Page 33 - TheGoldBug1932-33
P. 33
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Intra-Murals - Basketball - Boxing SPORTS SPORTS Terror Cagers Will Meet Strong BOXING SCHEDULE Bucknell and Penn State Teams; FAN FODDER Jan. 21-Army Away 4-Navy Lose First Game to Layola 43-32 By ('Pat" Mahoney Feb. IS-University of Maryland.Away Away Feb. Feb. 22-Loyola College Away Team, Shows Promise of Develop. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Mar. 11-Penn State College Horne ing Into a Winner Boxing Schedule Fits In With Scheme of Things Jan. 13-Bucknell University Away A glance at the 1933 boxing schedule reveals that due HOME GAME JANUARY 17th to cancellations, the number of matches carded by the green Jan. 14-Penn State College Away INTRA-MURAL BASKET- terrors have dwindled to five. Although this is not an im- Jan. 17-Washington College Home This week-end, January'13 and 14, posing list as far as quantity is concerned, a close survey BALL IS OPENED WITH Coach Stahley will lead his basketball Jan. 21-Washington College Away will show that quality has not been overlooked in arrang- proteges into Pennsylvania where they F'eb. I-Navy Away ing the docket of opponents. Penn State, Navy, and the PLAYING OFFAST GAME will invade the stronghold of Bucknell Feb. 2-Johns Hopkins Univ Away "Pat" U. S. Military Academy occupy major spots on the card, University Friday night, and the next Feb. 7-Loyola College Home Mahoney and all three schools are in the habit of turning out top- evening, engage the Nittany Lions of Feb. 11-Gallaudet College Away notch groups of mit-slingers year after year. Penn State in a tilt. Last year the A five-match card should fit in nicely with the present scheme of On Tuesday, Jan. 10, the Bachelors Green and Gold took a similar excursion Feb. 14-J ohn Hopkins Univ Home things on the Hill as far as boxing is concerned. With Coach Harlow swamped the Delta Pi's, 22-6. and came back with two black eyes or Feb. IS-University of Md Away still trying to recover from a prolonged illness and veteran material The game was hard fought through- rather on the short end of the final Feb. 25-Mt. St. Mary's College .. Away sadly lacking, it will be quite a task to mould together an aggregation out although the Bachelors showed a de- scores. They later atoned for Bucknell's Feb. 2S-Mt. St. Mary's College .. HOl;ne of mitmen proficient enough to keep pace with the representatives of cided superiority in the first half when defeat and hope to repay Penn State this Mar. 5-Penn Military College ... Away the larger schools, which the Terrors will be called upon to meet. West- Dunn and Doughty went places and sank year. ern Maryland's record against the leaders in the collegiate boxing four tallies apiece. The squad is in fine shape and are con- world in the past certainly has been enviable enough. When it is con- In the second half, however, the Delt's fident that they will give a good account sidered that the male enrollment does not exceed 250 students, it is es- not only held them but scored a few of themselves in both games. They have COMPETITION PROMISED pecially striking, since Penn State and the two service schools have points of their own. Jaeger and Wright gained confidence throngh the Loyola en- thousands from which squads may be picked. led the Delt Hi-point column with a bas- gagement and expect this to have studied IN CO-ED INfER-CLASS Except for the fact that the Green and Gold standard-bearers will ket apiece. and corrected their most glaring faults. be called upon to meet Army, one of its most formidable opponents, in Bachelors Pos. Delta Pi Alpha A squad composed of ten men and BASKETBALL TOURNEY the opening match, the schedule is well balanced. The matches are so Shilling R.F. Jaeger Coach Stahley will leave some time Fri- arranged that the bearing down and letting up periods are evenly Dunn L.F. Randle day morning. The school will give them Cooed basketball practice was held on spaced, so that the aspirants will not be called upon to exert too much Stallings C. Wright a send -off and here's hoping that the Thursday, January 5, for the freshman energy at anyone time. These conditions will enable the coach to keep Doughty R.G. Hissey bellow of the Bucknell Bison and the and sophomores, with excellent represen- the moral and the physical fitness of the mit-slingers moving along at Kimmey L.G. Kesmodel roar of the Nittany Lion "ill be effec- tation of both classes. 'On Monday the an even level. When these conditions are effected it is an easy man- The Frosh scored a big surprise Tues- tively silenced. regular class schedule went into effect, ner for the handlers to bring out the best in the boys. If the boxers day when they held the seniors to win and the juniors and seniors entered into are called upon to be at "tops" for their bouts match after match, 10-7. the routine. there is a tendency for them to become overtrained, and consequently, Both teams functioned well with Loyola, 43; W. Md., 32 This year's session offers some promis- they cannot put forth their best efforts. The Terrors will have about Wynn showing up fine for the first-year ing competition for the Frosh are anxi- two weeks to get ready for Army. After the joust with the Cadets a men. The senior offensive was led by ous to make a good impression, the ten-day preparation period follows during which the Marylanders brilliant work of J·ohn 0 'Leair, who The Western Maryland cagesters trav- make