Page 23 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PEP MEETING Let's get the Old Spirit Up COL FOOTBALL and let it out at the Pep Varsity vs. Hopkins Meeting Thurs. Nire Homewood HEP! HEPI LET'S GO!! FRIDAY NITE, 8:15 Vol.9, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Nov. 12, 1931 FootbaLLClash With Mt. Saint Mary's Broadcast Sponsored by College Movement Covers Nation; Will Feature Annual Homecoming Day Pres. Hoover, Pres. A. N. Ward, and Others Will Speak GAME WILL BE PLAYED FOR COLLEGE PLAYERS WILL SPEAKERS GO ON THE AIR BENEFIT OF CHARITY FROM 9-9:30 P. M., SATUR- GIVE OLD BROADWAY HIT DAY, NOVEMBER 14. Dedication of New Flag Pole Will Take Place. The spirit of Clu-iatruas will permente N. B. C. Red Network Will Carry tlte ucnrts of all who witness the Col· The annual football clash between lege Players' production of "Thc 'l'hil~gS The Program. Mount S:Lillt l\f[H)"S and western Mary- 'fhat. Count" in Alumni Hall Thanksgl\'- land College followed by tue dedication ingnight. Ccvering the entire nation from coast services of our fiag and flag·pole, will Mr. Laurence Eyre, the author of this to coast, tho broadcast sponsored by tbe feature western Ma ryla nd's Homecom- benut.iful play, has written some of thc Libera! Arh College Movement, of ing Day, to be held 01\ November 21. most notable auceesses whieh have whieh President A. Norman WiHd is For the firat time tbe nununl contest. ndorued th() Amerivan sta[\'o; nmoug chal rmnn, will bn the biggest couce.eted nlways a too th-nnd-nrril nffflir, will be them being "},fis' Nefly of N'Orleans" effort tn nwnkcn the AmerieRn public to II benefit performance, the proceeds of and "Merry Wives of Gotham." 1I1r. a pnrticular type of \Xlne.ation over a t- whielo will go to the eha ritnble institu- Byre was thoroughly imbued with the tempted. tiona of Cnrroll County. llolido.'i' spirit when he wrote t.lli~ glow- Over NBC Network At 2.30 P. 1.1. a parade of Western i"g play, "Tho Things That Count." Through the courtesy of the Natlena! :\laryland's cheertug section and band The ehuractor of little Dulcie is cue Broadcasting Compnny, a program of will precede 1llO game, and between of the most appealing we know. Rer national intercst, having us its theme, halves the stunts of the jreahmen will childish imagtuatlon peoples the werld "Tloe Llbere I Arts College" will go on enliven the occasion. Thc negotiations 1I'itll killgs aud princesses, and the the air Saturday, November H, from of Doaeh Richard C. lI~rlow, if sue- manner in whieh shu wins over her 9.00 to 9.30 P. M. (Eaateru St.andard co&sful, will provide It special treat Iu itcu-willud gra.ndmother i~ delightful. 'l'ime). the way of rctul'H footbell bout of t.ho The cast includes the following mem- Many prominent speakers will be two colleges' cnu-hundred-aud-flfby- bera cf lhesenior elMs: MissH.itcl,eus, h~Hrd on the broadcast. 'fhe principal pOllnden, who j)erforlllcd Monday, No- i\£r. Weagly, :lIIr. Et7.ler, Miss Bush, nlldres9 of the evening will be delivcred vember 9, at Mount S~illt ]"lar),'s. Miss N,1\,.in11 Humphreys, 1111'. Amoss, u.'