Page 51 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, W""e;,:;s;tm;l;:·ns"",te~r~,=M=d=.================P=A=G=E=T~H=R=E=E SPORTS Boxing - Intra-Murals - Tennis SPORTS University of Syracuse Wins Eastern EXTENSIVE .PROGRAM Intercollegiate Boxing Title; Terrors FAN FODDER BEING ARRANGED FOR Tie With Army for Second Place By ~~Pat" Mahoney INTRA - MURAL SPORTS Seven Colleges and Universities TERROR TENNIS PLAYERS Intra-mural spring Men's pro- The Take Part in This 10th An- Terror Fighters Supply Thrills in Tournament gram will offer box lacrosse, indoor base. WILL STRIVE TO EQUAL Western lUaryland"s ring warriors annexed but one indi- ball, tennis, horseshoes and golf. Each nual Tournament RECORD OF 1932 TEAM but it remained for the Terror scrappers to supply most of sentatives. These representatives will HELD AT PENN STATE vidual title and finished in a tie for second place as a team, class and fraternity has appointed repro- A big Orang; menace, led by Wert- the thrills in the tenth annual Eastern Intercollegiate box- make up a committee which WIll work in heimer and Moran, swept down from Manager Palmer and Captain Bus- ing tournament. conjunction with the graduate manager Syracuse - and checkmated a field of seven sard Have Arranged a Full 1'0m Pontecarvo, Western Maryland's heavyweight to draw up schedules and to arrange oth- starters in the tenth annual Eastern In- "Pat" reprcsentn.tiva, provided the first upset of the tO~1rnament er details. The program will get under tcrcollegiate Boxing Association tourna- Schedule Mahoney by eliminating Joe Remus, last year's 175-pound titleholder way immediately after Easter vacation, ment held at Penn State College last Fri- after a fierce free swinging encounter. The victory was a costly one, and has for its express purpose the car- day and Saturday. Syracuse took four PROF. TAGGART WILL COACh however, as the Terror heavyweight aggravated an old injury to his rying out of the slogan, "A sport for individual championships and topped its bach. which prevented him from being at his best when he encountered every man and a man for every sport." nearest competitors by fifteen points in 'I'he return of Western Maryland stu- Vavra of';::>racuse in the finals on Saturday night. The Vavra-Ponte- Because there is a lack of lacrosse ma- chalking up its second consecutive tour- dents from the Easter Vacation will find carvo fight \,'-as t;,p most spectacular bout of the evening and served tr-ria l in some clubs and classes, the sport nament championship. the Terror netmen beginning practice as a fitting climax to a ,~:,:~1conducted tournament. The Terror heavy will be run under this plan: Independent Western Maryland and Army, tied for toward another State Championship title was an easy target for the sled3'~ hammer blows of the Orange repre- teams will be formed, composed of six second place with twelve points each, under the guidance of Coach G. R Tag- sentative, as his injury prevented'l;;,l'l1 from using his speed to move men each, who will be chosen with a combined to offer major opposition to the gart, and assistance of Captain Lease away from punches directed his way. Nor could he effectively time his view to ha yiug all the teams of equal brilliant team from the Salt City. Bussard. own blows for the same reason. A series of'blows about the head bat- strength, to encourage keener competi- Four individual championships went to Experiencing the most successful sea- tered the Jersey freshman to the floor in the firs., round, but he stag- tion. the Orange mitrnen. Penn ~~tata garner- son in the history of tennis at Western gered to his feet and clinched to save himself fr orn a kno.~k~ut as the 'I'ho four classes and the different clubs ed two crowns, and Yale and Western Maryland last yoar, the team will be gong sounded. The first part of the second round was a repuca of th" will have baseball teams. The games will Mary land won the remaining titles. greatly handicapped by tile loss of Cap- first with Pontecarvo again hitting the canvas for a count of nine. This Lc pl"~'eil w'"h an indoor ball, but ac- Al Wertheimer and .Joe Moran, both of tain Neil O. Woolley, Lewis Tuckerman, second knockdown was the impetus which caused the Terror scrapper cnding to regular baseball rules. Syracuse, retained their titles in the 125 Edgar Palmer, Winston Willey, and AI- to stage one of the rarest exhibitions of courage ever seen in any ring. Later in the spring, tennis, golf and and 155-lb. classes respectively, as did bert Perkins, who failed to return to Getting up from the canvas he waded into his opponent with both arms horseshoe tournaments will be held. Ap- ::IIcAndrews of Penn State in the light- the "Hill" this year. swinging, to hold his own until the round ended. The final roun~ of propriatc medals will be given to the ul- weight class. that heavyweight scrap will go down in the records of Intercollegiate timate winners in these tournaments. For The 1932 team, undefeated in 15 in- Wertheimer annexed his third inter- tercollegiate