Page 56 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. \Ie; Around the Campus I VARIETY BOOKS. PLAYS, AND LIFE A REVIEW OF What nre we to do, inquires an cbeer- HUMANITY UPROOTED, a sur- the first time and since then has made "ant student in Sunday night ehapel, "cy of Russin, by 'Mauriee Hindus. alllloatyearly visits tJlere. 'rhus he is when Dr. Spicer says keep your light Published by Cape, Smith Company, Inmilinr enough with the psychology Ilnd Offit!inlstudent newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday burning, alld Dr. Ward says turn it outT 1920. New York. customs of both Russia And A.meries. to during the aeademlc year 'by the students ot Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class matter nt the Westminster Pcstctfiee. Youtve all h(>llr(l the tnle of the fish Mnurice Lliudus, ill Iris book, «Human. be of able to interpret the one in the light another. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A Y£AR who was rcsuscituted after a prolonged ity Uprooted", pleturea vividly a Rns· sill" to' which the title, ' of nu eighteen year luek, bora. Unwaxing floors must be It n.EPORTORIAL STAFF fnseinatillg !,]llployment. impregnlltcd her with an immovable e.alm. old, 1 beg to differ. 11en nrc incnrnblc Winifred Bush, '32, A.lverta Dillon, '32, Mary Humphreys, '32, Sara Robinson, Great mO"'.!llIeuts, cnta(llysmic in effect romauties. It i~ they who put UIC glam- '32, BeUy Allon, '33, Elsie Bowen, '33, SUsallllfl, Cockey, '33, Tessill Cox, '33, Troy A lit.tle t.)·pewritllf Ill:!)' be a danger· which havo swept. Europe, ha"e left or into moonlight, the croo" into a love Hambsch, '33, Aune Wolver~on, '33, Martha Harrison, '34, Knthlyn' Mellor, '34, ous thing ",hen one slip of the finger Rnssia unchanged. She is :I great cnig· song, and the heurt throbs into a lo\'e- J,ouise Needy, '34, Esthllr RIghter, '3i, Mllfgarct Yocum, 'M, Edith Forney, '35. lila;' produce such ntrocious stl~temenh mn, llot. eastcrn cnough to be Oriental, nffair. They mAke complete fools of Samuel Townshend, '32, Louis Tuckerman, '32, JO$eph Addison, '32, Howard Amoss, '32, Wilson Murray, '33, Pat Mahoney, '34, Clnrenee Bussard, '34, Brady as "Entjlusinstic Crows filled Alumui not western enough to be Occidental. thems(!ll'es from the time of their first Bryson, '35, Carlton Brinsfield, '35, Keithley H~rrison, '35, Robert Himmer, '35, Hall", or "liow t.ouching to ~ee II bllSh J-u;;t. a sin the past, "H us sin has p u roo II (}ll g p.IIII Is t 0 tl~e "c ry t h res hoI d of th e Charles L. Whittington, '34. OIL a young girl's faeel" sucd her O\\'lt eourse, uninfin~nced by thc- gra,e. Who WrTtes the mash notes, the rest of lhc world, so new Russifl. has. cut love,slek. poetry, alld strums banjos Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news. loose from C1'cry known model nu(] is under windows'-the man! Who makes seeking to set up nn entirely new eh';· up silly pet Hllllles like "Sug~r" and liznt.ion for which she has no pattern, no "Honey" and '(Baby", and expects a guido, except her dreallJ;;. I quote from sens.ihl(.'womau to likethemf-the man! IE-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI Ril1dus' preface: nwkes a fool of himself at "She (l~ussia) wilnts a with the getting red around the outreligion-withsexfree(!olll, enrs, and nnder U,C collar at t.he lJampus Can you imagine the campns grecn with spring gl'flSS- THURSDAY, FEB. 25-- ternnl compulsions rCl1lo\'ed from fumily Ornaments aud dotted with ol'ange peels~ An UllUsnal manifesta- Women's Dcbat.e vs. Elizal)eth· and love, \\""ith mental and manual work- (,>rucial momentf-the man! Who is the tion of school loyalty, one woald say, in thus arranging tOWII College. Smjth Hall, 7:30. first to sec rOlliance outside of marri· first with an artistic, colorful litter, featuring the