Page 32 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGTIJ TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Though~s at Random VARIETY~ A REVIEW OF By '" Hazel" and "Hazelnut" BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE wel, hear we go agen fur anuthur yeer EMPEROR .JONES Emperor, but they shrink back in fear. and we didn't make no nue yeers rezolu- At last the spell is broken. The mob shons eithur we hope you had a nice An Opera, by Gruenberg, Presented by realizes Jones is actually dead, and, yell- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday vakashon now fur the nuze:- the Metropolitan Opera Company ing in savage triumph, the people bear during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, "Hissey" must hav sent "' Dot Paul" his body off. Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. a nice (~) chrlstmus kard; bekause she Reviewed by Dorothy M. Paul Lawrence Tibbett sang the title role SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR wont speak tu him . ... "' Mary Brown" Saturday afternoon the Metropolitan and was for the exception of a very few haz "Mathias" on a string; if you Opera Company presented the world's minutes, on the stage during the hour EDITORIAL STAFF don't beleeve hur, she'll show him tu premiere of Envperor Jones, by Gruen- and a quarter that the opera lasted. By Editor-in-Chief M. S. STROW, '33 you .... "Hudey" and "Willis" got berg. This new opera is based upon his dramatic ability he procured the suc- Associate Edito1"S ESTHER V. RIGHTER, '34, WILLIAM G. PYLES, '33 thrown out ov Ward Hall fur not study- Eugene 0 'Neill's play by the same title. cess that was apparent when the Metro- News Editors ELSIE BOWEN, 3'3, ROBERT HIMMER, '35 in' enuf ... .congranulations "Miss Du- The scene of the opera is laid in an politan audience applauded for oyer one COP'lJEditors MARY ELLEN SENAT, '33, CHARLES L. WHITTINGTON, '34 phorn ' fur joinin' the" missin' appen- island of the West Indies, where Jones, S,{)orts Editors H. TROY HAMBSCH, '33, EUGENE WILLIS, '34 '13lf hour, during which time Mr. Tibbett dyx klub ' 0, 0 thet Loyola basket- a negro, escaped from an American jail, took seventy curtain calls. Mr. Gruen- }.{AKE-UP STAFF bawl game did ya know thet '" Ellen is leadiug a charmed life as ruler of the berg, the composer, accompanied Mr. Managing Edito?·s WILLIAM H. SPARROW, '3'3, C. RUSSELL HERBST, '33 Holmes" just luves tu be kalled "FAS- natives. A prologue opens the opera, in Tibbett several times, and so did the or- Assistant ManagiJng Editor FRANK P. MITCHELL, '34 CIN A TING f" .... "Richard Martin" which the negroes swear vengeance on chestra conductor. Stenographer FRANCES GLYNN, '35 haz bin speculating; he found sum moles Emperor Jones, for 118 has stolen their There were no arias and no opportuni- BUSINESS STAFF (~) the othur day .... "Hazel" sez thet money and sent it to a foreign country. ties for display of operatic ability in this Business Manage?' DAVID TRUNDLE, '33 Smith Hall hazone classic (~) buk, or This setting for the following action is musical drama. The conversation was in Advertising Managers ROBERT CAIRNES, '34, A. NORMAN WARD, JR., '35 shud we say buk ov kuoledge t .... rendered ill a discord and singing that negro dialect and 'Was half spoken with a Ci?'culation Manage?' LORA OUTTEN, '3'4 , I Snozzle Timmons" got a bill the othur can scarcely be termed operatic in any sort of musical undercurrent, The score Assistant Circulation Managers' day bekause he haz bin using a klub sense of the word. So completely has GLADYSE L. SOMERS, '33 M. R. STEVENS, '35 rume fur a dormitory ... , Emperor Jones exercised his control over was one of the most unusual, probably, OLIVE MAY BUTLER, '35 ARTHUR V. DOW}/EY, '34 that a Metropolitan audience has ever CARL EVERLY, '34 CECIL H. MARK, '35 haz anyone seen "George's" harem ~ lils subjects ,tl12t they believe he can be heard. For the first time, an xylophone THOMAS EVELAND, '36 SIMEON MARKLINE, '36 .... thet reminds us, "Hazelnut" sez killed only by the silver bullet he keeps accompanied the orchestra and its notes REPORTERS thet sum ov the boys ar still (~) katch- in his revolver. The other leaden bullets added greatly to the musical atmosphere. Betty Allen, '33; Susanna Cockey, '33; Tessie Cox, '33; Blanche Hurd, '33; in' up with there sleep " Puro? ' iz are, he says, good enough for "them While the play cannot be termed an Anne Wolverton, '33; Muriel