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CARROLL COUNTY EISTEDFODD CURTIS INSTITUTE April 28, 1933 RECITAL ALUMNI HALL April 21, 1933 ALUMNI HALL Vol. 10, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 20, 1933 MIJJT ARY SPONSORS PAN - HELLENIC DANCE Mary Ellen Senat is Chosen by Co-Eds WILL BE PRESENTED Passing in Review WILL BE HELD IN THE To Preside Over May Day Festivities BY CADET OFFICERS By BRADY O. BRYSON COLLEGE DINING HALL Repeal and the Beer Situation Committees Are Appointed and Esther Righter, '34, Will Sponsor When Roosevelt was elected on an The second Pan-Hellenie Dance in the Court is Selected in Preparation Battalion anti-prohibition platform, the wets in history of Western Maryland will be held For Fete the country were overjoyed. Later, Saturday evening, April 22, at 8.30 INSPECTION TO BE MADE when Congress passed the 3.2% bill, o 'clock in the dining hall. DATE SET IS MAY 20TH they were not only jubilant but also dance The is to be sponsored by the The first spring activity of the Mili- were definitely sure of the death of the fraternit.ies and sororities of the college By an election held in Smith Hall on tary Department will take place on Hof- eighteenth amendment. But now fears and is expected to be one of the biggest March 28, Mary Ellen Senat was chos- fa Field next Monday, April 24, when have quietly found their way in the social functions of the year. Chairman en to be May Queen. She will preside the Lt. Colonel and the Captains of the minds of the wets, who are not quite of the committee in charge is William G. over her court in the annual May Day companies and the band will present certain that repeal is inevitable. Pyles, a member of Gamma Beta Chi f'ra- celebration which will be given by the their sponsors. And, strange enough, it is the very ternity. Individual sponsors of the vari- co-eds of Western Maryland College on passing of the beer bill that has de- Lt. Colonel Leo Delaney will present ous clubs supporting the function have May 20. Miss Esther Righter, '34, as the Bat- creased the chances of repeal. It should been invited to act as chaperons. Those who will compose the court in be remembered that there is still a no- talion sponsor; Capt. Russell Herbst, of ticeable amount of opposition in this Palms, flowers, and" soft" lights will addition to Miss Senat are the follow- Co. A, will present Miss Elizabeth An- country to excessive alcoholism. The be used in decorating and attractive pro- MARY ELLEN SENAT ing: Senior Duchess, Helen Doenges; drews, '33; Capt. Harold Koppe will pre- disgusting evils of the old saloon will grams have been selected for those at- Senior attendants, Barbara Daskam sent Miss June Cooling, '33, to the men tending. Music will be furnished by and Ann Johnson ; Junior Duchess, Es- find fa VOl' in the eyes of the peo- never of Co. B; while Capt. Richard Martin ple; if the return of mere 3.2% beer is Russ Cullen's orchestra of Baltimore. Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A. telle Williams; Junior attendants, Mar- will present Miss Evelyn Bowen, '35, to going to re-create these evils, perhaps This band has recently completed a sue- garet Yocum and Anna Wigley; Sopho- Co. C. The Band will receive from Capt. cessful season at the Celestial Chinese- HOLD INSTALLATION OF more Duchess, Mary Wooden; Sopho- Milton Borchers as their sponsor Miss it may cause people to hesitate a bit American Restaurant, and is now playing more attendants, Dorothy Mitchell and Katharine Fringer, of Westminster. before recalling liquor which would be at the High Hat Club, a club noted for NEWLY-ELECTED OFFICERS Mary Lew is; Freshman Duchess, intoxicating. labelled After a short platoon and company drill The drys realize that thousands of its fine entertainment. Russ Cullens may Frances May Tull; Freshman atten- the Battalion will pass in review in be heard nightly in broadcasts over sta- A. F. Seward and Wm. Kesmodel dants, Peggy Driscoll and Rosalie Gil- honor of the sponsors. normally liberal voters helped to pass tion WCA U in Baltimore. This orches- bert. the prohibition amendment, chiefly be- Will Be Heads of Organiza- At the same time as the presentation cause of dissatisfaction with scanda- tra is a favorite because of its up-to-date tions The committees working on the May of sponsors there will be a preliminary lous conditions. They are now wisely program of special arrangements and Day are as follows: inspection by an officer from the Third sitting back and hoping that, if given rhythmic waltzes. Installation of the officers and cabi- Program: Laurlene Straughn, Louise Corps Area Headquarters. This inspec- enough rope, the over-enthusiastic wets The same band will furnish music for net members of the Y. 