Page 60 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. MISSES HULL AND GO' YTON SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLDS Passing in Review GIVE JOINT RECITAL SETH PARKER SERVICE By BRADYo. BRYSON Miss Dorothy Hull and MUIS Arlene 'I'he William G. Baker Sunday School Guyton gave their joint in the class held a Seth Parker meeting in the In Defense of Germans McDaniel Hall lounge on TuesClay after- Lounge of McDaniel Hall Sunday ev en DELTA SIGMA KAPPA PHI ALPHA MU noon, May 9. Their program was as ing, May 7. President Ward announced The public press of this country has that he would take charge of the sing bitterly scourged Adolf Hitler and the Delta Sigma Kappa wishes to an- The Phi Alpha Mu sorority gave a follows: ing, in the absence of Seth Parker. AE patriots of the Swastik~ because of nounce that Anna Proutt has been for- faculty tea in McDaniel Hall lounge, Uns voce poco fa the opening hymn the entire group their alleged persecution of German mally initiated into the club. Thursday afternoon, May 4th. Miss from Barber of Seville .... _ .. Rossini sang,:'The Church in the Wildwood" Jews. Gross exaggerations of the per- Addie Belle Robb, sponsor for the club, Miss Guyton Dorothy Hull sang "Into the Woods M~ petration of untold barbarious cruel- presided. Master Went" and a quartette com- ties in secret torture chambers have Fraunen Iiebe und Leben _.. _Schumann posed of Mary Wooden, Dorothy Hull filtered through from Germany or have DELTA PI ALPHA 1. ,Seit ich ihm gesehen Kathleen Moore, and Susan Strow sang been originated by sympathetic Jews in SHAKESPEARE CLUB 2. Er, del' Herrlichste von Allen "Peace, Perfect Peace". Dr. and Mrs. America; American newspapers have Delta Pi Alpha held its election of of- 3. Tch Romis nicht Jassen Ward, Norman Ward, and Robert eagerly seized upon these stories and ficers Tuesday, April 2. The following At the meeting of the club on 'Wed- 4. Del' Ring Cairnes sang "Jesus, Saviour, Pilot have used them blatantly to luridly col- were chosen: nesday, Laurlene Straughn read '1 pa- 5. Helfst mir ihr Schwestem Me?'. After the group sang again, the or tabloid headlines. Delta-Roedel Jarger qua:rtette sang, "Nearer My God tc Vice-Delta-William Wright per on the oratory in Shakespeare's 6_ Susser Freund, du blickest The writer of this column was for- Thee", a.nd Francis Bowers and J'amer Alpha-EaTl Hissey plays. The following officers were 7. An Meinern Herzen, an Meiner Brust tunate enough to come in contact with Beta-Robert Holder elected: Richards each gave a solo. information direct from the Fatherland Gamma=-Robert Loss President-Mildred Burkins 8. Nun hast du mil' Dr. Ward spoke of plans for a picnic and to get the viewpoint of one who is Vice-president-Louise Needy Miss Hull for the class. As Mother's Day is this Epsilon-Allen Dudley in the thick of the situation. The stor- Secretary-Treasurer- Elise Kolb Sunday, Dr. Ward expressed a wish to ies that have reached America absolute- Psyche Paladilhe present each member of the class wi tl ly do not present the facts in a true Les Papillons Couleur de Neige a carnation. Stressing the fact that light; they are distorted and colored by HOME ECONOMICS CLUB i.E 'CERCLE FRANCAIS D'Ambrosio ther() remained only two more Sundays sympathetic Jews, Jewish financial in- On Monday, May 8, Mrs. Rich, of the Ou vre tes Yeux Bleus _ Masseret he.. urged that all members of the class flnence, and communistic organizations Corn Products Company, of Baltimore, Le Cercle Francais held its annual Ariette .. _ _ _.. Paul Vidal bl'\ present at the meetings of the class. that are always ready to seize upon any gave a demonstration in the Foods Lab- election May 2. The officers for the The meeting closed with the class disturbance in any country in an effort oratory. year 1933-1934 are: Miss Guyton I singing "Till We Meet Again". Similar to ridicule