Page 50 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE 'J'WO l1t1ter-OJolll'giutl' 1!Tn r iet t! News A REVIEW OF BOOKS, PLA YS AND LIFE 'l'he Ilniversf ty lias t.nken action to a[hisability uf 1\ college eduenticu WbC1L 'increase the lntereat u!llong the student Two Philosophies one hears n statement like the following, body in the .lntrnmural games. Athletic contrasts, und anclogles that cspeclnlly from a college senior, ~4,_ Dfreetor Bergman has decided to award Offieial newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during "I]norum" is a place where fish ;,lI 11 trophy, which will be awarded at the hang bj' n mere thread of simil3rity ate the ncademle yenr by tho atudente of Western Maryland College, wcstmtnetee, kept." Pw1.ml11y he was intelligt'ntly reo ~I!(l of euch Il.eholnstic yeM, to the class al\\'3)'s llln(!u more interesting than a Marylund. Entered na eeeond-elaae matter at the westminster Pcetettlee. ferring to Congress; you know there is or bllrcseientiflceollectionorrclutcdfllcta. and this the book Subscription Price, $2,00 a Year some direct correlation between pollt.les of Thc pIny two philosophies-as rel'icwed different week in present and the mm-iue inhabltnuts. Both are if their approach as cnch fasel- rather wet, and to say th" becuuae they thnt Ill- UANAGING S'fAFF some rather "fishy maneuvers Occru:;ionall~' the~ are caught, but in, the BOlTOR-IN-CHIEF , .. Roy 'J'. Edwards, '31 nw.iority of baes, they nibble a goodly 'l'homas W. Otto, '32 portion of the bait, tlap their fins. eon- 1\L\l'JAGING EDITORS,. "Death Ta.kcs a Holiday" . , . , { Hobert L, Rodgers, '32 tentodjy, nnd hide o\ray for a thnn, Quite A prcmonition of disaster, Busuesse l'IlANA(lER . . Paul L. Bates, '31 :l suhject for a "town paper." Ehl a certnjl1 tenseness utmost desper ADVERTISING 1\'[ANAflER ,. C. Robert Etzler, '32 Tootsf ate,-is the aunospncre erented liS the CmCULATION l\IANAGER . Wayne W. Moore, '32 weird fantnsy, "), the e~mpllS st,:lnge romnnoe and has edict the Sara B. Robinson, '32 Stanfol'd r. Hoff, '32 ment, she mnfidCld to the \'iee-principal the walks uround the college 1\1. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Hcrbst, '33 th:lt her t.empor:!r}' mciltor c.oughed- id~al "lu\'e,s Be!.ty Allen, '33 Thomas 1\1. Gcaley, '33 lIudlo! 1l1hrill chaseddo\\'n her Tlle gir1.~ their independence Martha liarrison, '34 William G, Pyles, '33 (and pro-bnbly up a.gain) as he fit thc first "manlesB" dance t11'O renrs a soiled h3ndkerchief, 'lgo, J..ast rear the sccond W!Il; held and both were pronoullced successes, The Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. Somo of 0111' n,oder!! girls look forward third oxceedcd the 1.0 luxury as a· necessity to happy, mnr- A -LI riedlifc, and picture themsell'es as tl'al'el- \E-D-I-T-O-R-I - ing throngh Blit EUJ'op~ least in a gorgeous limou· girl onc ut sophomore tastes, and declnrcs she will Economy with n "bicycle built for 'rho tale is toW that H 1:;0plJOmore nt Pinch -With the Editor-in-Chief hoI'S de combat, so to speak, And if she were vcrr fur'seeing, 0hio State dinea 011 a dime 11 Hitting for this i'lslle, we trembling dOll the green eye-shade, add thaI n side would be when he goes climb into the Editor's big "eusy-cllflir" [lnd try to i& not c8sentiHl. week-ends sticks atrictly taelde the old Underwood. Fortunately (or nnfol'tllnately, depending to hi3 dime n day policy du~ing the 6chool on the point of view) we dOll 't h[lve to look far for inspil'ations--tlier<: Lost-Qne fraternity pin, somewhere week, fll'e a fcw things we've been aching to get. off OUT editol'inl chest, and ill Finder plense return to The here goes! Walter RcickeollBcker, at Weslern :Mary- the play land Collrge and reCc!I'c suitable reward. 1110sphere practically crented by the By the \\'3)', .speaking -of lightiJlg e!l'ects, The m{){)d of the whole Cheating During tllC recent Semester Examinations, we looked "Ri!;k" cntertni\lc: tIle plnintil'c Jell· fHscinatillg nNtnre. tllinking those facts lire: (1) there still exist!; among us an appallingly ing of his room-male, "Squeak, squeak! 