Page 54 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. DR. BERTHOLF DELIVERS II . I Qna.a.a~.a.< ~nrtdte.a SUNDAY CHAPEL SERMON I :-: ~ nUl 1]u 9 1]Ui! i! t ng a :-~ I Taking R9 his subject. "BUlliling u I L --,- ----' IRVING-WEBSTER NEW GERMAN CLUB HAS BEEN Philosophy of Life," Dr. Lloyd M. HIGH MASS FAITH -- ORGANIZED Bertholf, head of the Dep:.n·tmcllt of I Tall, virgin candles, vestments of white The proudly-tilted moon sails over the ""\Va are having some very good pro- -- Biology, treated it in n very practical and of gold, hearenward-reaehing pines, grams", declared:llr Trnndle at a meet- A meeting of all students interested in manner, He pointed out that moat Deep intonation of ellants centuries old, St. Francis-of-the-Woods is covered with in!; hel(l in the Society Hall, Pebruary German was held Wedneeduy afternoon, philosophies which are urged upon stu- Heavily-scented Ineenee curling before twisting ivy vincs, 15, "and as our society is in the expert- February 3, in the Y. \"I. C. A. room dents are too ideal and too impractical. the Virgin's beseeching race, The gentle Poor Clare sisters coming lllental stage, all type of programs will for the purpose of organizing a German A philosophy is hard to define. It Altar alofha of linen and altar cloths of from vespers paee- me by, be welcomed in the future; sq that we Club. At this rcoctug Professor Taggert, 1m3 to do wltli the fundamental way one lnce. And my faith is 9,Sconstant as the etare mlly adapt this organization to modern professor of foreign languages, .who was looks at life, its values, its worthwhile' Minor chords from an organ. acunding in tile sky. needa.!" elected faculty advisor, gave au iutr odue- Mr. Kiefer, referring to pueztes, eup- tory talk ou the purposes of the club. ness. Building lip Il- workahlu philosophy FUll~oO~:~n~e~;~1!C$ from the eliotr A rushing, nrc-belching train cuts the pceedly winning fabulous prizes, found in These were given as; :s~f;h::t n:~:l~d!:~:~l :a~t:;. tol~l: f:~ stalls below, A8d:r~~~:gOs~a~hi: ~11:!I~~a"CllJltraces an magnaincs, alleged that though just with 1. :1'0 gaiu greater facility in speak- ourselves. People CUlloffer us sugg!"s' Flowers Oil the altar in the sulerun sfill- ill the law advertising through the 110' lng German. tions, point out dangers, and give us ad nesa nod are of sill'er light, called prtee winning contests, is more 2. To stimulate au interest ill Ger vice, but in the end we must determine Before their Maker, who is our Father The ghostly lIIists of evening rise from than any other type of sales- man people and customs. our own outlook aud nn llttitudo toward and our God, the river quite Dear by, lllimship. 3. To learn something of the great life. Dr. Bertholf said that he was ill Brown FralleiseruJ.6 repeating words of A.nd my as eonstnnt as the stars "In the Disarmllment Conference, literature and 1IIu8ic of Gormany. no wise to formulate philos· Laiin strllnge and old, ill the sky. Promier Tardieu suggests that au Inter· The following omeen'were elected: for our lives, but that '\.ltlH VEsselsof silver, and altar ycssels The 80mbre bells of night call to. bClle' national Police FOorcebe formed for the Hilda Cohel~ . . .... Presiil<'llt of gold, diction and to prayers; was trying to point ont some of tllIl l ..cugue of Nations", said Mr. Outten in Joscph Albrecht Vi~e-presidellt major problEms we wQuld have to face Ani! evel')' hellrt exults wi!hht itself, tlnd a talk on world news. Lucille Burk . . ... Secretary in working out our own schemes of life. every helli! begins to llod St. lhaneis is el'e! smiling at the bottom of the ~tairs, Mr. Fleming brought oub in his bGok Margaret Lee Nelsl)n ... . . Treasurer As the chn,-oh of all the Ages displays Tho nlighty benediction. with the incensc royiew thofnct that Dr. Olivcr, psyeholo· A seeond Ulcoting was held Wednesday As childrcu we