· Prcsident Roover. III addition, there Presentation of Flag Pole Miss Nelson,:lIliss:lol..Tohnson, Miss Ebs· "'ill be talks by Dr . .Tohn H. Finlcy, Dr. Following the charity perfonnonce, worth, Miss l'IIyoTs, :Miss M. L. Shipley, Robert L. Kclly, Dr. Charlcs R. Mllnn, Roy Chambers will pre80nt in tho lJaIDe Miss S!l(tdcr, Miss Bishop, Mr. Still- 311dPr!'sidcnt, A. Normnn Wnrd. of the eb8s of 19:!9, of which be is wagon, :lofiss T:Cephart aud 1\fiss Helm· Tlte nationlll directora WIIO lmve pl'csideul', the beautiful new fil1g-pole stettN. doargc of th~ Jll'ogr~m ure: Mrs. Cleve- which stands in front of Old Hall. Mr. Innd :E:. Dodge, Mr. Albert C. Fox, Dr. Roger.T. Whiteford, of the class of 1906, Kelly, Mr. Chllrles R. 'Manll, Presidrnt will dedieato the ilag whieh IIOW graces Coach R. C. Harlow Ward, und lIfr. AII;crt St. Peter, each of the staff. Presidcnt A. Normall W:l1'd whom is dire(;tly Ilonneeted with the will be present at tIle exercises for the Speaks Over Radio 1ll0YeIllcllt. offiei~1 aeccptance of these gifts. To Interpret Needs Reception With tho student body gathered in As the W c8ton~ M(!ryicmd Oollege A reception in the newl.\-' fnrnished Smith Hall "Dick" BrU'low gavo a 15- B-r.lIdin states: "This brolldcast is to in- McDaniel Hall lounge is designed to minuto informal talk on football over terpl'l:t the necds, the aims and the create a greater fellowship anlOUg all Station WC~\_O iu Baltimore, last Fri· ~ehie"cUlents of the American liberal those who are cOllllooted with or illter' (Ir..\'", N'H'ember 6 at 8.00 P. M., 0" the arts r_ollegt', to strengthen the appxucia- estcd iu the w('lfare of "\Vesteru Mary· program known ns Paul Menton's lion of the publie for tile contributions laud. Sports Int.erviews. the liberal arts eollege has and is mak· Of the class reunions boillg planned, Dick first discussed the footbnll qnes- ing to American civilization and to on- threo aJ'O (lefinitely orga.nized. The tiou in general, saying tlmt football list the cooperation of the l)eople in the classes of 1929 (Uld 1[130 will esblblish runs in eyeles of good and bad ycars. enlwneemcnt of thc scn'ice th~t colleges t.heir l'endqtHlrlers nt t.he College Inn. TI,is fact aJone contributes muell to the are" of Commander E .• 4.. Cobey, U. S. Navy, gamc, as i~ udds to the nlleertainty ~OtT~ STUDENT BODY EN MASSE PrcsidclltWard sces in thisiJroadcast will head his cluss ef 19D1 in its ro· the gamc mucL more interesting. 5000 School Children tIle culmination of his desire to have union cruise about the campus. Dame in ''Dick's'' opiniou is the ont- Parade Armistice Day the liberal arts movement beeome more NIlCdlcS6 t.o suy, opportuuities abound standing team, lIud probably the grea,,· TOLISTEN TO BROADCAST widel)' nnderstood and realized as one for tho eo-operation of the student body est team in the couutry, due to tlul ex' of the most neeessary of all collcge in extending a cordial welcome to the eellc.nt lemu work and individnnJ stnrs OF COLLEGE MOVEMENT Led b~' the massed flags of t.wenty ideah. alumni, pnnmts of students, and fricnds sueh os Schwartz, Lnbnls und othllrs. nntious, the peoplc of Canol! county, Loca.l institutions will b61lrll.sented to of Western Maryland. Howel'er the most interesting feULure on W('dnesda~' afternoon, paraded thc publie b? local programs which will Mr. '1'. K. Harrison, Executive Chair of Dick's talk was his disenssion of all be prescnted immediately l)cfof(~ or man of the Alllllllll Asso1.liatiell has mId.!