Page 53 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 53
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Boxing - BasKetball \SPORTS \ \SPORTS \ BOXERS TO MEET PENN 1932 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE DRASTIC CHANGES MADE 1932 BOXING SCHEDULE v. R. MARTIN, '33, IS HERE SATURDAY NIGHT Jan. 8-Bucknell, 35 W.Md. IN FOOTBALL RULES W.Md. ELECTEDSOCCERCAPTAIN 32 Jeu. 9-Penn atate, J7 """, .. 21 Jail. 14-Dartmoutll, 3,!~ .... , ..... 3¥.: Lose to Penn State College, 51/2_1 Y2 Jan. Iti-c-Lcyola, 39 ,17 C:lrrriug out the predictions of experts Jan. 30-Army, 6, Jan, 19-Washington, 23 ,.. . ,U uinde Iast fall, the national football rules At a meeting of the letter Dick Harlowss leather pushers will Jan. 30-Nn.vy, 49 , 19 revision committee has etIeetcd what F'eb. {i-Penn State, 5Ih _ ."" .. ,1% men of the 1931 Varsity meet the Un iveraity (If Pennsylvania li'eb.Z-?It.St,Mary's,24.. , 13 lIlay prove to be the most sweeping Feb, ]3-V. P. 1. (Cancelled) Soecer Team V. Bichnrd boxers in the Westminster Armory on Feb. 4-Georg~town, 25 , .. 14. changes in the history of the gridiron. }'eb. 20-Univ. of Penna Westminster Martin, '33, was elected Saturday night after a. two. week lay-off, Feb. 6-Hopkins, 35 , ~9 'flleilucau(l cry raised oyer the un- eaptnin for ](132 and C. The henl'yweight bout, Iu which Tiny Pc-b. 9-Bucknell, 21 24 prceedcuted number of football fataJi }'eb. 27-West Va. U " Wcstminster Russell Herbst, '33, man. Pincura was to have represented the Peb, 12-:Maryland, 25' ",.]5 ties is regarded as tI'e chief reason for Mnnh 5-Navy Annapolis nger, Martin is a three- Green and Gold has been ealled off by the FelJ.16-Hopkins, 19 25 the rule chaugcs, which wil! go into effect letterman in soccer, haviug held down the Philadelphians, and the match wilt eon' 1"eh. 20---St. John's. ., ,Away uext ecascu. Onptuin-c-O. Y. Borchers, '33 position ()f 1'lUslt,y half-back since his sist. only of the seven weight.·llivisloUB Feb. 23-Loyola. ", ,',.. Home Dangerous equipment has been outlaw- freshman year, He lives at Smithsburg, nuthoriaed by the rules [)f the E. 1. B. A. Feb. 2i-Mt. SI. Mary's _ ,Away ed,-thekick·off has-becn de-emphasized, ilfnnager-J. H. Dixon, '32 Md., and is a member of Pi Alpha Alpha f[)r1932. .March 5-Washington Away the flying tackle prohibited, substitution Coaeh-R. C. Hartnw F'rateruitj-. TERRORS LOSE TO STATE Captain-H. C. Hannuill, '32 rules Iilreralizedy the v+dead' ball more T11B soccer team completed a eucceaa- Kaplnu was the only Western Mary- 1I1anager-J ..orua Ebert, '3-4 defined, ,and the lise of bands ful seaso-n in 1931 against teams of high land wi..n..ttff wnen the T~rroY8invaded Coach-Neil Stahley ou tile bead and neck of an CO·ED BASKETBALL TEAM calibre. Pm)!) State, Uni\"(lrsity of Penn Btnte on February 6, and were opponent. _~_~~ DEFEATS BLUE RIDGE Pennsylvania, and Navy were some of the yall{juished by the Lions, 5% to 1%, COLLEGE stronger teams mct last fallllud although WalI:lCe fought a. draw with Upde- CO.ED CLASS BASKETBALL HOPKINS BOWS TO TERROR the 'Terror hooters suffered defeat upon gr0l'e to eo-mlele the Terror acore. TOURNAMENT OPENS QUINT IN THIRD HOME basketball team sC\'eral oeeasiollll the seore$ spoke well off the meets with a roar, lower clnsses the Blue for tho Western Marylu.nd playun, The the Nitt.'lny Lions took the first three The Girls' Intur·elas9 Rouud·Robin WIN ]~idge CQII~ge 3i1 to 5, in the Girls' schednle for J932 is 1I0Wbeing arranged, bouts by teehnieal knocko-nts, defeating Basketball Tourn:nnent has been sehednl· on F,.idn.r February 12. games hal'ing been definitely scheduled :Murchison, Carrara, and Boyd, respec· e(lllllil thegllllles wil! comIIlellCO Monday, Coming back iuto their own on the ilTarylnnd's tentll at the start with Army, NaI'Y, and Bucknell. February 15 a\ld will oolltillue until hOlll!) conrt, the Western Maryland \\'~lS eOlll[losed of all Freshmen, but went the IlHee round ronte to Mareh 3. All the "A" games will be llllsketbll11team rose- to greut heights on Sophomoro a'lbsti!nti<)lls were made duro lose by der,ision to intenlollegiate cham' played on Wednesday and Thutaday Tuesday night to defent Johns Hopkins, iIlS' the gnllle. .:·++++*·H-·H-+HH ....-H-..:-..:-ot·++·;·..:-·}·!< pio.n Lowis ill the welterweight division. afteruoollS ::.nd will be refereed by memo 25-19, in U18 WcstmiJ)ster _
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