do not rCllIillcthe noed to us our God. rises bigh, gist for the Baltimore Police, has made afternoon, Februnry 17th. The program for indiyidulll philo~ophies. Life seems ROB£RT LONGFORD RODGERS. Aud my faith is llS constant as the stars an interesti!lg study of the mind in his consisted ohicfly of German songs aud quit.e all right to us. We find Illay in· in lhesky. book Roc," and SOlid. stories. ter('~ting, 8('.hoollil0 pICflS!Ult,aud work MOON'S FACE ''LITTED''l 'I'here was a discussion. about the kind is 110tnltogcther obnoxiouS. Most of us Through my opcn dormer window I ef progrflllls we preferred, the future of FRENCH OLUB find ourselves in 101'0dllYing our school Whcn I rend illat line I felt as if I'd glimpse a speeding lIlotor-enr, the society, and ways of illcroasing at days. The- futJn-e does not hoW any swoou, From across thc quiet campus COlliesthe Thc hi-mouthly meeting of thc French teu<1nnee. club was hcld Tuesday evening, February fear for us. And I blushed to think lhat the Man·in· striking of the hour, the-Moon It was annonnced that the Pootsl Club Hi in the -y, W. C. A. roolU. The pro Parents a!l(l friends )lUI'equoted little III t.he blue of high-arched heaven the Would fall for II thing like that. would tnkc charge of the next meeting. gram was in charge of .Tames Bopst and r\l1csforourfntllrehappilless; be good U hetakc~ to plsstie surgery aud she·ish moon goes sailing by, Norman Ward. A report was given as to and you will he hallPY, if ~'our character fllrbclowa, And my failh is as constant as tim stats is gllod your reputatil)n will take ~ar6 of the success of tbc Moulin Rouge Cabaret 'fho papers will be printing, the next in the sky. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA itsel1, mId there is always room at the RmlF.RT LoNGFORD RonGERS. Dance which was held the evcniug of top for those who !Ire willing to climh. tiling he knows, Delta Sigma Kappn entertained guests February G, in the girls' Cym. The rest And then lYesuddcnly find that although 'fhat he's wearing a. Eugenie lIat. at a rush lJaTty Friday, Fcbruary 12. of the program consisted of French God is in Hcnv!!n, all is not right with This is the scc.oud lime my pride has The club celebrated its eightll birth- songs, Bon :!Irotl! and Deduettca. tho world. lilld a whack; day at a. breakfast Sunday, Februar.r 1+. I I felt just the samc whcn the ineompar- 'fhe club gave a dinner in honor of PHI ALPHA MU We begin to examine critieally theso able.Tnek, Carolyn Tull, Wednesduy, February 3. __ stlltements which wo formerly took for Thc champion of the powerful blows, Phi Alpba 1[n was eutertained infor- grunted. We begin to see the exceptions mally 011Friday, Jannary 28 by Misses to these rules. The rain falls on the un· Was.intcrosted in pulcllritudcto such an FRI. SAT. FEB. 19·20 BLACK AND WHITE Hering and Seaman. Just as well ns Oonthe just. We realize extent, that although there is plenty of room at lie 9, plastic snrgeon and paid "STEPPING SISTERS" 'I'he fraternity takes great pleasure in w.w. tile top, the hardest workerl! (10 not al to invent tlllllouueing Leo Del:mey, '33, as a ways get there. Wc notice that cvcry· A beauliful Bynthctie nose. LOUISE DRESSER and pledge. The old officers of W. W. eutertained one is not rewa.rded according to bis When two such guys go feminine, manly WILLIAM COLLIER, Sr. The fraternity is planning a dance, to the club in hOonorof the new officers at merits. Even marringe itself is not tho Youth Gets Hot! be giv!"n on the evening of May Day. College Iun on February 11. blissful existence we imagined it to be. men like mo Feel ns llshamed and disgusted as can be. Thcn we immediately begin to. worry Now here's one thing I'd ha"e yon MON. TUES. FEB. 22-23 ~==~AN~:AP:'P~&~E~CI~A:TI:O:N=====f~::::::::::::::::~1 we might be one of these oxceptiolll!. understand' JOAN CRAWFORD lest Will there be (l_ job for me wheu I grad· If I could manipulate to. land 'some AI u m n i.New s uate1 Will reflections I~ad to moods. Dempsey blows in M,. D. C. lr""":'bn,,,y 5, 1932. Moods lead to introspection I wouldn't care a lloot llbout the beauty "POSSESSED" /Illd introspection leads spirtnal und of my nose. Dire-ctor, . mcntal ~iekncss. Moody people become Even if it were broad as my band. "\Vcstern Md. Alulllni Banquet Rllymond Beaucllamp was 11 recent vis· tmpopulnr, and soon tbo), Jose a. contact Doar Mr. MacLea: tor Oil tIle Hill. wHit life that further depresses their And the .Mnn·in-thc·Moon, YOII'd think, ~ WE~~:~~;:S~::.25 Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCauley are spirts. We ask oursell'CS is life worth wonld die of mirtb I would like to tnke this oPllor- When hc looks down 011 the untic!!.of the tunity of nssuring you that it was recei"ing congrat.ulations ou tile birth while' Here is whero a j1hiloSGphycomes females Oonthe earth. := "PERSONAL MAID" of We should realize that people in !l- dllughter, Martha. .Tane. Mrs. Me in. a pleasure to have worked with you Cauley was formerly Helen Elizabeth ages past were faced and met these Butstatistiesprovetbatsnchisllottlle ••••...,.,... YrI' ............ aud the other members of your com· Strain, a memher of tbc class of "27 and sallie problems, and all through the Those rugged convolutions that we've mitlce in arranging the Western of Delta Sigma Kappa. llges people hove li,'ed be/lUtiful all(l use· studied of so much "John" Everhart Uarylond Alumni Banquet. iullives. Now give way to tIle texture of "the }~rom the ~tU11dj1ojutof suece!ls, Dr. Bert.holf said he tbought that life skin you love to touch" THE COLLEGE BARBER thcre is no doubt in my min(l that lmd 0 two·fold purpose: first, to be of As II covering for the- old moon 'a fallC. AND BOBBER your entire program Gf entertain serdce to our fellow'Ulon; and second, MIC:aAELLEISTERI '35. AT THE FORKS ment and in particnlar your SPellkers to aehicI'e character. Lire, after all, is was of the highest caliber lI11dappar quite orderly, ~nd the progress tllOt the world has. made i~ apparent even to us. ently was immensely enjoyed by all Througll the ages thcre has been a de those attllllding. It was unfortun· veJo]llllcnt lind an unfolding. Most ob ate that more of your members did vious is the development in. human so notaUoDd, nfter all the careful piau ciety. Youth must get n. historical vic\v ning that you did. 111m certa.iu that Special! of society, and once we have realized the thOBI)tilat were absent missed a "cry Hair Bobbing 25c pl'ogress the world lias made it is a good delightfnl evening. peg on whic.h to hang our faith. Yours very truly, We Specialize in Why build character' Clmraetcr fa It will grow through eter' Lord Baltimore RGtel, Permanent Waving endul'illg. 'rho ideal of charncter is complete nity. (T . .T. :MacSpeiden, Finger Waving in itsedf. After all we nced not fear Marcelling ........................... Facials - Manicuring life. Faith should destroy fear. not the A Ass't. Manager.) Weare Christian life is joyful. i I Gloria Beauty Parlor first to face these problems. There is an orderly progress in Ihe world. And char· 358- J. t HAVE YOUR : 88 W. MAIN ST. acter is enduring. Here is good mater· "Rernonsaate. n Phone FAVORITE "'Course!' i :: SNAPSHOT ENLARGED :: WESTMINSTER, MD. ial with which to build a, philosophyof "Telephone." SOc ! "Yeah?" life. 5x7 MOUNTED i We specialize i "Long Distance." "Huh?" i ~rfn:r:~o;~dg' :: Smith & Reifsnider "Hurray!" i SOD~;NDY' I Lumber Coal *' :: TOASTED SANDWICHES :: :: Sash, Doors, Blinds I " "G~~!~~s"l Cement and Plaster MD. The Chesapeake and Potomac HOME·MADE PIE General MillWork Telephone Company of Baltimore City WESTMINSTER, Phone 227 (BenSy..tem) Lowest :: Prices ......................... :
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