Page 21 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE BOSTON COLLEGE GAME \SPORTS \ \SPORTS \ Baltimore Stadium Saturday 2.30 P. M. Green Terrors are Held to a 7·7 BOOTERS BEAT F. & M.; BOSTON COLLEGE GAME SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED Tie by the Fast Rushing Attack LOSE TO U. OF PENN. WILL BE CRUCIAL TEST FOR HOCKEYTOURNAMENT of Loyola College Greyhounds Displa)"ing an unbeatable brand of When the Green Terrors sally forth in The schedule fo rthe Women'", 1931 ball, the weetorn Murylund Soccer Team the Baltimore Stadium ill an attempt to Inter-elass Hockey Tournamll.ut has been scoredn 2·1 vietory over its olilri,al, gain a victory over Boston Dcllegc on marie and the four elaas managers ne-e Franklin and hlarshnIl College, }'riday, November 7, they will face probably one been chosen within the past week. The Showing (I, r.uahing Attack far surpass in midfield nnd uncorked a pass that on the old nthletie fleld. of the most crucial tests of this season. mnuagera ure as follows: Elinor Ebaugh, iug anything that tbMr most ardent sup- placed the plgakin on the Terrors fifteen Captain ":Mike" Heruick led his eo The Eagles, piloted by Cllptain John Beutor ; June Cooling, Junior; Elinor porters ever dreamed of, the hnrd-Ilght- yard marker. However, the Loyola team horts in a successful march of battle Kelly, 176-pound fullbnek, have played Lines, Sophomore, and Jane Rntt, lUg gridlrou ]lcdOTmcrs of I,oyola Gol had been orr-aide on the play and the ball ng:linst the "North" lads, who finally iuumnparablc football so far this yeat, Freshman. The four managers and the lege am.nzed Western Maryland pigskin was brought back. were forced to yield to the fighting 'I'er- having not as y~t snffered n defeat. two physical education teachers have been fans by rising to unforseen heights .to The Terrors' score came in tile aeeond rorsiu lhe wee uuiuutea of tba ennteat, Western :l.tar.\"i:md,onthe other hand, obsen'ing the squads at practice, so that "ietorious in but oue of five definite lISsignment to position and team battle the Green Terrors to a stand-etill. quarter. An intercepted pass by Doughty Bob Elder, center forward of the lilll has beef! mfl)' be made by the end of the week tilts. The score, 'i-i, gives a fairly ru!eurate started the proceedings from the Bnlf.i l'le\'cn, booted both counters past Am· }'ul·thermOl'e, the Eagles swooped Beginning n~xt week the intra·millal irlea of the sort of battle the two teams morcaus ' tbutJ·~ix·yard stripe. At this herst, Prnukliu and Marshall's goalie. will put on. Westen! Mtu-ylaud had been point the Terrors' running nttnek Franklin and Marshall later had a ehanee down upon a by no menus weak George- games will commence and u.e co-eds made the uverwuehniug fnYoritc, (al- showed to good ndvantnge, and the score to evell thc eOUlltwhen it reeeived a free town elel-en, pla)"ml havoc with the Hill· be fighting for their class honor either though there was upon whieh to was made WhCllI{oppe plunged ovcr from kick for goal. .At this point, "Doe" tOPIJers' kieker, bllttererl their line to onlhefieldorside·liue. shreds, and triunlphnntly At the first W. A.. A. meeting of the mar~hed off bnse this couclusion), amI the Evergreen the tllrC\\\:?nl) of the greatest upsets and .l1lost off.side penalty r~ndered void a fifty· "Diek" linrtiu, halfhack, displayed an stroyed this s.~me Georgetowu team de of bers. Nine Freshmen girls, who had winning points ihrough gotteu their admittance streak II Terror S~~~:~;l C~~rt:~ts;!