· the teamS in Maryland. According to Program Will Be Received in The ~l~"etl:~h ~~~~~~~l~~te~;ll;i~~~~~~~n~~'lt~~l; ~fter the lmtiollal half·hour. Western ed annouucements of ths day's cvents to Dick, .Tohu's Hopkius is io b;l C~ll,,\Tatll' McDaniel Hall Lounge. signing of thc Annist.icc. Approximttte· Marylaud studcnts will meet iu i'lfcDan all alumni, assuring a good turn·ont. late': upon their team .1.S it was dcyel- l~' 5,000 school children from every tOWll ieJ lounge promptly :It 8.45. Co:lllege Ol)ed uniler ndl'erso conditions with little Ullder tloe Icadersllip of a group of (>r tho county marc1led, each gronp I'll." material. Loyola, is ono of the best scniors a program lias been planned ceded by a lJ~nd ,mil led I)y a group oi ~~~*lS '~i\li l~: ~~~~dai~~er wllicll the pro- LOCAL BROADCAST WILL teams in their the illstructions. and are Baltim("lre U, which will Mary1:tnd the College Btlldent to cooperatu of mothers, Ulany },fars. of whom huve mude Started By President A. N. Ward following State, bo(]y enable tlosely to s~criflcts Western inception hnd TAKE PLACE SUNDAY EVE. and SI. chss, .Tohn's bnt schedulcd galllcs out Down of with lite l'residont Arts College the UovemcIlt wellt Forming OR Green St,ract to- Main, parade tlnd erlll 'fI'O years when its Albert Norman sc\' broadcast Wnrd in Strcet, the ngo of their teams. gamc nro Liberal through Chnrch Wnrd, at Washington College, George Eknitia 011 SRI.urdny l)\'cning. tHence tllrOllgh the city to Hoffa Fiold .. College, presidcnt being of Western by Maryland aid after the inspired ll:ld done n good job this yenr bnt just Fault Mr(lrity and fmteruit.y on t.he l'he aS$elllblflJ!1,! WIlS then addreaaeu A second program in the interest of laeked the finnl polish 10 a well coordi· cnmpus h~s agree~ that its club· room wl,ich his nnll three llUudred othcr col· education in whie.h Dr. A. Norman n~ted tC1l1ll, wllile Mt. St 1Jnry'a h:!!l will be cJoseuduflng theporioll of tho ~:~~;1~1:1' ~.~. \~~t~~C~~{:~llfo?~~e;~~~~i~,t~ leges hnd reC('ivcd from thc General Ed- Ward will be a slJeakcr is to be broac1- bccll plnying in hurd luck, butw3s emu- flroat'!cast in order that tho. stndents Univ{·rsity. llllation Boa.rd, conceivcd a plan which cust Sunday, Novcmber 15, at ~even iug nlollg toward~ top fOl'ill. may !Ill take part in the exercisc. ..\ ~pelliaJ ceremony by t.he R. O. T. C. (Continued on Page 6, Col. 5) o'eloc.k :fr011l Station WRC. Othtr The studUllt body was uaiicntly list- 1'IIe ]lYogralll will begin promptly at uuit of Western Unryland College 101 spefLkcrs of note will b{) he~rd. This ening for "Diek's" opiniOIl of tho l:"i- S.45 in MeDanicl Hall lunllge. Prebably, lowrd the ~ddt·csses. 'l'he buttalioll IJroadcast. is especially in the interests vOlrsil.y of Maryltllld, and wa~ rewarded there will be M,'o «((lios a\'llilnble, so formed fer parado and $tood nt ''Parndc· ]1fdy""r, COMPREHENSIVES IN NEW of :.