Page 55 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE Tennis ·SPORTS I - Intra-Murals - Base Ball SPORTS Terror Netmen Will Open 1933 Season SPRING PROGRAM OF By Matches With University of Maryland FAN FODDER MEN'S INTRA-MURALS Two Scheduled Games Called off By npat" Mahoney ANNOUNCED BY SPEIR Because of Inclement BOXING MATCH CLIMAXES Weather WOMEN'S INDOOR SPORTS BOSTON C. TO PLAY. W. MD. Baseball Stages 'Comeback Tennis, Lacrosse, Baseball, and Are Sports Se- Horseshoes ACTIVITIES FOR 1933 Baseball, the gr'eat national pastime of American lected for Competition The "Terror" netmen suffered two youth, after being dropped from the official athletic calen- disappointments at the opening of their dar last year as a spring sport, is staging a comeback here Mr. H. B. Speir, head of the Men's 1933 season when Shephard College _of Maryland Mitwomen Defeat Green at Western Maryland this season. Intramural Athletic department an- W. Va., failed to arrive on Friday, April Glovers In Hard Fought nounces the Spring program which will 14, due to an auto mishap during the trip Match Present plans call for a team composed mainly of vet- include baseball, tennis, lacrosse and and when rain kept the Boston College erans to represent the Terror institution on the diamond. horseshoes. An active part is being taken sextette from playing on Monday, April HULL IS CHAMPION "Pat" Since most of the key positions are being filled by exper- 17. Mahoney ienced tossers the task of filling in the vacant gaps with by all the clubs and classes and quite a newcomers is greatly lessened. However, Coach Twigg has one big bit of competition in these activities is Boston College, one of the strongest The Green Glovers went down to the expected. tennis teams to ever invade Western Maryland Mitwomen by a score of 4-6 problem to work out before he can send his charges on their way with Maryland soil, arrived early Sunday from in the match sponsored by the Western any hope of having a successful season. The pitching department is Intra-mural schedules: Chestnut Hill, Mass., to play the Terrors Maryland Women's Intercollegiate Box- the chief concern of the diamond mentor. Bud Shilling is on hand to BASEBALL the following day. Rain continued ing Association, March 30, 1933.' The assume the burden of "star" hurler but the former Westminster high Teams throughout the night and when the sun fight of the evening, featuring Captain school slab-artist cannot do all the work in the box throughout the Club League finally came through the clouds Monday, , , Hefty" Hambsch, of the Mitwomen, season. The development of at least one more starting pitcher and the Bachelors Manager Victor Palmer examined the and Oaptain "Haughty" Hull, of the rise of at least two relief twirlers are paramount necessities if the team Gamma Betes courts and advised that the match for Green Glovers, was won by Hull, the rep- is. to meet with a fair amount of success. Dick Martin has given prom- Black and White that day be cancelled. resentative of the losing team. ise of developing into a dependable flipper and, if he continues to im- Delta Pi However, -the Boston netmen liked In the spacious attic of McDaniel Hall, prove, will be given the second starting berth. Western Maryland too well to let rain in- the ring was impressive under the glare ITrioof Veteran Infielders on Hand April 20. Bachelors vs. Gamma Betes. terfere with their playing and as a result of two 50·watt bulbs. The enthusiasm A trio of tried players are on hand to take care of three of the Black and White vs. Delta Pi. are endeavoring to arrange a playoff of of the colorfully dressed throng was re- four positions on the inner works. These players are Hurley, at first, April 27. Bachelors vs. Delta Pi. the cancelled engagement Saturday, strained with difficulty throughout the Willis, at second and Shepherd at the" hot" corner. All are able de- Gamma Betes vs. Black and White. April 22, immediately following their re- evening. fensive players and most of the attacking power is supposed' to come May 4. Bachelors vs. Black a-nd White. turn from Duke University where they from their willows. Gamma Betes vs. Delt Pi. will play on Friday. The match started with a fast bout be- Cumberland', a first-year man and Ransom, a converted third base- tween the flea-weights, Sis Twigg and Teams The Bostonians, boasting a veteran man. are the leading candidates for the shortstop position. The latter 1932 team, should provide plenty of top- Baby Baer. The Baby's chin stopped will get the call in the opening game with Navy as freshmen are not Independent League notch tennis such as one would expect to several of Sis' vigorous blows in the early allowed to compete against the Tars, but after that it should be an open Frosh I see in a team of this strength. Further part of the first round, but the plucky battle between the two. The player showing to the greatest advan- Frosh II announcement concerning the match Sat- half-pint fought hard to overcome her tage at the plate will probably play regularly as there is little to choose Sophomores After in height. urday will be made at a later date as handicap of blows throughout a lively ex- between their respective fielding performances. Plymouth change the match, soon as Manager Palmer receives final Captain Koppe will handle the catching assignment. The big re- April 19. Frosh I vs. Sophs. Twigg word of their arrangement for the match. hair-line. was awarded the decision by a ceiver