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Vol. 10, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 15, 1932 STUDENTS AND FRIENDS Freshmen---A tlenlion! Westminster Rotary Club Entertains ENJOY 64th ANNUAL Passing in Review The Jntcrfratomity Council wishes to Terror Football Men at Annual Banquet the fact CHRISTMAS SERVICE By B. BRYSON call to your attention to freshmen that bids are being in the distributed "Beer before Christmas" is no longer follo'Ying manner: WASHINGTON'S NEW Captain Koppe Is Honored And Speech Department Presents "They the slogan of the victorioue Democratic 1. Bids will be received in the Presented Wrist Watch By That Sit In Darkness" party. Three weeks ago ill what may morning mail, Thursday, December LIBRARY VISITED BY Coach Harlow be the last "lame duck" congress to be 15. M E S SAG E BY DR. WAR D convened by a president of the United 2. Bids, to be valid, must be on SHAKESPEARE CLUB HIS G REA T EST CAPTAIN States, Speaker and Vice- President the standard invitation form adopt- Elect Gamer introduced a bill for thC' ed by the Council. The sixty-fourth annua l Christmas Contains M in ia t u r e Elizabethan I The Rotary Club of Westminster gave chapel service was presented last Sun- repeal of the 18th Amendment. After 3. Acceptance or rejection, by the Green Terrors a banquet on Tues- day night in Alumni Hall instead of the forty minutes of rapid-fire debate in, signature of the man receiving the Theatre day night, December the flth, at the customary Baker chapel. 'I'he progralll wlrich no man spoke more than a min- bid, of each and every invitation Westminster hotel. This affair, an an- faculty Scverul roll-call was lacked none of the color and spuitual ute or two, the his face clouded taken. received must he made as desig- members members of the Hendrickson's and nual 011(', is the only way the people of Professor of Speaker Garner, with beauty that has invariably character- nated on the f'o nn im-itation; these Shakespeare class visited the recently Westminster have of showing their ad- ized those services from year to year. disappointment, announced that the replies arc not to be given later miration for the football team and their resolution had failed by six votes to than the evening- mail, cl a.nuary 5, completed Folger Memorial Library in The recently formed college orchestra muster the required two-thirds major-. 1933. An envelope will be included Washington, D. C., on Saturday, De- coach Dick Harlow, said Molly Twigg, opened the program with a traditional .y. It is interesting to note that the with each bid for this purpose. cember 10. the club president in welcoming the melody, The First Noel, after a piano Republican party was split approxi- 4. There will be no rushing of Last spring President Hoover dedicat- Terrors. He f'urthcr congrat.ulatad ' the transcription by John Tasker Howard mately in half by the issue. Some, at any kind, and freshmen are warned ed the library, which is the gift of a team 011it.s wonderful season and spoke arranged by Julius S. Seredy. This was least, realized the futility of clinging to that any violation of this rule is a famous collector of Shakespearean first highly of its courage because in every followed by the singing by the general the last dry straw. To me it looks like reflection on the fraternity in- editions, Henry C. Folger, or New York. game it had come from behind either to assembly of Frederick Oakeley's trans- holding off the inevitable a moment volved. Mr. Folger spent the greater part of his win or to tie. Dick Harlow in speaking lation of the Latin carol, Oedesbi F'idel- longer ... said that in Harold Koppe he had a us. The co-opera tion of the freshman life traveling abroad, where he pur- man whom he considered his greatest Last week President Hoover sent to class wi]] be greatly appreciated in car- chased valuable first editions of Shakes- President Albert Norman Ward made pea.res plays and many othe~ iu tcrest- Captain in twenty-one years of coach- the invocation, after which a rendition congress his farewell message as re- rying out these regulat ioua. iug books related to the period of the