matches, was composed of boxing as one of the most thrilling ever staged in collegiate ranks, Both the present, however, four-men tennis collegiate championship as a feather- Captain Neil O. Woolley, C. Lease Bus- figh tel's, on the verge of dropping, stood toe to toe and slugged it out. teams will be chosen who will represent weight. The Syracuse diadem-wearer sard, Albert Perkins, Victor Palmer, and Ponteearvo finally beat down the guard of his heavier and' taller adver- Hie respective classes and clubs. showed his wares only once during the Lewis Tuckerman. In winning the State sary and had him hanging on the ropes in a helpless condition as the 'I'his program is the most extensive tournament; that was in defeating Ze- 'I'itle, the Terror Netmen won 104 match- fight ended. ever attempted here on the hill, and if leznock of Penn State in the semi-finals. games and lost 32 for the entire season. Gorski Loses Close Decision In Finals the interest displayed is a sign, the Clainos, the Army featherweight, who They defeated U. of Maryland, Loyola aboH-mentioned slogan will be fulfilled. was to meet Wertheimer in the finals, College, St . .John's, U. of Baltimore, and Any sort of a break would have given Gorski the middleweight The committee is as follows: Doughty, was forced to default because of a hand I Towson State on their State Champion- title, which would have been a fitting climax to one of the most phe- Bachelors; Boyd, Back and White; Sad- injury sustained il' a semi -final bout with ship encounter and the following out-of- nomenal seasons ever enjoyed by a Terror boxer. Two months ago the nusky, Gamma Beta Chi ; .Jaeger, Delts R2binowitz of Dartmouth. State teams: Gettysburg, Bliss Electrical Scranton scrapper drew on his first set of boxing gloves. Today Gor- Pi Alpha; Read, Freshmen; Gorski, Napoleon, the intercollegiate 115-lb. of Takoma, U. of Delaware and the in- ski is regarded by many as the best middleweight in Eastern collegiate Sophomores; Willis, Juniors; Martin, champion, ,I'as another who was required tact Sectional Intercollegiate Champs,- boxing ranks. So close was the verdict against Gorski that many Seniors. to perform but once before annexing the Dickinson of Carlisle, in a close match voiced the opinion that the Terror fighter had won. title. 'rhe sleek-haired Penn Stater resulting in the score of 5·4. Bernie Kaplan encountered tough opposition in annexing the light- cleanly outpointed Burket of Syracuse ,in This undefeated record won for West- heavyweight title. However, the Terror scrapper definitely established sidering the reputation of the All-Stars as the l1nals of the bantanl\yeigilt class. Na- ern Maryland recognition in Intercollegi' his position as the peer of that class. the best independent club of girl basket. poleon wa s the classiest boxer. in the ate Tennis Competition, and the school Tournament Tid-bits ball players ill Baltimore, the W. M. C. tournament and had no trouble in de- was requested to send two representa. co-cds are to be congratulated for their monstrating his snperiority. Burket caT. ti1'es to the Middle-Atlantic Intercolle- " Tiger Joe" Moran. undefeated in dual meets for two seasons, fine spirit, team play, and determination ried the fight to him, but the speed and giate Championships Leld at White Sul- h8S knocked out twenty-seven men in thirty-one collegiate fights. whith almost gave them the edge over the appeared captain generalship of the Penll State boxer phur Springs, W. Va., in October. Lease orange The Syracuse jersey. There was in the ring Friday night minus his iuvaders. The college team showed shamrock sewed' colored a large on his stood him in good stead at all times. Bussard ::md Victor Palmer entered the trunks-Reason ~ -Whoever heard of an Irishman wearing the orange marl(ed impr01'emcnt as individuals and .Johnny McAndrews retained his light. tournament and were successful in win- as a team in the last game of the season. weight Cr(HVn by scoring technical knock- ning third place in the Middle-Atlantic above the green, especially on St. Patrick's day . The line-up: Tony Balash, won seventy-two outs oYer Wetherel of .1\1:.1. r. and Rob· States, being defeated in the semi-finals enty-four amateur the new 165 champion, Syracuse. out of sev- W . .1\1. C. entering fights before bins of Syracuse. Against Robbins the of the doubles by the strong combination Lillian Frey RF. Towson All-Stars Helen Brookhart Penll State captain flashed his finest representing North Carolina State. By Elizabetl, form. :VlcAndrews boxed his opponent yirtue also of a second place in consola. HONORARY BASKETBALL VAR- The Inter-Class Volley Ball Tourna- McBride L.F. until an opening appeared in his defense tion singles ,yon by Bussard, Western SITY TEAM ANNOUNCED ment is nearing completion and the Dorothy Hull .J,C. Mal'y Brookhart then shot home a murderous right that Maryland returned with the third·place The 1933' Honorary Basketball VarSity Sophomores loom as the future cham- Sue Cockey S.C. Sue Powers floored the Orange