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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. CARMAN, CO-EDS WILL REPRESENT I ==-:J ROBERT R. SPEAKS TO PROMINENT STUDENTS ALUMNUS, lI'ol'ld's dpcay! Mr. Stevens spoke about great men he :;:~Ji~~~:ll::~~r ~~r;:~r;~':)~r~~~lled the ~:;N~I;e:~~I~I~:~~ ,,~;; :~:~;: a~h~n~~~: Dream on, fair youth, lind plant thy I had met. The club entertained guests at a rush ton Tnstil\.te, a negrosehool, at Hampton, hopes party "Febru IT} 20 Vlfgmm The plogram there WIll .llso Of noble tleed~ 3nd days of lrntll, I COHSlst of lectures and (llSCUSSl011S, und FRI. SAT, FEB. 26·27 BROWNING PHILO the Hampton;tIlute Clloll' 1\laeh has "l'il fLll iha wor\(} in oue great voice __ a moat successful lonr Gf Europe, Sltall sing the song of golden youth. "RAINBQW TRAIL" a The BrO\llllng htcran SOClct) met ou The Philo hternry sOe!ety held even I I ,ull render II mUSIcal progl.nn LILLIAN PREY, '34. with GEORGE O'BRIEN Mond 1y elenmg, }'ebrnar~ 2Z m the short busmess meetmg ~rol\dll} The leaders Gf tillS conference are Mr BrowIllllg rooms '1he progrllm was on llIg, Febru~r) 22 111 the Y W CAS Ralph llarlow« of Suuth Cullege, the poet A. A. Milnc. Ann J1lhllt!on room. The BOOiety voted in fa\'or of "'figS Wlnifred Wygnl, setret~ry of the One of II group of five famous AllIe;i- MON. TUES. WED. and KRlhleen :Moore reacl poems 1lf nniting with the Broll"IIhlg literary ijoe Nationlll Studellt Conntil of Y. W. C, A. can porlTaits 011 exhibitioll nt the ~et· FEB. 29, MAR 1-2 Milne. M. L. Shipley read 1.110nllt.o. iety to form one group. nll,l Ra.\'mond P. Currier, ~ditor of "l'lIf rop(llitnJ1 lIfuseum is one by Samuel MARIE DRESSLER ~~:rgeral~I~~e ::r ;'J:,l~~:. set·~:a;;:;~::: DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ::~i.~~n'" ana "Buffalo COl1ference Re- Morse, iUI-entor of tlul telegr~l.h, who WIl.S nil artist bef(Jl'o ho took up inven- In ~ ~:t)~e f~~~~ves~:;~ec:~c \I~~I~d~eO!nth;'=~ 8usun Strow and Mary Parks enter. y.1~~ ~IS~~. of pr~:,~{!;~:,,~f f~!IIC tion. "EMMA" ~ lege was one of tile mombers of the Con· Travels. tailled the club at n tca February ~5. ft"rence Planning COnllnittec, which met ===========k========== in .ranllnfy at Johns Hopkins Univcr· "John" Everhart I STUDENT DISARMAMENT INTRA-MURAL SPORTS sity. THE COLLEGE BARBER PLEA IS A PLEA FOR LIFE (Continued hom Page 3-001. 3) DOCTOR CLYDE SPICER SPEAKS AND BOBBER AT THE FORKS In speaking bofore tile Disarmament this was his ollly opportunity to score, IN OHAPEL Conference, where he represented the In, for Ius opponeuts, many of whom were on terCGllegiat6 Disarmnment Council and the regnlRr }'rosh team, presellted prac (Continucd hem Page 1-Col. ~) the Student Chri~tilln 'Movements of all air-tigllt defense. Great Britainn and the Unitet1 States, In respects, this game Ilas·bCl!n the The world demand$ more tlmn James F. Green, fI Yule Seuior, Baid in Ilost on the R. O. T. C. schednle, to date. telling ",lInt yon "an do. You part: The resl of t,he ~chedule follow8: support youI' \\,ol'ds h.l' deeds. "Utl,ough "After contemplating tbe events pre· Fell. 29- !l)'e~mers h~ve mOI'ed the world, (lr,'nm ceding the catllstroplu; of 1()1-t, we reo Band ni. 2nd Pluten, Co. C. ing in itself has most oHell eonw to main uneollvineed as to tJl6- wisdom of i\1:nch7- Histor." recordij mel1's deeds predceessors. 2nd. Platoon, Co. B vs. winner of not what tlley La\'" just thougllt fir "Fourteen years after thn armistice }'ellnHlry 2!lth. aaid. the glamor and hHoism of tllat period :'.iareh14- fails to impress us, eveu ,,-hen inscribed 1st. l'latoon, Co. C, \'S. winner of in gilt on stone memoriala. The sword Mnrch 7. hns lo&t its brilliance; the helmcts lind 0" shiny buttoos are tarnished. In faet, the Volleyball League the otllBl' hand, kind words have en- whole glorious lemple of Mars 111\.11 crumb· The schedule for tllB volleyball league, riehed and m:lde lives. led into ashes. We respect the war d~ad, Betty: As a matter