'IV. C. A. was Needy and Esther RiJshter. tion will serve as an excellent test of will forget moderation in their hour of the Military Ball, sponsored by the Of- held at the regular installation service Costume: Rizpah Wickes, chairman; the proficiency of the unit as the an- triumph and thus hang themselves. ficers Club which is to be held Saturday, on Wednesday, April 12. Mary Wood- Emilie Brown, June Cooling, Anna Sew- nual Federal inspection will be held in Sane, civilized consumption of beer will May 6, in the dining hall. Those wish. en sang "Into the Woods My Master ard, Estelle Williams, Ruth Grier, the near future, upon which the school's do much more towards repeal than the ing to invite outsiders as their guests, to Ii'ent", and June Cooling played "Lead Eleanor Grier, Louise Dillon, June grade in R. O. T. C. work is based. return of saloon s similar to those of the the ball have been asked to submit the Kindly Light". During the latter, the Twigg. The rest of the spring program, be- lurid past; excessive green on the part names and addresses of the guests to the old and new officers filed into the room Decoration: Troy Hambsch, chair- Helen Woolverton, Ann sides the, presentation of sponsors, Area of brewers trying to prematurely recall authorities as soon as possible so that and the new members who had never man; Bowen; Doenges, Tyler, Dorothy Ber- Ellen Elsie inspection and Federal inspection, will old times in a manner so colorful, but they may be approved by the committee before held office were seated before the ry, Margaret Yocum. consist of the competitive drill, which is also so reminiscent of liquor tragedy and invitations issued at the earliest con- old members, who carried lighted can- Advertising: always when each company strives to must prove determined to the wet cause. venient date. dles. Sara Fadeley read the Scripture Strow. Sue Cockey, M. Susan do its best to receive the coveted cup; and Kathleen Moore prayed. Following and the annual track meet in which the Shall W,e Give Up? this there were short talks by the re- Nominating: Elizabeth Andrews, special "pie eating" event carries no Since the Akron disaster stunned the tiring and incoming presidents: Cleona Mary Parks, Lucille Bork, Jean Baer. end of amusement to the spectators and aviation world, the newspapers have DR. F. W. BESLEY SPEAKS Brinsfield and Anna F. Seward. The Food: Jane Wine, chairman; Caroline is also "quite filling" to the partici- screamed forth bitter protests against rotirtng cabinet members took their Reed, Emily Ewing, Eleanor Schmidt, pants. the use of dirigibles and have branded ON"LIFE IN THE FORESTS" places in the audience and the new of- Margaret Snowden. Mildred Price, Zel- Calvert, Blanche Boughton, ma Lillian The student body and visitors are them as "flying coffins" and "ponderous ficers lit their candles from the presi- Walston, Mary Hill. welcome at the ceremonies next Mon- machines of murder". The problems of dent's candle and marched out while the 'Clean-up: Rebecca Holland, chairman; day on Hoffa Field. lighter-than-air crafts have always been Dr. F. W. Besley, state forester, pre- pianist played "Follow the Gleam". difficult. America has lost two of her sented an illustrated lecture Tuesday The officers are as follows: president, Marietta Mills, Sara Fadely, Blanche great airships, including the prized evening, April 18. The topic of the Alma Frances Seward; vice-president, Hurd, Esther Main, Elizabeth Phipps, This Shenandoah. DR. ELDERDICE DELIVERS men have Eighty-nine valuable Navy lecture was, "Life in the Foresta". Beta Mary Parks; Lucille Bork. Sarah Fadeley; (Continued on Page Four) secretary, by the Beta was sponsored plunged been to lecture death cabinet The treasurer, mishaps through the EASTER CHAPEL SERMON sters of the air. in these great mon- Beta. set forth three main points Marguerite of Carrara, following Jane chairmen: CURTIS INST. STUDENTS consists sales; Twigg, Dr. Besley But should we give up in the face of for forest preservation, namely, for tim- social; Laurlene Straughn, music; Mary An impressive service, the first af- repeated failu]'e~ The answer of the ber, to protect game, to act as a wind- Hill, hall; Margaret Lansdale, social WILL GIVE RECITAL American people is flatly negative. Out service; Mary Barbara Dixon, program; ternoo n chapel of the year, marked Eas- break and preserve the water supply. ter Sunday on the Hill. Despite the bad of every reverse there comes only a Maryland, Dr. Besley said, is the Eileen Waybright, publicity, and Es- Students of the Curtis Institute of weather, a great number of parents and greater and more indomitable spirit of meeting ground of the north and south telle Williams, librarian. Music will give a recital in Alumni Hall visitors were present. flying conquerors. A true protest against The Y. M. C. A. held its installation surrender arise from an undaun ted and therefore has species of trees which ceremony Friday nig!lt, April 14, bring- Friday, April 21, at 8 P. M. Those who Dr. Ward followed the choir and American public. In any successful en- grow in each section. The state has one appear in the recital are: Howard Senior class in the processional singing terprise failures serve only to make the hundred fifty-seven different native spe- ing to a close u -eries of mce ting s hol-I Mitchell, violocellist; Ioscka Brodsky, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God". The before Easter. These meetings, attend- violinist; and Eugene Helmer, accom- Even graduating class, in academic costume, good a greater triumph. a sister now there to cies. Even trees that require a freez- ed by about thirty prominent Y. M. C. panist. The programme is as follows: construction is under ship lent much dignity to the occasion. The the Akron. Soon this new ship, the Ma.