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BASKETBALL Terrors TONIGHT vs, BIG PEP MEETING Bucknell Friday Night in Penn iState, Saturday Night Smith Hall, After Dinner Vol. 10, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 12, 1933 TEMPORARY VACANCY SERIES OF LECTURES ON Max Montor, Noted Actor, Presents IN MATH. DEPT. FILLED Passing in Review INSURANCE IS OPENED Interesting Dramatic Impersonations BY DR. E. W. TSCHUDI F. P. MITCHELL BY L. H. LIPPINCOTT The beginning of a new Program (Includes German Dramas year is always the signal In Original and English He Had Wide and Varied Experi- for a resume' of the most First of Three Lectures To Be ences In Field: of Mathematics important events of the Given Thursdays Translation and Physics preceding days, and to Max Montor, well-known German ac- fall in line with the rest Mr. Lincoln H. Lippincott is giving tOI', now of New York City, presented a ILLNESS OF DR. SPICER F. P. Mitchell of the newspapers and the first of a series of lectures on in- program of dramatic impersonations in- magazines, I hereby offer surance presented in Smith Hall at cluding selections f'rom German dramas my list of outstanding events. 3;30 P. M., on Thursday, January 12. in the original and in English transla- The temporary vacancy in the Depart- On the two following Thursdays, other The ment of Mathemat.ics, because of the ill- 1;1 the theatrical world, a number of lectures will be given at the same hour. tion. January recital was given in Smith 9, at 7:30 P. M. Hall, ness of Dr. Spicer, is· being filled by Dr. plays are especially noteworthy. "Of Economic students in courses 5, 6, 7. and Mr. Montor, who is traveling under Ervin W. 'I'schud i, who has studied and '1'hee I Sing" is probably the best musi- 9 are required to attend. Attendance the auspices and management of the taught in several colleges and universi- cal piece to hit Broadway in many a year. The fact that it won the Pulit- by others is voluntary, but everyone is Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, is ties. zer prize is enough to prove its worth. urged to attend. internationally known for his unusual He received his A.B. and A.l\f. degrees Mr. Lippincott is director of the iuterprcta.tlons of drama and 'poetry. Cornell's Katharine "The of Barretts from the University of Cincinnati, and Wimp ole Street" remains the best play training school of the Maryland Casual- He was born in Vienna and studied at later the Ph.D. degree was conferred on mainly because of the exquisite por- ty Insurance Company of Baltimore. He the Imperial Conservatory of Dramatic him by Johns Hopkins University. trayal of the title role by this great believes that a thorough knowledge of Art in his native city. He made his Dr. Tsch udi 's teaching experience has actress. insurance is imperative to H well-round- debut in Zurich, Switzerland, as Meph- been somewhat wide and varied. For The greatest motion picture of the ed college course. He says, "There has MAX MONTOR istopheles in "Faust". Extensive tours two years he taught mathematics at the year was "Grand Hotel". 'I'he charac- never been a time when it was more es- took him through Austria, Germany University of Cincinnati, and for one ters in it performed so nobly that no sential that the college man have a and Switzerland, with long engagements year at the University of Illinois. He single individual seemed to stand out, clear idea of the function of insurance. HENRY L. SOUTHWICK, in Hamburg, Munich and Berlin. filled the position of professor of physics but all contributed to make the story a It is almost certain that a bill will be The American career of Mr. Montor in Johns Hopkins University, and taught finished whole. introduced in the next state lcg lslaturo NOTED SHAKESPERIAN began nine years ago. He has appeared the same subject at Winthrop College, for dealing with the matter of so-called on Broadway in Strindberg's "Dance of South' Carolina. Besides teaching, Dr. Without a doubt, the most outstanding unemployment insurance." '1'0 cover READER, SUCCUMBS Death" (Captain Edgar), in Ibsen's Tschudi has held several laboratory and criminal case was that of the Fortescue this need for a more thorough knowl- "Rosmersholm" (Rosmer), opposite Eva commercial positions. trial which took place iu Honolulu. AI·· edge of insurance, he has prepared LaGallienne in Ibsen's "The Master though it was very sensational, it Appeared Before Western Mary- The new instructor plans to continue three lectures: the first, "The Place of College Audiences Builder" (title part), with Walter the work of teaching Dr. Spicer's classes brought to the minds of the public an in- Insurance in Economic Science"; the Biennially Hampden in "Hamlet" (The Ghost), in question. teresting Are persons white along the lines followed by him, employ- and natives to be allowed to mix on the second, "The Relation of Insurance to Los Angeles in "Merchant of Venice" ing similar methods of instruction. the Individual Consumer"; and third, Many friends and admirers are (Shylock), in Sudermann's "Magda" famous beach of Waikiki, or any other A newcomer to Western Maryland Col- Hawaiian beach, for that matter i "The Opportunities and Difficulties that