Page 30 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. TERROR BOOTERS WIN BASKETBALL OPENS 5 OF 7 GAMESFOR MOST MID-WINTER SPORT IN Dad Wonders SUCCESSFUL SEASON INTRA-MURAL LEAGUE Wonders "hat the heir apparent will give evidence of having learned, accomplished, Faced with one of the hardest sche- On Wednesday, December 2, the broadened into, when he comes back '0 Y.W.C.A. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS dules in years, the 1932 soccer squad Men's Intra-Mural Basketball League the unknowing old folks. laid a heavy hand on fame, and proved, got nuder way w ith games between Del- If,the railroads didn't show a sensible The Y. W. C. A. wishes everyone a Richard Kiefer, newly-elected president, \ both i0 itself and the Inter-collegiate ta Pi Alpha and Gamma Beta Chi, and bid for patronage "hen they reduced the Merry Chr istmas. We hope all the girls has announced that memberships in the world, that they could I' il a I I Y give the Sophomores and Freshmen. the holiday trip home! With scraping have been enjoying the programs each International Relations Club will be open as wel l as take when it came to soccer. The Delta Pi's, by virtue of some together the price of board, tuition, and Wednesday evening. Two weeks ago to both male and female students this Under the able charge of Coach Flater beautiful shooting by Jaeger and Kes fur coats, lots of home teams were "on- Mrs. Shroyer led a discussion on "Goals year. The number of memberships will the boys were shaped into one of the model, were able to down the Gamma dering whether there would be anything for Christianity." The worship program be limited, however, and the quota is smoothest f'unct.ioni ng com binations Beta team 10-6. The Sophomores left with which to pay transportation for December 7 was conducted by Sarah already nearly filled. An active program that over played at Western Maryland. triumphed over the Freshmen 13-9, al- their youngsters bark to the source of Fadely with "Happiness" as the theme. is being planned for after the holidays, In their first game they invaded the though the 1st year men played well supply. 'I'he songs, meditation and poems empha- including movies, lectures and. open dis- grounds of State Normal and returned throughout the entire fray. When he sees a heading in a college sized the need of real happiness in OUT cussions. with the long end of a 2-1 score. But The line-up: publication, "Denny's Work Praised" ives. This is the first club of this kind on on their next game Navy downed them as to which one of the popular nick- The main feature of the Christmas pro- the Hill and the members hope to make 3·1. However, just to show what they Gamma Beta Chi Delta Pi Alpha named students maybe referred to; until gram Wednesday night was a tak by it a permanent functioning organization. could do the beys trounced Bucknell to Tyson RF. Jaeger he reads further and discovers it is none NIl-s. Hooway. the tune of 5-0. A brief lay-off of sev- Murchison L.F. otlier than the president of the institu- Saturday afternoon, the cabinet of the eral days led to their second defeat of Holmes C. Randle, E. tion. We did apply some rather nimble Y. W. C. A. visited the Old Ladies' M. PHI ALPHA MU Wl'ight was presented A program in- the season at the hands of the State Benson R.G. Kesmod el names to President Lewis, orally, among E. Home. readings by Lucille Bork and cluding Normal cohorts who were out for re- Moore L.G. Hissey ourselves, but I don't believe we printed Orphan Bonita Pritchard, a violin solo, Phil Alpha Mu wishes to announce the venge. Gettysburg, their third victim, them for public circulation. A student following new members: Maudre Willis, a trio, and a group was taken into camp, 2-l. Sophomores Freshmen who doesn't respect the head of an insti- college songs. singing of carols and Hazel Jones, Gertrude Rogers, Lncille The team's real claim to glory, howev- Randle, J. R.F. Curtiss tution, seldom respects the institution, Bork, Jean Weber, Mary Benson and er, came with their 5·4 victory over Ar- Berger L.F. Haines and a student who doesn't respect his Dorothy Berry, my at West Point. Playing under the Marks C. Woodbury college had better go home and save W. W. CLUB Tuesday night the club held their worst weather conditions imaginable, Romito R.G. Campofreida money, seldom his money. Christmas Party in the club room. the fellows put up the most. sensational Wyand L.G. Draper One father "as heard to say: -to an- W. W. wishes to announce that Miss game of the year. With a 4-4 tie in the other, "My son says that life is divided Esther Smith has accepted the sponsor- last few minutes of play, J. Randall The new eligibility rules for the In- into two periods, in the first we 'indulge, ship of the club. