Page 56 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, WestIn4lster, Md. GOLD BUG BANQUET Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A. HELD FOR NEW STAFF Alumni Nnna HOLD INSTALLATION OF NEWLY-ELECTED OFFICERS The Secretary of the Alumni Associa- On Friday evening, March 24, a ban- (Continued from Page One) w.w. BLACK AND WHITE quet was held in the Y. W. C. A. room in tion has made arrangements with the honor of the incoming and outgoing American Express Company, by which years, represented the outgoing cabi- W. W. wishes to announce as pledges Prof. E. K. Schempp will speak to the members of the Gold Bug Staff. There the Association will benefit whenever any net. Anna Frances Seward, Charlotte Wil- fraternity next Tuesday night, April 25. were about twenty-five persons present, one connected with the College or any The new president of the Y. M. C. A., liams, and Ruth Jenkins. including staff members, Prof. George S. member 'of the Association uses Ameri- William Kesmodel will be aided by: Wills, and Miss Addie Belle Robb. MiSE can Express Company facilities in Sum- Robert Loss, vice-president; Donald pm ALPHA MU Wingate, faculty adviser of the GOLD mer Tours or vacation travel. Tschudy, secretary; William Wright, BUG, was unable to attend because of There is no charge for this. All you treasurer; and the following men as DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Phi Alpha Mu held their club informal illness. have to d-ois state that you are connect- chairmen of committees: Robert Loss Friday 14, in the clubroom. ed with the College or the Association, Deleta Sigma Kappa wishes to an- Miss Strow, the retiring editor, made a program; John Dawson, membership; and the agency with whom you make nounce that Anna Proutt has been form- short speech expressing her appreciation your arrangements will do the rest. If Carlton Brinsfield, publicity ; David ally pledged to the club. Y. W. C. A. of the support given her by students and Wynne, deputation; Herbert McKib- faculty advisers. The newly elected edi- you contemplate a trip, and do not know ben, music; Marshall Stevens, Hi Y; Dr. Quay of the Lutheran Church, tor, Frank Mitchell, also spoke concern- whom to see, give a memo of your inten- and Richard Keifer, international stu- spoke to the members of the Y. W. C. A. ing the duties and problems faci¥g the tion to Mr. Harrison, and he will arrange dent. Other members of these commit- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Wednesday, April 29. GOLD BUG staff for the coming year. for a representative to get in touch with tees are: Lewis Ransom, Andrew GOT- CLUB you. Foreign travel, all water trips, Since the activities fee imposed on all ski, Frank MeIlvcen, Lora Outten, Don- students has been decreased the appropri- transcontinental tours-help the Alumni ald Prince, Richard Simms, Cornelius At the April meeting the situation be- GAMMA BETA cm Association and make your trip plans I tween Russia and England was discussed ation for the Gold Bug has been cut, and work smoothly. Gisriel, George Harrison, Cecil Mark, and Marvin Sterling. by Mr. Gisriel and Mr. W. E. Williams. Thomas Pontecorvo has been pledged some means of financing the project must The constitution was voted upon. to the fraternity. be found. The Y. M. C. A. expects to have a Both Prof. Wills and Miss Robb ad- very successful year and plans to have dressed the staff, speaking of the work COLLEGE INN REOPENS many new features which will be of in- BOXING MATCH CLIMAXES MARY ELLEN SEN AT IS that has been done during this year, and terest to all students at Western Mary- WOMEN'S INDOOR SPORTS CHOSEN BY CO-EDS TO offering suggestions for next year. FOR STUDENT PATRONAGE land. With the advance in Christian the Y. M. C. A. and action, thought ACTIVITIES FOR 1933 PRESIDE OVER MAY should have a great deal of support DAY FESTIVITIES The College Inn reopened Monday, during the coming college year. (Continued 'from Page Three) SPRING PROGRAM OF MEN'S April 10, after having been closed since (Continued from Page One) INTRA-MURALS AN- February 1. Mrs. E. M. Mellor is now up, proved to be a short but lively bout, Margaret Sullivan, Frances Miller, Cyn- managing the Inn and is prepared to ca- the fight being cut short because of the thia Hales. NOUNCED BY SPEIR ter to the needs of the college students. Quality Tailoring lateness of the evening. Upper-cuts by Business Manager: May