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r HIGH SCHOOL FAREWELL SENIORS EDITION HAPPY V ACA TION UNDERCLASSMEN Vol. 10, No. 16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. June 1, 1933' PLAYERS WILL PRESENT NORMENT SPEECH WINNERS MARGARET 'ROUTZAHN Dr. Kent Roberts Greenfield of j.H. U. PEABODY'S "THE PIPER" WILL BE KNOWN JUNE 5 LEADS SOPHOMORE CLASS Will Deliver Commencement Address TO OPEN JUNE WEEK The annual Norment Speech Contest IN COMPREHENSIVE TEST Closing Annualjune Week Program was held in Alumni Hall, May 26. Dur- Large Cast To Take Part In Play ing the intermission between the fresh- Exams Make General Survey Of ----------------------------. man and sophomore readings, a trio com- Junior Class Will Be Hosts At Step DIRECTED BY MISS SMITH posed of Ann Johnson, Dorothy Hall and Work For Sophomore JUNE WEEK PROGRAM Singing Martha Harrison sang. The winners in Students ---- The College Players will present a the contest will be announced during the four-act play, "The Piper," in Alumni commencement exercises. VARIOUS FIELDS TESTED WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE 85 SENIORS WILL RECEIVE Hall on Friday, June 2, at eight 0 'clock. The contestants and their readings Sixty-Third Commencement DIPLOMAS This production is given as the final were as follows: The annual Sophomore Comprehensive June 2-5, 1933 dramatic project of the senior speech The Elephant's Child Kip~Vng Examination, which is a general survey General Program of Exercises The sixty-third commencement activi- class. Miss Esther Smith, instructor in Jean Baer, Cumberland, Md. examination of all work prior to and in- FRIDA Y, JUNE 2 ties of Western Maryland College will be- the speech department, is directing the The Debt Collector Matbrice Seuil. clusive of the Sophomore year in college, 8 :00 P. M. Play, "The Pied Piper gin Friday, June 2, and continue until play. Rosalie Gertrude Silberstein, was given on April 17 and 18. The ex- of Hamelin" the commencement exercises of Monday, Josephine Preston Peabody is the Baltimore, Md. amination included work in general Alumni Hall June 5. author of the play, which is an adapta- Seventh Heaven science, foreign literature, languages, fine SATURDAY, JUNE 3 The conferring of the Bachelor of Arts tion of the ancient myth of the Piper of Dorothy Elizabeth Wicks, arts, history and social studies, and 10: 30 A. M. Society and C 1u b Re- degrees upon members of the graduating Hamelin. While the plot is built on the Glen Cove, L. 1., N. Y. mathematics. The results of the exami- unions class will take place in Alumni Hall, chief ideas of the original legend, there The Pickwickians on Ice Dickens nations have recently been announced. 2:00 P. M. Baseball, Western Mary- Monday at 10 A. M. Dr. Kent Roberts are many changes and additions that will George Franklin Tenze, Taneytown, Md. Miss Margaret E. Routzahn had the high- land College vs. Mount Greenfield, head of the Department of render the story more interesting and Mr. Hay's Memory System Loomis est score and ranked first in the class. Saint Mary's College History at Johns Hopkins University, surprising. Donald Prince, Washington, D. C. She stood first in history and social 5:15 P. M. Annual Business Meeting will deli~er the commencement address. Hamelin, the German town which is The Little Bugler's Alarm studies, foreign literature and literary of the Alumni Associa- Approximately eighty-five men and the setting for the story, was a thriving Ernest Glanville acquaintance, and stood high in all other tion -women are expected to receive diplomas commercial center in 1284. The costumes, Stephen Harold White, Hagerstown, Md. SUbjects. 6: 30 P. M. Dinner to alumni and from President Ward. Commissions will language, and native customs of the peo- Wanderer's Night Song Buck The list of the first ten in the various other friends be presented to men in the senior ple of that period make the scenes pic- La Spagnola Di Chiara subjects follows: Dining Room class. The winners of academic honors turesque and charming. All of the char- Misses Johnson, Hull, Harrison General score: Routzahn, M. E., James, SUNDA Y, JUNE 4 and honorary medals will also be made acters are interesting, the universally- My Lady's Lace Edward Knoblock M. V., Bryson, B. 0., Bopst, J. M., Bry- 10: 30 A. M. Baccalaureate Service public at this time. known Piper especially so. Lucille Bork, Chelsa, Mass. son, Beth, Chell, T. M., Elderdice, E. F., Alumni Hall The round of June Week activities will The presentation of "The Piper" on Song of Hiawatha LongfeWow Fogle, L. R., Willis, M. E., Rusteberg, C. 7: 00 P. M. Evening On the Campus begin with the play, "The Pied Piper of Friday evening will be the first import- Orpha-Bonita Pritchard, W. MONDA Y, JUNE 5 Hamelin," to be presented by the Speech ant event of the commencement exercises Cumberland, Md. History. MIa sooua Studies 10 :00 A. M. Commencement Department, in Alumni Hall, Friday eve- for "this year. All senior speech students The Patience of Taku Vingie E. Roe Routzahn, M. E., Mount Airy High. Alumni Hall ning, June 2, at 8 {)'clock. have roles in the play, as well as some Jessie