Page 57 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 57
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE ISPORTS I Boxing - BasKetball ISPORTSi Loyola College and University of TERROR HEAVYWEIGHT Terror Quint Downs Loyola, 21-19; BACK IN LINE·UP Pennsylvania Bow to Terror Boxers Loses to St. John's in Ragged Game Winuing its second ccusecutive battle Heavyweight-13llruett, Wostern Mary· no Individual stnes and no replacements within a week, the \Vester!! 1fnr)'111ud lundf outpointed Farrell. the enure quint fundionoo as a perfeet boxers achieved a (j to 2 victory over Heavyweight - Ptncurn, Weatern passing work was superlative, and Loyola College at Evergreen Monday },[aryland, scored technical knockout over fighting was the watchword. night. Cullen in 1.5:? of second round. "TillS" Piucura and "Bernie" Rap Lose to St. John's Ian made short work of ihoir bonte by Terrors Take Penn Pcllowlng what has seemed to be un gaining technical K. O.'s over Cullen aud The Terrors boxers jumped into the days, the Terror boxers hadllg sunk away-from-home jinx, Western ~laryland J'asaitts. Kaplan defeated Jusaitia in win column 1.1St Saturday night by ernsh Loyola's mitt-eliugera the night before. droJlped n loosely played court contest the first round of hill bout, and Plucurn ing through to a 5·2 victory over the Iucldcntnllj-, lt was the fourth win of to St. John's lrlst Saturday by a 34-]1 disposed of Cullen in the first minute of Uuivcrsit.r of Pennsyll'anin before /I the fi'-Q home games which hnd been the second round. cnpaeltv crowd in the Westminster Ar· scheduled for the 'l'errcr quint thiaseaaon. Tlle Grerhouods WOIlone of Uleir two worr. Hm'd Fouuht Gume Summary of Loyoll~ Game bouts when Wallace was outpointed by Kale Mathi"s, Westminster boy, Western Maryland Loyola },laraglia in the 165'pOllll(1divieiou. brought an agreeable surprise to the From whistle to whistl~ ........ ! * **********-),***************' * 1932 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1932 BOXING SCHEDULE non, Fel>rua.ry ~{l, at 4 P. ?
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