Page 59 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE ~======================================~=== Tennis - Intra-Murals - Base Ball SPORTS I SPORTS Terror Racqueteers Win Matches with REGULAR GAME CONCLUDES Catawba, Loyola and Gettysburg FAN FODDER SPRING PRACTICE WORK Win Deciding Match In Loyola TERROR BASEBALL TEAM By ~~Pat" Mahoney OFW. M. FOOTBALL SQUAD Tilt Hard Fought Con t est Ends In PREPARES FOR CONTESTS Scoreless Tie LOSE TO NAVY, U. OF MD. Intramural Sports Proving Successful Sports of the intramural variety are enjoying a "boon" NO INDIVIDUAL STARS Jupiter Pluvius has caused two of the The Green Tenor netmen opened Tenors' baseball games to be cancelled, year here on the hill. 'rhe" sports-for-all" program, in- Coach Dick Harlow officially closed their 1933 season with a team much so far. The Navy engagement and the augurated in the college a few years ago, has developed to the three week's Spring football prac- crippled by the graduation of five regn- Mount St. Mary's contest were called the point where authorities feel safe in asserting its suc- tice on Friday, May 5, when two teams 'lars from last yeai's squad, by receiving off because of rain. Although rain pre- cess. Plans for an extension of the intramural program, selected by the coaches played a regu- a 9-0 defeat from a much stronger Uni- vented these two games from being on a more elaborate scale, are being formulated for future lar game. The two teams chosen were use. versity of Maryland team than the Hill- played this might be a blessing in dis- "Pat" as evenly matched as possible, one was toppers had ever experienced with a guise because the team wasn't adequate- Mahoney Intramur-al athletics are a comparatively recent develop- termed "the Greens" the other "the College Park organization. ly prepared for them. Spring football ment in the athletic life of Western Maryland. Sports of a nature akin Whites". The former was captained by Rainy weather handicapped the Ter- and other factors had obstructed prac- to the intramural brand were conducted unofficially by the R O. T. C. Al Sadusky, the latter by Jimmie Dunn. rors in their early spring practice, and tice, but now that the former is finished department for several years. Student interest was usually limited to 'I'he was played in a drizzling rain due to the condition of the courts, the the men who participated in that sport members of this unit. 'With the installation of physical education as a and after a bitterly fought tussle it netmen were unable to get a satisfactory can devote their time exclusively to compulsory course for freshman and sophomores some organization was ended in a 0-0 deadlock. workout prior to the Maryland encoun- baseball. The cancellation of the two given to the movement and a new era was begun. The hostilities were begun when "the ter. Not only were the players hand- games shortened an already limited Interest is steadily increasing and can be explained by the fact Greens" kicked off to "the Whites". The icapped by inclement weather, but as schedule and leaves the team with only that the scope of intramural athletics has been enlarged to include al- latter failing to gain kicked to "the well, the rainy season caused the can- five more engagements. There is a pos- most every branch of sport engaged in by American youths. The theo- Greens". "The Greens" imzcediately cellat.ion of two early scheduled mat- sibility, however, that more games will retical knowledge of a sport gained in the physical education class room made an advance which carried them to ches. Both Shepherd College of West be added. is applied on the athletic field. 'I'his condition helps to provide more "the Whites" ten yard line. This thrust Virginia and Boston College were un- Coach Twigg is fortunate in having even competition, which in itself is always a source of athletic interest. came through a nice return of a punt b:: able to meet the 'I'error Netmen in the quite a number of capable men out and Intramural athletics have a definite place in a college of this size Cumberland and from a twenty-five- matches as scheduled for April 14, and if the weather would permit he would and are a means of bringing about many desirable ends, such as, the yard pass from Cumberland to Davis, April 17. have a nine that could meet the best development of varsity material, and keeping physical health sound, the latter runnmg ten more yards be- The apparent bad start which pre- college teams in the country on even besides initiating and developing many other d'esirable attitudes and fore being brought to earth. The Whites vailed at the beginning of the season terms. In the practice games the first habits, concomitant to the material results. braced, took the ball on downs and seemed to continue for our team when nine has lined up as follows: Koppe, punted out of danger. they were handed their second defeat at catcher; Hurley, first base; Willis, sec- Former Terror Athlete Turns Pro Boxer This threat to score by "the Greens" the hands of the Naval Academy, Wed- ond base; Cumberland or Ransom, George Ekaitis, former football, boxing, and lacrosse star at West- was the closest eit.her eleven approached short; Shepherd or Leitch, third; Shil- uesday, April 26, by the score of 8-1. ern Maryland a few years back has decided to try his fortune in the to the other's goal line. Both