Day, '34; Martha Harrison, '34; Kathlyn Meller, '34; mor hansum then evur 0, 0, "Com- niggers. ' , When he learns that the peo- opera in the orthodox meaning, it is a Louise Needy, '34; Dorothy Paul, '34; Margaret Yocum, '3'4; Frances Elderdice, merford " iz awfully bashful; he wont ple plot his death, Jones plans to escape worthy production. Judging by the pre- '35; Edith Forney, '35; Orpha Pritchard, '35; Dorothy Wicks, '36. even ax "Libby Wine" fur a date be- and board the French steamer that is miere, it was successful, but no one will Wilson Murray, '33; Pat Mahoney, '34; Clarence Bussard, '34; James Bopst, ar.chorcd on the other side of the island. '35; Brady Bryson, '35 Carlton Brinsfield, '35; Reynolds Simpson, '36; D. W. kause he iz afraid he'll blush .... ' 'Terp venture to predict how long Mr. Gruen- Nichols, '35; Robert Brooks, '36. Ward" wuz ovur tu the easturn shore After that, he can live on his stolen lllol- berg's composition will last. during vakashon; he went tu a party, ey. Rather flippantly, considering the Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. and nuff sed .... hats,' sum ov the boys invest- impending danger, Jones declared, "So [Reprint from the Cotumoia B1LUetvn] in see you in jail meb- ed sean ain't long, white man, I'll no we 'iron OVER schrapnel yet .... "Bernie Kaplan" be"; and wistling "Swanee River," he PUBLIC PALPITANT MYSTERY MISS- ING BROTHER until '" Ann" E D I ~ T o R I A L cudn't find himself and "Humphries" got goes out. the opera there is an in- A distraught radio-listening public Throughout "Draper" back .... got there colors (~) mixed and messed cessant beat of Tom-Toms that gradually just doesn't konw where to turn next, for up the othur nite .... aint them hats thet increases in volume as the second scene wherever you set your dial, Gracie Allen II Now is the Time-" "Now is the time for all good men to come to the gurls ar wareing til kute I .... we wuz proceeds. J ones enters, still whistling, is apt to bob up in search of ,her missing the aid of their party." And the time for this wundering weather the hats wur gettin' in the jungle he has to cross to reach brother, who vanished a few days ago in cry has just faded serenely to the background to give place to another smaller or there heads gettin' larger .... safety. TIle vibrant air begins to un- a pea-soup fog. Gracie broached the of ghost- hurd form of political ballyhoo. But the time for us Western Marylanders thet "Hazelnut" sez wuz thet talkin' he about neTve him, and he sees a group about him. subject on her own program on JanuaTY stiffly move ' 'Delaney" that ly figures she has been suddenly to" stand by" is at the present, more than ever before. We are so used "Ebert's" gurl in hiz sleep .... it iz Heedless of the consequences, Jones fires 4, and since then otherwise ,,-ell-ordered bursting on in to facing crises economic, scholastic, and' otherwise, that calamitous time fur anuthel' 'tin pan paraide' .... one of his precious shots into the midst broadcasts, irrespective of their network propaganda leaves us cold. Possibly we are only too involved in our "Pete Grimm" sez thet he iz anuthur of the group and the appaTition vanishes, or natul'e. She has offered a rewaTd of own private up's and down's to give more than a thought to the larger victum of W. M. C.'s cycology corse .... The realization sweeps over him that he $9.30 to anyone who finds him, while wuz talkin· Hall" difficulties which our g-rand old institution faces. No matter what the "Doctor bensch the othur day; about a hor- has just his given away his whereabouts and husband and partner George Burns has Terrified, aided he must be izontal pursuing avengers. modern young student may say about independence of thought and used tu sittin' on hiz ear .... " Jigalo he runs on, but he soon becomes exhaust- offered an equal sum to anyone who of letters- find him. Millions doesn't speech, he owes loyalty of a sort to the institution from which he ac- Moore" beleeves in givin' candy fur ed and sees another of these hallucina- well, anyway, seyeral dozen-]Jave been cepts the gift of learning. We have only to look around us to see how cristmus; don't you ' 'Danial , ' , .... tions: a negro porter shooting craps in pouring in to Gracie, either offering sym- mi1ny things call us to give our love to our own Alma l\1ater. Everyone "Skip's" nue kar .... ' I Mahoney" iz the oddly mechanical ,yay that character- pathy, infOl'ming