~g:i~~eo~,il~er~~~,~u;~:d 1 ~l~~:~-~~,r~;;:,i1:ilet~e~~it:y~~~~~tgrt:~\~~{: ex<:elIent g/Jme of soccer, cnusing the twenty·sel'en C01l8ecutiYe"ictories hy the hiking were taking iuto tho Asaoeiation. defeated the Tenors III ]928 had any gainer. adwlHeing Quakers ptenty of trouble at none too close score of 25·7. Also, tlle The first members from the elnss of '35 all time.s. Spiker afforded line tile are 11. Brown, F. Elderdiee, L. Bork, Engles beat CMholic Unil'ersit~·, wh.ieh plenty of support, forcing the "pigskin" beat Duquesne. The Terrors could onl.Y G. KrrJtzel, J. Rn!!., H. Whitmore, C. ~,:~:oJ~:mrr:~;l~~y.~~ll~'t~n~ll~n~~)~I~:eto:r in~:IOP~~~~~~~Bhl~~:~:~~r~ i7n~:~~~~~~~ past tho bnr.ks many tim\'S f.or seoring tie Duqueane. On papll.r at least Boston Spraguc, D. Wnehter, ana H. Jones. thongh e:KPl'rlOnelngone of Its. best years, after t.hey lmd kicked off to Lo'ola opportunities. Coll('gu seems 'to hare the nd'lIlltage. Pep t:,)ks were gh'en by members of ~;;:~.~~~ :'~~r!1tow~fl ~l~iel.og,cal foe to ~~I~~~;:I~~eIfne:Uit:r~~~,-~~=egr~~nt.l:I:(;r~~fi Lose to Peml However, foothall gomea are not played the Board nlld the Hikiug Rules lI'ere ex on p:lper, and nnythhlg "wy hllppen in plaineil by Dorothy Timmons. The Illujority of t.he fans who lw.d an line, howe,'er, flnd took the hall Holding t.hl)cr:,ek Univc.rsity of Penn S~ltllrda~"s gumc. The inter·elass hockey schedule is as idM of wllat to expect of !lIe Loyola when a llass was intercepted by Hurley g~'1\'3ni3 Soccer Elel'en to two goals iu Two regulars were ndded to the injur follo\\'.~, offense were grcutly surpri~ed, when, in· on the firc-yard mark. The "\Vestminster the first hnlf at Philadelphia, Snturd.~y, :l.fondar, November 9- sternl of a multitude of forwards t],rown elan kicked ou~ of itllmedinte danger. the Western Maryland CoJlege Soccer· cd list of the, Eagles before !llis gnme Soph. B ya. Fresh. B at S :30 P. lIf. wilh tl](~ Hilltoppera. ClIller}", 180 by their qUnrt,cr'back, Lflrry Dellaire, The el"entful fourth qunrter opened 'ite~ were finnlly forced to give in to a. pound rigl!t hnlf bll(:k, ruptured a blood JUllior B '·S. Fresh. C at 4 :15 1'. M. a passer of nlre ability, the Jesuits with Western Maryland hanging tell-- much stronger, tutorod clan by n final vessel, lind was repln.eN] by Mahoney, 'ruesduy, November 10--- switched to a ground attack which WitS aeiously to its 81im margiu, and with seoreof!l-O. while l~c.',.uolds,~OO-I)l)[llnlt!l(:kle, replac· Fresh A '·s. .Tunior A "t 3:30 P. M. sueeeasfnlly eX('lOuted. .AlLhough eross- Loyola gathering nil its resources for Due Leitell, halfbu",k, was responsible for ed Bennett, who b'jured hi.~ nnklc. If Wcrincsda.r, NO"ember 11- iug up t.he dopesters in ~hallging their final thrust at tIll) Green and Gold the low score during the first half wIlen these two arl) back in t.he line·up before Junior B "8. Fr~sh. C o.t 3,30 P. M. plaa of attack, tl'e Comerford eon(';hcd st.ronghold. The Jesuits were in pos he held Zoigl('r, All·American Enrl score· Sl1turdnr's game (Joe MeKenuy, Boston 'l'hursday,No\'embll.rlZ- eleven dill not disdain to try their v>\unt· session of the all-important pigskin in Il'Ss. Later, however, the strong efforts College oOI1(:h,sn)"s ther will tw) Western Selllor A \·S. Soph. A. at 3.30 P. l-f. cd aeti.11 game. Twelve pnsscs were midfield. The Green and Grll.1"could not of tllePenn cl,ln outwitted und outli!sted l\hr)"lund's task will be enon greater. 