- ing temperature can be grown here. In A. members, were conducted to bring I choir rendered two impressive anthems, con, will have her first trial and will the state there are over two million ten the men of Western Maryland into a Aria Johann Sebastain Bach "Grace Be Unto You", and "Awake, represent America's scornful reply to hundred thousand acres of forest land. closer Christian f'ellowship. They were Sonata in A Major .... Luigi Baccherini Thou That Sleep est", from "The Daugh- the surrender expressed in the Akron The foresting department must pro- led by the Y. Cabinets and the faculty Adagio ter of Jirah", by Jo~n Stainer. vide forest roads, fire fighting appara- advisors, Dr. Bertholf, Dr. Little, and disaster. And if she fails again, Amer i- Prof. Brumbaugh. Allegro Dr. Ward read the Scripture and Dr. ca will continue to experiment with and tus, a telephone system, water holes, The installation service was conduct- SicilieWle Paradis Dushk in Elderdice, President Emeritus of West- perfect flying machines until she has look-out towers, and apparatus to com- ed by Dr. Bertholf. Theodore Landis, Mr. Mitchell minster Theological Seminary, gave the mastered the demons of the air. bat disease. vice-president of the past scholastic II first of a series of five sermons ad- Not only is the forest needed for lum- BDnata in D Major .... Vivaldi-Respighi dressed to the Senior Class. The theme Japan's Population ber but also many other things. For- (Continued on Page Four) Moderato of the whole series will be "Finding Japan seems to be doing just as she Allegro Moderato God on the Campus". The subject of pleases in the Orient, chiefly under the est conservation is also necessary to INVESTITURE SERVICE Largo the first sermon was "The Athiest". He excuse of surplus population that must protect game, to afford a place for out- Vivace pointed out that religious organizations (Continued on Page Four) door life, to preserve a water supply and HELD IN BAKER CHAPEL Mr. Brodsky are growing in American colleges and to prevent floods. ill the student is accepting God, even The state of Maryland has one hun- The annual service of investiture of Concert in A Minor, Op. 33 though he cannot see Him or prove that MRS. HAMRICK RETURNS dred fifty-seven different native .species the senior class was held in Baker Chap- Charles Cormille Saint-Saens He is. He stated that according to all TO HILL AS DIETICIAN of trees which is the largest variety el, Wednesday; April 12. Mr. Mitche11 indications and facts religious indiffer- found in any state. This is due to fa- Following the traditional procedure IV ence in the American college is more apĀ· vorable climate and futle soil. the procession of choir, faculty, and ProeJ.udium und Allegro Pugnani- parent than real. Mrs. L. F. Hamrick has re turned to graduating class marched into the chap- the hill to take up her position as dieti- Of the two hundred fifty thousand un- Kreis1er Decorated with forsythia, shrubs, and cian in the college dining room follow- employed men of today, President el to the tune of "A Mighty Fortress is Siciliano and Rigaudon other spring flowers the stage formed ing a forced absence of more than six Roosevelt has chosen to use between one Our God". President A. N. Ward pre- Francolur- Kreisler an appropriate setting for the service. months. sided at the service. Slavonic Dance Anton Dvorak New costumes for the choir, new caps Mrs. Hamrick was forced to dispense thousa nd and fifteen hundred in this Dr. T. M. Whitfield, of the Depart- Spanish Dance Manuel de Fallo and gowns for the senior class, together forestry work. These men are to be ment of History, addressed the class, Mr. Brodsky with her duties when she received in- with the recently furnished stage added juries in a fan last August. She spent given some training and then put in and spoke of a college education as an V immensely to the atmosphere. Even the several months in the hospital. On her camps, of about two hundred men, in investment upon which returns should Elegie Gabriel Foure selections rendered by the orchestra dismissal she went to her home in Bos- the forests of Maryland. This is to be be realized. The three qualities which Berceuse seemed to make the air vibrate with ton to fully recover from her injuries. an immense program but is expected to Dr. Whitfield considered necessary for Vito David Popper it is not I Easter greetings. There she underwent a series of special work out well. all college graduates were courage, a Mr. Mitchell With a speaker of Dr. Elderdice's treatments to improve her condition. Dr. Besley's lecture was one of the sense of duty, and sympathy. The class VI caliber, in a setting like this, During her absence her position was most interesting of the year, not only remained standing during the address. Carmen Fantaisis amaz ing that Easter; Religion, and filled by Mrs. Mellor, who is now man- from the biologist's viewpoint but from At the close of this impressive ser- Bizet-Saraste-Zimbalist the vice, All students Chapel should take on 'a new meaning. aging College Inn. that of every student. ing "Onward procession marched out sing- vited. and their friends' are in- Soldiers", Christian
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