Page 29 - TheGoldBug1932-33
P. 29
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE ===================================== Basketball - Boxing SPORTS • • SPORTS • • Captain Koppe Plays on All-South VARSITY HOCKEY TEAM Team Which Defeats All-North 7-6 FAN FODDER DEFEATS SOPHOMORES South is Coached by Dick Harlow, I By ((Pat" Mahoney The Varsity hockey team trounced the Assisted by Lyle Clarke w. M. C. CAGERS FACE Sophomore Class team by an 8·2 score TOUGH SCHEDULE AS on the girls' nockey field, Wednesday, The Green 'I'errors ' football captain, Terror Victory Over Terps Will Linger December 7. The match between the Harold Koppe, proved to approximately THEY OPEN PRACTICE , As winter sports make their appearance and crowd honorary varsity eleven and the inter- 2,000 fans just why he was picked as a King Football out of the limelight until next fall it seems class tournament winners was held in a member of the All-South grid team which rather striking for one to make the assertion that anyone drizzling rain on a soggy field, but even defeated the All-North team by 7·6 in Coach Stahley Needs Center To football game will linger in the minds of a certain group no against such odds was an interesting en- the Baltimore Stadium, Saturday, De- Take Place of Hammill Who matter how partisan or how much it was affected by tho counter for both players and spectators. cember 10. Captain Koppe was picked Graduated Last Year The losing team played a hard fought by his own coacn, Harlow, who was in outcome. But as far as the Western lVIaryland sport devo- "Pat" tees are concerned, this observer believes, that the after- game and are to be congratulated for charge of the men from below the Mason Mahoney the fine spirit they displayed against a math and Dixon line, for his high type of play- OPEN WITH LOYOLA along indefinitely. of that closing victory over Maryland will move team comprised of the best hockeyites Not because the team that scored that victory is the ing. Coach Harlow was assisted in train- Skip Stahley sounded his call for his greatest in the history of the school; not because it won against over- Western Maryland could offer. The sec- ing the winning South team by Lyle basketeers on Thursday afternoon, De- ond year team had even been weakened Clarke, assistant Terror coach. camber 8 and one of tho 1 a r g es t whelming odds, but because the game carrys more stories, more differ- by the placing of several of their best The contest, although hard fought groups ever to turn out f.or the h ard- ent angles and more spectacular plays than any single game in which members on the varsity. from start to finish, failed to furnish wood sport answered his summons. the Terrors have been engaged in during the past decade. The' scoring occurred mainly in the the small crowd of spectators, who braved First on that list of contributing reasons for that smashing victory Erst half, with the varsity leading by 7 the snowy elements, the thrills that had Among those reporting held at in the initial is the element of revenge for a crushing 41-6 defeat suffered the pre- points. During the second period of the West- was practice which been expected. This was in all probabil- minster Armory were: Mahoney, Hurley, vious season. And revenge is an old battle cry in any contest. L-ogi- play the Sophs scored two tallies to their ity due to the un ravorable climatic eon- cians would hardly differ with the assertion that possibly preliminary Murray, Willis and Diksa who are carry opponent's one, making the final score ditions under which the game was played. overs from last year 's varsity squad and plans for the 1932 Maryland game were formulated in the minds of the 8·2. Particularly commendable playing The first score came in the opening Ryseavage, Mergo, Ferguson, ~hepherd, Terror coaching staff as early as December 6, 1931-the afternoon on was that of "Mary EI" Senat, varsity period when Aultman, from Geneva Col- Gorski, Tyson, Comerford, Jones, Marks, which a "hot" Maryland team handed out the worst trouncing a Har- center forward, who scored five of the lege, and playing left end for the North and Lipsky, who are all coming up from low-coached eleven has ever suffered. With such a running start is it eight goals. ~The Iine-up : grabbed a fumbled ball before it hit Frosh ranks and are striving to earn a any wonder that all sorts of pyrotechnics were set off by the Terrors the ground and raced 15 yards to CTOSS place on the Varsity five. this year when lVIaryland was encountered. Varsity Sophomores tue goal line and give the Yankees six Coach Stahley 's ere~test problem will L. Robinson L.W. E. Forney points. The try for extra point just be the finding of a center to replace Ham- Huddled in the stands during the 1931 skirmish was a group of M. Russell L.T. E. Child missed the cross bar, and it was this mill, last yearts center who was gradu- freshman football players watching a band of helpless green terrors M. E. Senat C.F. F. Glynn point which was in the final quarter to ated. The squa I also lost Neil Woolley, painfully going through the motions of trying to stop a brilliant array D. Hull R. W. R. Jenkins speli defeat for the Northern lads. who had been a consistent performer for of Maryland backs, moving behind a line that was scythe-like in clear- 11'1:. Brown R.T. L. Bork r.n. From then on the game was one of three seasons. Raleigh Brown another ing the way for them. This spectacle hardly could have been less than 1. Flannigan M. Sullivan great defense. This is plainly shown by capable player didn't return to school a burning incentive to avenge that defeat the following year, when T. Hambsch C.H. C. Sprague the fact that only a total of six first