mitman and caused title, leading over Marshall College of pions, haYing defeated all opponents to May RusEell RG. M. LeBrun the fight to be stopped because of his Huntington by one point. Team was al1llOUllCed at the regular meet- date. A tie will probably result for sec- Troy Hambsch L.G. H. Rullman helpless condition. I ing of the W. A. A.) held Monday, March Doris Britton 2, 1933. The W. A. A. executive board, ond place uetween the juniors and fresh- Referee: lIf. Miles, P. A. L. Substi- Delgenio of Yale, plowed through a Large Squad Expected advised by Miss Parker and Miss Todd, men. brilliaut field of welterweights to annex A recent meeting of the 1933 tennis after the completion of each major sport, tutions: Robinson for Hull, Brown for the 145-lb. title. The Bulldog captain squad brought twenty-three interested selects an honorary team with selections Results of games: ::IIeBl'ide, ::I1itchell for Hambsch. utilized left uppercuts and -ight hooks to men together the first time this school based on ability, sportsmanship, and Senior A, 7; Soph A, 22. turn aside Carey of M. 1. T. and Hagen year for the purpose of organizing a faithfulness to the game. These selec- .Junior A, 7; Soph A, 19. of the Army in two cleanly contested scheduled system of pradice. Coach tions are based only on intra·muml scraps. Taggart gained a view of the problem games, yarsity not being considered. I,V. .Junior A, 21; Fresh A, 13. The 155-lb. championship remained in 1yhich will confront llim this year in de- M. C. 's 1933 varsity as: Senior A, 14; Fresh A, 16. Opera House the hands of Joe .1\10ran, Syracuse's bril- yeloping another championship team. L. F., Lillian Frey. The Western Maryland girls' basket. liant captain. .Joe put a1yay his hYenty- It ,yill be necessary to build this year's R. F., Mary Brown; Elizabeth McBride, ball team came out at the tail end of a sixth and t\yenty-seventh knockout vic- team around the men remaining from forward SUbstitute. 23-'18 score, when it played the Towson Wed. and Thur., March 22-23 tims in retaining his title for the second last year, who are Captain Bussard, Pal- .J. C., Dorothy Hull. ::I1arch 11, in consecuti,e year. mer, Murchison and Gisriel. Those ,yho S. C., Sue Cockey. All-Stars from Baltimore, court represen- The Big Timer Hili's" the Gym. The" Tony Balask took a hair-line decision will compete for the four remaining posi- R G., Troy Hambsch; Elizabeth Mitch- tatives played a very good losing game With from Andy Gorski of Western Maryland tions: on the varsity team are : .John ell, guard SUbstitute. and gave their opponents a hard fight to annex the 165-lb. title. ::Ifany ringside .Jneger, William Finch, Roland Sliker, L. G., ]\fary Ellen Senat (Capt.) . throughout all the playing periods. Con- BEN LYON and obsen-ers were of tIle opinion that tIle Kennard Rhodes, Dexter Beane, William CONSTANCE CUMMINGS Terror sophmore had won, but the judges .Jones, John 0 'l,eair, .James Bopst} Wil- a,Yarded the decision to the Syracuse rep- liaJn Pyles, Welsn Boyer, and Stoddard resentative at the end of the third round. Routson. Freshmen who will be eligible Fri. and Sat., March 24-25 to compete according to Eastern Inter. Bernie Kaplan of Western Maryland established his supremacy as the leader collegiate Rules, are: Haines, Baker, Let's See YDU The Pride of the Legion OI the light-heayyweight class by defeat. Dern, Hollis, Bratton, Brooks, Griffen, With ing Negroni of Syracuse and Carey of Owens and Prince. M. 1. T. The first two of the upper courts will More Often RIN TIN TIN, JR. be reserved for varsity practice every Pontecarvo hooked up with Vavra of Matinee Saturday, 2.30 P. M. Syracuse to provide the most spectacular day from noon to 6 0 'clock. bout of the tournament. Each fighter Although a difficult schedule has been Have You Tried Our Plate Lunches? had the other on the verge or a knockout arranged for tbis year, Western Mary- Mon. and Tues., March 27-28 at one time or another. Vavra was final- land should go far toward a season equal- Lawyer Man ly declared the "dnner due to the big ad- ly successful as the one last year. The SODAS AND SUNDAES MADE TO ORDER vantage he had piled up in the early schedule for 1933 will be: With rounds. April 14-Shepherd Collpge, W. Va., WE ALSO HAVE $1.50 CANDY FOR 50c A POUND. WILLIAM POWELL and Home. JOAN BLONDELL NEW CHAMPIONS 17-Boston College Home. 19-Bucknell University, GRIFFIN'S FINE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES. 115-lb.-Napoleon Penn State. Wed. and Thur., March 29-30 *125-lb.-Wertheimer , .. Syra~use. Lewisburg, Pa. *135·lb.-::IfcAndre,,-s Penn State. 21-U. of Maryland Home. GRIFFIN'S The Match King 145-lb.-Delgenio Yale. 26-Navy Annapolis. 155-lb.-::I10ran Syracuse. 27-Catawba College, N. Car., With 165-lb.-Balash Syracuse. Home. The Original Goodie Shoppe WARREN WILLIAM and 175-lb.-Kaplan , .. Western Md. 29-Loyola College Home. OPPOSITE STATE THEATRE Unlimited-Vavra , Syracuse. (Continued on Page 4-Col. 3) LILI DAMITA
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