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA booted the ball throngh the uprights tra -mural Basketball League are: and in the second we preach," intimat- A nu~nber of alumnae were present on for the winning point. This score came 1. Members of the Varsity squad and ing of course that he is now indulging Friday, December 9, when Ida Du- Delta Sigma Kappa is glad to an- only as the result of a beautifully timed members of the Varsity Freshman in the first period while I am declining phorne, Elizabeth Humphreys, Evelyn nounce that Charlotte Sprague, Mary offensive drive. Incidentally, t his squad may not play on any team in the in the second. Thereby justifying his Bowen, Mary Brown, Catherine Rose, Wooden, Jane T,,·igg and Dorothy Paul marked the first time any Army soccer Intra-mural League. action during this first period, and sug· and Elizabeth Wine were iuit ia.ted into have been formally initiated into the team had been defeated on home gesting that he be spared f'rom parental the club. club. grounds in three years. 2. No player in the League may play preaching, or suggestion, during our en- On Tuesday, December 6, the club The Delts held a Christmas party in on more than one team. The final game with Dickinson, whose cumboncy of the second period of our gave a dinner in the kitchenette in th club room Wednesday night. team had been, highly touted in soccer 3. Any player violating the above gradual decline. honor of its pledges. circles, brought a 6-1 victory. rules will cause the forfeiture of the And they call any suggestion" preach- A Christmas party was held in the game by his team. This year's team was built around a ing" if it differs in any particular from club room on Tuesday evening. HOME EC. CLUB nucleus of five members of last year's Games will be played on Tuesday and their actions or intentions. squad. Much credit is due the boys who Friday of each week. Games will start So remember, you Mas and Pas, that The Home Economics Club had as' showed such a fine spirit both off and promptly at 4 P. M. and will consist of during the coming holidays when the COLLEGE PLAYERS guest speaker, Miss Cordell, of Hutzler on the field, but a great portion of this t1YO fifteen minute halves. Each team Freshmen and Seniors arc home, we must Brothers' Department Storr, Baltimore, belongs to "Pete" Flater who coached will elect a captain who will turn in to refrain from preaching to them, or even A large and enthusiastic audience, who spoke on Interior Decoration as a them. Let's hope we have another such Jaeger the names of the members of suggesting. sprinkled generously with Western Mary- profession. The meeting was held in team next year. his respective squad. Points arc to be If Bill's language is such as your land College alumni, attended the Col- McDaniel Hall lounge on December 12. awarded on the basis of percentage r,f lege Players' presentation of "39 East" games won. chauffeur would not be permitted to use at St. John's M. P. Church, Baltimore, in your presence, don't dare notice it, en Tuesday evening, December 13. "John' , Everhart STUDENT MUSICAL RECITAL Trophy to be Awarded not out loud. The players were entertained at din- If Helen's IS ONE OF BEST EVER A trophy will be awarded to the club ly than you slouch is a bit more sloven- ner at the Blackstone Dining Room. THE COLLEGE BARBER should a Sophomore think PRESENTED . or class amassing the greatest number affect, silence is your best vourse, Plans may be arranged at a future AND BOBBER 'If points. date for the presentation of the play in AT THE FORKS A Volley Ball League schedule, rep- If Sam refuses to make as