Irene Shipley, Westminster, Md. James, M. V., Chevy Chase High. ~------------------------~ Saturday, June 3, at 10.30 o'clock the members of the junior class. Our Guide in Genoa and Rorno Clemens Bryson, Beth, Catonsville High. literary societies will hold their reunions The characters are: Irving Carlton Brinsfield, Vienna, Md. LANTERN CHAIN CLIMAXES attendant upon the alumni reunion on A. W., Westminster Prologue Ann Johnson Three Friends Faulkner Wampler, B. 0., Catonsville High. High. Sat.urday afternoon. A baseball game Bryson, The Piper Wendell Junkin Dennis Joshua Brown, Westminster, Md. Chell, T. M., Ellicott City High. FAREWEll TO SENIORS will be played between Mt, St. Mary's Michael-the-Sword-Eater. Frank Mitchell The Unknown Soldier Bruce Barton Main, E. E., Dublins High, Street, Md. ---- and Western Maryland on the home field Cheat-the-Devil Lora Outten Francis Kale Mathias, Westminster, Md. -Iacobus, the Burgomeister Elderdice, E. F., Wicomico High, Salis- Seniors See Themselves As Others at 2.30P. M. bury. The Alumni Association of Western -Theodore Landis See Them Kur-t the Syndic Leslie Werner COMPETITIVE DRILL IS II Forney, E. H., Mechanicsburg High, ---- Maryland College will hold its annual Pa. Peter the Cobbler William Kesmodel WON BY COMPANY B The Farewell party for Senior girls dinner for the seniors and then a busi- Hans the Butcher Frederick Malkus Rusteberg, C. W. Annapolis High. was presented Wednesday afternoon, May ness meeting at 6: 30 o'clock Saturday Axel the Smith Maurice Fleming I Foreign Literature 31, on the front campus. Impersonations, evening in the Dining Hall. Martin the Watch Norman Ward Cup Presented To Sponsor Of The Routzahn, M. E., Mount Airy High. by underclassmen, of the members of the The baccalaureate sermon will be Anselm, the young priest Company James, M. V., Chevy Chase High. graduating class gave the seniors an op- preached by President A. N. Ward on William Wright Bryson, Beth, Catonsville High. portunity to see themselves as others see Sunday, June 4, at 10.30 in Alumni Hall. Old Claus, a miser Carlton Brinsfield Company B, under the direction of Ca- Bryson, B. 0., Catonsville, Md. them. Faculty members and members of the Jan Philip Shaeffer det Captain Harold Koppe, won the an- Bork, F. L., Annapolis High. The Junior women presented a play, graduating class will attend this service Hansel Sarah Louise Mills nual competitive company drill held by Main, E. E., Dublins High School, , 'The Six Who Pass While the Lentils in academic procession. rIse Cleona Brinsfield the R. O. T. C. unit of Western Maryland Street. Boil," written by Stuart Walker. The On Sunday evening from 7 to 9 will be Frieda Virginia Helmstetter College on Hoffa Field on Monday, May Rusteberg, C. W., Annapolis High. cast was as follows: held an evening on the campus at which 15. Veronica, the wife of Kurt Forney, E. H., Mechanicsburg High, Boy Katherine Timmons the junior class will be host to all par- Second place in the company competi- Mary Ellen Senat Pa. The Queen Laurlene Straughn ents and friends of the college. Step Barbara, daughter of Jacobus tion went to Company C, commanded by Chell, T. M., Ellicott City High. Mime Mildred Burkins singing will be a feature of the night Cadet Captain Victor R. Martin. Milkmaid Muriel Day Margaret Erb Glynn, F. S., Academy of Saint upon the campus. Refreshments will be Wife of Hans the Butcher Company B led the field also in high Therese, Lakewood, Ohio. Blindman Helen Whitcraf't- served. score for the best platoon, winning first Kathleen Moore Fine Arts Dreadful Headsman Dorothy Paul Cadet places. Wife' of Axel the Smith .. Mildred Fowble and second Routson commanded Lieutenant James, M. V., Chevy Chase High. Pr{)logue Mary Parks the first Stoddard Wife of Martin the Watch .. Elsie Bowen Routzahn, M. E., Mount Airy High. After the play the women officers of Old Ursula Pauline Tbomas unit and Cadet Lieutenant Clyde Bryan Bopst, J. M., Westminster High. the Junior class presided at the tradition- JESSIE SNOW ADDRESSES led the second group. Wife of Peter the Cobbler Fogle, L. R., Westminster High. al cup ceremony. Margaret Yocum, M. The judges for the competitive drill FOREIGN AFFAIRS GROUP Gladyse Somers Wooden, M. E., Franklin High, Reis- Estelle Williams heldJ the cup and pre- Nuns Ann .Iohnson, Mildred Bur- were Major E. H. Berthram, Gettysburg terstown. sented each senior with a rose as a part kins, Esther Righter, Louise Needy College; Lieut. Shepherd, University of Elderdice, E. F., Wicomico High, of the usual rites. and problems The present Children Jean Baer, William Hollo- Maryland; Lieut. Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., Salisbury. Following dinner Donald Tschudy, League of Nations was the topic of the a of O. R. C., and Lieut. way, Hugh Speir, Lois Royer, Mar- R. C. Donald Woolley, O. Moxley, V. A., Damascus High. president of the Sophomore class, presid- jorie Little, Muriel Day, Jane Harri- Lucas, W. L., City College, Baltimore. ed over the ivy planting, assisted by Char- talk made to the International Relations son, May Bertholf, Denton Twigg, Following the company drill the indi- Bryson, B. 0., Catonsville High. lotte Sprague, vice-president. Russell Club by Miss Jessie Snow, Executive Sec- retary of the Miriam Shroyer, Bea Huss, Jane Mel- vidual prize drill was held. Private Don- Bork, F. L., Annapolis High. Herbst as president of the class of '33, League of the Maryland Branch on May of Nations Association, lor, Catherine Little. ald Prince of Company C won first place. responded in behalf of his class to the Private Chapman of Company B was the English dedication speech by Mr. Tschudy. 