Page 24 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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'PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GO \lJG Around the Campus I VARIETY BOOKS, A REVIEW AND LIFE OF PLAYS, Several yOU11gladies eeem to be re- OURTIS REOITAL "il"ing lhe oW game of "Po~toffiee." presence is the only real, live thing at the Per further information see "Les." These Gurtia recitals seem to be the Rudolf lIfBximillian von Hapsburg! His Assemblage made np ef mere ghosts of aseepuou to the general idea that stu- a by-gone day, But he is a restored Official student newspaper of weateru Maryland College, published on Thursdlly Eren the best of friends must part, dents rebel against "required atteu- Hapsbnrg seeking amusemeut-and find· during the acndemie year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, "Stew" Sunday is going to have hill dances". The concert last Friday night iIlg amusemcnt in the 'revivn l of a love was, in the opinion of man)" peop~c, the Maryland. Entered na second-class matter at the Westminster Postcffiee. room·mate, 'l'oml1lY,arrested for malic- best that hns been presented hem 1ll sev- affair with u, former mistreSB whom he upon attack ious pet hill SUBSCRIPTION PII.ICE $2.00.A YE.A!!. "Sadie", who succumbed last goldfish, eral years. had left behind when he had fled Vienna. Friday but whom he had never entirely forgot. chcse fO.rher Miss Krinsky, the pinnistc EDITORIAL STAFF to the injuries received. Several Inter- first group of selections several1taVlllg a She is, at the prcecot t.ime, the happy Editor in Cllie! C. W. KOOO:r:OOEY,'32 esting develcpmenta are expected when delightfully elnsaieal qUlllit)". She play· wife of a celebrated psychiatriet-e-bu t "Tommy" testifies. AssoeiatB Editors. . MARYLEE SHlPLNY,'32, RoaEll:l'L. RODGE!!..s,'32 ed beautiful pieces in a. truly beautiful he is n. Hapsburg-a willful, lecherous, !.;ews Editors.. . M. SUSANSTll.OW,'33, C. RUSSELl,HERBST, 33 At the game Saturday "Horizontal mnuucr. Particularly to be eounuented young, egotist. His success in reviving COP!I Editors.. . LOUISEB. CRoZIER,'32, WU,LIAMG. PYLES, '33 RUlli)," asked of the fair Texas maiden, upon is her art in shll?-ing and modula- an old love affnir has many points in 1]. famous Roman invasion Sports Eilj,tors . . A. BF:JI.'l'ItICEC!!.OWTHER,'32, BENJAMIN O. BoYD, '34 whether they still earrted big guus on tiou, and, in hcr second group of num- common with Ve11i, t1idi, .... There were of Gaul. MAKE·UP STAFF their hips way down in Texas. Who will bers, her perfect form in illtIicate scale glorionsly mad times at the reunion in J'[anaging Edi.tor . , Tno~us W. OTTO,'32 break the news to him that "there ain't work. Vienna! no Santa Clnus"f Assistant Managing Editor. . . WILLIAM H. SPARROW, '33 Witl, Mr. Vass.~r's performanee we are Mr. Sherwood has made of his new play ns daring, lind anti·l"irtnous.a BUSINESS STA:Jo'F dn~e~1;~tg:~dett~~;;~~:;~B i~;' t~:t~{d :~l:~:de ~ei~:, aal~;;~~g~';I~a:~~t~~a~!~~ et;m· BlI.siness j}[rJfwger.... , ROGERH. CISSELl" '32 edy 1.\S ever trod the boards of YICtOrlan ...l(lverti:n1l0 Ma1l(Jger ...•••..• .........•........... DavlD TRu}'''DLE,'33 story of the "worm turning." ~~~~:gl~!:{~;~i:i~o~eb~~lIiard~~~~~~a\ei~' eld Ferd's. He doesn't bother to be Assistant Advertising Mamagar. . , .. , , .Mn,TON A. KATZ, 'M s-uggestil'e; he is out·spokeu. But 1I1r. Circulation Mauager . . WAYNE MOORP..,'32 ch;n~~io~i~;, t~V~l~el~~~I~ex~eb~~Elth~t~l ~~~ ~~r;~li:n'~~~(ex~~'d'\teci~':~~e~Y'w!~~ Sh~rwood hnd the Fates with bim when Allsistnnt Cirtnlation Man.agera reliable "GoOl!e." ~~~~~:~ti~!ii;:g~ee~~:d a!f~~ f~~~h~~:;~ his finished manuseript was turned ovcr to tile Theatre Gnild. 