Page 34 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ANNOUNCEMENT IGold Bug Buzzings II L-_A_I_U_Ut_Ul_N_fUt_ll ------'..JI BLACK POOL Anna. E. Clough, '31, and Paul L. Profe~or William R. Barnhart, of Howard, '29, were married at Centre- Hood College, Frederick, will give a ALPHA GAMMA TAU PHI ALPHA MU Silent black pool, with scarce a ripple, . ville on Dec. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Howard talk on Russia at the Centenary You reflect with shadow my sunlit face; will live in Baltimore while Mr. Howard Methodist Episcopal Church, Friday Alpha Gamma Tau announces the fol- Phi Alpha Mu had a dinner in the club I cast a pebble ..... and lo! continues his studies at Johns Hopkins evening, January 20. Prof. Barnhart lowing pledges: Brinsfield, '35; Snyder, room Wednesday, Jan. 4. Of my self there is no watery trace. University. has recently traveled a year in Rus- '34; Bopst, '35; Malkus, '34; Beane, Once I envisioned a beautiful dream Gloria Thornberg, '31, and Lewis Ev- sia. After his talk, the. meeting will '34; Wade, '35; Brooks, '36. ans were married at Ocean View, Dela- BLACK AND WHITE Of what one day I would want to be, be .thrown open to the college stu- But someone came and cast a pebble, ware, on Dec. 16. dents for discussion. Pi Alpha Alpha is pleased to announce Roughing the smooth tranquility. Selena Pickett, '3'1, and F. V. MeMa- All college students, those who at- OFFICERS' CLUB hon were married on Christmas Day. that the following men have been They will be at home at 5006 Hartford tend the M. E. church, and others in- pledged to the club: Guy Griffin, George SUPPLWATION terested in the topic, are invited to At a meeting of the cadet officers on Road, Hamilton, Md. 'attend by the- pastor, the Rev. Orris Friday evening January 6, the following S. Bare, )Ierbe'rt Stevens, find Charles Oh, this earth it is so small, Alice Huston, '30, and Wilmer Bell, l G. Robinson. This is the second meet- Read. officers were elected: But of what concern are sordid things' '30, were married in Baker Chapel Oil ' ing arranged for the college students Commandant, Major George E. Hunt- Oh, to be free from the thrall Dec. 23. Virginia Merrill, '30, and by the M. E. group. er; Vice-Commandant, Stoddard S. GAMMA BETA cm Which mere existence always brings. Granville Eaton, '3'0, were the attend- Routson; Communication Officer, Wen- ants, and Dr. Ward performed the cere- . dell S. Junkin; Finance Officer, Julian Gamma Beta Chi announces the follow- I Live! I soar to a higher realm; mony. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS T. Murchison. ing pledges: John E. George, '33; John Forgotten the anguish of the human cry. Lillian Newlon Douglass, '97, and are born in ecstasy P. Speicher, '34; Howard K. Rathbun, For today ne 'er in life shall die. Claude Cicero Douglass, '99, have return-j Joys that '34; E. Richard Simms, '36; Ralph J. ed from Japan. Mr. Douglass is an in- IRVING-WEBSTER Graham, '36; Edward L. Beauchamp, o God! source of every human joy, structor at the University of Southern I STATE THEATRE '36; Charles P. Murray, '36; and Mau- Believe my earnest, fervent prayer; California and spent his sabbatical year' WESTMINSTER "The world is confused about a doc- rice W. Roberts, '36. Keep me free from sullied hands, in the Orient, where Mrs. Douglass FRI., JAN, 13 trine, the meaning of which it 'does not Let me breathe the purer air. taught in a girl's school. "BIG MINSTREL SHOW" understand, that the perpetrators call Given by Wilton Heights Corn- Technocracy," stated Mr. Pyles in a SHAKESPEARE CLUB munity Association, Baltimore, speech at the meeting held in the Society I ' Md., George Horn, director Hall, January lJ, 1933. Shakespeare Club met on Tuesday eve- 15 PEOPLE ON STAGE 15 Mr. Sliker gave a eulogy to the ordi- ning, January 10. The program was ill Meet Your Friends ' Picture "STRANGE JUSTICE" 9 P. M. nary man, who came from nothing to the charge of Cleona Brinsfield. Lillian Minstrels Start for All Big Laugh highest place in the nation, Calvin Cool- Bougton spoke on the London of Shakes- Ventriloquial Act-"George and idge. peare's time. Mildred Burkins gave a at Henry" , 'The action taken on war debts by part of Henry IV, bringing out especial- 2 Good Short Subjects various nations in the next few months is ly the character of Falstaff. To close, Several Musical Numbers by likely to mean much concerning interna- Dorothy May Smith talked on the Eng- GRIFFIN'S Minstrel Singers tional relations in the future," stated lish characteristics of the characters in E. Lytle and his guitar Mr. Kiefer in his talk on war debts. Shakespeare's foreign plays. SAT., JAN. 14 Matinee 2:30-Night 6:45 "COME ON DANGER" Tom Keene "John" Everhart Lunch MINSTREL P. M. 7: 15--9: 15 SHOW Prices 10c-20c-25c THE COLLEGE BARBER :MON.-TUES., JAN 16-17 AND BOBBER F. W.Woolworth Co. "THE PHANTOM OF AT THE FORKS Soda CRESTWOOD" Most Widely Advertised Radio WESTMINSTER, MD •. Picture of the Season, with Ricardo Cortez and Karen Morley Quality Shoe Repairing Candy WED.-'rHUR., JAN. 18-19 44-46 W. Main Street "HAT CHECK GIRL" J. D. KATZ FRI., JAN. 20, ONLY "RACKETY RAX" ANNO·UNCING!! In the very near future THE OPENING OF Westminster's Most Attractive and Up-To-Date Rendezvous We want a name for this beautiful new room. We want your idea of a different and unusual name. YOU NAME IT! WIN A PRIZE! Rules Prizes SPECIAL Opening Day Offer 1. Person making a purchase of 5c or more will re- ceive a card on which to submit name. First $5.00 in Cash 2. Each card must be properly signed. Second 2.50 in Cash Clip This Coupon 3. Each card must be carefully written. Third 1.50 in Cash 4. Each vote must be delivered in our ballot box by And present it on the opening day and 9.30 A. M., Tuesday, January 31, at which time Next Five 1.00 in Trade receive a delicious Chocolate Ice Cream Soda contest closes. Next Five .50 in Trade 5. Winners will be announced the night of Friday, for only a nickel. February 3, at 9.00 P. M., in our room. Next Twelve .25 in Trade NAME . Koontz Confectaurant f Two Doors from State Theatre
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