Page 25 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE ======================================== SPORTS BEAT MARYLAND iSPORTS Ernie Randle Kicks Winning Goal in TWENTY-THIRD C LAS H BE. TERRORS AND TWEEN Thrilling Game to Give the Terror FAN FODDER TERRAPINS Booters a 5-4 Victory Over Army By "Pat" Mahoney (Continued from Page I-Col. 1) First Defeat for Army at Home in SOPH GIRLS AHEAD kind of history the Western Maryland Three Years The Terp·Terror Clash squad and coach don't like, so they are going into the game rating themselves ns IN CO-ED HOCKEY The Terrapins of College Park and the Green Terrors the under-dogs and letting the result A spirited band of Western Maryland of Westminster are impatiently marking time until next soccer warriors invaded the camp of the Saturday when they will clash in the Baltimore Stadium speak for itself. U. S. Military Academy on the hanks of The sophomore class looms as the to decide the football championship in the State of Mary- The Maryland -Western Maryland rec- the Hudson and left with an army scalp winner in the annual fall round-robin land. The game is a "natural" in more ways than one. ord follows: in their possession after a heated skir- hickey tournament now that all of the "Pat" Not only will it decide the collegiate diadem-wearer but mish. A team games have been completed. Mahoney it will settle for the time being the football feud that has lS93-M. A. C., IS; Western Md., 10 Wind, rain, mud, and darkness all minor important games will be played grown up between the two schools in the last several years. An lS94-M. A. C., 52; Western Md., 0 played a prominent part in the affair, and up to Friday, December 2, when the analysis of the two teams' past season reveals that both should be at lS96-M. A. C., 16; Western Md., 6 it became apparent from the start that undetermined B team champions play "tops" for the skirmish. 1898-M. A. C., 0; Western Md., 32 the team adapting itself to the prevail- the A team champions, the "sophs." 'I'he Terrapin has been victory-starved and tormented most of ing conditions most quickly would have a The second year hockeyites are to be the season by powerful opponents in the Southern Conference; but lS99-M. A. C., 0; Western Md., 21 decided edge in determining the outcome. congratulated for their fine spirit and in its last two starts it managed to right itself" and whet its appetite 1901-M. A. C., 0; Western Md., 56 However, an indomitable spirit, precipi- co-operation which always managed to for victory by swapping' the Washington and. Lee Generals and' 1902-M. A. C., 6; Western Md., 26 tated by the sensational playing of new give them a winning lead of at least feasting on the Hopkin's Blue Jay on Thanksgiving day. These two 1903-M. A. C., 6; Western Md., 0 men who were performing for the first one point in their hotly contested frays appetizers, to say nothing of the State Championship hinging on the 1904-M. A. C., 6; Western Md., 0 time in a major skirmish, worked to the with the other classes. All four teams outcome of the game, should put the College Park Emydidae in a 1906-M. A. C., 0; Western Md., 10 advantage of the Marylanders as the two showed equally good f'orm in action as savage state of mind when next Saturday rolls around. teams battled down the home-stretch. indicated by the scores of all the games. 1910-M. A. C., 3; Western Md., 17 The game was a nip-and-tuck affair Each A game was won by a one point The Terrors, on the other hand, are experiencing the let down 1911-M. A. C., 6; Western Md., 0 with first one side and then the other margin lead with the exception of the that automatically follows a break in a tough schedule. A three- 1912-M. A. C., 17; Western Md., 7 showing to advantage in the scoring col- sophomore A vs. freshman A, the for- weeks' lay-off can do a lot to a team, both constructively and destruc- 1913-M. A. C., 46; Western Md., 0 umn. It was not until two minutes prior mer winning 5-3. tively while such a lay-off gives injured men time to recuperate and 1914-M. A. C., 13; Western Md., 20 to the closing of the game that Ernie At present, the juniors and seniors coaches time to work on special plays, the psychological effect may Randle provided a margin of victory by are tied for second place in the tourna- work against them. In order to combat this tendency, the coaches 1915-M. A. C., 51; Western Md., 0 booting a desperate drive past the army ment, each having lost to the "sophs," are guarding against a loss of competitive spirit and the taste for 19l5-Md State, 19; Western Md., 0 goalie for the final marker. won from the "frosh," and tied in their battle by holding lengthy scrimmage sessions almost daily. 