110!H]a},November 16--- tossed during the c()nlest by the Loyola urh-unce, and 011 an exehange of punts thelllueh wenker Western }.[aryiand out Ne\'c!'thcless, the tussle promises to be Junior B rs. Soph. B.!lt 3,30 P. M. team, ond of this dozen, fh-e found their Curlin gnthercd the ball to his brells.l and fit when they ran wild in the third quur· a bowli,,);:"nfl'air, since the Green Ter- ~'rcsh. B ,·S. Fresh. Cat 4 ;15"P. M. intended mUl·ks. However, it \\"os not made the first of hi~ disastrous excursions tcr. !'ors will be ont to make up for their dis· TUEsdny, J\"o,'elnber 17- pallSing whicll led to the touuhdown seor into the Westeru Maryland '9 territory. appointment in lhe 7-7J.loyola tic. Preak A v~. Senior A at 3 :30 P. M. Tho fourth quarter proved a bit, more cd by the Evergreenitesj it was the re· He dodgfd through the entire 'renor c.onlluendublQfor Westen! Maryland Col· Wednes(la)", Noyember 18- markable returniug of punts by QarHn, eleven from hia owu forty·yard line, and lege when it limited the "City Tocmen" ,lunjor B .-s. Fresh. B at 3 ;30 P. M. speedy Loyolo half-back. Thh deceptive was ol,ly overtaken by Dnnn on the Har- Soph. n \'s_ Freah. C at 4,1)J P. M. runner twice reeeived kicks in Loyola lowmen '5 len·yard stripe. A stp.lJborn to 1\ loue goal. Western ~lurylaull had ANNOUNCEMENT Thursday, November 19- territory and whirled through tl,e Terrors Western Marylond defeuse prevented a a number of excellent opportunities to JlluiOr A ,'s. Soph. A at 3:30 P. M. score during this periQd, all of which until he wus near the "\Vestern Maryland score tlli~ time, howeyer, nnd the Green were uusueceSllful. Cnpt3in "1\fike" No. I, lower tennis court, is to be de· Friday,NO"ember 20- era' goal line, wh~e on both occasions nIld Gold kieked ont. into midfield. The Rerniek booted for a goal itl the fourth voted hereafter hetween one lind four· Soph. A vs. Fresh. A at S :30 P. M. he was pulled down from the rear wilh a Jesuits had the Terrors fightillg with canto, but was eheckc(j hy lInrrfl)", Penn thirty P. M. to the exelush'e 1I8eof last Saturday, November 21- clear field aht'lHl. their ball.ks against the wall and applied year's Y~r8it:r teunis tCllm. Senior A vs. Junior A at 12;30 :r'he Terrors, altllough being_ ablo to more pressure by punting out of bounds All-Am('rieau goalie. Most of \Vestern gam ground themsel,es ,ia their running on the Westminster ele>en's five-yard i\1arylands' efforts were retired success- fully l)y the l'ullba~k~ who pro"~d to bl! attack, were nble tn ijhol'c over only one line. Here Carlin stepped ill ll!ld broughl: "on the ban." BABY TERRORS WIN FROM 150 LB. FOOTBALL pointer. 'rhe;r attack lacked consistency, ili8aster t? the hopes of Western Mary "Spike" Spiker and "Dick" Martin TEAM IS ORGANIZED hardl.\" a!l~' effort wos made to use for- land p:lrhsans by twisting llis way to played sterling ball for the Hilltoppcrs BELLEFONTE FIRST TIME ward passes. tho Tl'rrors' four·yard marker with As a step townrds one hundred per Both leams had chances to seore in tha Doughty's. punt. From this position the cleapite the ilefeat. Spiker guve mauy He\'er~ing a last year's 7-0 defeat, the in athletics, Head first period, because of pennlty and an EI'''rgreellltes scored on !lleir fourth ~\~~i~~e~l~D~~~~~e!o!~;a:~I~;ef!