Page 35 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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BASKETBAL~ BOXING TERRORS vs. NAVY TERRORS vs. NAVY Annapolis, Feb. 1 Annapolis, Feb. 4 Vol. 10, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 26, 1933 FINAL LECTURE ON W.M.C. DEBATING TEAMS Juniors Will Give COlnedy and Fantasy INSURANCE WILL BE Passing in Review WILL OPEN SCHEDULE GIVEN THIS AFTERNOON By BRADLEY BRYSON IN THE NEAR FUTURE As First of Presentations in A lumni Hall HUEY "KINGFISH" LONG These Lectures Have Been Interest- Glaring with pugnacious defiance NEWLY FOUNDED CLUB Circumstances A Iter ing And Well Attended By across a practically empty Senate cham- .Men Have Scheduled Eight Matches Cases and A Slave Faculty And Students ber, Senator Huey .Pierce (Kingfish) To Three For The Co-eds WIl.L HOLD IN.ITIAL Long of Louisiana, alone and unaided, With Two Faces The third of a series of lectures on in- held the upper house of the nation's con- Charles Whittington, manager of MEETING JANUARY 30 surance' "The Opportunities and Diffi- gress in helpless filibuster for a solid men's deba ting, announced today the A re To Be Offered culties that Insurance Presents as a Life week. His crop of curly red hair, pug- men's debating schedule to be as fol- Work", will be presented in Smith Hall nosed face, and aggressive manner lows: Dr. T. M. Whitfield Is Sponsor Of this afternoon (Thursday), at 3.30 P. marked him as a forceful, unbridled Feb. Ll-s-Blue Ridge-dual-exchange of Local Organization Which Is NEW CURTAINS TO BE USED M., by Mr. Lincoln H. Lippincott, direc- showman, as he grimly and determinedly negative team. Unit Of Carnegie Endow- tor of the training school of the Mary- rambled on for a week in what is prob- Feb. 17-Ursinus-dual-eJXchange of neg- ment For Interna- On February 2, at 8 :00 P. M., the land Casualty. Insurance Company of ably the last colorful filibuster that will ative team. national Peace junior members of the College Players Baltimore. This is the last lecture which mark the congressional records of this Feb. 27 _:__Lebanon Valley - dual-ex- The latest development of the Chinese- will present the first of their series of Mr. Lippincott will give at the College, country. change of negative team. Japanese situation will be the subject of plays in Alumm Hall. and should be even more interesting than Pausing only long enough to allow the Feb. 28-Albright-our affirmative team a brief talk by Mr. Sterling at the first These plays will mark the inaugura- his previous two lectures, "The Place of passage of 'the Philippine Independence there. major meeting of the International Re- tion of the new apparatus which has re- Insurance in Economic Science' , and bill, which is so vital to cane-growing March I-Franklin and Marshall-our lations Club this' coming Monday eve- cently been purchased by the Speech De- "The Relation of Insurance to the Indi- affirmative team there. partment. This includes a new cyclorama January free ning, The meeting 30. quite vidual Consumer", in view of the fact Louisiana, he seemed' held up action from March 2- Washington and J efferson- held in the Y. W. C. A. room. will be and numerous lights-spots and tops. care as he deliberately on that a large number of us will soon be the federal budget with a debt increas- our affirmative team there. The club is a unit of the Carnegie En- The two plays, which will be given, confronted with the problem of just ing at a rate of $5,000,000 per diem, on March 3-Waynesboro-our affirmative dowment for Jnteruatronal Peace, which CitraumstOllWes Alter Cases, a rollicking where our next meal is coming from, the situation of the mortgage-ridden team there. has branches throughout this country and comedy by Ruth Giorloff, and The Slave In the two lectures which Mr. Lippin- mid-Western farmers in open revolt March 17 - Albright-their affirmative the world. The purpose of promoting With Two Faces, an unusual fantasy by cott has given he has displayed a most against foreclosures, and on the beer bill team here. peace and mutual understanding. Mary Carolyn Davies. The latter is thorough knowledge of his subject and for which the nation IS so anxiously wait- The match with Washington College Doctor Whitfield is the sponsor of the striking in its representation of life as has presented it in a most entertaining ing. has not been definitely set but will prob- local organization and Richard Kiefer, both a Slave and a Master. manner. The lectures have been well at- Ostensibly his filibuster was a protest ably come in the latter part of March. the president. The remaining officers F. P. Mitchell will have the leading tended, both by the students of the De- against the Glass banking bill, which Arrangements are also being negotiated will be elected at the meeting. Member- role in the first play, and William Kes- partment of Economics and the public. might permit big city bankers to gain for a match with Catholic University. ship is ,open to both men and women and model will portray the difficult charac- The Department of Economics has spon- control of little country banks through The women's debating team has three all students and all faculty are cordially terization of the Slave. sored the series, and it is hoped that lec- branches. However, it is the writer's debates scheduled: February 17, Eliza- invited to jon. Movies, outside speakers, tures of the sort will be an integral part opinion that there was another motive bethtown College; February 23, Leban- and open discussions are being planned The cast for Circumstomces Alter Cases of the curriculum in the future. on Valley; March 9, Ursinus College. is: ' masked