her of the lost one's emphasizes the phase which appeals to him most, of course, but tran- taking up 'Russian' since "Ringler" izes all the moyemen ts of these 'l'isions. whereabouts, or inquiring "' What of it is Jeff, Romito" scending the non-essentials, we point with the greatest pride to its re- got 1mI' boots, ... "' Hen one uv the iz a Jones cries out that The apparition the man it~". Such problems of world interest win- konstan t visitor he shot, undur van- and fires. and what should be done as Technocracy cent growth and progress in' every way. We know our growing ,Vest- ders of McKinistry Hall .... ishes. Screaming, Jones flees, but when abqut spinach pale into insignificance, ern Maryland-but do we appreciate it? Sentiment is sometimes sup- "' Charles E. Kaddy" got lost in a Nue weariness causes him to rest a while, he o"ershadowed by this burning new prob- posed to be a defunct idea, but should it be? The sort of sentiment that York subway on the way down, and he becomes the yictim of several more haUu- lem. Those out of sympat1ly 'With the is expressed' in loud cheering and no action deserves a speedy death. wuzn t found fur too daze .... " Fanny cinations. The old chain gang, the negI'o finer things WllO dOll't appreciate Gracie middle where be slave Tul! 's" he "Rid- have to turn But if we try translating our affection into a daily program of action dIe"; boy! how name shud "George" slaye, market sees in turn, was sold as it will just notice. their sets off until disperses and she keeps Jones fluther in support of the college's policies-that's the time when sentiment and "Lucas" gessin' .... hay! who them all with shots from his revolver. He proves its worth. broke thet winder~' ..... we think thet they has left only the silver bullet. His TRUTH CATCHES UP WITH For each of us this course of action and perhaps, we should add, shud throw them nasty cowboy pictures clothes are in tatters, his shoes he has FICTION " Sue discarded, time growth of attitude, may assume a different form. This is, of course, out ov town ou saturday nites .... "The some beyond ago measure. He he is fright- oth€rs cries ened Strow" and started "It's hav IIitz, For Elsie two months far from detrimental, but it also effectively. prevents a blanket pre- Snobs Club", all ar welcome; sumhow or a-me, it's a-me, it's a-me, oh, Lord, Armstrong of " The :Magic as June Voice' , scription for "Easy Cure for Languishing Enthusiasm". But the gen- othur we think thet it wuz merged with standing in the need ob prayer." The script act, IJas played the role of a girl eral motive embodied in the thought, "This is the college I chose-I'm the "T. F. Klub" .... ov all things, pathos of the Emperor is unbelievably confined to a hospital, whose romance going to see it through in every way I can" will give thc necessary , 'Gorsky" ,,-ent 'winder shopping' with yivid. 'I.'11e weirdly dissonant m~sic ,,-itlt a neyer-seen 10\8r has been carried and wuz a jewelry store impetus to make "Western l\Iary land's Greatest Year" out of one of "Forney" ' I Jones" it iz get tin ' tu be a blends into the olel spiritual as the sound on by telephone. Truth caught up with and closer. two! .... fiction' suddenly was lomes closer of the tom-toms when its most difficult. great I floor fusher' .... Hysterically, Jones runs about, but as stricken recently ear trouble she and had to un- with hear iz the latest list ov "Strutters": the witch doctor comes, in and begius his dergo an operation. As she could not J,ones realizes dance Where Does It Get You? The question which has been preying on our Shepherd-Helmstetter game's and incantation, he remembers the leave the hospital in time for her next up. Suddenly the minds for quite a while now is, "Is the work Lipski-Duphorne silver bullet. With a scream of satisfac- broadcast, special lines were installed in which we, the members of the GOLD BUG staff, put into getting this Martin-Bowen tion he lifts the revol'l'er to his head and the hospital, and she played in real life script when she broad- the role of her paper ready for publication every other week, appreciated at all by Sadusky-Turner fires as a horde of negroes streams in. At cast from her hospital bed. Oddly Koppe-Cooling the students of Western Maryland College?" As it seems to us now, all Kaiser-Willis the sound of the shot, everything stops, enough, the script for that occasion ,ya5 that a GOLD BUG means to the average man or woman