present governmental forms. The Home Economics Club held a President-Esther Righter. In the Luxembourg Gardens __.. Maning I meetings will be held as soon as pos- From the Weird tales that are told, such meeting Tuesday, May 9, for the pur- Vice-president-c-Char+ott.e Williams. Bonjour Ma Belle _.. _. _. _... __Behrend sible and it is expected' that the class as the burning of the Swastik~ upon Secretary-Cornelius Gisriel, will continue next year the custom just the for Jewish maiden's cheeks, one would pose of electing the officers were elect- Treasurer-Estelle Williams. In the Silence of the Night begun. The following coming year, think that the world has been set back ed: Rachmaninoff several centuries to the period of the President-Anna Frances Seward Rockin' in de Win' .. _ ,.Neidlinger > > Spanish Inquisition. One would also BLACK AND WHITE Love's Rhapsody _ Bartlett ,....YJIYY'. .... YrlYrlY'rI'rI'J'.·rI'rI'rI'J'rh .. ·~ Schmidt think that American ideas of German Vice-President-Eleanor Wolford Miss Hull Secretary-Elizabeth civilization vaguely determine it as Treasurer-Mary Benson At the meeting held May 2, the fol- ~ Subscribe Now! ~ analogous to the fierce age of the ~ns Gold Bug Reporter-Jane Twigg lowing officers were elected for the com- Norwegian Echo Song Folk Song > ~ and the Vandals. Far from it! The ing year: Love's Wildwood Trail.. _ _.Berwald .: ~ German nation today is far advanced in Alpha-E. J. Mahoney Curly Locks .. _ _. Hubert Hughes. := ........ ~YrlYrI'-N'-h"rNh .... ~ eivilization. It is ineredible that Ameri- IRVING-WEBSTER LITERARY Master-of-Ceremonies-B. O. Boyd can minds can simultaneously entertain Vice-Alpha-Roland Sliker A Birthday _.. 'Woodman ,~ ~ a conception of the greatness of Ger- SOCIETY Beta-c-Charles Williams Miss Guyton := NEXT YEAR ~ man engineers, scientists, and musi- Vice-Beta-Donald Tschudy '. ~ cians, and a child-like belief in ridicu- Irving Webster Literary Society met Gamma-F. P. Mitchell :. ~ lous stories of Jewish persecutions. No Monday evening, May 8. After a short Delta-Gary Calvert "John" Everhart :~ one ~ one has been brutally punished by the talk by Wm. Jones on Infia.tion the 1::- :- German government except for criminal meeting was turned to the subject of THE COLLEGE BARBER := Gold Bug ~ offenses. the evening, George Bernard Shaw. PHILO-BROWNING LITERARY ~ Wm. Williams opened this subject with SOCIETY AND BOBBER I~ I'- s In the cases when governmental ac- which life was tion has been taken against Jews, that a biography of Shaw's of his play writ- AT THE FORKS ::- will be ~ ~ with a review followed action has been fully justified. Witness Leonel Cheney led a discussion of ~ ~ ~ ing given by Frank Mitchell. From this Victor Hugo and his poetry. Anna the Einstein case. The whole world point the meeting immerged into an in- Frances Seward read some of Hugo's I :- Issued Bi-W eekly ~ :" raised a hue and cry at the disposses- formal discussion that 'was aided by the Quality Tailoring ~ :- sian of Einstein and the confiscation of newly conceived idea of smoke and talk. poems that Miss Cheney had translated, , YrI'rI' ............ .....,..... • • • .. ........ :- :. Officers I his property simply because of his rep- In other words, "bring your pipes". The and' Ada Beall Tead a library evaluation SUITS MADE TO ORDER :: ~n~ ~ uation as a great scientist. Because enjoyment of the meeting was added of the French author and poet. and are as CLEANING PRESSING year next weTe elected for Einstein is a Jew it was bitterly main- to in the forlll of wit and jokes. The follows: President, Lucille Bark; vice- REMODELING REPAIRING :: Patronize OurAdvertisers ~ tained that Hitler put passion befol'e discussion was cone.luded with the usual pTesident, Jane Twigg; secretary-treas- H. E. REESE ': precision. Such is not the case. Ein- motion for adjournment. urer, Jean Baer. 80 E. Main Street ••.