\fnryllllld, Delawll_re, Virginia aud when he said that Mnrylnnd was tho that t.he bcst possible receptiou lIlay be Rest" for one minute iu silent the. District of Colullll)iu. Dr. Apple of strongest team in tlto S'!lt'.l. Only bi'o procnred. A cl,ccr londer will diroot aftel' which t,q)llwere 1!01lll(lcd. Dnril1;':- Hood College will prcsi{le. Governor illdi1'idun!s were cOJllll1tmted lli'0n. eollege 9011gS tllltl el,eOlrs, which will not :l s,duteof twenty·one shots by It thirt:,,- FORM TO BE USED IN 1932 Ritchie of 1If.arylruJd, Dr. Wnrd, the sen'" millimcter gun tlJc corp5 nmlllincd Thcy preSIdent of West('rn Murylnnd College, ill:lr.ylnnd, werc as the "Roy" Poppleman, nutl of \)0 for nIl imlividua.1 Of team, but for at '·Prcsellt·_'\I'IllS." JUlnh:!\E~tcly afte,'· outstanding bnck, Dr. Lunins Clark, chanccllor of the St. the tile eollcge iu gellcrnl. the battalion passed ill review be In tho Sophomore Comprehensh'l'I Ex- American University, aud Dr. George B(lgg~ of nt. M~ry's as star Before !he hroaileast, one of the stu- fore its omcen. amination 5pring, a new system will linesman. Johnsoll of tho National Catholic ,Vel' dents will gi"e n sllort r~snm(J of the The R. O. T. C. band which h~ade(l he used. St~lldardi7.ed 'rests, prepured fare Socicty are to be t.he speakers. Dieck sllt'med quite at home before history (Jf the mO"ement and the part rh~ redcw, was also a part of the-eivil· by the Ameriean Couneil of Education Vocal sclections by tbQ Mllrylaud 001· t.he "mike" and hisfootballslanbwere thllt Prosillent 'Vard 1ms taken in :fos- \\:ilJ be gi"Cll the students, 10 holp them -~-- legc l!l~oir and the IIood CQllegc glee interesting to all listening in, j)ilt es· teriug nlld promoting this all.important ian pnradc. adeet their spoci31 field of further col- cI\1I) 'nll abo be _featnres of the pro- pecially so 1-0 the "peppy'_' gathering iu factor in the futnre of slll~ller Ameri- lege work, ana reorj!anizc their general grnm. The choir un(]er the direction of Smith Hall. t:lll eollrges. Presidcnt Wnrd was the ability. }.fiss Ruth .Tone!!; will sing Gloria ill origillllt.or of tile 1ll0VCllll!1ltaud ba~ boon CURTIS INSTITUTE STUD- In thc past years the cxamiuations. Excelsis of tlJe Twelfth Mass by 1\(0- PRESIDENT AND MRS. WARD its lendcr forsevel' under OlallY ENTS GIVE RECITAL gh'c" in MarcIl, wore drawn np by tlIc Zlll't. The Hood glce elub will ronder ad,-er~() cOllilitions. Finally, at nine fatuity of ',"estern .l\I~rylnnd,under the program will lighter songs. -~-- ENTERTAIN AT TEA o'clock last tho until ninc·thirty. be tuned in. A l'~~itl1l by the urtist·studcuts of the sUI1ervision of Dean lsanoglc, of the It will of tests The prCf!cnted FATHER OF PROF. HELEN President. and :lIfrs. A. N. "\Vard enter· Curtis Alumni Institnte Hall of 1\[usic was evening, No- DCllartment the yoors, Education. Freshman phasos and of work cov('fcd tho in on }"'riday special ~oJlhomore with Those ATWOOD SUCCUMBS tain('(l eritie fHeulty na'moers of the college The Hopkins Game v('mh(lr Ii. K,-jnsk~r, pianist; Walter werc den ling wit,h general fnc.h the student porticipatillg teaclters of Westmillster Va$' and High Yn)nul.' School at tea ill tlIcir I'ome, Monday S'H, bnritoue Irene Sil)gl.'r, soprano, nnd shoul{1 know. Mr. A. O. Atwood, fntller of Prof. aft.crnoon, November 9, from 4 to 6 Although !lot a home game, and JOliCph Hnbauoff, accompanist. 