~ ~II~~l~~~~ Freshmall Terrors COnsistently bewilder cent ]lllrticipation Hnrlow llas organized a. Coach "Dick" intercepted :forward pass- the first to down and were sueeessful in tueir con- ,,-ard maehinc almost :,t will. ed and outplayed a, strong Bellefonte 150·pound football team. A_bout fifteen tue benefit of the Terrors ancl the second \"!.'Tsion. There was time for the kiek·off eJe,'en last Saturday, Oet'ober 31, at the cnndidates l111vebeen working out with l'ngineered by the Jesuits-no scores only, and here the eo-ntest c,ndeil. Academ~"9 home grounds. !lIe varsity and freshman sqnads nnder were forthcoming. Thl' Terror organization took n flying Coaches Harlow, Sta1lley and H:l.\"ens, '['he fracas starteil by Loyola kicking INTERCEPTED LETTERS start, its initial Jlrive taking it to the al,d have come along rapidly. The first all to the "\Vestminste.r team, who re- enemy's twcnly yard lille. Rere lUI at· game wiI! be played on Monday, Novelli turned the ball to- its t,wClnty-lh·e·yard Western )laryland College, tempted kick by Shetiherd, frosh full· ber 9, WIth the HiO-pound tenm of lift. marker. The Terrors SilCmedto bo lh'ing "\Vestminster, :Md. ba~k, f~;I('il, nnd Bellefonte gained pos· St.. )lary's, fit EmmilslJurg. More can- up to pm'gum(.' expectaJions when Septemher 23, 1931 session of tho ball for the lint time. didates ure expeded to rellOrt this week DougMy d~shed around end for thirty- 'The Sports Editor, Howevor, the Green and Gold line held 10 sirengthel, T.lleteam. five yards on third down, but the Ever- THE GOLD DUG, with stone wall solidity, lUuch to the dis· greeu eleven put up a strong defonse D~ar Sir, adl'antllgoof the Bellefonte eleven, which ~****-l(.***.)!-***************i!' at this point and took the oval on Uleir Please give the ping pong team fOUlld tI,e ball Ilti]] in its terri.tory lit ~ : own·eighteen·yard stripe when the Green a litlle publicity this year. We feel the cnd of the period. whiell ~Join.... ......... team waa forced to pnnt. The Terrors, 'flle only formidable t.hrent t showing no liue weakness, forced the !i:~~l1:~~~lybr~~~~leC~~dsPf;t/1"::l~:::~ Bellefonte lna(le ClIllle nen.r tIle end of DiaplaJ'ing a (leeep· the se!lOllfnryland continues to play mouth battled to a 33·33 deadloek 3t tho Res)Jeet.full.Y~ Terrors broke loose in the final period, * • close one9 in the Stadinm like the W. & YaJe Bowl. A.lbie Booth, ~aphjn of the Sports Editor, batt.ered Ilown the opposing line, and * * * • After a Western :Mary· * * J. !Il,d T.oyola games somebody is going Yale team, facing the crisis of his grid· Gold Bug. won the game. to be surprised sOme Saturday when they !ron earee~, where failurCl to playa lend· lnntl safety lind touchdown hall !wen ffi Westmjnster ~ walk in the Thirty·'1'hird street iueloaurl' lUg part !ll the day's aeti.-1ties would discredited by the referee!sdccision,Dou ~ Grecn snnted a pnss and dnshed twenty a.nd find a rC:11crowd tbere. brand llim an ove~'jlublieized player, yards aeroas the Bellefonte gonl liue to ~ came through with three of IlLs team's score !lle only touchdown of Ihe fray. ~ Deposit & Trust Co. ~ touchdowns, two of them frollllong rnllS. Shepherd successfully Jdeked tlle IlXtro. * * The galhering of approximately 2,000 poiut, bringing the score to 7·0 . sJleetntors was hardly any more than Fight, Team, This is the first victory over Belle· * ~ Westminster, Md. * ~ usually atop around 10 secret The death of Sheridan, end of the fonte that the Baby Terrors have earned * • * * Army football team who died as a result forse,'ero.lsCIISOlUl. .;;.*****.:+******************* of !In injury received in the Yale game, Fight! However, tliQS(l w1.Jowere :fortunate alloul
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