-Esther Righter, June with the cooperative spirit shown and is siders are invited. Many guests from the whose work on previous Alohas has been thias, Lieut. How-ard Koons, and Lieut. Cooling, Adeline Moxley, and Elise Kalb. confident that the council will function as University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins quite excellent. The entire. set-up will be Donald Wocllev. Spring-Laurlene Straughn. efficiently as that of the past year. The University, and Gettysburg College were modernistic, both as to arrangement and The officers then proceeded to Levine Spring rains-Elizabeth Andrews, Mar- latter body, headed by C. Milton Borch- present. the type used. It is color that will pre- Hall where they heard several numbers garet Herwick, Jane Twigg, Maude Wil- ers, operated with a great deal of success Alumnae of the college who were pres- dominate in this issue. The body of the by the Military Band. The Colonel com- lis, Dale Watson, and Mildred German .. and furthe-r proved that the men's gov- ent at the dance were Miss Marion books, done in silver gray, will be divided mended the band in that it was much bet- Sunbeams-Marguerite Ringler, Hazel ernment is capable of canying out all the Humphreys, Miss Catherine Hitchens, and off by numerous wine colored fly leaves, ter than a National Guard band he had .Jones, Jean Baer, Mary Barbour Dixon authority vested in it thus far, and pos- Miss Elsie Ebsworth, all members of the the latter being no small advancement recently inspected. Due to the weather Catherine Rose, and Mary White. sibly even more. The Men's Student class of 1932. Among the alumni pres- over other annuals. According to Mr. Colonel Rutherford was 'unable to see the Tulips-Lucille Bork, Mary Brown, Council has been gradually gaining pow- ent 'Were Mr. C. W. Koockogey, '32, Mr. Trundle, this year's cover bids well to be real ability of the R. O. '1'. C. Battalion Elizabeth Wine, Muriel Waltz, Lois er, until, at present, its decisions are sub- James Day, '31; Mr. Stewart Sunday, a sensa tion. of Western Maryland College. As in Thompson, Elizabeth Wolford, Evelyn ject only to the final veto of President '32, M1'. Ludwig Pincura, '32, :Mr. P. D. I In keeping with other changes,' the old years past Western Maryland received 1 Lau, and Dorothy Panl. Ward. This year it will have the addi- Gornsak, '30, and Mr. Clarence DeHaveu, I developmental tIlem€ has been discarded very creditable rating. Jonquils-Charlotte Williams, Dorothy tional duty of helping enforce the fresh- '30. by the staff, and an entirely new ap- Competition drill will be held Monday, Berry, Muriel Day, Ada Beall, Kathlyn man rules, since the use of paddles has I . proach taken. There will be a special May 15, between Companies" A " "B" Mellor, Helen Jacobson, Margare.t Held, been banned by the autho'l'ities. section for organizations. Both the ac- and "C", followed by indi\"idu~l com: and Dorothy Weeks. A t the meeting hall proctors "'ere nom- tiyities and athletic dirisions will be laid petition upon the" Manual of Arms." Violets-Susan Strow, Anna Frances inated but, as yet, all appointments are CONTESTANTS INNORMENT out in a very noyel manue'l', Among the Seward, Elizabeth Byrd, Ellen Payne, pending. Doctor Spicer "ill be the ad- features section will be included the May Katherine Timmons, Virginia Helmstet- Yiser of tIle Council during the coming SPEECH ARE.ANNOUNCED Queen, May Comt, "Carpe Diem," and ART STUDENTS OPEN ter, Dor.othy Wachter, and Charlotte year. The election of the remaining of- snap shot pages. Sprague. ficers of the organization will be held The ~orment Speech Contest will take To make this issue a complete success EXHIBITION TODAY Bluebells-Henrietta Twigg, Blanche Wednesday. place at 8 0 'clock, May 26, in Alunmi it becomes imperative that all students Walston, Jean Weber, Elinor Schmidt, The men's student government thiE Hall. This contest has been gh"en every desiring a copy of the Aloha should pay Western ~raryland College will hold Eyelyn Bowen, '1'essie Cox, F'rances year has been extremely fortunate in year since the early part of Dr. Lewis' the fee of fifty cents at once. It is also the first of a series of Art Exhibits Elderdice, Cordelia Pullen. not having a groat deal of serious caSeE administration as an incentive to students necessary to hal-e one's acth'ity fee paid Thursday, }1ay 11, from 8 to 10 P. M., Lilies-Louise Orem, Martha Miller, brought before them. Certainly this is to excel in public speaking. The money to date. In addition Russell Herbst, cir- in McDaniel Hall Lounge. The best work Helen Ewing, Mary Caldwell, Lydia a pTaiseworthy reflection on the con for the medals which a:re awarded was a culation editor, wishes to announce that of the college art classes will be on Fogle, Mary Catherine Hill, Lee Irwin, eluct of the men. gift from Mr. S. B. Norment of Wash no copies ",ill be given to club members exhibition. Miss Day, the instructor, has alld :-1argaret Lansdale. ington, D. C. whose club has not paid its Alalia fee. aimed to teach Western Maryland stu' Heralds-Dorothy Hull and Elinor Only those students who are regular The date for distribution has been set dents the latest trends in modern art Tollinger. DR. BERTHOLF WILL FILL sophomores and freshmen and are who :ue as :May 28. without by sacrificing the methods so well eligible in any subject not deficient old masters. used the Composition, NEW POSITION AS DEAN to participate. are as follows: Fresh- MANNEQUINS PARADE rather than