quarter- Bussard, Captain of the Terror team ling, pitcher. In the outfield 'I'ollenger, professional boxing ring and is expected to make his debut in about backs played a punting game and wait- was the only player to turn is a win Lipsky, Doughty, Diksa, and Keyser two weeks. ed for a "lucky break" which failed to against the Navy outfit. He defeated have been getting the call. Among the Ekaitis is expected to fight in and around Baltimore for a while materialize. As a result the struggle new men, Wade, a shortstop, Fowble, Midshipman McAfee, 2-6, 7-5, 8-6. and is making that place his residence for the present while he under- was played almost entirely in the mid- an outfielder, Draper, a pitcher, have Thursday, April 27, found the Ter- goes a period' of intensive training. dle of the field. Also, the teamwork of promise. great The ror team crossing rackets with the Ca- shown hurlers, Martin, Kimmey, other var- While sporting the colors of the Terror institution Ekaitis was one bo th aggregations wasn't co-ordinated sity Wright, tawba College Tepresimtatives from and Junkin, will aid Shilling in shoul- of the foremost athletes ever to perform as a representative of Western, which checked the scoring possibilities. Salisbury, N. C. For the first time dur- dering the pitching bUTden. Maryland on the athletic field or in the squared arena. 'I'liough the teamwork wasn't unified in- ing the present season, the Western As a college ringster, Ekaitis was more or less of a sensation for his dividual work of many of the men was Maryland came to the top in a The next scheduled game is against knockout proclivities. Twelve of his most notable victories were first good. Hurley, formerly an end who 6-3 match to defeat the Carolina men. P. M. C. Saturday, May 13, at Chester, round "kayoes", and only once in four years of fighting was he floored. played at center, gave a good account Palmer, Haynes, Jaeger, and Bussard Pennsylvania, and the Terrors hope to Packing dynamite in both fists the former green and gold star is the' of himself in his new position. This re- were responsible for four of the singles Lring back a victory. type of performer known as a cr owd-pleaser. As a college mitman he lieved the center problem for the com- victories, while Haynes and Jaeger, and The remaining schedule: possessed more than an avcrago amount of showmanship and there is ing season as Lipsky was the only man Bussard and Palmer were responsible May 13-P. M. C., Chester, Pa. every reason to believe that his drawing power will cause the turnstiles available for that berth. Bern ie Kap- for the other two' points in doubles May 19-George' Washington, Washing- lan at guard played good defensive ball w hich were necessary to win the match. ton, D. C. (night game) to click merrily. and showed improvement in his offen- The next team victim of the Terrors May 23-University of Maryland; Col- There is one element in the announcement of his professional lean- sive work. Klem Marks, also a guard, was Loyola College of Baltimore, who lege Park, Md. ings which puzzles this observer. "\Ve cannot understand why George played the outstanding game in either were defeated by the local netmen, 5-4 May 27-Penn State, State College, Pa. has resolved to mingle with the big fellows, when he could easily make line. All of the veterans, Sadausky, vVe can see only one explanation limit. the light-heavyweight for this in the closest rna tch for the locals this June 3-Mt. St. Marys (home game) resolution-the ex-terror star is in the game for the pecuniary returns Dunn, Shephcrd and the Test played ex- coming year. At the end of the singles matches, and' realizes that the onlv really heavy "sugar" is handed out in the cellen t ball. Among the Frosh Cumber- a guard, and up, Campofreda, the score remained tied, 4-4. The match unlimited division. l\Iore power to you, George. depended upon the result of the num- INTRA-MURALS CREATE land, a back, were outstanding. ber three doubles which was to be MUCH SPIRITED RIVALRY Barnett Annexes New Jersey Amateur Title 'I'his spring training comparatively . played immediately following supper in Another ex-Terror athlete is using- the athletic skill acquired at short as compared with other schools which Gisriel and Jaeger represented May 6 marked the finish of the first Western Marvland to find a place in the athletic spotlight. lIe is Nor- nevertheless revealed to Coach Harlow the Terror team. After two sets of hard round of tournament play in the men's man Barnett, of Irvington, New Jersey. Like Ekaitis he, also, per- the possibilities and capabilities of his fought tennis, the Green and Gold rep- intramural sport program. A fine spirit formed creditably as a member of green and gold football. lacrosse and material for next fall. He expressed resentatives conquered the Loyola net- of interest, cooperation, and rivalry has boxing teams. himself as pleased with the training as men 6-3, 6-3, winning not only their been shown throughout by aU the par- a whole, and especially with the game doubles match, but also giving the Wes- ticipants. 