ing. He honored Koppe by presenting of Oanttque de Noel was presented by quired by the constitution. The under- Elizabethan theatre. h:111 with a wrist watch on which was tone of his words seem to indicate that, the college choir. Miss Ruth Sherman A miniature Elizabethan theatre engraved, "To my Greatest Captain". be- impressively he defeated, J ones, soprano, choir leader, sang the though as firmly as ever in the principles AMUSING CHRISTMAS seating abont two hundred people has Dr. A. Norman "'ard, president of solo part. The Christmas scripture was lieves been erected in the library where Western Maryland College, was the then read by Prof. Schaffer from Isaiah which the U. S. electorate rejected for FANTASY PRESENTED Shakespearean plays are given from principal speaker. deal" on election He re- 9:2-7, St. Luke 2:1-14. F. Karl Gross- a "new his plea for a balanced day. budget, a time to time. Robert R. Carman, perennial toast- newed man's A Ohristmas Fantasie was mag- reorganized system of banks, the non- BY THE FRENCH CLUB master, was ill rare form. He was in- nificently played by the orchestra. suspension of debts of December 15, aud Many personal possessions of Shakes- troduced by President Carl Twigg of President Ward followed with his peare as well as portraits and busts of the W l'st,"inster Rotary Club. twelfth consecutive Christmas message the payment of veteran allowances. His Depicts Typical French Home On this famous writer are displayed ill one J\11". Carman presented the other to the assembled people. The text of words mark the passing from the helm Christmas Eve •of the main 1'00111S. A special reading of the Ship of State of a man of uurec- voo m is reserved for people who are in- speakers, among whom were: Roy his talk was, "It is more blessed to give ognized ability. Mackert, grid star of yesteryear at than to receive" and in the course of DIRECTED BY MISS SNADER terestcd in doing research work in th is Uuiversrty of Maryland, where he is his remarks he thanked God for the d c- The "Brown Derby" has once more field. The most valuable first editions now head of the department. of physical pression since.jt is teaching UR a lesson. rome to life in New York City public are kept in a specially constructed cducnt iou aud Curley BYTd'~ chief foot- Then, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" political affairs! After fOlll"teen months Under the direct.ion of 1 bss l\I[argar- 1ault vvhel'e the t ernpera turo and mois- l,all scout.; Arthur Malloy, football was sung. of municipal scandal e-xposo, the com- 0t Snader, the French club presented, on ture are such as to preserye the paper. coach at Mount St. Mary's; Col. Robert Dorothy Clark Wilson's "They That mittee appointed to suggest reform in \\' ednesday, December 14, a fantasy The class was fortunate to have a J. Gill, Judge Charles E. ~10ylan, and Sit in Darkness", a beautiful Christmas the city government has buckled do,Yn translated and dramatized from The special guide to conduct them through W. Wilson Wingate, football expert of playlet of three scenes, was presented to construction work. Cltizen Alfred Nukraeker Suite of Tschaiko\\'sky. The the building and to sho"· them many The News and American. by the Speech Department. The play E. Smith '"as called in to giye acb-icp seene was laid in the liYing l·oom of a parts not usually opened to the public. Among the guests were athletic offi- dealt ,,-ith the sin of Miri~m and was on ci\-ic reconstruction. A t the close typical French hOlllP on Cll1"~tn'l!9 Byc. cials of the University of :Maryland and splendidly act0d by the players. The of his seventy-five minute IC'cture on tIlt' The father and, lllothn I\'(·r,' d"cOl:,ting RIFLE TEAM WILL OPEN J\fount St. Mary's. Also present: Al cast follows: subject; the committee stared aghast at the t1"()ewhell the grandfather, ,,-1:0 hild ,Voods, Terp grid star, and Frank Mil·iam, Mary Ellen Senat; Ruth, the masterly exposition of a sweeping purchased the magic nutcracker by the SCHEDULE JANUARY 10 8pale, Uni,·ersity of Kentucky center. Laurlene Straughn; Sa l:a1l, Kathleen reformation. His suggested, cOmiJlete l'anks of the