Page 26 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. JUNIORS ENTERTAIN (Continued from Page 2-Col. 5) while days Rules" Qllunnrs, Qllubn, uub ~nrirtirn FRESHMAN CLASS AT ALUMNI CHATTER era.l short school, fact, while the "Rat inviolable In were on. opening during the days these of DEPRESSION PARTY How times do change, and things! sophomores, juniors, and seniors were ex- prerogatives respective their not IRVING-WEBSTER BETA BETA BETA ercising shy freshmen were discouraged a few The class of 1934 opened its "depres- It seems but a few days ago that we from speaking because of the distant at- "Substitutions for the present econom- On 'I'uesday, November 22, Prof. sion" party Friday, November 25, with were attending the dedication of Baker titude of those very upper-classmen who ic system" were suggested by Dr. I. M. Mast of Johns Hopkins University ad- the sad notes of Frank Mitchell's wel- Chapel, Alumni Hall, McDaniel Hall, and should have tried to make the "green" Whitfield at a meeting held in the So- dressed Tri-Beta Fraternity and otLer coming oration. back of that the new Ward Hall. yearlings feel as much at home on their ciety Hall, November 21, 1932. students interested in Biology. He Earl Hissey, famed "hobo" character, In the days of the old Ward Hall, them campus as possible. And if the innocent- Dr. Whitfield said that his plan was to spoke on "Color in 'Organism" and gave took up his rule as master of ceremo-nies was the days when boys was boys and ly erring "frosh" do at time overstep smooth off the two extremes of society, a very in teresting account of the color by introducing "Jimmy" Bopst's rendi- girls was something to be grinned at their classical rights it must be remem- but not necessarily have everyone on the changes of various animals. Tri-Beta tion of "Rhapsody in Blue." Following across the campus but not, "communi- bered that the pristine conduct of those same level. The first step was to confis- greatly appreciated having Dr. Mast this, the husky crooning of "Dot" Rank- ca ted" with otherwise. who carried hazing and arrogance too far cate all salaries over a given amount, and hopes he will be able to come again. in gave the "Sentimental Gentleman is partially responsible for it. then to confiscate all inheritances over a from Georgia" a return engagement. A letter dated May first, 1893 from a Permit me to say in defense of my fel- given amount, and thirdly to establish ALPHA GAMMA TAU Western Maryland's own "Bernie" then student to his parents says, "Two girls low classmates that I sincerely believe compulsory unemployment insurance. exposed his dark past with "Dinah." got sent home today for communicat- in being courteous and I hope that they The money derived from the confiscated The fraternity is glad to announce the "Dot" Hull drove weak spirits still ing." "Our society hall is being fixed will see their mistakes, but I also hope incomes was to be used in maintaining followmg pledges: Messrs. Bopst, '35; lower with a vocalization of "Pink Ele- up so when you and dad write send me that upper-classmen (including the co- and building public works. By keeping Malkus, '34; Snyder, '34, and Beane, '34. phants," That dashing college cowboy, something to help pay for it." "The eds!) will do their part. some project going all the time, there The club is pleased that Professor Hart "Danny" Moore, shook his "Adam's ap- boys are now trying to get uniforms and Very truly yours, would necessarily be employment for accepted the honorary membership which ple" with "The Wreck of the Old 97," drill here next year." A FRESHMAN. those who would ordinarily be out of was extended to him by the unanimous and a dirge of the open range. work. Some of the money was to be vote of the members. Guests reached the point of eollapse And a letter in January, 1893, will en- used to maintaain education for the rrn when "Hiss" had the bread line form lighten those wh~ may.want to know when STATE THEATRE would-be-poor class, thus not only giving ALPHA MU before the soup kitchen was prepared the present college color were adopted. Westminster them work but educating them. to open. However, spirits were soon "The committee have not adopted orange Phi A1pha Mu is glad to announce and black as we thought they would, but FRI.-SAT., DEC. 2-3 that Margaret Held, Maudre Willis, Ha- rallied by hot coffee and cookies. George O'Brien in Y.W.C.A. zel Jones, Nadine Ohler, Gertrude Rog- Followed an hour of dancing, during hrve decided on olive green and old gold "The Golden West" ers, Lucille Bork, Mary White, Jeanne which, when coats were discarded and as the college colors, and to get a new Cartoon-News-Comedy A special Thanksgiving program was collars were opened, the party took on college yell. ' , , 'We had PARLOR Come and enjoy the beautiful given in the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday Weber, Mary Benson.r and Dorothy Ber- the aspect of a real tramps' gathering. NIGHT Last night, and it was pretty music which is sung and to the club. pledged ry have been night. Dorothy Paul read James Whit- good." Pleaese send me that box of eats - played which consid- furnished Decorations, comb Riley's poem "When the Frost W.W. erable amusement, were newspapers as soon as possible." "Well, good bye, MON.-TUES., DEC. 5-6 is on the Pumpkin." Barbara Bennett hanging in regular rows from the ceil- I have to study now. Your loving son-" "Back Street" and Margaret Ringler sang a Thanks- W. W. wishes to announce the follow- ing, and clippings from magazines and A Fannie Hurst Novel, with giving song. Lucille Bork expressed ing pledges: Elizabeth Wine, Dorothy CALEB 0 'CONNOR, '98. John Boles, Irene Dunn, our gratitude fo; favors and bountiful Mitchell, Evelyn Bowen, Mary Lewis, newspapers suggestively grouped upon Zazu Pitts. the walls. mercies as compared with our forefath- Mary Brown, and Kitty Rose. Mickey Mouse Cartoon ers and groups of people in our nation today. DELTA PI ALPHA MUSIC RECITALS Fox News SUPPORT WED.-THURS., DEC. 7-8 DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Fraternity is pleased to announce The first student recital for the year Walter Houston, Amy that Mr. William B. Jones has become will take place Friday evening, Decem- Johnson Delta Sigma Kappa takes pleasure in a pledge to the fraternity. ber 9, in Smith Hall at 7.30. It will OUR In announcing the f'ollowiug pledges: Dor- consist of a vocal and instrumental pro- "American Madness" othy Paul, Charlotte Sprague, Margaret gram. COMING DEC. 12-13 Downing, Jane Twigg, and Mary Wood- MEMBER OF I. P. A. Miss Maude Gesner, pianist, and Mr. ADVERTISERS Wi11 Rogers en. The Delts held open house in the SPEAKS TO STUDENTS Philip Royer, violinist, will give a re- In club rO
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