'I'he tennis tournament for Barnett resumed activities last winter within the roped arena. He which afforded him an opportunity to tern Maryland netmen the long end of a the first week saw the Gamma Beta's participated in many amateur boxing events around his home town see how the new men would act under of the state 5-4 score. defeating the Bachelors and the Delta before entering the heavywight division mauler annexed amateur cham- actual game conditions. Their actions at Newark. the unlimited pionships The Irvington The third straight win was recorded Pi's vanquishing the Black and White crown, and was sent on to Boston to represent his state in that division gave him a foundation on which to by a victory over Gettysburg College, Olub 5-2. Only part of the second round of the national championship competition. Barnett advanced to the build and make his plans for next fall. played 'I'hursday, May 4th, at Gettys- could be completed because of the wea- semi-final rou~d before being eliminated on a hairline decision by Izzy The Greens The Whites burg, by the score of 8-1. Palmer, LJlel' conditions during the latter part of RIchter, of Plllladelpha, who subsequently became the titleholder. Gorski LE Diksa, Keyser Haynes, Jaeger, Bussard, and Sliker the week. Willis were responsible for five singles The iirst bracket of the baseball Rumors emanating from New Jersey have it that Barnett is consid- Lucas LT Ryscavage matches, while Palmer and Bussard de- Jeague witnessed the defeat of the Gam- ering a fling at the pro racket. He does not have the punching power Campofreda LG Mal'ks feated the Gettysburg number one dou- ma Bete's and the Delta Pi's. The for- possessed' by Ekaitis, but has built up a promising attack around a well- Hurley C Lipsky bles team, Haynes and Gisriel defeated mer lost to the Black and Whites, the developed left hand. The ,Terseyite hooks well with either hand and is B. Kaplan RG Kaddy, the number two doubles team, and latter to the Bachelors, 9-7. In the sec- specially fast for a heavyweight. Commerforc ond round the Black and White Club de- It would be a strange development of events, if fate should decree RT L. Kaplan Pyles and Sliker defeated the Gettys- Sadausky feated the Bachelors 8-4. The pitching that the paths of the ex-teammates should cross in the roped arena. Davis RE Woodberry burg number three doubles team. Even of Beane of the Bachelors and MUl'l'ay :MacNally OB Mergo though the score indicates an easy vic- of the Black and Whites featured the 'Cumberland HB Shepherd tory for the Hilltoppers, many of the W. A. A. ELECT OFFICERS game, which was decided by a four run Ferguson H B Dunn match scores were close, several devel- FOR YEAR 1933-34 extra inning rally by the Black and Draper F B Schwiekel oping into three set matches. II hite sluggers. '1'11eDelta Pi's were de- Headlines FourYears Ago Ref.: Capt. Holmes (St. Johns) Western Maryland will make its first feated by the Gamma Bete's 7-3 and the The Women's Athletic Association retul"ll engagement Thursday, May 11, Sophs took the- Fl'osh II into camp to elected officers for 1933-1934 Monday DEAN SCHOFIELD TO MARRY Head Linesman: Hunter (W. M. C.) when it meets Loyola College at Home- the tune of 10-2. Every game has been night, May 1. They are as follows: FORMER FACULTY MEMBER wood, in Baltimore. The Loyola team colorful and hard-fought. President-May Russell. should afford the Ten-ors plenty of op- Due to the weather, only one Lacrosse Vicc-president-Dorothy Hull. BROWNING DEFEATS PHILO IN position Thursday, with their team con- game has been played thus far, the STIRRING DEBATE COMING EVENTS siderably strengthened by three veteran Onandago's defeating the Crescents 5-2. SecJ'etary-~r[ary Brown. players who will join the Loyola net '1'he game was fast, hard and very Treasurer-Margaret Yocum. JESTERS SUCCESSFULL.Y TOUR squad this week. Following the Loyola rough. Mahony played well for the THE EASTERN SHORE '1'HURSDAY, MAY 11-- winners, while Sadusky played good Managers: Art Exhibit. McDaniel Hall Lounge. match Thursday; St. Johns College will ball for the Crescents. lIoekey--Inez Flanagan. BOXERS END SUCCESSFUL SEASON 8 o'clock. play Western Maryland at Westminster this Saturday, May 13, at 2:30 P. M. Golf and horseshoe contests will be- Basketball-Dorothy Mitchell. UNDER HARL.OW FRIDAY, MAY 12-- g,n this "'cek as soon as the weather Baseball- Esther Main. Piano Recital, Mason Sprague, Smith The schedule for the remainder of the MARY RUTH HOLT ELECTED 1933 season is: permits. Volleyball-Ruth Jenkins. MAY QUEEN Hall; 7:30. May 11 Loyola College, at Baltimore Tennis-Katherine ltose. FRIDAY, MAY 19- Hiking-Sarah Fadely. 13 St. Johns College, at Annapolis A group of freshmen and sophomores, C!ERCLE FRANCAIS TO GIVE TWC Piano Recital, James Bopst, Smitl under the supervision of girls majoring PLAYS IN SMITH HALL Hall, 7:30. 19 U. of Md., at College Park in physical education, played volleyball SA TURDA Y, MAY 20- 20 Towson Normal, ,Yestminster and hitball ,,-ith girls from Westminster Bad weather has interfered ,dth both CONTESTANTS SELECTED FOR May Day. 26 Johns-Hopkins, Homewood High School on several different occa- baseball and tennis, and it is probable NORMENT CONTEST sions. Westminster won one hitball that the tournaments will not be com- TUESDAY, MAY 23- 30 Towson Normal, Towson game, while Wester!! :Maryland won the pleted, unless advantage is taken of fa- MILITARY DEPARTMENT MAKES Senior Tea, given by Home EconomĀ· June 3 St. JQhJ1S, Annapolis rest of the gamee, vorable weather, EXCELLENT RATING ies Department.
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