behind his loud protest. "King- for the coming programs. fish" Long is more than a mere show- The affirmative team consists of Mildred Eve Hamilton Anna Wigley. MR. ELVIN C. WEEKS, '06, man. He is clever, he is determined, Burkins, Mary Parks, Katherine Tim- Don Hamilton Frank P. Mitchell. SPEAKS ON "CHARACTER" and he is capable of most anything. His mons, and June Coolmg; the negative WILLIAM STAINES EX-'35 Betty Everett Mildred German. real purpose was to prevent legislative team consists of Elinor Lines, Mary DIES OF PNEUMONIA Mr. Elvin C. Weeks, a graduate of action in the present session of Congress Haig, Helen Whitcraft, and Virginia Stehen Everett William Wright. Western Maryland College, spoke at the to such an extent that a spring session Roberts. The subject to be debated is, William Staines, Jr., ex-'35, and an Maggie Louise Needy. Sunday evening chapel sen-icc, January "ill be necessary, Long hopes to rule Resolved: That all intergovernmental honor man in his class, succumbed to A Slave With Two Faces 22, ~n the subject of "Character." this spring session. He is a man that war debts including reparations should pneumonia and an enlarged heart at a , 'An educated man of good character will bear watching. be cancelled. The old style plan of de- Baltimore hospital Friday morning, Jan- Life, the Slave William Kesmodel. is the ideal unit of society," the speak- PHILIPPINES bating will be used instead of the pro- uary 20. First Girl Laurlene Straughn. er said. Our actions either raise or lower By a slim margin of five votes the Sen- posed Oregon plan. Staines, who was 21 years of age on Second Girl Esther Righter. us and our fellows. Hence, we should ate passed the Philippine Independence January 12, graduated from the Balti- A Woman Mary Parks. conscientiously choose between good and I bill on January 17. Philippine enthusi- more Polytechnic Institute. He was an A Man Robert Holder. evil. Aaron Burr and Napoleon, though asts who had anxiously followed a three- NEW ALOHA EDITOR entrant in the Norment Speech Contest A Workman Maurice Fleming. of the highest intellectual capacity, were day debate received the news with appar- TO BE ELECTED FRIDAY last year, and went out for boxing and Voices in the mob Muriel Day and disgraced because of their lack of char- ent joy. ---- lacrosse while at college. . Helen Whitcraft. acter. Emerson said, "Character is However, the delegates soon lost sight Election of the editor of the 1934 Western Maryland College regrets the of such passing higher than intellect." Thus the situa- of their cause for joy. When the com- Aloha will be held Friday evening, Janu- former student. a loyal and well-liked The plays are bing directed by Miss tion is clearly defined; we must choose mission reports to the islands, a rejec- ary 27. According to a policy inaugu- Esther Smith, of the Speech Department. between substantial success and a mir- tion of the plan will probably be drawn rated last year, the new editor is being age. But character amounts to nothing up on the basis of clauses unfavorable to elected early so that he may work in col- without action; it may decay otherwise. Philippine commercial interests. The laboration with the present editor and ROMANCE Mr. Weeks was accompanied by Mrs. islands have two years in which to choose gain experience. The new editor, of OF WORDS Weeks and their daughter, Miss Virginia existence under the jurisdiction of the course, will be a member of the present II L_ ~ Weeks, '32. United States. They realize only too junior class, by whom he is elected. The The orchestral prelude to, the service well that the latter course is the best one. junior editors selected by the 1933 Aloha I EDITOR'S NOTE: cause, but such fear is not utterly dif- was the "Pilgrims Chorus" from TaJltn- It is seldom that our country legis- staff were Frank P. Mitchell, Richard The following is the first of a series of ferent from the Greek sense in the case hauser, and the choir sang "Fear Not, Kiefer, and Charles Whittington. articles in the GOLD BUG dealing with of those who in desperate financial lates in any way more favorable to other Oh, IsraeL" The Misses Ann Johnson countries than to herself. David Trundle, editor of the 1933 I I various phases of the etymology of words straits deify wealth as Mammon. Pan- and Martha Harrison and Messrs. Paul CALVIN COOLIDGE Aloha, reports that the art scheme for in the English language. As an aid to demonium was the place of abode for all Schweiker and Leslie Werner were solo- When one thinks of Calvin Coolidge, the current year-book has been complete- teaching in the Department of Classics, the demons and in this sense was used by ists. ly worked out, and work is progressing Dr. Edgar B. Jenkins, with the help of Milton as the name of the capital of Dr. Fred G. Holloway, president of one associates with him the thought of rapidly. The art work, being done by two assistants, is making an intensive Hell or the palace of Satan in Paradise careful philosophy, solid Westminster Theological Seminary, on dry humor, sound reasoning. His name Peter Gomsak, '30, will be of a nature study of classical derivatives in English. Lost. It is surprising to learn that the and thrift, Sunday, January 15, discussed St. is a synonym for sagacity and wisdom. quite different from the conventional an- According to the present plan the an- name of the town where Christ was born, Mark's story of the rich young man who The American people are most affection- nual. All the pictures of groups, clubs, alysis will include about 50,000 of the when applied to aI lunatic asylum in "went away grieved." ate towards him; he earned and enjoyed and seniors