college colors. But this bizarre ers rhe reduced to II- plane of equality, Ilis ;;ah'a- ago man! Who the hangs glo\\' to has ilis faded~-the fond depending iudidduat for last on condition threatens to exist in the ncar fut.m'c if eHm·ts are not made SA'l'UTI·DA1:, FEB. 27- tiOlI not on himself hnt the grou]l. A rmn)lIltieislll, his lust faded dream, and to keep the campus cleaner. Basketball "\'s. llt. SL whole generation is being vigorously his looth1-the mant \Vho takes Orange peels arc not the only blemish on the fair face of the cam- Away. reneed in the belief thut religion is a reducing exercises to banish bay win- pus. Scraps of paper, bl'oken dishes, aJld other adjtu1ds of a well- lIfcn's Debilte ,·S. Ursiuus Col· monstcr nnreulity, tlwt Ihe aeculllulntioD dow, and combs his few remaiuing hairs stocked junk-shop are scattered' about with a lavish hand. Visitors aD lege, Smith Hall, 7:30. of material substance is the grossest of over his bald ~pot in the I'ain effort to the Hill mjght well wondel' £1'0111their fil'st impt'ession whether the joy- wrongs and tlwt the !llan in its pursuit, rooapturo youth nnd romancc'___the maul ous college student casts aside debl'is as lightly as his cares, or whether THURSDAY, },fARCH 1--- espedally tho \:Jn~ineBs man, is the slim· YeswoHlall isthe practienl sex, indeed! he is making n mighty effort to conceal the aspect of wintel' by com- Speech ReiOital. Smith Hall, 7:30. iest creotur<' on Imrth. A. whole gener· For it is Ihe woman who must read mush pletely overlapping tile barc gronnd. ation of women is bcing r~ared in the notes, endure the banjo-strumming, coo FRIDAY, MARCH 2- Now is the time to begin a campaign for a cleaner campus. We ide:l that wOlllen must be economically at the pet uames, clOl!e her eyes to the have 110 way of knowing the unfavorable reactions of visitors, but a :Mell's Dc-bate va. Lebanon Valley independent, an(l must partieipllte in the "other woman", cover-up the bald t.pot thoughtful glance around should convert us to the causc more quickly College. Smith Hall, 7:30. afl'airs of th<;l world-in industry, inedu- and the wounded nlllit)', and make the than any number of criticisms. It should be easy enongh to initiate the cation, in governlllent, in ~1l other na last lloursof n wonlil-be Don J·uan haM')'. habit of self"colltl'ol, which is all tbat is necessary for an orderly cam- Continued fro]ll Colulllll Fi"e) tionn} pUrruits, {In a basis of equality And for tllat she is called emotion:\l, un pus. \\'ith man. \\'hate,'cr we may think of and II11Jltnmg. Any wenwII who The shabby appearance of gl'Onnds in wintel' is bad ('nongh, witll- He saicl that capitalism hnd )lot failed, feminisJll something stupendOllS must ean with a lllan through his foolish out tile superfluous adornments listed above. How mueh worse 1I'0uld and thHt it needed tl lIew chanee. Hc Bomooutof this effort to draw on the in· forties, nnd guide him frolll the lures of of tlle be the appearance in spring, when morc attcntiOl] is paid Lo the looks of traeed the beginning imlller$iti0S. C(]lalJcll~orhtr was simlere, puthy fo!' the struggles of his peoplc. o,'erlook~d, s\Jn lets go with II burst of ilnd stndents seem to be wol'i;:ing at cross-purposes. frlll>k nuo hOllcst, l)ut a bit loo much in· Hindus is peculiarly litted to write sueh teurs ulld sobs, the first time iu years 'l'he professors maintain tlmt the system wa~ inllugtll'ated to minimize terested in big bU8ines~ and wealth. Wc ft book. liim8elf 1I RUSSian, he was she's iwd a ch:mce to be herself I Then examinations, to make them more 01' less incidental. 