Page 22 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE FOlTR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ,-------------------------, I INTERCOLLEGIATE PRESS "SUPERIORITY COMPLEX" CHAPEL SERMON THEME (!J.lnnnrn. (!J.lubn. null ~nttdtrn I RELEASE. Alumni News (Continued from Page 1---001, 5) I r:l~L~; ~'l~~~-~;:fl/O~\~~~ SZI~~ore:I~~:! I ---,- __J frClIhmCllln a report Issued this past man is ajwaya better than the non-eel- Jo1m WOOdell,'27, is 11011' Prineipal lege man, We should "Judge not that PHILO be not judged." 'iVil should see the IRVING-WEBSTER ut '1'alleytO\\'n High Behool. Upon grad- we ~~~nl~;~:A~i~II~~~!1I;~~n~fl~e~:h~~~~tion Ail'Y man.I' faulta In OUI'own uvee, before-we .t\t u joint business meeti~g of Irving The weekly meeting of the Philomn- Aeeordjug 10 the report, based on nation he hegun teuehiug nt lilt. ad- tr~' to (',orrect the auort-eomtnge in otli· lligh Sehool and wllilo there. wna and Webster lite-rary eceieties, held cu the-au Literary Society was hcld on tcst« ginm mer-a 111>111 10,000 college vuneed to v'ice-Preaideut. His rise to (lr peopte'a jives. )rondn~', November 2, ceeb society ·Monday night, No\·cmbcr:? Duo t.o students ill Peunaylvanin eonegcs and the prinelpnlahip to one Of the newer Tile feeling of American snporlority unanimously voted to unite ",101 the President \\"ard's objeeflou to abollsh- universities, tile "ravages of forget- style Higlo schools in "fOlll'yeurs, is one haa led us to disdain other races and other in forming a joint society, ear ry- iug the present literary societies and ting" caused tile senior to lose, even of the most remarkable feats ill Btnte nat.ions. Yet some of our best citizens, ing on th(l heat prinelples of these two forming fill entirely new one, it was de- hefore gt'l1iug" his sheepskin, muef of Educnflona l circles, such u Edward Bok, were formerly roe- soe iet ies. A nlOlioll was tllIo!) passed dill'd that tho societies reruuin in tlleir the knowlodgc he had acquired during elgnei-s. Ae we fail to sense rhat f"onl HO\\" on rhe two societies pl"est'ut form, meet.lng alternate weeki; four years fit scl]ool. Mercia Ram!')", ':37, diad of llenrt the fcelings of others, "'Vaonly see the should bo united; tho formal uamo to ill tlle l>hilo rOOIll. "The schoo] (llid eollcga curriculum," trouble on SUl1d~y, Octobcr 25, at Up· justnllSs of our own eauscs. As nations l]e (1ecidNl qu liller, TI,e first step in Offie<;'nfor the sClllc8ter were elected tl]t' rcport nddl'd, "eOllsists of litHe else p(!r Palls, ~rd. She had bean teaching 11"0 fnil to r('cognize H'e rights of other orgHnizing" the joint society WlIS n mo· ns follows: j\Iarr Humphreys, pr('si- but isolatrd l'ack:tges of sJlccific idens, at Jarrettsdllc rugll SehooL nat.ions. lion W1Ull"cbytwo men from ellch of the dent~ Sarah l~obinsol1, dce-president; s(\gtegatr.d for tl.e time being in self- Miss MJ'rtle Lankford, '23, and Mr. ln order to rC111cdythescconditions tontnine:eour great hcritage as " "on~titution and preseut to tIle next _ ter, Fr:l1lccs Neale, was born to Mr. oue of opeullliudedness and love .for the II'hiell iuformation '''I'llI' rnw lllerting of the joint soricty whieh will H E CLUB ~our~!:s had l)rc~ented nud whieh, with and .llrs. F. Wright Wills, Sr, The trut1!. be held in lrVillg linn on Moni'la.y, No . . proper tnmtmcnt, nught huve contrib· 11I'ideI)('forl' hrL' marringe WnSAnne E, yelllb~r 16, 1931. l'he UOlHeEC~llOmie\!Olub met in its uted to u fine hody of iutelleetllal Swann, "28. dub rooUl Tlml"sday afternoon, Oetober e<]llipmcllt II'as dUlllIled outright at t1m On Septcmber 5 :Mr. John Dallas "John" Everhart ~8. MiSiJ Oelc.'Ite Beuson gave uu in· elOsa of lht' sucee~s.iye terms, and whan Johnson, '26, (111,11I.lis~ Cnthcrine Lee J. G. 0. lro(lucto,.v t~lk on tllo aims "nd proj· the sludent ~l1ll1eout of eollego his of· 'Thornton were n;nrne'l at SpeeuL1tor, THE COLLEGE BARBER ects of t h' Juue 'J'wigg wus elect- rectil'c kllowleilgo amounted to little N. Y. '.rhe eercmony WHBperformed by A hridgl' t('1l wAs given Saturdoy af· ed fl"l'shmUll re-prcsent:.]ti"e ou t.ha pro- more tlJlln when :IS (!. fl'cs.hmaJl ho en· AND BOBBER tcrl)OOu, Oetobt'f 24, in l.fcDaniel Hall gram COlllmittee. :Miss },fnrgnret Fou- tered lhc institution!' the R",'. Frank GrippiIl. '26. The couple AT THE FORKS October 1, at Parlol" by the incoming- J. G, 0, mem· taille gn:,,:ean nCCOl.llltof !Hlr trip to lI"ill be at home nftcr 83 Grouch, '13, died ~ bers in honor of tho old mcmbers. the mN'tmg" of the Al1lcrlean Home GaIl.dhi'B Philosophy Snlisbul'Y street, R.oehnster, N. y, ...... },[ony of the presont J. G. Co's nt- ECIlHQlllieaA~30eiation nt Detroit, June Siu!la.J.ntlia-'l'heioncomw;)udmcnts Mrs. Jessie L:lmbeth tendrd fiB we!! as n Humber of nlumui ~~·::!7. The discussion of the nehieve which lie snys Il~'\'('guided his own eon· (It Iler home, 5::'1 Old Oreharcl Roard, memb('n. 'l'lICB(' included tha "Misses UH:ut$ of th" l"ariou~ st~tcs pro,'o(l lI"enl j!il'GlJ»H .follows by Mahutma Ten llijl~, Baltimore, Cll Thnrsday, Oe· .1~ell~'·, Catherine Cockburn, liunuah quite interesting, Rl'freshments of cidcr duct tob(lr J5tll, 1!!3]. She was thc cluug1Jter GalHJhi: ~laee, 1\:11111t.l"l1Grumbine, nnd Eli1.S-- auu gingor snllp~ WHe sen'Nl. of the lat()-ThomM K. SImII', who for· ~ lwth )Iilcllcll. Truth; AhilUsa, which nmy bll trlJn~' merly eOlHllldC(l Shaw's drng store in Tile afternoon II"1\S spent iu playing lai"uil into EuglisllllsloH; Brahmucha- \Vcst!lJill~ter. MON. TUES. NOV. 9_10 bridgo and dUJJ('il!g. D~li(liollS rll£r1!ijh· PHI ALPHA MU 1".1"11, wllich mny he inudequntely ex· "MERELY MARY ANN" "l<'nt:l eOllsis!iug of teu, sundwiehes, 1I.[U Cllt('rtaincd sel'crnl pl'ess.c(l as chastity; Rl'strnint of tl,,~ :Miss Alilm C. Freeny, '28, dauglltor wilh eakes, 11t'fll1llts 111ld mints were arrv('d Phi thc IHllate,whicll lie elr.botaiesas eat- of ~lrs. At. Alien Freen;v and Lfiwren~e CHARLES FARRELL and hy the bost(lSscs. guests lligl.t, October 23rd, i1\ iug 1'01' t'l]e mtre su~temluce of the Precn.I' Of t.lle class Of '96, wus married Bnlt:imore a dinner and tbearra bod)', IJbstaining from intoxicating at Chester, l'n" tll August 3rd, to Mr. JANET GAYNOR [lHrtr· {lrillks ~Hd d'ru~s sneh 11S opium aml to- LeRor W. Gillis of Mardol1a Sprillgs. Note: Bring the whole family, The ~lub is happy to flnllOUlH:Othat FRENOHOLUB .Miss A,lilie Bell Robb has aceepted the bacco; .