consistent other parts of the county. A piano and vocal recital by memo resenting the same participants, will be usc of the bath tub as your ideas of bel'S of the department of music was announced after the holidays. cleanliness might indicate, keep mum. Quality Tailoring presented in Smith Hall Friday.c Decem- The schedule is as follows: If the Junior comes rolling in with BLACK AND WHITE CLEANING PRESSING ber 9 at 7:30. The following program the milk man, or not at all, remember, The fraternity is pleased to announce REMODELING REPAIRING was given: December 14-Delta Pi vs. Black and don't preach a t him. ~White; Preahmcnvs, Juniors. If Beatrice shows an inclination to re- that Charles William Fridinger, '35 has H. E. REESE Les Hirondelles, Godard, June Cool- December 15-Gamma Beta vs. Bach- main in bed during the morning, once she been pledged to the club. 80 E. Main Street ing; Two Etudes, Rogel', Charlotte elors; Sophomores vs. Seniors. gets there, or steals off to nap a couple Spicer; Country Gardens, Grainger, January 6-Delta Pi vs, Bachelors; of times a day, refrain from mentioning Carolyn Green; Mel Cor Piu Non Mi Freshmen vs. Seniors. this, for this is yacation time and at Sento, ·Paisiello, Murmming Breezes, January 10-Gamma Delta vs. Black college she is nothing but alertness and Jensen, :Mary Wooden; Ein Ton, Cornel· and White; Sophomores vs. Juniors. mental acti\'ity, even if her report card ius, Si J'Etais Jardinier, Chaminade, tends to slant otherwise. Dorothy Hull; Sonata Op. 27, No.1, And if the Freshman tends to belittle Beethoven, Les Spectres, Schytte, Ann CO-ED HONORARY HOCKEY the completeness and thoroughness of the Johnson; Sonata E :.'lrinor, Grieg, Masoll TEAM IS ANNOUNCED AT encyclopaedia, l·emember you were once Sprague; Cara l\fio Ben, Giordani, W. A. A. MEETING a freshman yourself, perhaps. Homing, Del Riego, James Richards; 0 And those holes in the bed linen, table Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me, Han- Announcement of the honorary ,'ar- c01'ers, and on the piano keys; remember del, 0 Lieb, Liszt, Arlene Guy tOll; Son- sity hockey team was made at the onr poyerty stricken goyernment gets six etto 133 del Petrarca, Liszt, Martha monthly meeting of the Women's Ath- cents reyenne on every pack of cigarettes Harrison; Fantastic Impromptu, Chopin, letic Association, held Monday, Decem· your money buys. Be partiotic and keep James Bopst. bel' 5, in the Y. W. C. A. Room. quiet. This imaginary elm'en was selected after the completion of the annual fall tournament, by the A. A. executive Neat Appearance Counts to the the IDrihutr board in connection with Attendance, physical ab- Try us College Man education' instructors. ility, team play, and sportsmanship TO OUR GREATEST were the main criteria for selection. Heagy Bros. Bal her Shop CAPTAIN Following is the varsity ::IS announced Opposite New Post Office by Dorothy Hull, hockey manager: CAPTAIN KOPPE HAS PLAYED I- Right Wing-Dorothy Hull HIS LAST GAME Right Inside-l\Iary Brown I Center Forward-1fary E1l811 Senat Before leaving, 1 Left Inside-May Russell Left Wing-Louise Robinson No· more ,yill Harold Koppe be leading see our display around the end, Right Half-Susan Strow No more will he pep them by saying, Center Half-Troy Hambsch "Come on, Men!" Left Half-Inez Flannigan of No more will he chase a punt down the Right Full-Caroline Reed field, No more will his war hoop resound. Left Full-Jane Wine Christmas No more will Big Chief, his fame re- Goal-Thelma Chell nowned Alternatives :- Carry us to victory with a spirit never Candy dimmed. L. H.-Downing R W.-Mitchell 2 Following this announcement, the He has played his final game, basketball 1l1anagel~ Troy Hambsch, He has charged his final foe. gave a "pep" talk on the coming court He has finished his career, eeason, urging increased coed participa· Leaving us in woe! tion on the gym floor and more class GRIFFIN'S But wherever they gather, Western spirit in the balcony. The remainder of Maryland Men the meeting was devoted to welcoming opp. State Theatre Will always remember him as a true the new Frosh members into the Asso· football ma-n. ciation.
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