'The lIew cx~minatjon~ will be II st-and· Hclen Atwood, instruct!)r of Frcndl at o'clock. The tea was held in 11Onor of thcr~fon' not inelndsd ill thu foot- For the pnst few .yeRrs, Western ardized Test Service of the American Westcrn Maryland Collegc, dicd cnrl.l nell' faculty members, their wives and bnll gamcs to wlliell Western Mury· i\1ar."\(llld College lms been spousoring Course of Education. Each college will Tucsday morning, Novl!mhl.'r 10, at hi~ tlw brides of old fac.ult.y members. fh~$e Itnllllni recitals, and they are re- U(' notificd of its standing with other home, 2809 St. PUlll St., Bnltimore, 1\[0.. Thc house was deeQrated with grcat lanrl ~tudellts were originally sche(l- g"n;h>d br lllnn~' as one of the most en· colleges taking tltC tests, also cnch stu' :Mr. Atwood's (leath was caused b~' a llouquets of nstt'rs and the color S~IIClllC uled 1.0 Ill! admitted free, the grid- .Jo~·,!lJl(> functions prcaeuled on the Hill. d,'lIt will be informed of Ilia individnal heart att/ICk, the S(!(lond thnt he had ~uf- W(~ir~n ij~l~e~t~~. ';~t!lrJh~.::~1 a~~~:fe~ i~1 il·(tll tlnsh with ,TollllS lI(tpkinsUni. Th~ ("1MI' nft('ntion and vigorous ap· standing in Ili~ particular school. West- fered within 11 period of scveral dalS, Miss l'ersit~· will be gratis fer all stu· plnnse whieh greetcd .Pridn), night's per- crn _lI,f~lTylan(l at prcsent is the only Rllving held thc position of eity sur tIle reeciving line by Ward and rormllnec, helps confirm the opinion that college in the St~te gh'ing tlle~e tests, veyor in Baltimore for some years, a the guests of honor. \frs. F. lof. Stever donts un "the-Hill." Men will re- thc stmll'nt body nppredates tho really but oUlcr eollegcs a1'e cxpectcd to join m~n ar.tive in politicnl (lnd church cir- aud 1\liss Lense pourcd. ct:-ive their tickcts at Hie gate of flue lIlu~ie fhut the Cllrfj~ Tllstitute prc- intilcfutnre. clcs, lIlr. Atwood was very prominent Homewood Pield. Admission cnrils sents. As a further euliglitonnmellt upon tile in the eity. He was a leading layman MID_SEMESTER GRADES for womcn will be distributed by snbjcct, Dr. Bell. D. "\Voo11, Ph. D., as- of the Annual Conference of the Mcth· SOON OUT iheirDe:all. JUNIORS WILL EDIT NEXT sociate prOfessor of E,'ducfltionnl rc- odist Protestant Ohurch. He was a ISSUE search ~t. Columbia, will speak here on graduate of Girard College, Ilnd ha5 13y slJecill1 request, the Western December 4, to the WeBtern Marylanil travelled extensively. The first. grsdes of the enrrent eoJlege Marylllnd baud wlll bB ou h~nd for fnculty with the fnculty of otl,or State On helmlf of tho facuny and student year will be gil'en out on Monday, No· The neAt issue. of tlle GOLD BOG will colleges being invited to attend. Dr. body of Wcstern Maryland College, vember 23. This is in keeping with the thcgametolendcolorbcforcthe be in charge of .Tunior Editors M. S. Wood's subjed will be "The Cooperative The G-old Bug e;xtends deepest sympa· didsion of tbe scholastic term into four contcst and between the halfs. Strow, C. R. Herbst, W. G. PyJes and Test Service of the Amcrican C-ouncil thy to Prof. Atwood. quarters.of eight weeks eanll. ",T. H. Murray. of Education."
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