15. runner-up. Bryson, B. 0., Catonsville, Md. At 8 o'cloc.k of the same evening, the The two most outstanding problems SECOND SUMMER SESSION talion, presented the much coveted silver McCaffrey, M., St. John's Parochial • wOI?en of the Freshman class escorted the now confronting the League of Nations Esther Bat- of the sponsor Righter, School. now are Disarmament Conference the women Field to Hoffa in the an- Senior OFFERED AT W. MD. loving cup to June on Page 2) of Bopst, J. M., Westminster High. nual Lantern Chain. pending and to be a real test of the C-ooling, sponsor wars which the undeclared are proving (Continued Four) (Coutinued on Page 4) (Continued on Page League's power. Western Maryland College closes its It was emphasized that the League is six ty-eix th regular session June 5 and Men's Student Body Sponsors May Day Burlesque on Campus not an un-American notion at all, but is opens its second summer session June in fact only a variant of proposals made 19, 1933. This session is an integral part Five hundred spectators on Hoffa Field dor and officially proclaimed her Queen next portrayed. Stoney Willis's charac- in our own country as far bask as 1820. of the college year. The ten-week last Wednesday acclaimed the Boys' May of May. To celebrate the occasion a most I Likewise, the League is not an entirely summer session, divided into two five- Day as the best May Day ever. From the graceful ballet was given by the flower terization of Professor Hurt. completely new idea to Europe, but an outgrowth of week terms, is two-thirds of one semes- moment when the parade, headed by the dancers, led by Campofreda. Next stole the act. Pyles as Dr. Whitfield, and century-old sentiment for peace, forced as Dean Schofleld, also gaYe mas- Nichols ter; and three summer sessions earn the school band, entered the field until the came the piece de resistance of the pro- terful interpretations. Several short to a sudden maturity by the World War. credits of two semesters or one college final grand encounter between the courts gram-the scene of Nero taking a bath. year. of Nero and Marcus, there was not a dull Partly concealed by a curtain, he was sketches followed: Wimpy and Ghandi The movement toward internationlism The Summer Session enables college moment. The theme of the action was given a bath, playing his fiddle all the (Lipsky and Boyd); An Unfortunate is inevitable in our day of mutual de- Yet some per- between nations. students to continue their study during taken from Rome, but the boys did things while, an episode never before portrayed Incident (Outten and Whittington pendence the backward -looking attitude in sist the summer and graduate in three the Romans never dreamed of. so vividly. Rhodes and Williams); a modern "rass- which Miss Snow characterized as "ox- years; i. e., by diminating the long Following the antics of two lion mas- Being completely washed, polished, and lin" match between Kaplan and Kaddy; cart psychology." The United States is summer vacations, students may secure cots (Wes George and Fleming), Nero manicured, Nero received the "aces", and an exhibition by the Panther Woman, effectively preventing action against vio- in three years the eight semesters of (Clem Marks), was lifted from his royal under the direction of Jack MacNally, Joe Kleinman. lators of world peace beanse she will not college work usually required fIll" grad- wagon (hearse) and onto the throne. head of aviation. After the entire force The proceedings were viewed by a large assist in supporting a world boycott of uation. They may then secure positions, Amid a great ovation, the Queen of May had "cracked up" and been laid to the number of visitors from the neighboring the offending nation. go to graduate schools, or continue for (John o 'Leair) , with her gorgeous court, rest by the comely dancers, Marcus (An- towns. Many expressed their hope that a year of advanced study at I took her place beside him and the stage dy Gorski), drilled his army in a manner the Boys' May Day might become an an- After her talk Miss Snow answered the Western Maryland. was set for the program. Doctor Ward, that was never seen before and probably nual institution on the Hill, and many questions asked her about the League by A student "ntering as a freshman in portrayed by Henry Romito, crowned never will be again. of the girls agreed that their May Day members of the club. She also left some (Continued on Page 4) the queen with a ribbon-bedecked cuspi- A meeting of the school faculty was was tame in comparison. very informative pamphlets on the Court. and the World League
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