1919-Md. State, 20; Western Md., 0 Chandler put the Terrors in the van by own clash. The tie may be played off Maryland has been concentrating on the Terror clash ever since 1928-U. of Md., 16; Western Md., 6 scoring the first goal shortly after the in the neal' future, so ratings may be its game with Navy, and subsequent opponents were merely "breath- 1929-U. of Md., 0; Western Md., 12 commencement of hostilities. Wyand in- determined. A game may also be ar- ers," which the Terps took in their stride. The legs of the Terrapin creased the margin by denting the net ranged between the tournament winners have never lacked nimbleness as the records of Widmeyer, Poppel- 1930-U. of Md., 0; Western Md., 7 after a scrimmage in front of the goal. and the honorary varsity, as yet selected. man; Nelson, and other fast backs will show, and it is obvious that 1931-U. of Md., 41; Western Md., 6 Army braced, however, and tied the score Individual scoring for A games in the the shell or protective line has certainly been toughened by the on markers registered by Craig and Boyd. tournament: experience of a season's play. If this line can function with any WESTERN MARYLAND RECORD The tie persisted until the third period Seniors: Senat, 10; Andrews, 1; Ham- degree of precision on Saturday, Maryland could' command respect W. M 12; St. Thomas 6 when Priestly sent the army ahead by bsch, 1. from any opponent in this section of the country. W. M 13; Marshall 13 scormg on a penalty kick. Craig added Juniors: Russell, 5; Hull, 3; Holmes, The Terror grid-machine, which has clicked so effectively on his second goal to give the 'West Pointers 2; Frey, 2; Flanagan, 1. numerous occasions after getting off to poor starts, will be geared W. M 33; Mt. St. Mary's 6 what seemed to be a safe lead. However, Sophomores: Brown, 4; Child, 4; to perfection for the skirmish. Dick Harlow, the master mechanic W. M 12; Georgetown 6 a last minute rally saw Wyand and J. Mitchell, 3; Robinson, 2; Downing, 1. of the Western l\Iaryland football works, and his assistants, Lyle W. M 28; Loyola 6 Randle boot the goals that knotted the Freshmen: Turner, 7; Tollenger, 3; Clarke and Neil Stahley, have omitted no detail in prepping the team W. M 13; Bucknell 14 count and then the stage -was set for Hall, 1. for the final game. W. M 20; Boston COllege 20 Ernie Randle's boot which produced vic- The factors surrounding the two teams certainly would cause one tory. Line-ups for the two most important' to expect a heated affair when they come together. games are: 131 71 WESTERN MD. ARMY All-State Selections Grimm G. Horstman Seniors A-4 Junior A-4 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Leitch L.F. Neely Miles RW. Harrison Now that the football schedules of most colleges have been ter- Wright R.F. Conaway Daskam RT. Russell minated, "open season" has been declared on the selection of All- RECORD J. Randle L.H. Cairns Senat C.F. Holmes American, All-sectional, and all-state teams. Trying to name some U. M 63; Washington 0 Norris C.H. Vansant Andrews L.T. Frey of the outstanding stars of a new football season is a hazardous piece U. M 6; University Va 7 Wade R.H. Upsham Cockey L.W. Hull of business and almost all the selectors make their nominations with U. M 0; V. P. I. 27 E. Randle O.L. Stanton Strow RH. Humphreys certain reservations. Jaeger 1.L. Messersmi th Hambsch C.H. Flanagan Saturday's game between Western l\Iaryland and Maryland will U. M 24; St. John's 0 Spiker C. Cummings Cooling L.H. Yocum ring down the curtain on the gridiron sport in the State of Maryland, U. M 13; V. M. 1 6 Chandler LR Craig ViTine R.F. Lines and shortly after this the various selectors will present their All-state ·U. M 0; Vanderbilt 13 Wyand O.R. Tubbs Reed L.F. Calvert teams. All these mythical elevens resurrect memories of grid immor- U. M 7; Navy !:J8 McBride G. Fadely atls of the old days, and numerous are the arguments concerning the Scoring: Craig (2), Wyand (2), E. U. M 6; W. & L 0 Randle, Boyd, Priestly, J. Randle, Chand- Score by halves...... 1 2 ability of players" then" and' "now." The exploits of Zeke Bailey, U. M : .23; Hopkins 0 ler. Juniors ..... 0 4 Greasy Neale, Angie Roberts, Charley Havens, Jim Desmond, and a U. M 0; Duke 34 Seniors.. . . .. 