'fhey peopled it Gr.ADYSEL. SOMERS,'33 J\fAUR!(]EC. FLlClllNG,'3ol with an ineompar;jblc east, staged itwitll ZELMAB. CALVER'l','34 ARTHUR J. DOWNEY,'3<1 nltimore's beanti. di\'erting faults, we cnjoyed listening to proper settings, directed it with a tech· LORA r.r. OUT'l'EN,'34 Prof.'s off while !Ill'. VUSlIlIr'sgrou]! of songs. niqne that COl"er$o"er at times llloments REPORTORIAL STAJi'F an excithlg Satur· fin~I~S~d~\~;~~\~ir~n::en:l~:t~~U!~~I~~ that might I' been much less Wiuured Bush, '32, Al""rta Dillou, '32, Mary Humphreys, '32, Sara Robinsen, quality about her singing tiIatmade the artistic-and with the finished picco they '32, Betty Allen, '33, Elsie Bewen, '33, SUSllnna.Cockey, '33, Tessie Cex, '33, Troy Att~ution girls! Company C's com· listcucrs sit expeetsnt and anUeipntory Iln\'e prescntca it to the publie as a gen· Hmnhseh, '33, Anne Woh'erton, '33, Martha Harrison, '3ol, KnUllyn Mellor, '34, mnudcr has IIi!'!l'yes open for a.logieal for a. break-that never C~ll1e. She gave uille Guild produetion. Essentially a sophisticated comedy, there tirOnlOmcnts, Spirit Flower" with rcnl art. Per· Lanise Needy, '3ol, Ellther nighter, '34, Mnrgnret Yncum, '340,Edit11 Forney, '35, Clllldidate for svonsor. Someone who "A sonally, we did not eare for the duet as in my judgment, when it strikell almost a. blushes, preferred. AmQ~~m,~~I,~;s~~le:.\~rr:;" ~~~i~a~u~;::;~~~i, ',~?,~~\~~~c:-~~:~I;d:3~34 H~~:~~ Miss Singer and )Jr. VIlSl!argal'o it. The tragic note. The bnaie idea of the play Bryson, '35, Carlton Brinsfield, '3o, Keithley Harrison, '35, Robert Himm'er, '35. THE SUNTI.-iY CHARITIES ASSOC, cllaraeter of Pierette in the du~t was ill· itself scemg nlmost to approach tragedy IJitifui attempt ou the part of a few -a Incorpornted at Westcrn -afaryland ~~~~~gt~he1>~rStr~)~:;I~~rr:~lisf~'Bt~I~:li!~ discorded nris-!ocratsto re·crentefor a Worthy opinion; Model managernent~' Correct news, "Loafer" College, 1931 in the audience who kno\\; the story. time, a glorions'lifc that alIce WlIStheirs. 'rile scene wh~re these fad~d nobles toast One always seems to mention Ilist the Woolley-Chairmnll. A -LI DOllotiollBto dllte 1I11follows--- aecompnni,st, _!\It. Rubanoff was Bplen· the portrait of their ef former Emperor chllmpngne------or with the cheapest IE-D-I-T-O-R-I - Chnirman "Dirty Don" .05 CASH dia, lending an exact finish to the per· when they ~o obdonsly try to keep up a "Pighting fOrlllnnCCBof the singer.~. As is usually Colenel" Dixon .05 to be paid the cnse, this integral baekgrollud of a gay conversntion--or whell they so lu· "Horizontal" Tuckermnn prCSOllt.~tionwas almost forgotten, al· dicronsly paid homage tn the former President Ward \Vith the nation-wide bl'oadcflst Satnrday evening .12% to be paid I thongh deserving of much pmise. archduke-such scenes can scnrcely be eOllsidere(lll\lmoreus. Achieves another" dream" of PI'esident Ward taRes a major "Fanuie Terp" Wnrd __ . And what production can be gelluine' step towards completion. His vif:;ion in sponsoring "Joe Fish" Herbst .12% to be paid THIS PLAY'S THE THINGI Iy Guild withuut those masters of the to be paid the Liberal A.rts College Movemcnt is so vast in scope that few of us .05 art-thl' Lunt.s. The Thentre>Gnild and on lhe camJms have been able to grasp it until now. Not so with ::~~~f~':,':;~;~i~:~~~~~:~~~~RO~:~~lio~h:w:a~fl!!!a,l'~od~~~~ ~; tlle Lnnts-the T.!llllts and the Thentre leaders of .American edncation and fillancR, however. In the three "Pat-ricin" Uahoney .05 to be paid The Theatre Guil fnJ' liS hill ed pel'foTmances were allt to weaken the psycholo~y under which tlH.~ l'ecord ~olleg~, they well migllt look into (J. 