and he will also be missed. they would become varsity men. Six of those men were destined to D. Mitchell R. H. K. Rose downs were made in the entire contest, start the classic battle the following year and any mind-set they may J. Wine L.F. M. Willis Ioss Regardless of 4 of them being registered by the Dixie men Coach Stahley the looks of the above ='- have experienced was certainly antipodal to the idea of allowing such T. Chell R.F. E. Main forward to players. This does not include the plays very successful season. His main re- a spectacle to reoccur again. The few Terrors playing in that contest, M. Downing G. S. Fadely on which the scores were made as they liance and the success of the team de- who were not slated to close their careers certainly left it with the Officials-Referee: Marie Parker, Rose resulted from plays began by the other pends somewhat on hOH his Sophomore memory of that defeat indelibly imprinted on their memories. After Todd; Scorer and 'I'imer : Susan side. It was merely a game of breaks material comes through. If they live up a year's reflection it is not surprising that the key positions on this Cockey. for neither team could muster sheer to their Frosh reputation, when they had season's team were so ably filled. strength enough for a drive. The kick- an undefeated season, everything will J& ing was good despite the fact of a strong fine, but in the lust two years excellent These major factors plus the subsidiary elements of proving their FOUR TERRORS PLACED north wind which swept down the field undefeated first-year teams have alad worth to their coaches and vindicating the support of a stndent body and the soggy, slippery condition of the the bad habit of flopping when they hit who backed them to the limit throughout the season reveals some of ON ALL-STATE TEAM ball. varsity competition, which fact leads one t.he reasons for that decisive victory. And the spectacular way in The South lost a chance to score in not to place such unbounded faith in which it was produced will keep tongues wagging long after the mole- Craig E. Taylor, sports writer for the the second quarter when a completed pass the group coming up. skins have been laid away in moth balls. Battimore Sun, selected Captain Koppe, gave them a first down on the Yankees' Sadausky, Shepherd, and Dunn for the 7 yard line. However, they were unable Preceding the Christmas holidays the All-Maryland team. He said the follow- to penetrate or get around the strong team will be drilled in r undamental and Do You Know: ing about the Terrors whom he placed on defense set up by the North. In the become familiarized with the Stahley That the few complaints registered against the arctic weather in his team: third quarter the South's defense proved style of play. They will not open their which the North-South game was played were registered by the North- For Captain Koppe, at guard, praised just as strong as another forward pass schedule until January the seventh on ern players. by Harlow as his greatest captain in 21 gave the NOTth eleven a first down on which date Loyola will be met, which en- years of coaching, we nave a man who the Dixie's 25 yard marker from which gagement opens a tough fourteen-game That Tex Leyendecker, the big he-man tackle from Vanderbilt, grind. place they could make no headway. amused himself bet"'een plays hy tln'owing snowballs at the opposing has accomplished one of the bizarre feats As th~ final quarter started the North players and at referee George Hoban. of any state foot ball player. In 1930 he substituted its entire alternate team. 39-7 TERROR VICTORY I won an All·Maryland back·field position; The South's chance for a touchdown came That Bill Shepherd was selected by the Bucknell football team as this year he attains the same honor but when one of Turnbow's punts rolled oyer OVER U. OF MARYLAND the" best" player to face them during the season. as a guard. He l13S lots of drive, is prob· tackler on~the team and ably the hardest the goal line for a touchback. The Yankees put the ball in play on their 20 AVENGES 1931 DEFEAT That Jim Dunn was accorded a place on Boston College's all-op- coming out of the line to protect a passer yard line by a gain of 4 yards. On ponent team. is without an equal. the second play Zagray got off a pTetty In Sadausky at tackle, a star in 1931, without dissent. punt but the South was offside and the Shepherd, Schwicker, And McNally yard line, the next play after the re· O'Leair, who ,,'ere playing their final he regains his position in his performance He is more polished North captain decided in faYor of the Score for Terror's In First co,-ery :McNally scooted around Mary· and, we might say, their best games. this year and showed additional caginess penalty. After a line play had failed Half land's left end for the fifth marker. The other members of the line filled their and North was penalized for man in mo· Maryland after the aboye play kicked positions capably but were not standouts and alertness in defending his position tion, the next play which was to have off to the Tenor's, who immediately like the above two. The line·up: and in ability to work an opposing line· been a punt was the one on which thc Dick Harlow's Green Terrors, seething marched down the field to their sixth and man in opening holes. South scored. The pass from center was for revenge and literally chasing the Tel'· final touchdown. Schwieker returned the Western ~d. MaTyland In Shepherd, at L. H. B., we have a rapins from the UniYersity of Maryland man praised from start to finish of the low and :gunter, from }farsnall College, off 'the Stadium Field in Baltimore
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