ready to meet the Middies at Annapolis. After these matches, the scored 5 of the 7 points chalked up by eled down to Loyola College Saturday Sophs would like to uphold their achieve- leather pushers will be able to relax a bit before preping for Maryland his team. are tired the juniors ment in hockey, of night, January 5, where they opened the , 'second place", and the seniors deter- and Loyola, who follow in. the aforementioned order. These two schools Seniors Pos. Frosh Maryland Inter-Oollegiate Basketball mined to take advantage of their last should' provide enough opposition to put the Terrors on edge for the Bryan R.F. Riley League by sinking into defeat before the chance. With these as motives and with final match with Penn State. Junkin L.F. Woodbury onslaught of a more experienced Loyola the excellent guidance of the two coach- O'LeaiI' Daneker team, by a score of 43-32. Even if they es, Miss Parker and Miss Todd, the sea- . Ex-Southern Oonference Champs Stj.ll Playing Together Sprague C. Wynn were defeated, the results of the game son should be highly successful. The group of basketball tossers who won the Southern Conference Campofreda R.G. Paschal L.G. proved that the Green and Gold were Attend the practices and games which championship two years ago while sporting the colors of the University finally Oll the up grade in basketball. will all be held in Yingling Gymnasium of Maryland have bfmded together and are representing an automobile Showing some form that quite mea- For five minutes of the game they had a and make this year of basketball more concern in Hyattsville on the hardwood floor. Usually when the boys sured up to their last year's play, the five-point lead and displayed a type of than just another season! close their collegiate careers as athletes, the old competitive spirit so Gamma Beta Chi basketball team defeat- ball that warmed the hearts of their ad- Practice schedule: prevalent in their undergraduate days dies and the dollar is the main ed the Black and Whites last Thursday, mirers. The new men on the squad Juniors-Seuiors : element to be considered when athletics are engaged in. This observer Jan. 5, to the tune of 6-3. , proved their merit, and the substitutes Monday night 7: OO-S:30 saw this ex-Maryland team play during the holidays and was greatly It remained for Tyson and Holmes, used by Coach Stahley likewise proved Thursday afternoon 3: 30·5: 00 surprised at the earnest manner in which the players applied themselves aces of the Gamma Beta loopsters, 'to that they could do things with a basket- Sophomores: to their tasks. Their pass-work and shooting lacked none of the finesse score most of the points for their team. ball. The game brought to light the fact Wednesday afternoon 3 :15-5 :30 that carried them to the Southern Conference championship in their For the Black and Whites, Boyd led the that substitutes will be plentiful this Thursday night 7: OO-S:30 undergraduate days. The physical condition of the team was the fac- play, showing some fine defensive efforts. year, and this also served notice that Freshmen: Gamma Beta Chi Pos. Black & White Western Maryland will be a big factor tor in their playing which impressed us most. The boys were bearing Holmes R.F. Boyd Wednesday night 7:00-S:30 down and travelling at top speed all the time. This is not a customary in the Maryland Inter-Collegiate Associa- Saturday night 1:00-3:30 habit of semi-pro teams. Usually they coast along' because of the mini- Tyson L.F. Martin tion before the final curtain. Murchison mum amount of training they do. The former Terrapins, however, C. Delaney One thing that was especially notice- seem to be in the pink, and right now they are performing as well as Moore, D. K. R.G. Sparrow able was the Terror's display of aggress- STUDENT LEADERS SCORE they did when they copped the conference championship bunting. All Speicher L.G. Brown iveness. This factor seems to have been SUBSIDIES the aforementioned factors, plus the smoothness and generalship which The sophomores won from the juniors absent in past years and was most grati- two players of the type of Berger and Rankin can give to a team on by forfeit. fying to the spectators. Coach Stahley which they perform, make it one of the finest and most colorful com- seems to have his men fighting for every [From the Pe'Wl1State CoUegian] binations in these parts. tip-off, loose ball, and every player is always pushing his opponent to his limit, Rejection of a resolution advocating SAY IT ISN'T SO both offensively and defensively. remuneration of college football players HOPKINS PAPER LAUDS STU- ings which they instituted in Baltimore Every Terror gave his best while in was one of the actions taken at the Na- DENTS' DISMISSAL courts just prior to the Christmas holi- From the W. and J. Rea Ulna Black, the game and the squad as a whole de- tional Student Federation of America days. Statements made by the Secre- serves recognition for their showing. In congress which was held at New Orleans In an editorial in The News-Letter, tary of War clarifying the provisions of The reason this is such a temperate scoring, however, Murray and Mergo tied during the Christmas recess. John A. weekly publication of Johns Hopkins the National Defense Act demonstrate law-abiding school, is because 61.S per with six points each. For Loyola the Wood, senior class president, and Ange- University, Editor Hyman Devin will to- conclusively that, in defying