4 0 host of other grid' luminaries of years back are dug out of the dark recess of time and compared with the pigskin feats of Poppelman, performing Dad Wonders Sophomore A-5 R.W. Freshmen Bishop Zeigler, Carlin, Shepherd and other present-day satellites however, can ·141 119 A -1>' Glynn No amount of persuasion, on Free State grid-irons. Brown RT. Tollenger convince the old timers that the youngsters of today are up to the Mitchell C.F. Turner par of those of yesteryear. The gilded-tongued recitalists will tell What he should write the kid, now that Hall he's got his report and learned that the Child L.T. Lansdale you of the achievements of the old guard and will defy you to produce L.W. heir apparent has flunked two of the six Robinson evidence of current happenings to compare with them. Probing Rose R.H. Bennett beneath the surface, one can see how unfair this challenge is, as the subjects comprising his course ~ Downing C.H. Riley, M. F. W.Woolworth CO. Great chance here for a brain-storm, a deeds they cite are extracted from 11 long series of seasons, while the lot of suggestions, cautions, and maybe Sprague L.H. Hales acomplishments of the present-day crop of stars are limited to a Willis RF. Hagin couple of years only. When the players graduate they automatically invectives. Main L.F. Perry WESTMINSTER, MD. Maybe he can flunk half his subjects join the ranks of the old guard, and the old-time followers that and return home at the end of his course G. Carrara scorned their achievements as undergraduates will defend them to a better man than his dad. Score by halves 1 2 the end' in comparing their records with those of their successors. 44-46 W. Main Street Then maybe he can pass every subject Sophs 4 1 . All in all this all-star team business is an interest-provoking prac- with highest marks and return home the Frosh ....... 1 2 tice, and it helps to make football the fascinating institution it has wrong kind of a fellow for men and wom- grown to be. en to associate with. deuce of common sense and common de- It is not for one generation to deter- ccncy ; others wonder what they can do ~ . mine how another shall get its wisdom, to show their appreciation to the kids for for. · · · or... · · .~~. · · · · oror. through education .or otherwise. the gratitude, consideration, and love BONSACKS Chances are that 1ll0St dads are dead which the kids are constantly showing to- before the tim~ comes that their sons ward them. ~ ~ru~ :mnur (!Iollrgr JaIn THE curse them. and themselves for not mak- Psychology should be a required study , , , COLLEGE ' ing them study, seek education, acquire in every youngster's course, with the hope SHOP wisdom, differentiate them from the me- that they will give it enough attention to O1qrtatmaa~rrrttnga nial positions of the illiterate. absorb some of its essential deductions; GIFT This, and where next term's tuition is that the only love we keep is the love we coming from, is what's worrying the give away, that commanders come from SUGGESTIONS home team just now, the home team of obeyers. Ma and Pa. How he can bring home to the mind .if Get their A ddresses from the COLLEGE SEAL GIFTS Dad wonders whether he can bank on his son the lesson he learned recently at a BOXED CANDY the kid's assurance, "Lea,e we alone and luncheon of seven fathers, all college men TOILET GOODS I'll come out all right." with sons now in college. One father 1932-33 Student Directory CIGARS Dads don't worry because they are whose finances have floundered since the dads, because they want to -worry, or be- time he was a Judge on the Bench, and Published by the Gold Bug CIGARETTES cause son's failure -will wreck dad; it's an executive in the government said his LEATHER GOODS the youngster's future that worry dads. son in Cornell was working in a store' FOUNTAIN PENS Some don't seelll to belie,e this. Saturdays and Sundays for spending GREETING CARDS What happiness he can provide for the money; another said his son was helping kids when they come home for Thanks- the family budget by playing in an or· A student representative will see you so that you giving. And woncr-ers how much he can chestra; the other fathers all wondered BONSACKS hazard on Christmas presents, with the how they could teach their sons the les- can get your copy before Christmas. Your Convenient business in its present condition. sons these boys were learning without Some dads wonder how they can go curtailing their allowances. So this dad Shopping Center about lllaking their kid sprout some evi- wonders how hecan soJve the same problem.
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