upon the Hill Draper-Humphries there is complete silence. Several men the first in which she ,yas supposed to be is a chance to read "Hazel and' Hazelnut" and "F'an Fodder". Maybe Gorsky-Forney attempt to draw near to the body of the out of the hospital. the experience which the staff gets is enough .compensation for its ef- Jones-Sprague forts, but we wonder. As a matter of fact, what do we get out of it? Brown-Watson It does not even seem an honor. It means extra hours of hard work, Murray-Rose VIEWPOINT and perhaps a necessity of letting school work slide a little. But if the ~fahoney-Ringler of By ROLAND E. SLIKER staff did balk and refuse to put out an issue, storms of protest would Grimm-Straughn shower down upon our heads, bowed but still strong. Hunter-Wine When we think the matter over, what credit does a person get for Schweiker- Yocum LAZY? Negro is still "not guilty." Educatioll- anything he does up here? Presid'ents of all organizations get a smat- Mitchell-Baer ally, for instance, the Negro has prog- tering of fame and all the hard work. The Aloha staff works quietly Kaplan-Proutt enkins The North and South alike haye com- ressed from a foint of fiye per cent illit- Campafreda-J and hard, and reaps all the criticism which about five hundred students lIolllles-lIerwick monly typified the Negro as being lazy, eracy to the present eighty per cent. The can throw. The debaters argue to empty houses. Audiences of speech Wood bury- Elderdice but the colored person's this activities, prog- statisticians point out too, that the make ress, status and characteriza- ninety people cent en- and music recitals should fill Alumni Hall, but do they ~ The students Wade-Wine tion seem not only incongruous but calu- colored in gainful are occupations per in contrast gaged do not co-operate with the student government. At times the opera- I , Joe Kleinman" iz a I gurl 'rustler'; mnious as well. to the white people's seventy! Also, from tion of such an organization seemt> almost farcical. he stole "Johnnie Olsh's" sweetheart From the time that the first boat load a start of nothing, they have acquired a What is the solution of all these problems? In a lot of them, the .... " Pyles" sez he doezn't mind play- of sla'l'es landed on the colonial shore two billion dollar possession total in Ule faculty as well as the stud'ents could help by getting behind the organi- in' 'second fiddle' to "Merry EI" .... down to the present day, the Negro has span of one life time, for they were freed zations and giving them a push once in a while. Give them a pat on to "Bernie Kaplan" goes the title of worked and toiled. In fact, the race "as pushed ahead saliently in arts, sciences, the back. Cheer them up. Support them. And do not always tell them "W. M. C.'s greatest dispenser ov pre- brought here on a purely working basis! some se,enty years ago. They ha,e how terrible they are. A word of praise is a great help 10ward im- ,aricashons" .... sum boys hav bin talk- Before the emancipation, they worked and 'Vocations, and although this can be provement. The Biology Department has stepped out in the right in' about" Fogle"; ya better wach out with a ,yhip as the motivating factor, attributed partially to the opportunity direction. The establishment of a chapter of Beta Beta Beta was a dis- , 'Barsor " .... and since their freedom, they have strug- which American life affords, it cannot be the many obstacles that tinct advance. Perhaps, honorary clubs would bring to the attention of gled to surmount not only social equality, denied that there must be some indige- keep them from the true students the fact that there are certain things up here to work Quality Tailoring but from high living standards as well. nous assiduity present. Finally, for. Noah Webster and other lexicograph- so sedentary, if the Negro is so lymphatic, and why so lackadaisical, As a last thought may we ask a riddle~ All famous men work many CLEANING PRESSING ers define "lazy" as indisposed' to move does the average white person who has hours a day. John Doe worked three hours a day. Was John Doe a REMODELING REPAIRING quickly or to work. This may connote just completed an unusually strenuous famous man? H. E. REESE more than manual activity, but no mat- task inevitably exclaim, 'I ''I'e worked (F. P. M.) 80 E. Mail,l Stl'eet ter wht ip.terpretatioll is considered, the like a nigger today ~"
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