Seine, entered ,dth the Both were in Baltimore for the North- Moore; Ramah, Mildred Fowble; Joash, reorganization of the gOY('l"llment fea- present for his favorite grandchild, South football game Saturday. Grad- Cornelius GisriE'l; Amon, Lora Outten; tures :t ronsolidation of goYernmellta 1 Marie. The fantasy of the Nutcracker 'l'he l·ifle team will be ('omposed of uate Manager Ben d 0 r represented Rebecca, Anna Frances Seward; Nath- departments so as to reduce operating :s the theme of the play. six seniors, six jnlliors, antI six sopho- Mount St. Mary's with Arthur Malloy. an, Maurice Fleming; Homar, Robert c"xpenses. I think the commitl ee made The cast of charactE'rs is as follows: mores this season. The present team Dick Harlow also addressed the gath· Jonathan, Frederick Malkus, Jr.; Abel, a wise step in calling on Smith. His La :\1('rr, Helen Doenges: Le Pere, may possibly be on a par ,yith last soo- ering. He received a gift from West- \Villiam Kesmodel; First King, Wen- yital reorganization of the state go,-ern- Bmdy Bryson; Le GJ"3ndpel·(" Cornelius son's, but it ",ill ha,-e to ,,-ork hal·d. ern Maryland admirers. dell Junkin; Second King, Leslie Wer- ment when he was goyernor clearly Gisriel; Petite Marie, Jean Bae!"; Rich- Some of the be t shots ever deyeloped n~r; Third King, Theodol·e Landis; The demonstrated his remarkable ability on ard, Richard Schaffer; Philippe, Philip 011 the hill-Neil Wooley, Wyn Willey, Voice, William Wright. this line. In spite of McAdoo, "AI" is Schaffer; Nuette, Betty Little; Grand and Bradley Bowman-were consistent C.E. BRINSFIELD,'33, WINS still recognized in some parts of thf" ~farie, Blanche Nichols; Lr Punie, A. shooters and will be hard to replace. country as being capable! Xormall ,Yard, Jr.; the Pcppermint HowcyC'r, Sergeant Layin, the coach, is AWARD AT 4-H CONGRESS "WINNING OUR BIGGAM~" And now, looking at our own campus, Stick, LaurlE'ne Straughn; t.he Chinn l'xpecting great Puro, Delancy, suc h mOll from things Junkill, Tin f'oldiers: Mitchell; Es- Sterling, Doll, Frank as Second place to agree with Dr. IS THEME OF SERMON I· am inclined ],e said that heartily depression ther Righter, Louise Needy, Mary Cald- Herbst, Do,,-ney and some sophomores, of the National in the Party Dress Class Style and an El- Reyue when the Ward Wigely; is a good thing for the nation. Up he1·e ,yell, Anna Raymonu Gingerbreads: Day- who seem to be dm-elopillg nicely. gin wrist 'Yatch were awarded to Cleona id The Benninghof, expects team Max to have shoulder- and "Achieving yictory in the game of on the Hill ,ye haye had a hetter Christ- Bertholf; J\fice: Charles Hendrickson, to· shoulder matches with such teams as Brinsfield at the Eleyenth held Congress of 4-H the recently National in Club life may be likened to winning a foot- mas spirit than eYer before. We have John Lenson, Harry Scott; Flowers: Lehigh, Gettyshmg, ~lar.)']m;d and other Chicago. The selection was made from ball game," said Dean Lan'rence Little, I,ad a better time. lYe have realized ~luriel Day, ~Iaudre Willis, Mildred colleges. It ,,-ill also compete in the thirty-nine contestants. in his sermon deliverod Sunday, Decem- that "'e can have fun on less money, GeI"111an, Dale "'atsOl\, Ellen Payne, J\'ational Rifle, the Intercollegiate and Concerning her experiencps at the ber 4, in Alnmni Hall. Dean Little de- and 'Is a result, 'H' haye made our Elizabeth Byrd. the William Randolph Hearst Trophy Congress, Miss Brinsfield makes this veloped his talk which was based upon rleasures simpler. We have given up matches. An outdoor match with Navy modest statement: "I didn't really do the Maryland game, by comparing the some of our luxuries, and we are re- IS pending. anything. I was just asked to giye The football players and their team with the turning to normal. 'We are much more TEAMS ARE SELECTED Captain Puro is living up to his rec- COlmtry Girl's Creed in tho Auditorium ,,-orld ef people and life. For both the cordial toward eyeryone, and have come ord of last year alld capable of knock- Theatre. There were about. 