have been completed. Fur- most common words, of which it is be- London, was shortened by usage to Bed- This rich young man may have wanted thermore, most of the composition work lieved more than 'half will be partly or lam, which thus came to have practically the Christ's apporbation for his observance their confidence his to passing fullest extent. in has been done on the forthcoming book. wholly classical in origin. Greek and the same meaning as pandemonium. For represents Consequently, of the religious law, but he needed more addition to the great public loss, a per- Latin antecedents will be arranged al- fear of having omitted one of the gods, than this to win Christ's approval. We sonal grief to millions. phabetically, with derivatives in English the Athenians dedicated an altar to the Must all make a decision such as the History of Western listed in alphabetical order under them- Unknown 'God, but the Romans were His and life young man did. We must face .Jesus conspicuous was steady private progressive, the whole to be presented in such a way more practical in erecting at Rome a its for and public and before him lose our self interest or as to emphasize the importance of classi- temple to all the gods, the Pantheon, virtue .. The esteem of one's fellowmen Maryland maintain it. Are we to accept this chal- is one of the most precious things that cal values in our vocabulary and to fa- which, since the overthrow of paganism, lenge which comes fresh to each of us, can be paid a man. Coolidge truly de- cilitate and encourage a better under- has been in use for more than 1500 Upon our decision rests the value of our serves this tribute. In his death we have (Note: This is the first of a series of standing and use of those values among years as a Christian church in the serv- contribution to mankind. historical sketches of Western Maryland students in the different branches of ice of the One God over all. Those who suffered a loss even greater than we now which appeared in the GOLD BUG sever al helieve that god and nature are identi- realize. learning, especially in languages. all pantheistic, LECTURE ON PASSION PLAY years ago. Some if it will be reprinted cal iu doctrine respect are pantheism. and published as was then their is called parts while other HAS BEEN POSTPONED CARROLL COUNTY ALUMNI will be revised.) The Romance of Words To come to human affairs, Pandora, WILL HOLD BANQUET HERE In Greek the word "pan" (neuter of The illustrated lecture on "The Pas- It is hard to visualize College Hill " pas ") means "all". This word is the first woman according to classical sion Play", which was to have been The Carroll County Chapter of West- without Western Maryland College on found quite frequently in English, usual- mythology, was all-gifted, though one of given in Sunday evening chapel, .Janu- ern Maryland College Alumni is giv4Jg a it; yet a little over sixty years ago it ly in the form of a prefix (pan-, her gifts, curiosity, spoiled all the rest ary 15, has been indefinitely postponed. dinner for all Alumni and friends of was just a woodland-covered hill like pant-, panta-, panti-, and panto-v): save hope. When the Greek pronounced Mr. Page McK. Etchison, well-known re- Western Maryland College in Carroll and those which we see everywhere around Pan was the god of all nature, espe- a eulogy before an assembly of all the ligious leader and director of religion at adjacent counties on Friday evening at us now. There was always something cially of shepherds and flocks, and be- people, the laudation was termed a pane- the central Y. M. C. A., Washington, D. 6.30. The banquet will be served in the different about our Hill, however. From cause of this similarity to the Good gyric. A suit of plate armor over all C., is to deliver the lecture. Mr. Etchi- new college dining room. All those at- the first, it had a more intimate contact Shepherd was the only one of the pagan was called a panoply. One of the organs son has traveled extensively abroad, and tending will meet in McDaniel Hall with people than any of its neighbors. It deities allowed to survive in Milton's in the body noticed by the Greeks to be attended the famous play at Oberam- Lounge for a social half hour before the was a favorite spot for picnics; strolling Nativity Ode. In ancient times, to meet all flesh was named the pancreas. A mergau in 1930. For many years the dinner. lovers found it an enchanting place to, a god was an awful experience often por- bird's-eye view of all things was to the speaker has been identified with religious This is the first occasion of its kind to hear "loves' old sweet song"; and for tending mortal ruin-an idea particu- Greek a panorama. A cure-all was easily work in Washington, and is now presi- be promoted by our alumni in Carroll a long time nearly all public political as- larly interesting when compared with a panacea-a term more expressive than dent of the Organized Bible Class of County. An informal evening for former semblies of the community, with Demo- that of the Old Testament-and when- the Latin-English "nostrum". The ac- Washington, which holds its annual i students is the purpose of the gathering. I crat pitted fiercely against each other, ever Pan appeared to anyone (usually in tor whose presentation on the stage was con- ference at Western Maryland College It will not be in the interest of any were held on the Hill. Some see that our the forests) he inspired a panic fear. mimicry, entirely silent, was a panto- each summer. financial campaign of the College. (Continued on Page Four) Today one may be in a panic from any (Oontinued on Page FQur)
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