of fact, my dear, the food is really t.he ~allle membership as the fra- Kind words spoke]! hnve but we question the judgmeut of those Ilaskctball league, has been hrll)~d many alOl1g the I;athway of life. delicious! respom;ible for theil' death. Lif~ me1!llS work. Wol'l< harrll You Co-ed: And these new low prices! We'll have to drop over Slaughter No Use cannot huild success on pleasure and Oil often from pow on. "Organized slaughter, we realize, does pursuit of Iwppiness alone. ~~I,ttl':;thillg. not s.ettle a.dispntc: it merely silences an men are reqnire{] :fOI' (lach team. that is worthwhile is wortll lI"ol'kingfor, COLLEGE INN argument. We insist thllt f~r violemle hcfonr gamcaevery scheduled and if while "'I' work, we rcmemllcrOod be substituter] judicial coutrol by the aate. First Bound 1!l(d onr brother man OUl' li,'eB are ON THE CAMPUS World Gourtl(lldexcentiveactiollthrongh bounillobehappy. the Le~gue of NatiollJ:l. If we nrc to )lurchll- Pl'ofit llr ~l)e experic"!(IBS of other~. A GnnllHI\ Betes I'S. B. and W. cI'o]"e au international onlc.r out of an· ,,'clI\f.h of knowledge and cOlldition ill at Bachelorll I·S. Deltn.Pi. archy we must renounce nationalism lind Olll' fingertips so guide our IJud t.o Senior9 I'S. JUlliors. drasli!:ally eurta;! the absolute sovereign· point out tIle dnngerous places life. Fresh I-S. Sophs. tr of Stales. H \\"e nrc willing to keep onr eyo~ op!!n )lar~u 18- "Other speakers l'U\'6 Ulueh at stake; n. fwdW. I'S. Delta Pi. a9 we go !.hrougll life, ,ye can avoid we hal'e- eycu more, for we literally are 13a(,helors \·S. Gamma Betes. 11,(IlIY pitfalls und mistnkcB 11.1' ohaerl"- fighting for our Ih'cs. It is my gen· Juniors "~SoSophs.. iug others. ('ration which will be called upon to !IIll'- Prosh VB. Seniol'S. render nil thcy consider worthwhile in Murch 25- life in order to become targets for lIlach 'rhe nUns of t!to Grent, F.leMor of Gamma vs. Delta Pi ine guu bullctsand dctims of Ihe latest Brnud('llbnrg, Germany, said to be- the }3 .. che\(lrs \'B. B. and W. poison.ous gnses. S('niors VS. Sophs, largest. book ill the world, ha.s been reo "It is young men and women of my .Tuniors \'S. Frosh. storcd to its former Ilenuty. TIle bool{ age who will be eGmmall(led to. eommit SI!(xmit Round is 66 inches high; ;19 ineh(>.~ wide and "Greetings!"' suie,ide. It is my generation which will April 1- wt'ighs 275 pounds. "Greets!" be requested to destroy the best of hu ClnHlml! Be-tes \'s. B. and W. "HappY?- man culture, l)erhaps ro1\'ilization itsolf." "Yah." Radlelors VB. Delta Pi. "G;rlfren?" Seniors \'S. Juniors. "Yup:: Sophs 1'8. Frosh. "She hare?'" DR. A. J. BRUMBAUGH ADDRESSES "Nope:' April 8- FAOULTY "How=m?" n. 'lnd W. '·S. Delta Pi. "Telephone! .. (Continued from Page I-Col. 4.) Buehelors '·S. Gamma Bete!l. "Long Distance?" Juuiou vS. Sophs. "Yah,cheap:· being assigned about 75 freshmcn and Seniors I'S. Frosh. • _\priI15- 75 sophomdr()S. "A good advisor," the Galll11la Betes \'S. Delta Pi. speaker stat.ed, "must 'llI'l a. good teach· LOW EVENING AND NIGHT RATES cr. 1[e IllUSt have breadth efvisien. lIe ON STATION-TO· STATION CALLS "(,!liors \'8. Sophs. must. possess that quMify l,.l' which lie Evening: (Between 'Z p.rn.and 8,30p.m) easily gains tho cOllfidenee of his ad- .Julliorsl's . .h'rosh. 15% 10 20% 10","".thAn day ...tu vhees, and he must be willing to stud.l· Playoff' April 22 and do research work in order to solve the problems of Ilia students." l<'rODl n Thue ."ductions apply on faculty numbering 350, nine professors all rat..s ..bov .. 35" hll\'e becn found who arc judged typical advisors. Dr. Brumbaugh is a brotller of Pro· fessor L. H. Brumbaugh, nS5ocit1.ta pro fes$or of religious education at West- The Chesapeake and Potomao ern Maryland College. Telephone Company Among the audiance that heard Dr. of Baltimore City Brumbaugh on Sunday wera several (BellSyst ..m) members of the Student Cnrriculum Committ~.
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