Page 52 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmins.ter, Md. OFFICERS BEAT BAND TO PRES. A. N. WARD TO HEAD DR. J. R. MANNING, '18, SPEAKS AT B. B. B. MD. CHAPTER OF BETTER (111unsrn,QIlubn,uu~ ~nrtrttrn TAKE BASKETBALL TITLE HOME MOVEMENT Dr. John R. Manning, of the Bureau President A. Norman Ward was reo -of Fisheries of Washington, D. C., the F~ghting through five extra periods, cently appointed chairman of the Mary- guest speaker of 'I'riBeta, Tuesday eve- the Officers downed the Band, 26-25, to land chapter of the "Better Homes :ning, March 21, spoke on the Nutritional W. G. BAKER S. S. CLASS pmLO-BROWNING win the basketball championship of the Movement" which is a five-year plan Value of Marine Products. ---- ---- '1'he William G. Baker Sunday School The name, Philo-Browning, has been batalTion, last Tuesday, March 14. seeking to end unemployment as well as Dr. Manning graduated from this in- Class "as organized on March 5, 1933, adopted by the women's literary society The game started fast and grew faster to beautify homes in America. stitution in 1918 and later studied at with President, Albert Norman Ward, as ill order that the old ties and associations as time went by, and at no time was This nation-wide movement originated George Washington University. For sev- teacher and the following as officers: that are intimately connected with the either team confident of a victory, ex- at a luncheon held in Washington in De- eral years he has been connected with the President, Mason Sprague; vice-presi- college memories of many of our alumnae cept in a few cases when the defense cember, 1932. Mr. Grouver, the host, of Bureau of Fisheries. dent for men, Pram: Mc'Ilveen ; vice- may continue. The society hopes, in this tightened so perceptibly that scoring was the District of Columbia, broached his In opening his talk Dr. Manning told president for women, Mary Parks; secre- way, to keep alive a connection that will virtually impossible. Led by Fowble and plan by which our ten million unemploy- or the value and extensive use of marine tary and treasurer, Olive Butler. be deeply appreciated by any visiting Bussard, the Band jumped to a 4 point ed would be given work. The organiza- products as f'ood for men, and the nutri- On March 5, there was a membership alumnae. Although there will be no at- lead which was deadlocked a few minutes tion would endeavor to induce home- tional food values of some marine forms. of 44, and at present of 133. Dr. Ward. tempt made to use either of the society later when the Officers' smoothly work- owners everywhere to spend fit least $300 Vitamins, especially A and D and min- has given two impressive talks on rooms in the Administration Building, ing quint began to function. Both teams a year on their homes for a period of five erals which are very important to man' "Faith" and "Temperance in Drink- the Philo-Browning Literary Society took the lead quite often, but rarely held years, rather than be forced to spend the .are abundant in many fishes. "Oyster ing," respectively. The motto of the hopes to create a definite atmosphere of it for more than a fcw minutes. At the same amount f'or charity. Dr. Ward was stew, the combination of oysters and milk, " class is "To Find God On The College its own : one of live interest in current end of the half, the Band was on the appointed chairman of a committee to perfect said Dr. Manning, "is the most' food known." Campus.' , literature, art, and music, toðel' with a long end of a 17-13 score. provide for the necessary orga.nization. --_---- A very successf'u: party was given on growing appreciation of the older clas- In the second period, both teams auto- Dr. Ward firmly believes that twenty- After the talk, the meeting was thrown at Thursday night, March 16. sics. 'I'he society is open to all women stu- matically that speeded spectators wore amused five million home-owners each spending for a open to discussion. up the ga-me with the least $300 annually on his property result the the beauty of our homes, but will stimu- IRVING-WEBSTER dents of the college. Regular meetings and thrilled by the unorthodox p:..ty·ti "jJBriod of five years, will not only add to State Theatre are held on the second Mon- and fourth -------- --- that sent the ball swishing en;ocgh the late industry in such a way as to find H. G. Wells' book, Mr. Bulpington of days of every month. net, When the gap1'" ended, the score employment for all. FRIDAY Blu.p, was reviewed by Carl Everly at the was tied, and F3 the game was carried TEN CENT NIGHT Call for office at box Society meeting held in Irving Hall, W. S. G. A. into ar; c.:c~"a per.iod. But not until the cards not later than 'I'hursdav program night. Monday, March 6. ':;'11 extra period had been played did TERROR TENNIS P LAY E R S Admission 5c. 10c with card. David Trundle, in his Annlls Mirab'ilis, The Women's Student Governmen+ AS- either team have a permanent lead, and WILL STRIVE TO EQUAL JACK HOLT and LILLIAN MILES gave a summary of 1932, and prospective sociation entertained the r acultv and the then it was the- Officers. Much credit is RECORD OF 1932 in economic and social reforms the coming m=mbers of the senior el,afl3 ~t"tea Wed- due Kopp and Murray, whose fine play- TEAM "MAN AGAINST WOMAN" year. nesday, March 15. ing was a feature of the game. (Continued from Page 3-Co1. 