the regula- cent of the student body are Boy Scouts guarding of Bender was a feature, while lin Bressler, president of the W. S. G. A., morrow publish his sentiment with re- tions prescribed in this act for land ... Mahatma Ghandi was once the Carlin and Belz led their team in scor- were the Penn .State delegates. gard to the efforts which have been made best dressed man on the Oxford campus ing. The resolution, which was sponsored by Wayne Lees and Ennis Coale, former grant the colleges, as well as the regulations ... Calvin Coolidge was once class hu- President Pearson's of University, by William Corbus, all-American football students here, to secure reinstatement to morist at Amherst... Noon doesn't Line-up: order suspending the two boys was en- player and delegate of Stanford Univer- the University. Mr. Levin indicates that come at mid-day, it comes at three LOYOLA sity, proposed that colleges give athletes he is in complete accord with the actions tirely justified. o'clock ... A certain notorious sports G. F. T. scholarships, the value of which should of President Pearson and the Board of columnist and avowed woman-hater is Carlin, f ............. 4 2- 3 10 not exceed board, room, and tuition. It Regents which early in December con- really a lovely bridegroom... The Belz, f ............... 4 2- 3· 10 was defeated by a close margin in the firmed the dismissal of the youths, for DO YOU HAVE A CAP AND GOWN? height of ambition is best represented by Rehkoff, f ............ 0 I- I 1 convention, after being passed by the refusing to take military training. that young sophomore who is working Tannehill, c .......... 2 2- 5 7 committee on athletics. The News-Letter says: From the "Vassar Miscellany" comes overtime in an effort to cut the ground Colvin, g ............. 2 3- 5 7 Opposed Resolution "Despite the fact that we canvnot ap- this much needed list of practical uses from under a Skull junior. Those in the Lamak, g ............ 2 0- 0 4 pl'ove the exi.stence of military trainil1g for cap and gown: know smile pityingly at his efforts. The Bender, g ............ 2 1- 3 5 Wood was one of a group of student at the University of Marylamd, or at any Cap: Skull has only been going with the girl le2ders from eastern colleges who threat- other university, we, nevertheless, ap- for a mere seven years. Truly, ambition otals 16 11·17 43 ened a minority report if the resolution plaud the actiol1 of Attomey-Geneml 1. With proper motion of the head the has no bounds . . . A certain Doge mar- were adopted. As Ii, member of the tassel makes handy fly swisher. ried the Adriatic sea. Ever since that WESTERN MD. group, he explained the Penn State non- Willianl P1'eston Laine, Jr., who, in filHm,g 2. May be used as fish bowl, with sta- the festival has been cal'l'ied out yearly. G. F. T. subsidization system to the congress. The an answel' to the two suspended U. of M. tionary bottom. It was in honor of a famous sea vic- youth.s ... pointed stu- 01~t th~t the Mergo, f ............. 2 2- 2 6 western colleges supported the resolution, dents, d1'opped fr01n the instit1.tion for tory ... The B. E. F. were not driven Murray, f ............ 3 0- 1 6 solidly, Wood said, while the opposition' refu.sing to take R.O.T.C., were disre- 3. Or, as waste basket, or ash tray. from the capital. There are still over \Villis, f ............. 1 I- I 3 to it came from southern and eastern in- spectfUl and 1·ebelliou.s. There is not the 4. Excellent for balancing books on two thousand left... Pathfinder re- Ferguson, f .......... 0 2- 6 2 stitutions. slightest doubt that W. L. Lees and En- the head. ports the oldest baby-carriage. It dates Ryscavage, c .......... 0 2- 3 2 Three other resolutions on athletics, ni.s H. Coale, the two" conscientiou.s ob- 5. To make the unintellectual look only as far back as IS08 ... There is a Sadusky, g ........... 2 0- 1 4 sponsored by Orville Mohler, all·Ameri- jectors," al'e publicity seekers of the bell so large that it is used as a chapel. Hurley, g ............ 1 2- 3 4 can quarterback from the University of most obnoxious SOl·t." studious (if this fails, study). We have black-letter days as well as red- Mahoney, g ........... 1 0- 0 2 Southern California, were passed by the Gown: letter. Minor Holidays and Saints Days Shepherd, g .......... 1 1- 2 3 delegates. These proposed shorter sched- The editorial heartily supports the 1. :May be used as rain coat; with de- are Black-letter days ... The famous ules, curtailment of tickets allotted to stand taken by the administration. Edi- tachable fur scarf, as evening wrap. Chanson Roland is all wrong. Roland Totals 11 10-19 32 football players, and alumni aid in pro· tor Levin cites pertinent provisions of 2. May be used as pen wiper in exams. was not killed by Saracens, he was killed viding work for athletes so they could go the Morrill Land Grant Act and the Na- by Christian Basques ... If Lady Go- Score by halves: 3. As ~inding-sheet; as disguise. to college. The congress, however, con- tional Defense Act which shows very diva was seen by none, how do they know Loyola.............. 25 18-43 demned the meddling of alumni in col- clearly that the two youths had no basis 4. To conceal excess poundage (if this she made her ride ~ . . . The orange is Western Maryland.... 12 20-32 lege athletic polici{lll. whatsoever for the mandamus procee~' }oe_sn:~ wOl:k,_red1t~e)J not a fruit; but a berry.
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