is a hard worker and an inspiring leader, who should prove a Frosh II vs. Plymouth. Should the weather permit, the Univer- tower of strength behind' the platter. Koppe's experience should April 26. Frosh II vs, Sophs. sity of Maryland Tennis team will play The MacKenzie-Byrd match also pro- enable him to render valuable assistance to the coaches in the develop- Frosh I vs. Plymouth. the" Terrors" on the upper courts Fri- vided excitement for the spectators. Al- met of new twirlers, as well as serving as a steadying influence on the day, April 21. though Ducky Byrd had a considerable team as a whole. May 3. Frosh I vs. Frosh II. Last year Western Maryland defeated weight advantage over Yankee MacKen- Outfield Looms Strong Plymouth vs. Sophs. the" Terps" in a double-header engage- zie, the latter extended her opponent Games will be scheduled for 7 innings. ment, 5-4; 7-2. greatly in the first round. In the second An outfield composed of Doughty, Diksa, Tollinger and Lipsky are Games will be played on Hoffa Field. Maryland, besides still having all their round, MacKenzie once sent Byrd down on hand to take over the garden duties. This quartet combines speed Members of one league are not eligible leading players back from last year, have for a count of three, but Ducky's duck- and general fly-chasing ability with hitting strength. to play in the ofher league. A schedule found in French and Zircke, new men, . ing stood her in good stead, and the fight Fowble, a freshman, is certain to break into the line-up some place. for the second round will be announced the necessary strength needed to pilot was declared a draw. The youngster has had some experience at first base, but if Hurley later. them through a successful season. These Sizzlin Frey and Andy Forney furnish- continues to perform in a satisfying manner around the initial sack he men have added greatly to their strength ed an interesting bout, even livelier than can remain there and Fowble can be shifted elsewhere. The outfield LACROSSE as their reeent matches have indicated. the preceding two, but with the oppon- would be the logical place to station the new pellet-pounder, but this Teams: Olympics The probable line-up for Western ent's about equally as well matched. Andy creates a problem because of the presence of the veteran fly-chasers. Crescents Maryland on Friday will be: Singles: 1, displayed excellent guarding, but Frey's This situation is one which any coach would welcome, however, because Onandagas Bussard; 2, Gisriel; 3, Sliker, or Murch- left pierced her defense with several tell- no matter what solution is evolved it remains a certainty that the out- Schedule: ison; 4, Palmer; 5, Jaeger; 6, Haynes. ing blows. Especially splendid form was field posts will be in able hands. Apr. 21. Olympics vs. Crescents. Doubles: I, Bussard and Haynes; 2, Sli- displayed in the second round, by both A survey of the baseball aspect as a whole reveals a multiplicity Olympics vs. Onandagas, ker and Gisriel; 3, Palmer and Jaeger. the feather-weights. The award of the of diamond talent with all departments, except pitching, being well Apr. 28. Crescents vs. Onandagas. Coach Taggart requests that there be decision to Frey brought the Mitwomen's fortified. If some headway can be made in developing additional hurl- Crescents vs. Olympics. no talking to those playing during a score up to 2%. ing strength a commendable record should be compiled by the ball match and that any unnecessary noise or The crowd went wild at the next tossers. May 5. Onandagas vs. Olympics. Onandagas vs. Crescents. applause be made only after a point is match, but Pete Tull went even wilder, as Tennis Outlook Uncertain completed. she went into the ring to fight Lanky Games will be played on Hoffa Field. Lansdale to a draw in the middle-weight J While Western Maryland?s racquet wielders are in no position to Games will be played in two 15 minute CO-ED TEAMS BEGIN class. The 122-pounder exhibited some hope to emulate the brilliant performances of the teams of the past two halves. BASEBALL AND TENNIS fast slugging, until both showed signs of years, they are in a position to maintain the high place the green and Shoes will be issued to members of the tennis gold racquet eel'S have made for themselves circles in Eastern extreme fatigue. Lanky reserved her three teams. Girls' sports have been lagging some- breath for better purpose, but was un- during the last several years. This can be accomplished by making a Helmets what since the close of the volley-ball able to swerve the decision from a draw. worthwhile showing against the first class opposition lined up by West- at the games. and gloves will be distributed tournament, which was won by the sopho- ern Maryland tennis authorities. The schedule arranged for this year mores, but baseball and tennis have been The most aggressive boxer yet in the is the most pretentious ever attempted by a Western Maryland racquet (Continued on Page Four) launched with enthusiasm. Since only a ring, Mills, the Kid from Alabama, won team. The loss of five regulars from last year's squad robs the team of beginning in each has been made, it is the first decision for the Glovers by any chance of placing a well-balanced aggregation on the courts, but W. A. A. TO HOLD ANNUAL the 120-pound impossible to prophesy as to the victors, wresting Somers. Excellent title from Slug- it is hoped that the willingness to learn and the determination of the ELECTION OF OFFICERS was ging