2) Scrappy Cartoon "The Japanese Situation" was dealt Election of :vIay Queen and her attend- Officers Band Sp·ort Reel Comedy with in Donald Tschudy' . talk., Many ants and court will be held Tuesday af- Kopp R.F. Bussard May 4-Gettysburg College, comments were made and opinions ex- ternoon, March 28, unless notice is given Gettysburg, Pa. SATURDAY pressed in the round-table discussion that to the contrary. O'Leair L.F. Markline ll-Loyola College .... Baltimore. TIM McCOY in followed. Murray C. Fowble 13-Gettysburg College .... Home. "END OF THE TRAIL" It is expected that more meeting of the Martin RJJ. Strassbaugh . 19- U. of Maryland. College Park. open forum type will be held in the fu- BETA BETA BETA Sparrow L.G. Elseroad 20-Towson State Home. MONDAY ·TUESDAY ture. Beta Beta Beta takes pleasure in an- 26-J ohns Hopkins Baltimore. WILLIAM HAINES, MADGE nouncing that the following have been 30-Towson State 'I'owson. EV ANS and CLIFF EDWARDS in Y. W. C. A. received into full membership: Millicent Quality Tailoring "FAST LIFE" Allen, Mildred Burkins, Irene Hutchins, Mickey Mouse, News and Comedy Prof. Barnhart of Hood College, spoke SUITS MADE TO ORDER P. G. Coffman Co. ·THURSDAY in Baker Chapel to a joint meeting of the and Lora Outten. CLEANING PRESSING WEDNESDAY MARCH and FREDERIC Y. W. C. A and Y. M. C. A. on March 22. After the ~ormal initiation on Tuesday REMODELING REPAIRING EASTER CARDS evening, the new members were enter- CLAUDETTE COLBERT in Mrs. Ward spoke in Y. W. C. A. Wed- tained at the "Ko-Ed Klub." H. E. REESE AND "TONIGHT IS OURS" nesday, March 15, on the" More Abund- 80 E. Main Street NOVELTIES ant Life." She stressed the fact that an individual is judged by his actions; like- BLACK AND WmTE wise, a college is judged by the actions of its representatives. Laurlene Straughn The fraternity takes great pleasure in sang a solo, "Not For Tomorrow, Just announcing that James F. Draper, '36, For Today." has been pledged to the fraternity. Professor Frank B. Hurt will speak to tho fraternity tonight. . D-ELTA SIGMA KAPPA "We're Telling Yon!" Delta Sigma Kappa wishes to an- nounce that Elise Kalb, '34, and Margar- "John" Everhart et Downing, '35, have been received into THE COLLEGE BARBER full membership in the club. Ruth Gillelan entertained the club at AND BOBBER "The old order changeth, yielding place to the new." bridge and dinner Saturday, March 17. AT THE FORKS Sure enuf, the original "College Headquarters" for years passes on and in KO-ED KLUB its place we bring you a new Shop, modernly equipped, in order to serve you better. "The Best Soda Shop In Town" We couldn't begin to tell you of all the changes made. Come and see for your- Catering to the College Man and Woman self. Our line of TOILETRIES is complete and you will be able to purchase a TOASTED SANDWICHES selective line of package medicines as well. We are the direct agents for the fol· PLATTER LUNCH-FANCY SUNDAES lowing nationally known merchandise: SODA WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES HOME.MADE ICE CREAM WATERMAN AND PARKER PENS AND PENCILS A Complete Line of Easter Candies and Novelties. Names put on Eggs Free of charge. Mailed or Delivered Free. EASTMAN KODAKS AND FILMS The Finest and Largest Assortment of Home.made SPALDING SPORTINGS GOODS CHOCOLATE CANDIES, BRITTLES, FUDGES, HOUBIGANT & COTY COSMETICS CARAMELS, AND NUT PATTIES We are the only store carrying W. M. College Seal Jewelry. Our Soda Fountain is equipped with every modern appliance for convenience, service and cleanliness. W/M Specials. We offer you the best in Drinks, Sodas, Sundaes and March 28, and enjoy Present the coupon below on College Day, Tuesday, Coffee Shoppe one of Whitman's famous 15c Frozen Fudge Sundaes for a nickle and "You'll Be Telling Us" A REAL LUNCHEON, INCLUDING COFFEE AND DESERT, FOR , . A FULL COURSE DINNER, INCLUDING EXTRA COFFEE, FOR . BONSACK BROTHE,RS 59 West Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. 22 W. MAIN STREET J. F. MOORE, Proprietor WESTMINSTER You'll Want "Moore" Coffee
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