'I1lf.r. at tl,e end of four years. Will it be a ncntion goes. Chieago has fallJIl ill lille with mauy more of Ole fOl'Clllostednc\L' fitting illtroduetiou to life, and aft('r all~ ,-,,\(1"iew oue of thtl weaknesses of ror WIlS started. But the team caTTicd on, nosing out (k..ide II'hetller or not hc wants tn despite the fact t,hHt neal'1y the entil'e sC]nad of 1!J30 \Y1Hllost through re~s, geDuin~.ennstrl1cth·e effort, the sVir· what ",elike. Of course, it husits mltuy (tvail himself of the privile..:e~Rnd oppor· t.uniliCl)thnt a cellege effer< him. Stu· it and the WIll to do, the blnzing of new and perlmps o\"crshailo\\at Gor,D BUG. dent Hutcllins llns probably realized that systcm gqes the working sys!(ll\1 as we since 1028. The story had been the same in aU sncceeding contests, Without intcnding to be a. paternalis· I too many of fhe college graduates of tn kno\\' it. The student is eithcr lllarked s?tisfm:tory, or credit. for course any mnst be told how, when, tlnd where the mention-althongh with disastrous results exeept ill the Cfll;C of the St. ,John's game. tic tl(h'isor, I will the work never to do 1llings. Simply given. And to my mind -!;lmtis donbt its necessity-that Finally the spell WilS broke]l. The Eagles of Bost-on College !lad ends; thnt the sky hnrdly is the limit of what should be dOll(lin a coHegC'or uni· swooped down hom the ITlIb city, fJ'l'sh hom a 20-2 "ictol'~' over oue's opportunity; that from now on I·erl;ity. Students who werl, only for lll~rks aftcn lose sight of the bigger Last wcek 1 read in an exchange thnt Georgetown, a tell111 which had sWilmped the 'r('I'l'Ol'S in the opening and ulw1tys yeu will find the chnnces to one of the univers.ities wu nffering a thlllg~ Bcholastically speaking. give pe?ple thrills, to right the wrongs, ~ame of the season. Boston listed fifty·f;cven men on iff:; squad, Wef:.tern to reptllT the we.1kncsse~, Rnd to make course in contract bridge. WlIO ~lly,;eol· l\[nryland, twenty·nina, of whom scyen were injured Ilnd tlJrce weighed the people and t.he things around yon lege courses are not practical! This l.mcler one·lrnndred'-and-£fty pounds. Five l'Pgll1al' 'Positions were bigger. week, I read with n great detl] of inter· I \\"asrather surprised ]let to find lllore tloall '\Vcslern Marylllnd neetls-as left open 0]1 the varsity, and Bost.on wos rated as the best team to stitutious necil-the spirit of your little in cst aud amusement that n c~llege in n mention nf Armistice DIlY in Ule various On.~or twu papers exchange$ tlils week. northwestern state will oITn n conr~e in invade Maryland so far this SeaS011. Ever?one was at lea:<;t forced to effort. It is appreciated, and is The Perfeet Wiie. I sur pose Renn has did carry sonte appropriate a.rti(..o.~,but return Westel'n Maryland to its former posit:ion of mOllse, in thc game still the opportunily of making the whole now seen its heydey, and transatlantic the I'!lst majerity of papl'TS did not mel~' of mouse-and lion. strnctnre greater by yeu people enlarg steamers will lose a Jot of business. Lion the fact that snother Armistice Day The attitude was contagious. From the very first play, team and ing the sphere 0 little, as well as the con· had rolled around. Are we too quir'k to Gettysburg forgeU I think we; are. rooters alike canght thc spirit of an llpllill -fight. Handjcapped by sequeut /lppre~iation tllat inevitably will The Hoya, Georgetewn's University's Academy has a lovely memorial garden follow. obstacles which had seemed inslll'IDonntable, Weste.rn Maryland came Witll kindest personal regards, I am publieation, tells us that anothilt colleJlc between Ihe college and aCJldcmy build· through with a moral victory, if there ever was one. Yours very trul.y, song is bursl.fig into prominenc
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