\l)siHilling- fro!1l the possession Mr. Culvin S, ""Vnrnor, '30, WIlS mnr- They will nil enjoy it The reg-ulnf hi·monlhly meeting of sponsorship of the club, of things fer th(,lTls~h'es; Adherence to I"i"a in Cumberlaml en Odober 10th to WED. THURS. NOV_ 11_12 olle'S bro:Jd JUust be li.fc'~ Inw that aud Margarct ;,\fiss()s Celeste Benson til(! F.i-cm·h clnl> ,,·us !toM on Tue-sday, Brb elltertaill('{l the club in.form311y c;]l"l1<'dby the s\\"o;nt of ene's brow; l\Ii8H Snr:lh na~'rs,Wl10is {llllployed ill "GUILTY HANDS" tho office of the Coonty Henltlt Offieor with Noycmbcr 3 in Ilw Y. \\', C. A. room. }'ridn~' nfteruoon, Oetober 30111, SlI'ndl,slli, the belier lhut man's l)ri- at OaIIL'lnd. LIONEL BARR,(MORE and '1'1'0 program wa,; in rha"go of },[ary duty is to sen'O his Iwighber; Be- lLumphr(\pl an(l )In ..icl TIishop. Physi· tho oitnaJity of all lllankind; Bo Mr. ,J.1lnesBillmycr, '17, nJU\lde wife KAY F·RANCIS eul ex{'reis1'S wc>regh'ell uuder lho di· BLAOK AND WHITE OIl! Cltnnlity of nil the great nre now illll6trlltiug for the "Good H's a wonderful show-it 1mB l'ertir'll of ~rario TUlllle-r.:Mary Humph- H.ousekeeping" magazine. cI'erything-Come aud see. r('~'"rcad somo French jokes, Then a '.rhe first pUblieation of ''In Black of tilc world; F~Ill'iessness. gU)lLe \\as played. 'l'JliHwas followed by nnd White," tho A.lulllll.iChapter's bul· The fint child of Preston Grace, '26, FRL SAT. NOV. 13·14 thc s'nging of French sougs. }.[iss Bish· tHin, appeared tIllS week. Tentati"c nud wifc was christened at Baker Chap "PARDON US" U]) nud Afr. 'J'ueke:rlUnn IJreS()uted a alulHni headquurters IJ1Ive been estub SIHll't play, ".Lc Distraction." The liahell at~,l E. 1.11. Vernon Place, meding ndjonrned with tlJc singing of WilsOll H, Murray was elected t(l rep· '_I_ill_"_"I_Y.__ II L~~!;~~~~~t~~!~y-r Le jI,L'lrseiHais('. resent tile Black :UI(] White Club on the I IlItr:l-?lfllral Athletic Board. NOVEMBER 16-17 "SMILING LIEUTENANT" DELTA SrG:MA KAPPA W.W. Delta Sig"~"L Kltppn entertained at S~~C~~;:~~~S I I -;::::::.:~~~~:::: tea Thtll'san)", Ootoher ~9th, in honor of The W. W. Club lia(l nn informnl din nr. George S. Wills II1ld l\ti$s 1>Ierillct nel" for its memb('rs 'fhursdny, October ~ NEW HATS DEMAND A ·Wills. :!9tl" Men's Soles and Heels $1.50, Ladies' Soles and Heels $1.25 ~ ~~~N::~~::: tty" ROOM IS HAUNT FOR PROF_ BRUMBAUGH IS AU Rubber Heels .40 SPOOKS AND WITCHES LEADER AT CONFERENCE Ladies' Leathel"Heels .25 .. , Permanent RE-WAVE For tIlt' IItiliowe'en party last Satur· No extra charge for rips. day llight the "Y" rooUl WilS trans- (CoHtinued frOlll Page 1, Col. 1) ~.~.will give c::ru f~;St~ethe right formed into a vcri!':lblc hauut for Work called for and delivered ~pOOli8aud witehcB, wllile the staid :Me- that thc te:'LelJingsof Jesus, thnt one ~ DIANE COIFFURE Dallid TIIll] Lounge assnmed a·c should love his ('llemies ana cooperate All Work Guaranteed H~p~ct. I\ith them, Imd been pnsllcd asiile for ~ to wear with the "tilted" hats. Dean j.'unl1ie 'May Stover and thB principles fonnded on hate awl COlnpe· Phone 358-W Stud('nt Goverllll)().ntas ,,'ell ns the CODI- tition. Thongh not in so n10ny words, mittees in c1l11rgewer;:! responsible for tile world IH's enlle(l ,rcsus n fooll This ~ Rewaves are variously priced. making- tho eV('lJing-so cnjoyable. is n. a~'n:lmie world, over eJmnging; tile Appropriate atmosphare' wns provid· old order of thingB is falling; the tbings ]. D. KATZ, Prop. , ~ May we quote you? {'Il t,y the black anil (}f(mge<:repepaTJN for \\"hich nations huye nlways stood d(t'ol'nli()ns und tile (lorn stalks wldc!! arc ]l"foving fHIsc gods. Thcre must be Come in, or call 395 were to I!C fouud bl the lllore secludeU SOUleneW solution, S0l110 new order of % WCl:it Main Street st'eti(>l1 of the rOOI.11.Ghosts, pUlupkins, Lhillgs wl,leh will <:lomeout of the nni- WESTMINSTER, MD. ~ ('haos of todny. rerwl Much is being IltlIt\'rIl~, '"ld the elabomte as well as 1'L!]lli~1!1('ostulDes,furnished tile Hallow- don" ill experilllental lines, for instance, Unexcelled Cleaning and e'en spirit, Clowlls, senoritas, pirates, Rusi!ia's Soviet go\'crnment, and the c(l- Pressing ~ LO~!YE,~~'?ntL~~OP and tll(' "dnmes of '76" whirled around lIenUonal schem~ of Swarthmore, in tile 1l,1I1cin_g:;the musie was. Antioch ana Ploor\lehiH, ,f ]lffnidNl hy two of the stndcnts. For Hood Collt'ge-girls employed 1l.11 tTmir I.ADIES' AND GENT'S ~ WESTMINSTER, MD. Ilw~1>who e\)oao the mora restful prls' f(leulti('8 for h(lSIlitality ill eutertaining WEARING APPAREL 01'= times thorc ,,·ere to be found in the tlwir gucstR. '1'heir (lramntic clnb pre- CnlJ ][cilanit'J IT:!]I Lounge illtercstetl ~('utca Oil Baturd;])" nigh!., three plays GUIDER groups plnying Cards or just clm.tting. wlliJO!l\\"erQenjoyed 11y everyone. The and ].Jater in the evening u gra.nd lllarch coHegt's, thero representl'd, aro looking Cleaners or see Dyers was llehl in th(l Lounge to lIelect the forwaril to nnother such inspiratio!)ol "Bill" Wright w,'an'r of the nLO~t origilllll costume. (.ud ~timulating couferenee in the fu- 'l'hc judgclI, j\lisses Lease, lsanoglc and ture. CHlUpUS Representntil""e Rhriner. nnd )ulI. Stover, :~ftcr dlle COll- Phonc 304-W Westminster, lIJd. s:dt!ratiou and C(,)IItiuIW(lreviewing of tIL" ~ludcllts' eostumclI cho~ Pirate MII,t'riuc Timmons :l81he winner. To .1]t'r ,,('ut a,ITa!1owe'cll hox of cnndY:ll'l a priz(l}]tl'sent('d by Delln Stove-r. R,'(rfJshll1\'nts are ahn!.y~ neeess.u;v eh'JU('ntR te the suecess oJ' nay party, amI thl' llUT1Chand Inl"gcgingcr cookies If ! ! ArmUy t'nlmneed the last moments of fun. };nta Rohin~on, in clmr,ge of lhc en· lin' ("'elling'lI I'>nh·rtuinmont.,had UBher You want a high-dass job of "o'l\""rkt'r~: Feminine ... ISthis Dt'{'orations: 'I'. Hnmbsch, elmirlllan; new£ M. 1\1ill,;, M. Willis, tl)]{1M. E. Selll!.t. HrWgc; ,J. Wjue, chnirman; A. U. Laundering and hils II jewded move_ R\lHB('ll,:md E. llumphreys, mentllnd II si!k cord. Rrfrcsllmcuts: :!If. Fontaine, ehair- mUll; "1f. Ho.r",e.,·,rtnd C. Sprrtgue. Dry Cleaning ~ ~ .Ut!·r col1('~ting about 1,000 smaU ~ at conservative prices---see ~ t.u~~,"l1reilllly illd~xin.:; them nnd p1Jl4' ~ i Also many other ing th~m in tl suit (lHSO011a six weeks Elgins with ribbon, tou]", Prof. Johu S, Donay, cntolllologist Anything j E. N. HASSEL, Agent i at the University of Illinois l,ad thel'n mesh or flexible stolen from llis :'Iuto, J1arked on 11. Chi- from a pill bllndattachmenfs. ca.go street, to a Telegram ~ Empire Laundry Co. ~ Meet me at * Columbia Jewelry CO. A !!ydney spreialist hu predieted * * * that l)Ccanse of the !l.mount of time Mackenzie's Pharmacy ~ ~ WESTMINSTER, MD, Australians spend in their Burfe, the na ; * tion is due to be~~~~~rker race.:.__ '*************"*,*":·**iC·iC·.;(·'!F**:*
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