mourning the sudden death of Henry (The Pastor), and recently in Elmer lege, Dr. Tschudi states that he is well Because of its wonderful showing in Insurance Presents as Life Work". Lawrence Southwick, famous Shakes- Rice's "Street Scene". pleased with the school. He thinks that the Olympic games, it is easy to see Mr. Lippincott is well-trained in all pearian reader, on January 2, 1933. He Mr. Montor has been invited by many the. campus is ideally located, giving a that the United States is still full of phases of insurance, and his lectures was for many years president of the universities and colleges throughout the beautiful view. should prove to be very interesting, as Emerson School of Oratory, Boston, and United States ,during the last few years. what it takes to make great athletes. The Carl Schurz Memorial Founda- Although he has been on the Hill but To name a few-Jim Bausch, Babe Did- well as extremely t a.rely and education- held that posi tion at the time of his a short time he has stated that" in view rickso n, Helene Madison, Dorothy Poyn- al. death. He was graduated from the tion has as its aim the development of of the absence of highly restrictlve rules ton, Eddie Tolan, Mickey Riley, and Emerson School of Oratory and also cultural relations between the United and regulations, campus activities are Eleanor Holm. In tennis, Ellsworth held the degree of Doctor of Letters States and German-speaking countries. worked out in excellent harmony." from Berea College. He had taught at Its headquarters are in Philadelphia. Vines brought back supremacy to this FRANK S. SILLlN, '27, Bates College, Maine, and at the Wil- The program was as follows: Goethe: country by whipping Honrr Cochet. liam Penn Charter School, Philadelphia. "Iphigeneia", scenes from Act III, in Gene Sarazen won the two most impor- FORMER CAMPUS LEADER, He was seventy years old at the time of English. Shakespeare: a scene from DR. SMITH DELIVERS tant golf championships. The list goes DIES OF PNEUMONIA his death. "Morchant of Venice". Lessing: Par- on interminably. three rings, ANNUAL CHAPEL SERMON Mahatma Ghandi was undoubtedly in Annually S. and Canada, presenting able of the first in German, from "Nathan professional he made tours then in Eng- the Wise", U. the the greatest showman of the year. It readings from Shakespeare and also lish. Hauptmann: "Hannele", scenes is still a remarkable thing to most peo- Frank Paul Sillin, class of 1927, Wes- lectures on Patrick Henry, Theodore from Act II, in German. Shakespeare: "The Christian Duties of Educated ple how less than ninety pounds of loin- tern Mary land College, died in Dayton, Assassination of Caesar, from "Julius statesmen. Youth" was the subject of a forceful clothed, bespectacled humanity can Ohio, during the Christmas holidays. Roosevelt, last and six other great years in the Caesar". For the 01' eight sermon delivered by Dr. Leonard Smith, raise such a lot of trouble. But he cer- Sillin was a member of the varsity foot- during the chapel service, Sunday, Jan- tainly did it, and his couvictions may ball team for four years, his college summer months he conducted parties His in uary 8. Dr. Smith is president of the yet be some good to India. career having preceded the present abroad, especially English England. and EARL LIPPY RENDERS literature of knowledge Maryland Conference of the Methodist three-year ruling. He was selected for of the year is this: The strangest Protestant Church. It is the custom for France refuses fact pay a debt to the the All-Maryland football team for English people was so highly recognized FINE VOCAL RECITAL to him to deliver a sermon about this time .Un ited States of $19,000,000 but yet three successive years, being the Best that some of the New England schools of the year. Bet in 1924. In addition to being so gave credit in their English courses for she turns around to lend Austria $14,- tra~el done with him. It has been said Dr. Smith declared that in the num- 000,000 and is probably laughing up her prominent an athlete, Sillin was presi- that he knew Shakespeare better than Earl Lippy, former student of West- ber of years that many present had been sleeve. dent of the student council in his junior any other living man. ern Maryland College and now of the in college, they would be established in There is a rather interesting bit of year, a charter member and an early He has been at Western Maryland Peabody Conservatory of Music, gave a communities with families. By that statistics to be presented here. 