has fine detailed keynote of her DR. ELDERDICE DELIVERS or drawing the '1'he contestants been painting, man boys, George Henze, Donald Prince, \\'ork this year. Among the wOl:k exhib- FOURTH SENIOR SERMON and Harold White; freshman girls, IN MCDANIEL HALL ited will be hooked rugs by Mary Parks Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, head of the Department of Biology, the newly·cre· Jean Baer, Rosalie Silberstein, and Doro- and Elizabeth Hopkins; oil paintings by Dr. Hugh Latimer Elderdice, deliver- ated offieo of Dean of Freshmen. This thy Wickes; sophomore boys, Carlton The anllual Hochschild Kohn fashion Elizabeth Phipps and Emilie Brown; ing his fourth of a series .of sermons to position will be subsidiary to that of the Brinsfield, Dennis Brown, and Kale ~a- shm\' was held in McDaniel Hall lounge, modernistic work, in tempel'a by Rey- the Seniors unde-r the general head of other deans. Dr. Bertholf ,,-ill haye thias; sophomor'e girls, Lucille Bork, Wednesday, May 10th, at 7.30 under the nolds Simpson; and some "'orks of Rob- "Finding God on the College Campus," c'harge of the academic work of the fresh- Orpha Pritchard, and Jessie Shipley. ausp'ices of the Home Economics Club of ert Holder. All of this ,york is from the spoke last Sunday on ' 'The Churchman." man, su pervising their selection of Four gold medals are to be a,rarded t·, Western }laryland College. adl-anced class. Se\"eral of the members His three previous sermons were entitled: courses and advising them in scholastic the "'inners, one f-rom each of the abo,e The object of the show was to present of the freshman class will also exhibit "The Atheist"; "The Naturalist ", groups. some of their work. m:ltters. Beyond this, no specific details the latest styles and norelties for the and" The Super-Naturalist." have been ,,"orked out for that position. Last year the medals were won by coming Sllmmer season. This ,yeek's sermon portrayed the place 1<'01' se,eral years Dr. Bertholf has had :Mary Parks, '34, and Elmer Mahoney, The reyiew ,ras preceded by a short W. M. ORCHESTRA PLEASES and the importance of worship on the charge of the annual Freshman "Week and '34, Jessie Shipley, '35, and Daniel talk by Miss Virginia Ayers, W110 noted AUDIENCE WITH RECITAL campus. Dr. Elderdice cited the fact 1100re, '35. that many people receive valuable help has been chairman of the freshman-soph- the leading colors, mate-rials, and fash- omore faculty cOlllmittee. This new of· ions. Dresses for all occasions were The only concert of the Western Mary- and inspiration through Sunday evening fice brings with it increased responsibil- modeled and a brief comment was made land College Orchestra was gil-en Friday, chapel seryices. He stated instances ,,,he1'ein changes ity along the lines of this work that he MASON SPRAGUE WILL on each by Miss Ayers. May 5, in Alumni Hall, with 111'. Philip religious services haYB been made in the the last twenty- during has been doing. GIVE PIANO RECITAL The models were Dale Watson, }Iaudre Royer conducting. The program consist- fiye years. He expressed views favoring selections well known ed of yaried from A graduate of Southw'estel'l1 College, Willis, Margaret Erb, Catherine Rose, composers, and was well rendered. compulsory ,yeek-day and Sunday Chap- Mason Sprague ,,-ill gi\"e a piano re- )fary Waters Ley.-is, Esther Righter, Eliz- Dr. Bertholf received his )1. A. and The program included the following els. cital in Smith Hall, Friday, May 12, at abeth Wine, Elizabeth Wolford, Mary El- Ph.D. degrees from Johns Hopkins Uni· numbers: Religion and college, he pointed out, 8.00 P. ~. len Senat, Barbara Daskam, Estelle Wil- versity. He is a member of Phi Beta liams and }fary Brown. 1. Overture Mil'eille, Gounod; Cavatina, go hand in hand. Without some form of Kappa. Three years ago, Dr. Bertholf The program will be as follows: Bohm; "Ballet Music" from Rosamund, religion in college, there would be some studied in Germany, and before coming to "Prelude" from Portita B flat Major, Costumes for morning, afternoon, and Schubert. necessary thing lacking. The students SpeciaJ West!'rn Maryland College he "'orked in Bach; "Sonata" op. 2 No. 2 Allegro evening ,n'ar were modelled. graduateE II. "Sillfonietta" from Sonatina, must find the chapel seryice, for the chap- school high 'for costumes E Minor, Washington in the United States Bureau Vivace, Beethoyen; "Sonata" « Worum, ' , "-ere sho,rn for the benefit of the stu· Opus 127, Schubert, Allegro Malta, An- el can not seek out the student. Modesto, Grieg; Allegro of Agriculture. Recently Dr. Bertholf Schumann; "N oYeletten, ' , Schumann; dents of Westminster High School. A dante, Allegro Vivace. The sermon was preceded by the pro- llas m-ganized a local chapter of Beta '( Polonaise C }linor, " Chopin; large audience viewed the Fashion et, III. Cradle Song, Nesvera; Fly Minu- cessional, a number by the college orches- Xerxes, (' Largo" Czibulka; Beta Beta, the national honorary biolo- i "Etude" F Sharp Major, Arensky; Show. Handel; "Trepak," from from Nutcracker tra, and two selections by the college should services gy fraternity. He is an honorary member (' The Pines," :.\f atthews ; "Erotikon' , }fiss :Martha Hanison played during Suite, Tschaikowski; "March" fTom choir. These to all the students prove an inspiration .of West- .of the Alpha Mu chapter. No.1, Sjogren. the Teview. Athalia, Mendelssohn. em Maryland as well as the Seni.ors.
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