'flm students fed 1I0(Ided a]lpro"al at whAt he said, but born in n liUle villHge, so "dnaf" 11.9the thellltlie lllC'ln\:Jers of the faJllily look that by having the examinations ill three sections, evel',)' professor has 11\\,:.ilcd for NOtnHln 'l'homas. Russl~1l8 put it, tlwt he hnd never ~('en at her lind sadly shake their heads- threc shots at him, three chances to flunk Ilim. BeCnllse of tllis feeling, NormJlu '~11 ('Ieetrie light or IJ railroad until he "just liken woman-go to pieces at the on tIle part of the student, part of them teak the Mtindt'. <; What's the Thonws is 11 brillilUlt speakel' alld think ('Jlligrated to AJU~'ricll at thc age of four· l(t3tmomeut! '1'hetroublell·ithwolllcn is usc, I can't possibl~' prepare for fh'e exams ill one Oily. so 1 won't do fro His is <:lear and cold. Biain· te~n. In J9:!3 he retltrlled to Russia for that they're too emotional!" :ll'.ything. 1.Jet 'em flunk me if they want to." The feeling thflt they \'c('ti,-o in itssul'eness of aim. His were being treated un,iustly followed them to the e!ass-room, and t.hey personality magnetic. nnd liia (lid· the exam halt-heartedly, not doing jnstice to themselves. No adilressorntoric:d:lstOIll!lnner pre· . doubt this type of student isn't to be grefltly admil'ed; but he cel'tainly senting, but enrefulJy out nnd Looking at Other Campuses e_.""ists-;-in large numbers. 'rile more conscientious student studied rle- practillnlly fool proof. Silnlhillg tel'lUilledly fol' eDcll exam and succeeded in 111lll1Ycases ill getting his t1,'nnucintions suggesti,e of Cicero, Nor head so jammed with In.i~celJaneotis facts l.hilt he diehl't know l111ything man Thomas decl'ied capitalislU nnd its We-steru Muryloud Gollege sent as its of the ~oeialjst party in the hy the t.ime he got to class. ntteudmJt. evils. We have outgrovm so- representatives to tlm Buck Hill Fulls States; Albert Purker Fitch, edu- Pcrhaps the divided systcm of exams is l\fll'dest of all on the "bol" eill1iS!l1 mor,Jlly [md mrntIJIIy sllid Mr. Conference Dr. l>loyd :il.L tator and minister; .E'rank Wilson, aegro der-line" eases. It is essential that these people do \\'ell iu thei]' exams Thonws. The ethical justifie:ltion of Bertholf, Howurtl M. Amoss mill Ro\)!'rt 1I'0l'ker; Halforrl E. Luccock, professor in order to get fI. ]H1Ssing gt·ade. They al'c perfectly <1\\'[lI'Cof this a11(1 eapitalism is gone toda~·. Business L. Rodgcr~. The general topie of the at r,de. University; Rom~r C. Rainey, the resultallt nCl'VOUS strain is 11 little too mueh fol' thcm. They IIt'e so mO\'es 3,'e just as corrupt,:lS tllOse of cOllfcrencc "'ns the ~'orld Eeonomie President of Buckuell University; Pnul confused Hnd barried that they forget what. they do 101011'. Perhaps no, politicnt parties. nl~mentioned the dC'lld Crisis and the Ethic'S of Jesus. Althougll Lambert, professor of Religioua Educn· system of exams conld eliminate tllis; but it. seems to me that one exam line at forty, poverty, ever·present shad· one may question the ap]lroprintene8~ tio.n at Tellchers' College, CQlumbia Uni· a d'ay would help these students, since they knoll' eXflctl.,· what tlH:'y'l'e find the economic insecurity. of this colnllln being devoted to an ae· I'erl(,ity: Brdlll;lll D~vis, professor at going to have and can organize tbeil' tllOllghts on that subject. Thomas did not make count of the e.onference, yet it was dis· Union Thrological Seminary, nnd Jerome Of COurse, the greatest unfairness of llie divided i)lan lie:; in the in· me n socialist, at he indined my all intercollegiate aITnir. Prae D~\'is, professor of Chril:ltian Sociology equality of the schedules. One student. llHlr llllW' as high flS seven thinking in that direction. Onc must the whole group otteBding the at Tnle. classes in olle day aud only one 01' two on other days. Tt is a strain to admirl' his lmll'el)' and sincerity. except for the speakers, lIlauy The Lnll H.t Bu(:k Hill F;!ll~, a luxnrious go from one class to another nll day long, 1
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