11lt'ge number of students who llave not yet learned to be hlc1ies or squeak!" Upon beiug qnestionl'.d tllC "Where the Blue :Begins" gl'ntlemel) ell0ngh (especially gentlemen) to realize t.he l'cal meaning next morning uoneerlling his p"c"ioIlS Map of Magnitude f:'ic\'cral snmmers :lgO, Chri.~tol)her Mor- of the word "honor"; (2) the rCHsons for this disgusting situation are nigllt's experienc{'s, "Rick" replied thllt 11 map is under- ler Ilid the UllUsual when hc resurrected many and somewhat yague, bnt (3) the remedy is cleal'---eleet men to lIe had 1)eCll drcamiug of mico. Believe going is-said Lobe the old IIIclodnnna "After the Student Council who will fearlessly, honest};-, and relentlessly act it or not! "N~ilher illaid, Wife nor It in ease .. of dishonesty and (this is also imporbmt) put some powel' alld the thing for 8m:HI. New York· authority into the Studcnt Goverllllleut maclline. - fef!t from ellst to west . .Although rrs ferry oyer to ilobokcIl, go to the YOUR PASSING GLANCE So .rar as we know, there has been !lot 11 single com'iebon fOJ hn,s be~n fillont rh'e ,rears ago, Old Hia.lto Theatre where it w:.s playing, cheating in the lnst fOUl" years. That's a tough fact for \lS t.o face. when will !lol, finished until fifty or :ll'(] t hell perch!lnee .. isit the be{~r g:ll \\'c nil lmow thnt during that time the iletivities of some of om' weak- Yon looked only ouce more yenrs hul'c elapsed. Tt will :ll)Jlron~h deliS. Chriijtopher 1Il0rley phl)'ed the er-willed membel's lla\'e bcen cfll'l'icd on in something llpproaelling a At me, so neurperfcctio",thatif I'ic\\'cdfronl minor role of "Old Tom," the decrepit wholesale SeRle. As a matte]' of fact, the whole rot.ten business is not And I was confused nna a plHtfonn 1:) feet nhol'e it, it will look old tr>lmp, lind mnde whimsicnl speech- pll'Hsant to face-perhaps thnt's why so littlc hns becn done abollt. it So /l.slinUlcd, eXJlctl,1':lsthcenrthwOllldappcnrtoan es betweC!n aets. lie se{'ms 10 1In\'e the lnrely. But when wc hea\' of a .fellow stud'ent so low thatllc actnally For T knew U,at, you airplnne ob~erver at :1 hright of twelve gif.t of looking through nil snpercialitiea IJl"flgs of his sUCCess wit.h a bnlky (and ultl'a-colllplet.c) set of "crib" Could hoar miles. lIuel lnllghing gl.'utl.l' at them. )}{lles while still in thc building in which the exam was taken, it'!; time The nneven hcnting of This would ('crtainly be some lHap for In his book, "Where thc Blue Be- }'fylleart, to tClke stock. In faet, it's time to clean house! a lourist to fold up mal cnfl'y in his cont gins," Jllorll.'y laughs lit i.he world I Il'ished to mcet yonr ]locket, through tIn, disguise of dogtlom. The Stc"il.1' gaze -GcttY5-burginn. mask is IIOt too closely dru\\'u-olle 1'1111 But my eyes fcll !]uickly see !lie anthor's intentions sticking out Speech On last I;'l'irla~' evening the Speecll Depal'tment pI'esent- Upon tile wnlk. all through the hook. Christopher :?olor Plays ed thrce one-act plays in Smith TTall, "Peggy", "The You must ha,'i'> thought lilt' so silly Which Are You? ley would not write a outspoken Carved 'Voman", and "Gt'alldma Pulls the Strings". And childish! "There are two tli~1iuct kinds of peo- philo~o]1h.r-lh:,t woulll not unusnnl- frlwse tllree plays were of quite vllried t,vpes. The fil'st 011e. "Peggy", Anyway, 110 mldter what yon thought, ple who atteud u eoll('ge," anys the hut heel\n 'lui! he dill write lil'ery whim waf a dramatic sketch; "The Carved 'Voman" wus an Indian faJltasy; You lookcd Olily Ullce Alumni Ne\\'s of Syracuse University. ~i{'"l oae in "'\'i"herc the Blne Begins." "Grandma PnJIs the St.rings" was strictly a comedy, and kept the au- At mc. "One kiwI joins the family circle, he Perhaps 01Je reuits into its pages more dience in It ,<;tate of laughter throllghont pr~teticaU.v thc entire pl'esen- -~~- -M.L. beeomc~ n member by th~ ad of nH\ thuD the author intcuded,butI like to tation. Intensive work, reg'lIJ'dless of natW'al abilit.y, is essential both trirulntiou 1l1l(1 remains in the fold ns belicl'e all the '1uirks of philosoplly were in thE' direction and' in the acting to capably handle plays of such a JEWELS long as he stnys on tIl(! mundane, lIe plntlc
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