3,000 peo- player and stndent, training is neces· don'n from our high horse. ing out a "possible" when in form. Dick ple present and the speech was broad- FOR MEN'S DEBATING I Kiefer is manflger and has anangcd an cast o,·er the N. B. C. hook-up. That's sary. The same is trne with effective intensiye scheilulE' beginning, January all." interference, the football player against An extensive and interesting cam- 10rh, and ending ~larch 21st. She that they the opposing men, the stndent against SEMINARY STUDENTS PRE. paign is anticipated by the men who The one ,yeakness of the team is in "splendid further stated for the week." had a program They associates of a low standa!'d, etc. Each SENT "THE STAR GLEAMS" will represent the college in debating the stan·ding position, hut Coach La,-in yisited the Century of Progress build- must possess 1he spirit of team work this year. As yet, no definite schedule is stressing this point in practice. ings for the Great World Pair of 1933, The narthex anel terraces of the and a sportsmanlike attitude, the player has been arranged, hut contests with the famous meat-packing houses, and Seminary proyided a fitting background the teams of St. John's, Ursinus, Wash- towards his opponents, the student with JUNIORS WILL SERVE BREAK. the International Live Stock Exhibi- his fellows. for "The Star Gleams", a pageant mod- ington, Franklin and Marshall, and oth- tion. eled after the medieyal mystery plays ers, are pending. FAST TO SENIOR CAROLERS As the cro,yd in the stadium places and presenteel by the students of the Only one topic ,,'m 11P used in all of everything on the ability of their team The senior class will perpetuate one SOPHOMORE GIRL WINS NA- Westminster Theological Seminary alld the debates-"Resoh-cd: That all inter- so the past generations pnt all their of Western :Maryland's most sacred tra- TIONAL 4-H AWARD of Western ~laI·yland College on Mon- governmental debts, including repara- ditions ,,·hen they go carol singing at hopes and expectations in the present clay, December 12. tions, should be abolished." Three com- five o'clock on Thursday morning, De- generation who in turn shall pass its Assistance of churches of all denomi- plete teams ha '-e been chosen. Since ill cember 15. 'First place and a fifty dollar wrist gains on to the future. watch were recently awarded to Ruth nations was solicite-d in the creditable the majority of the debates, Western According to custom on the morning Grier, a sophomore, in the :National 4·H Much of the "Terror team's" success non-sectarian nativity rerformance. Maryland "'ill take the affirmatiYe side, of the last day before Christmas vaca- Club Canning Achievement contest held is due to the expert coacllillg of Dick ~fembers of the Girls' Glee Club under there will be two affirmative teams of tion, the seniors sing all of the familiar under the auspices of the Kerr Glass Harlow. In life, Jesus was the su- the direction of ~1iss Rulh Jones, of equal strength alternating. A third Christmas songs. After singing at both Manufacturing Corporation of Sand preme coach. He knew humanity and Western Maryland College, and the team will present the negative side ill girls uormitories the carolers will make Rprings, Oklahoma. its needs, and understood life as no Grace Lutheran CIwrch Dramatic Club, the other contests. The affirmative a tour of Westminster visiting the old Aside from having been outstanding other man did. "Therefore," said Dr. took part in the musical program. The teams are: Gisriel, Whittington, and ladies' homes and the residences of some in 4-H Club work and a leader in her and Spar- Trundle, Sliker, Little, "to win in life's great game, we entire pageant was under the direction Kesmodel; negative team is composed of the faculty members. Upon their re- home community of Forest Hill, Mary- The row. should accept Jesus' challenge, 'Follow of ~fiss Dorothy Eldel·dice, instructOl· of turn to college they ,yill be served land, she has been secretal·y, treasurer, of: me'." Dramatics ill tIle Seminary. Jones, Sterling, Holder, and Fleming, with breakfast by members of the junior and vice-president of various clubs and alternate. class. organizations.
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