•••••• e _ •••••••••••••••• ~ :.. stein, even or many prominent Jews did, a a~ ...... ~.~~ ••••••••••• openly declares himself a. radical com- munist adhering to principles defiant THOUGHTS AT RANDOM toward the Hitler government. Because of this, his dispossession was legally ne- (Continued from Page Two) A Few More Days Before Mother's Day cessary. Hitler cannot afford to be dis- I criminatory. what life is without-Mother. And with PATRONIZE Place Your Order for Her Candy It is quite true that public opinion in "our" Mother in mind, "we" composed Germany is strongly opposed to t.he this short poem which far from expresses OUR GRIFFIN'S PINE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ..... __.50c lb. presence of Jews. But this opposition "our" estimation of her, to whom it is ADVERTISERS. is justified and represents a demand on dedicated. Mother's Day Wrapped the part of the people for protection "MOTHER" J OHNSTON'S CHOCOLATES. . . . $1.00 to $2.00 a lb. against Jewish inroads upon their privi-. I have a friend, so good, so true, leges. I would not change for 'nother, Try Our Delicious College Special Germany and her people have always She is the one 'who gave me life, A DELICIOUS FRUIT AND NUT SUNDAE...... .15c been the most nationalistic nation in 'l'he one who's known as "Mother' '. Europe; Jews are inherently different A friend in strife and time of need, Best Selection of CHOICE PLATE LUNCHES. . __ 25c from Germans and they refuse to co-op- A friend in time of joy, Hot Toasted Sandwiches erate with nationalism. They are de- I ne 'er wilt have a better friend, MOTHER'S DAY Home-made Ice Cream liberately antagonistic towards the Wilt any other boy' It is for her, I live my life; Home-made Pie German popUlation and they set them- I may a comfort be CARDS and CANDY selves apart as a distinguished people. When she is on the winding road, Griffin's Goodie Shoppe Although they constitute only 1 per To her etemity. -- AT-- cent of the popUlation in Germany, they Then when she goes from me to Him, Opposite State Theatre practically control the country's finance. What will I do for 'nother~- Coffman's Moreover, they use the influence that For she's the one who gave me life, SODA, CANDY AND LUNCHES accompanies financial supremacy only The one and only-" Mother' '. for their own ends. By devious Illet~- ods and by questionably taking advan- tage of loop holes in the law they have rolOlO~~~,**,,**,,**,~CtOIOt( slowly undermined the financial foun- dation of the 11ation. Being universal'- KO ED KLUB ~ W/M ly communistic in their views, it is feared (and they are well-grounded Two Doors from State Theatre fears) that once completely in power, the Jews will flood the country with Catering to the College Man and Woman ~ Coffee Shoppe imported fellow radicals. The Jews have always been a thorn in the side of TOASTED SANDWICHES the satisfied, stolid Germans; they are feared, suspected, and often hated. PLATTER LUNCH-FANCY SUNDAES A REAL LUNCHEON, INCLUDING __ COFFEE AND . 25c FOR DESERT, _ _ .. _ They cause undue irritation among the SODA-HOME MADE ICE CREAM people wherever they go. In one city alone there are three thousand magis- A FULL COURSE DINNER, INCLUDING EXTRA 50c trates of which twenty-four hundred are COFFEE, FOR .. _ __.. _ _ _ _ . Jews; it is even difficult for German A Large Assortment of Mother's people to get unbiased justice in the 59 West Main Street law courts so long as Jews preside. Day Candy 60c to $3.00 Thus it is felt in Germany that both WESTMINSTER, MD. Jews and Germans would profit by a ]. F. MOORE, Proprietor separation; Jews feel that Germans are intolerant and Germans feel that Jews HOME·MADE BRITTLES-FUDGES You'll Want "Moore" Coffee are a menace. Friction is inevitable and the Jews, being overwhelmingly CARAMELS AND NUT PATTIES Qutuulubered, must leave.
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