Russell. (Continued from Page Three) She expresses her sincere desire for their SUITS MADE TO ORDER the" Pug" and crafty jabs to the right Committee: Barbara Daskam, A. R. patronage. Excellent food is served at CLEANING PRESSING by "Nick" provided excitement for the Smith, Marguerite Carrara. TENNIS moderate prices. Students are urged to REMODELING REPAIRING on-lookers. As yet no definite plans have been Schedule: support the Inn, which is under the su- H. E. REESE pervision of the College. A real rough-and-tumble match follow- made in regard to a theme, but that Week of Apr. 24: 80 E. Main Street ed, when Hard Lines sent Reds Hagen will be decided in the near future. Bachelors vs. Gamma Betes. into anything but pleasant places. In Black and White vs. Delta Pi. PATRONIZE fact, the plucky Reds was smeared PASSING IN REVIEW Week of May 1: against the (imaginary) ropes several Gamma Betes vs. Black and White. OUR Soda and Lunch times, and once was knocked clear (Continued from Page One) Bachelors vs. Delta Pi. ADVERTISERS. Shop through them. The heavy-weight aspir- be provided for. It might be' interest- Week of May 8: ant displayed some beautiful ducking, ing to note that Japanese immigrants in Bachelors vs. Black and White. SPECIAL LUNCHES but was clearly outclassed by Hard Lines, Manchuria will find a thirty-five mil- Gamma Betes vs, Delta Pi. DAILY who was awarded the decision. lion population with which to contend Matches may be played any time dur- Order Your Name Cards for uncramped exlstence. Moreover, ing the week of the dates mentioned THE KIND OF COOKING The atmosphere became tense as the EARLY two captains, both redoubtable in prow- these thirty-five millions exist on a above, each man and his opponent play- P. G. Coffman Co. YOU LIKE standard of living so low that even the ess, entered the ring. The match was in- Japanese will' find it difficult to cope ing at their convenience. -The Best In- deed worthy of the attention reserved for with their native competitors. From Teams will consist of four men. TIMES BUILDING SODAS it. Blows rained on the faces of each of this viewpoint, it seems as if Manchur- HORSEoSHOES SUNDAES the opponents. An extra thrill or three ia will not solve Japan's difficulty. Per- Schedule: DRINKS was provided when Hambsch was driven haps she will have to look elsewhere af- To be the same as the tennis schedule. "John" Everhart precipitately into Mrs. Harlow's lap. ter she has exploited Manchuria. A Teams to consist of 5 men, THE COLLEGE BARBER Bonsack Bros. Had it not been for the faulty foot-work good, sanguine war would help a lot in A game will be 21 points. The College Shop and timing of the Mitwomen's captain, reducing their population-maybe that's Matches will be decided on the best AND BOBBER zz W. MAIN ST. the decision might have been more doubt- why Japan seems to be looking for it! two out of three games. AT THE FORKS ful, but Captain Hull, obviously in the pink of condition and fresh from strenu- ous training, was deservedly awarded the decision. The W. M. W. 1. B. A. was fortunate KO,ED KLUB to secure the services of "Mrs. Stoney The Officers Club Willis," of the Big Stone Gap Willises, "THE BEST SODA SHOP IN TOWN" who has learned the art of announcing from her distinguished husband. PRESENTS Catering to the College Man and Woman DON'T FORGET MOTHER The Eighth DON'T FORGET OUR A complete line of Mothers Day Package Candy, ranging in price Annual Military Ball from 60c to $3.00. We will be glad to mail these packages free ADVERTISERS of charge. MAY 6 SCIENCE HALL Return Their 8.30-11.30 TOASTED SANDWICHES Support RUSS CULLEN'S MUSIC PLATTER LUNCH-FANCY SUNDAES They deserve it SODA-HOME MADE ICE CREAM Subscription-$2.00 Tennis May 14 Mother's Day RACKETS ,> PRESSES Remember her with a box of Chocolates > BALLS Coffee Shoppe Tennis Rackets Restrung -FROM- $> $2.00-$8.00 ++ Griffin's Goodie Shoppe i A REAL LUNCHEON, INCLUDING COFFEE AND _ __. _.. _ _.. _ DESERT, FOR .. __ Base Ball SODA, CANDY AND LUNCHES SHOES A FULL COURSE DINNER, INCLUDING EXTRA COFFEE, FOR __ _ _ .. __.. __.. _ BATS I GLOVES 59 West Main Street BALLS Griffins Fine Assorted Johnston's CHOCOLATES CHOCOLATES WESTMINSTER, MD. --oH<--- 50c a pound 60c to $2.00 a pound ]. F. MOORE, Proprietor Bonsack Bros. You'll Want "Moore" Coffee The College Shop PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW zz W. MAIN ST.
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