'I'he president of Pi Alpha Alpha, a member College bi-annually on his professional vocal recital in Alumni Hall, Friday time, most of the follies of youth of the Aloha staff, and of numerous com- evening, January 6, at 8 o'clock. ]1,11'. United States is owed all together nine tours and has read here: King Lear, Lippy has been the holder of a scholar- would be discarded for their true worth billion dollars. And there is only elev- mittees. Othello, Richard III, Twelfth Night, or firmly established habits that would en billion dollars of gold on this slight- The former Western Marylander was Julius oaesar, and other Shakespearian ship at Peabody Conservatory of Music seriously hamper the successful comple- married, and resided in Dayton. He plays. and has also won several awards in vo- tion of a chosen life career. ly punch-drunk, old earth. died of pneuomnia. cal contests. He was accompanied by This is a rather wonderful age we are The entire college extends its sincer- Mr. Frank Bibb, instructor in voice at The speaker referred to observations According to the write-up given to est sympathies to Mrs. Ruth Maxfield, living in. Won't we have a lot to tell the Peabody Conservatory. that he had made while traveling in our grandchildren ~ There is the World Sillin in the 1927 Aloha, "he represents daughter of this eminent Shakespearian Proceeds from the recital are f'or the many localities in seven states of the War, the Panic of 1929, woman suffrage, the highest type of college man, a mod- reader. benefit of the Children's Aid Society for union during the past four years. He the war debts, Russia's five-year plan, el whom f'reshmen will never err in fol- relief work in Carroll county. declared that in many instances, col- prohibition, and that new science which lowing ... As a student he has ranked The following program was given: lege graduates were assuming their re- with the best. He has never been con- DEBATE WITH C. U. WILL Hear Me, Ye Winds and Waves, from sponsibility as leaders in the moral and III my opinion is going to do things- fronted by a subject that he could not OPEN ,FORENSIC SEASON opera "Scipio" G. F. Handel religious work of their communities. In Technocracy. master, whether it be in science; classic It is Enough, from "Elijah" other instances, this responsibility was literature or philosophy." The men's intercollegiate debating F. Mendelssohn sadly neglected, and the work was suf- teams are getting set for the forensic Prayer Perfect E. J. Stenson fering from lack of this leadership. SENIORS WILL PRESENT season which will open the last of this God, My Father, from "The Seven Last Dr. Smith declared that the present FIRST SPEECH RECITAL month. The first debate will be held Words" Th. Dubois generation had about completed this, ILLUSTRATED LECTURE FOR with Catholic University of Washington Zueignung R. Strauss its work, and must be taken up by the The first recital to be given this year CHAPEL SERVICE and will be a dual encounter. Catholic Minnelied J. Brahms coming generation. The kind of world University will send its affirmative 1leam Infidelite R. Hahn and communities which they find them- by the seniors in the Speech Department Page McK. Etchison, well-known re- here to debate our negative team, which Lamento Provencal _ E. Paladilhe selves in will be of their own making. will be held in Smith Hall, Friday, Jan- ligious leader and director of religion is composed of 111. B. Sterling, R. B. Eri Tu, from "Un Ballo in Maschera ' It is not enough that they de their work uary 13, at 7 :30 P. M. at the central Y. M. C. A. of Washing- .Holder, and M. C. Fleming, while our G. Verdi as well as it has been done in the past, The program is as follows: The Dear ton, D. C., is to be the guest speaker at affirmative team will travel to Washing- Negro Spirituals: because the responsibilities of the fu- Departed, Stanly Houghton, Mildred Sunday evening chapel on January 15. ton to engage the negative team of 'Tis Me, 0 Lord ture will be far greater. Fowble; Columbine, Colin Clements- The subject of his illustrated lecture Catholic U. The men making this trip Arranged by H. T. Burleigh He closed his sermon by an appeal to Sarah Louise Mills; "The Kingdom of will be "The Passion Play". Mr. Etchi- 'wi ll be W. H. Sparrow, R. W. Kiefer, Lord I Want tb Be those who in college had slipped in their the Future" from the Bluebird, Maeter- son has travelled abroad extensively, 'R. E. Sliker, and David Tl'Undle. The Arranged by S. Wille morals and religious habits. He en- linck-Virginia Helmstetter; The Short and he attended the renowned Oberam- question will be on world debt cancel- Weepin' Mary treated them to return to their prayers Cut, Percival Wilde-Wendell Junkin; mergau Passion Play in 1930. lation. Arranged by H. T. Burleigh and quiet moments of thought. The First Dress Suit, The Camberly Tri- For many years the guest speaker has Manager Charles Whittington has Oh, Didn't It Rain religious with The service was marked by the usual angle, A. A. :llilne-Gladyse Somers; been actively identified D. C. He is now worked hard and has arranged a fine Arranged by H. T. Burleigh work in 'Washington, of these fine performance by the college choir Fourteen, Alice Gerstanberg-Cleona president of the Organized Bible Class schedule for the teams. Many will bring Since First I Met Thee .. A. Rubinstein E. Charles are dual, which engagements and orchestra. President Ward presid- Brinsfield. of Washington. 'I'his organization holds here a number of different representa- Clouds Song H. Kernochan Smugglers ed over the, and introduced the The next recital :vill be given Febru- an annual conference at Western Mary- tives from colleges in Pennsylvania, In the Silence of Night S. Rachmaninoff speaker. ary 24. land College each slunmer. - Maryland, and District of Columbia. A Rondel of Spring F. Bibb
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