Page 51 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 51
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS I BasKetball Boxing I SPORTS I TERRORLEATHER-PUSHERS WASHINGTONIANS BEAT PENN STATE WINS AT TRIM C. C. N. Y. BOXERS TERROR BASKETEERS EXPENSE OF TERRORS Western Maryland College defeated a In the best brand of basketball dia· A erowd of neat-ly 3000 apecta tcra wit. ,'ery strong C. C, N, y, boxing (emu nt played by the Weatern Maryland 00\- We are buck again ua you will please ncesed t.he basketball game between Penn the Westminster Armory last 'l'Iniradny lege quintet to date, the 'ferrorJ -were note, State. and Western lInrylund in the Re- evening, Pebrunry 5, by a close score of forced to concede n bitterly fought eon- crt'ation Hn.ll a.t State Conog~, Pa. ,,;hidl 4 to 3, after allowing l.he New Yorkers test to Washingf ou Concge Tuesday The recent change in Tnter-Collegiate tnok iUllllediatelyllftertheCClnclu· 10 fight ot eutehweights due to their late evening, February 10, at the weatnuu boxing rules will not affeet us so you Illnl' aieu Stntea ' boxing meet wit-h ",Vesl arrivnl. stcr armory, after staging II great up. expect almost nnytblng. in the. 1~5 class. Virginia. C. C. N. Y. took the first two bouts hill fight in both periods, Stoop is intercollegiate Western .M~ryland suceuuibed to the by decisions against Flater nnd ],Jl'ers Tho "Sho" men scored eight points, \Ve note Ihnt the cage quint is back of the 115 pounders, while Lewis a Stille {Iuintet ill a one-sided game in the 115 and 125-lb. classes. whi.le \\'. 1>L a. WIIS held scoreless be- at ii's old hubih. himself, having lost to Hall .j,0-2~ score. P~nn state seored Crosby of Western Mnrylaud won the fore the game had got well under way, Nil"), in the fiullll! of the IlltH- poinls iu eneh h"lf to til", \'i~itol's nine fir-st bout for 'V. M. C. by II wide mar- but the Terrors rnlhed to lie the score be lmrd- ecllegiate meet at Philadelphia last. and ten in the respective periods. gin over Spanier, using a left jab and nt12all before the first quarter ended, Following the girl's team will spring. Moser and Brown led the ~coring for a right cross to II very good ndvautege. From then on the gnme became a er now, not due to lack of interest, but Julius Epstei.n who enptaius the Penn their rcepective teems with eighteen and The next bout and the last that went with due to Iaek of wherewithal, apropos their Stators was the n5 pound champion the eleven points by encu. hard struggle the difference in recent action in regards to the gate. to the New Yorkers was won by Striker year before Jast. aeoee never more than two or three This game was Stnte's first win. in a technical knockout ever Crowther in potnts. The visitors forged ahead and Tho Terror team on the otherhnnd has theseeondround, \\"'e would be willing to bet again~t I been strengthened by the ret.urll, of W. xr. C, G. F, T. lerl at the half with a eecrc of 23·14, The score stood 3 to 1 in fm'or of C. Western Uarylnud came out for the one-eye Conuelly coming through, on this "Tiny" Pil.,eurn n.ud GeorgII' Eknitis,. Woolley o C. N. y, Brubaker then won llis fight one. • • • who are agm1l eandldntes for the tenm second period with renewed determina BroWl! JJ lead, ~:~::::::~;~::~;:;E~:":':~;':'~I::~:~~~:':~:~:~~":os:;~;::~:~:c::~:g;::: by stopping Wolf in the second round, and o\'ereame \Vashingt.Oll'a lead "furray Steese eonneeted with a benutifulleft to tile seore 27 nil in the third the j:lW shortly after the opening of Ihe could JlOt ke-cp the Kopp gong, He. floored his man once in Ihe and game ended 4::-31 in ffivor of lIalllliiiJI first round (lndtwiee in the second roun(] •• * finrds for the intt'rcollegiate hca"yll'eight O'Lenir Washillgton College, wIlen the nferee stopped the fight, Latest tentntive oppenent f
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