form dis- but each is a major sport, and there played by both these contestants, and es- new men will overcome their lack of experience in intercollegiate com- should be keen competition, both between petition. The Women's Athletic Association will teams and individuals. pecially fancy foot-work, and plain and Matches with Navy, Boston College, Bucknell, Hopkins, and fancy sputtering, on the part of Somers. hold its annual spring eleetion for the The baseball schedule for practice is as Gettysburg mark the high spots of a strenuous program. If commend- 1933-1934 term officers in a meeting to 'Je follows: After the first few seconds of feinting, able displays are made against these opponents the season can be con- the Alabama Kid drove her opponet held soon. As customary, two nominees Monday: -Sophomores-3.45-5.30. sidered successful no matter what the won and lost columns show for for each office have been named by the Tuesday : Juniors and Seniors-3.30-5.00. against the (imaginary) ropes time and Hie season's play. Board and one nomination may be made Wednesday: Freshmen-3.45-5.30. time again, following her punches up beautifully. from the floor. All association members Thursday: Juniors and Seniors-3'.30- PLYMOUTH TEAM WINS with 300 or more points are -eligible for a 4.30; Sophomores-4.00-5.30. Filling in the place left vacant by COACH HARLOW STARTS position as officer. Friday: Freshmen-3.45-5.30. Straw, to keep the sports calendar com- VOLLEY BALL TITLE SPRING PRACTICE Installation of new officers and the Saturday: All classes-1.00. plete, Joey Dawson put up a splendid Board will be made in the last yearly The freshman class, as is the usual fight against Roughhouse Roop in the 110- As the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Spring football practice has been re- meeting, to be held in May. Those rec- case, has the largest number enrolled for pound division. The match proceeded Rock, so the Plymouth volleyball team sumed where it was left off for Spring ommended by the Physical Education tennis, there being forty-two signed up. smoothly for 4 seeonds, until stopped by landed on the Gamma Bets, intra-mural vacation and about thirty five aspiring teachers, Miss Parker and Miss Todd in The juniors and sophomores have twenty the ref, in whose judgment the bout was champs, to take the school crown, in two candidates are toiling daily on Hoffa conjunction with the A. A. board are 85 in the tournament, and the seniors ten. It becoming unneeessarily rough. The de- hard fought games, 15-8, 15-11. field under the direction of Coach Har- follows: cision was a draw. is always interesting to follow these tour- Outstanding for the Independent low. The sessions are devoted principal- President-Dorothy naments. Last year Sue Cockey was Don't-Call-Me Daskam put up a losing league team were Commerford and Ber- ,ly to fundamentals and to teaching the Russell. Hull and May junior champion, May Russell won in the fight against Battling Bork, but if she gel', while Sadusky and Diksa played members of last year's freshmen team Secretary-Mary Brown and Anna sophomore class, and Kitty Rose took the lost the 125-pound title, she gained the well for the Gamma Bets. the Harlow type of play. Although the freshman title. distinction of being the First Lady of The Plymouths took the first game practices are held principally for the Wigley. the Evening. After the first tap which fairly easily but in the seeond experi- newcomers the upperclassmen are not be- Treasurer-Frances Glynn and Mar- LACROSSE ROSTER registered on her opponent's face, she enced some difficulty when the Red and ing slighted and are receiving their garet Yocum. was heard to utter the words, "Excuse Blue men jumped to a four-point lead share of work. Head of Seasonal Sports- The lacrosse roster for the intra-mu- me, " thus making cooed boxing history. and refused to give in when they lost the Hockey-Lucille Bork and Inez Flana- ral teams is as follows: Daskam also exhibited a unique tech- lead. tice Ooach Harlow expects to continue prac- gan. he has satisfied con- himself nntil Olympics: Routson, Gorski, Lucas, nique, that of boxing with her head turn- This game marked the close of the In- Basketball-Margaret, Downing and Mc Nal ly, Doughty, Hurley, Rusteburg, ed away from her opponent. Battling tra-mural winter sports. cerning his material fot next fall. This Dorothy Mitchell. O'Leair, Beauchamp, Brain. Bork's more conventional mode of attack Line-up: will be done through a series of practice Baseball-Ellen Holmes and Esther will be divided games in which the squad Crescents: Barto, Sadusky, Hissey, proved to be more effective, but possibly Sadusky into two teams and scrimmaged in a reg- Main. Boyd, Leitch, Martin, Hand, Koppe, Don't Call-Me will yet develop the fine Diksa Burger ulation game. Tennis-Edith Forney and Catherine Keyser, Graham. points of her individual style. Blissman Rose. Graham Commerford Onandagas: McKibben, Kleinman, The light-heavy bout in which Nick Beauchamp If the progress of the squad as a Hiking-Edythe Ohild and Sara Fa- Fleagle Campofreda, Mahoney, Jaeger, Willis, Jenkins and Pug Downing were hooked Murray Kaplan whole is satisfactory, practice is expect- deley. Hunter, Malkus, Holmes, Moore; D. ;K. ed to end in three weeks but this de- Volleyball-Ruth Jenkins and Louise (Cqi'JtinueqQU Page -Fo-ur) __Holmes RO'!llito pends on 'the results of the practice tilt$, Robill-eo~,-
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