Page 55 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 55
~Ol EXPRESS YOUR VIEWS Mt. St. Mary's vs. on Student Honor! Western Md.-Emntitsburg Hand in the Ballot Saturday, February 27 Printed Below Vol. 9, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 25, 1932 Pres. Albert Norman Ward Honored; IR. T. EDWARDS, '31, Gold Buq Inaugurates Survey of Degree Conferred by C. W. University RECEIVES TEACHING Student Opinion on Honor System ----. --- FELLOWSHIPAT N.Y.U. H';;';;:-::YNa~:~:~~;K~:::w;::enon SPEECH DEPARTMENT WILL W. WILSON WINGATE General Will Be Published Later Opinion of Student Trends PRESENT PROGRAM MAR. 1 SPEAKS ON JOURNALISM DR. WARD RECEIVES LL. D. FACULTY TOBEQUESTIONED Albur t Norman Ward, Sr., President 'l'uesduy cvcniug, March Let, memo lll:~~ :~~Tt~'iI;;~~:~'r ':~l~·k~~~~:,u:ll:i~. II: nu effort to discover the.real con of Western Colloge,waschos berljf the Speech Department will pre spoke ell :IS 0 n(~ of tweuty-three alulllni sent the following program in Smit.h ,:(.'stl"l"l~ 1IJur.I·la."d, 011 Journnlis~n [ ~,!et:~~j;e:: the stU(:~::t ~~i'DlI~~~ari(~ llall::ti:30. Thursday evenmg, Fa1)rUHl"." 18, 11\ of Georgo Washington UnivHsity who nan. Seiell~e received Ironcrnry degrees from that in· Dud Entor Dcrn ; Exit Freem~n Tilden Mr. sttt.ution at its Bi-eeutenninl Convcea- lI[issKllphart tion, held on Febru:l!"y 2~nd, in Oouatl- t ution u-u, Washington, D. C. Enter Madam G. Vcrcsl and D. Byrue In the list of those who were thus 'MissNelsOll honorod art) The CrUllibs -n,« Fn\l PhinpHubbard opinion !llr. Stillwagon ,TOUfltey's End H. C. Sheriff Mr. Wcngly emmeut. An Il.cur Before High Noon LL. D. Degree Marc C,.,unclly :MissM . .Tohnson Tho J,h 1). degrce which \1'n8 eon fcrrcil upon him at the disttnguiehed Pe tel' Pall .T.!If. Barrio The infol"mlltion bv "IIfl·. \\·in· gnfhcriug on .Mouday night :hlissBush HoyT. jcdwnrds, '31, has been np gn tc wn a of vitn l to rnombers mcnts a list of similar Tllo 1'rul' Aliee Gcrstcnberg pointed to a tenchlng Iellcwahip in of tho GOLD BUG !Ilnif und to the Jour s.on as to the trend of public opinion, which hal'e beeu bestowed upon Presi )\[iBSBishop chemistry fit New York Ulli,'ersily. ualismcl:!ss. the GOLD BUG i$ now giving the en- dout Wnrd since he received !Jis A. B- The carries a snlnl"y alld Ere stndent bod~' un opportunity to ex· at 'Wostern Maryland in 1805. Ife be- providea time individual research. pr{'ss ll,ei]' I'iows 011 a question which came an alumnus of George Wnsllington cf DOCTOR CLYDE SPICER W"hilehereat Westc)"lMarylalld,Mr DR. A.J. BRUMBAUGH is of f1]lld!l]llClltlll imp<;lrtauce if 'Ves· Un;vcrsity by his Mustor Edwards made one of tlle best scholas is to IIlllintnin her place Arts there i1\ 1000. nnd Otter' SPEAKS IN CHAPEL tie reccrds in tIle of the college. ADDRESSES FACULTY amoug respected libcml arts col· lJ6in Colleges both conferred the dcgree Last year 1]1' held Harry Clary leges of the country. of D. D. upon him in 19:!0 and l.l{l r~ Jon('s ~cholar8hip in ehClnistry and was Dr. Aaron Jchn Brnlllbuugh, hend of t{';vc.d the (1cgree of LL. D. from Ran D". oditor';ll-Ghief of the GOLD BUG. tIle personnel deparhuent nnd dean of 'l'he stntistital results of t1\e surve.r sas City University in 1921. the colleg-e at the Ul,iversity of Chicago, will be l'nblislH-,d in tl,e next iSBue. matics No ]lames will appear ill the publishNl Other Notables cable l:!bulation. Instead, only Ule totd per· Among 11'6 other eelebrities honored ('eutage of students voting Ol! a tot the Ri-Ccntennial Convocation were off)lli.VI"atcrinl ticnlarsideofnquestiollwillbu See"dary of War Patrick .Tay HurleYj ~.]c 'untcrinl things 'd. PI·cd. "1\[or"is Dearing, nIl11)asso.~o: to fll{i hnll]l:ness .. 111:1]]is nClltod a spirit· '1'110 uboYe (lction is takcn in ol"dtr to P('ruj Nelsou 'J'rusler John~ou, mlll,stci' U:ll l.:oing, I1nd as such ho must snlisf~' [JCl"mitstuucntstc reeordthrirloOllcst to Ol,ilwj Alnlu Macauley, president of lois spiritunl Ilntul·e. Prayer is nil os opinions without fear of their !l,e Pncknrd JI(otOl" Cne Compan,,'; )lad .,pnt'alpHrtof life. We llames rc'·~n!ed. It is e~9c"til!l George Bruce Cortelyo-u, fO)"l11er Secre· neQd to eOllllllune God ill prayer. stressed tl'e importnnce of the studclits participate in thc survey;n !;tIT uf tl'e Treasury. '\'a~hil1gton II'llOse bicelliol1uial system ill relation tc thc broad ordn to make its I"esults valid. we just cclcbrntcd know the yalue },.1t-. Sllri"cr is doing I"e field of CdnClllioll which i~ offercd to Those ,,"110 ti"d it most convenient ofpl"oyer. lle altribnt.ed much of his Ph. D., and ],fro Howard freshmen and sophomores. Thetirsttwo COoED DEBATING TEAM WILL tlleir ballots ill the GOLD ~""('ess to I'ernl different committees for the a no soulld .politieal ch/lnge pl]ilosopl'Y' fundamental is 1l('cd t.o the rccelltlyreturned from tl]ellllnnal meet- stndy of fl,e wOI'k nl1(1 program of dif gC"Hllment of Washiugton, hut it mUBt (1) Do you believe that a i;ystem of "tudent government based upon ing of the International Council of Re- f,']'ent divisions, sueh ns thu childnlll's the bOllol" system is the best preparation fo1."good citizenship in ligious Education which was !Jeld in diyision, ."oung people, ndult., leader- jll"ugrcs~ "'illl the times. lilterlife? Yes ( ),No ( ). Chicugo. This couneil includes repre- III ille ship SUlllmer 8~hool$ nnu (2) Do YOll feel that yon as an individual fl1'e capable of living up sent(ltivl1s from forty·four different fle C:ll1lpS, nominations, eacll llaving fro111 Olle to to, and enforcing, the hOllOI" system? Yes ( ), No ( ). sl'l,ools, /lnd others. 'rhese n.ll·ious n1('uaeing Ollr go,,· twenty representatives according to the (3) ])0 you favor being under' predomiuance of the dCllOmiMtion. groups m~et for three d~.\"1; which believes (a) the honor l'lystem with the entit·e re>;pollsibility upon yon TheSe meetings bring together about in reserl'ing all rigllt. tI,e states, !Jas flS a studentY ( ). eigllt 11l111drcd people who are all inter 011 the diffcr('nt dh·isious. There at tile prodnced natiollill hyst
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