Page 52 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 52
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmiruter, Md DEFEAT w'M'11 I BUCKNELL TOSSERS {(L I" 711 . 711 • C!Jlunsrn. C!Jlubn, ttllll .§nddirn I oi Playing at Bucknell and at Penn State f f \/lin lJ bug: bUZ!Z!tug:n f f sueceselve '"yo week-end on thoi' jaunt, the wcetern Marylnnd basketball ' (lu~tc~l:;stfi~:tth:al::es'~~I~h~:~~::~iiO:l~L---m-s-p-""'-T-,O-N---------S-O-N-G------' WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY Lewisburg' Hlgh School gymnasium Fri- day, February 6, tlUl Terrors lost to Buck· By. .ROBERT B. HOLom I heard cnce-c- a song At the r<'\gular meeting of Webster The regular meeting of Irving Literary nell BiBOllS b)' two points, 30-28, in n 1 was medilating upon l)rosaie things Literary Soeietj- last Monday e"l'cning at Socirty was held in Irving Hall, Monday closely fought game, marked by frequent Ambition has gone from my weatj- soul, 7.00 P. M. in Webster Hall, a very inter- evening fit 7.15 P. 111. The following fumbling of the ball by both sides. No longer do I look and languish toward InthednrknesE<-- esting but brief program wns presented. program was presented: Had Western Maryland been able to SI.IUlB distant goul; Au,l suddenly the slraul!lof it to me; Cnme In the absence of the preaideut, the vice 2. Current News Oil the Hill Wrigllt make more of their shots count the out- Forgot-tell have I every worthy aim- Camc',mil sang itself softly president" Mr. M,nk Reed, took eharge of S. The Butler Court Martial Myers come of the game would have bel'u !lif- I do not strive for renown nor slave for Btrungely-e- the meeting, which was -opened by a fernut, as time llud egnin the ball was gldnj Reminding me of you, brief word of prayer "by the chaplain. 4. Debate : Resolved, that the new physl- sliot at the basket without a tally. I !i"e in the present, satisfying every The door of sorne small abode The first number on the program was n eal educntlon course at Western :liary "Steam" Gheucwith, the Bison left fleeting desire, Within me,opE'ned. reading by Mr , \Vllittington, who pre- land College should be maintained. Af forward, proverl to be a thorn in the 'rcr- Burning t,he cruel past in a pruifying fire. Perhaps it was my henrt- sented a very humorous selection. The flrmat.Ive, Clark ; negative, Cairnes. ror$' Bide by his shooting and his floor And the song found a resting place. uext number was by Mr. Newcomer, who 5. Debating at Western :\raryland Evans game. III' scored Bve baskets for a total But night comes and as T gaze lit tlle talked on "The Honor System at the last 6. Impromptus Flemming, Stewart of ten points. Brown of Western Mary ucwauocn, Examiunfiona." 1I1r. Newcomer showed Kiefer land" countered with, f()llr goals and ~\.lld at \lle brilli,mt sturs and velvet The other day in a ehenp, tawdry place the sodety into what depths the Honor 7. A Musical Number Rathbun four fouls, f()r twelvc points. dark, Amidst a mob of complaer;nt people, System had fallen, nlld raised the ques· Summary: A surging within me lifts me up A phonograph yelled that song tion whether the system should be doue The meeting was closed with a prayer And 11]0111 aloft the magic wonder·cnp! In. metallic blasphemy. awal' with or not. bytheehaplain. W. M. C. O. F. T. It mO"l'es on out of my reach T{'urs within me, broke After this t-alk, Ihe sooiety adviser, Dr. Brown, f. 12 As if in desire I stretch forth my hand; And mined on m~' he~rt. Whitfield, spolf)Ul was eom formal gatherings of a fow Bach I'll' u. W. Miller Ole Torrors for the first time, aud urlla,\' by a -t·S score at State College in prised of ilt thirtr·fiVc members, thusiasls 1\'110 lllet to listell to some played the entire gamc at guard. their first meet of the season. The 1'er theseorosroodO-C yery fino re<:ords Oll'ned by one of their rors, with three meets undcr theu belt In a simil~r contest between the sec' uumber. Qne of Western Maryland's Washington ond plntoou of COlUpnn~' A ;'l1\d the ~ce· alumnne, :I\[nry \Val"'l, '~9, was among will be out to stop the Penll Staters iu Smith & Reifsnider G. F. P: their second start. ond platoon of Compuny B the latter the instigat()rs 0.1' the HlOv{'lIlCnt. Giraitis, f. The cont-est will be closo as has been fared better than either of its sister Among those participating in tho Westminster, Md. Robinson, f. the case of meets in the past between platoons, (hw 1.0 thc effort of Clyde Bryau conecrrsnl'e prominent Bnltimoro lllugi· Proudfoot, f. .0 the two schools. Last year the score was uf the SophomOI'e e\ass, who I1ropped, in cions ns 11'011 as members of the Phlla Raisin, f. "to 3 in f:wor of Penn Stnte il] a mect a swish shot from lIlid·f1oor anll tallied delphill Uusieal Fund Ensemble, tho LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES Gainar, e. S held at State College. jhe only seore Of tho aften\oon Philndelphia Orchestrll, iUld tho Phila· AND COAL Dobkina, c. C~ptnina \Voollc)' l.lll{l llolmes super· delphia Sillifouictt3. At its first eon· Stevens, g. 12 I'ised tlH' first gym whiell was sue· cert of rho .sonso.n tile B~eh Cl.nb P1("1 SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND Romey, g. o PROFESSOR AT SEMINARY eess.ful from el'er~' scnted the Complll~l{r TriO whwh was Johnson, g. SPEAKS BEFORE Y. M. O. A. $0 well re{le]\'{'d that a return engage· GENERAL MILL WORK ROSB, g. BOXING TEAM ACQUIRES NEW ment hns been schednled for Februilry. Ii eHough shl{lcnh arc interested in SUBSCRIBE .. . (Continued from Pnge I-Col. 4) SYNAGOGUE to B.~lti· ! Totals 16 10 42 thes(' arr.').ugr.JlICnts cau be .. Westerll ),jar.Ylnnd CHndi(l~tea for the made for to be- tul{on W.M. C. :lfTl.'eta sonlCbod~' else. .TOBUS sl\id, ooxing tenm are dOUlg their training at G. F. p. 'Every idlo word we spenk lI'e must. their new hOlllo in the old gymnasium T TO TilE Brown, f. 1 7 give all acconnt to God! Eren tllOugh ill the basement of MeRinstr)' Hnll, EVANGELIST c~~AKS TO Y. M. T (Ib 0 1b IS It g, ],fnrTay, f. 8 we onraelvos ma.r hot feel h:lrmet] by wl]ich wns formerly the old dining room, Hammill, c. t(>iling qncsfio1)ui)le jokt's und stories, en)r since lflst Tnes
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