Page 49 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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GOt PENN STATE VS. W. M. C. LECTURE BOXING DR. RALPH MAGOFFIN SMITH HALL LOCAL ARMORY FEBRUARY 24th SATURDAY NITE Vol. 8, No. 13 February 12, 1931 FACULTY AND STUDENTS Y.M.C.A. Delegation PROF. HOLLOWAY GIVES I Student Speech Dept .: MEN'S DEBATING TEAM HEAR CURTIS CONCERT Goes To Conference CHAPEL SERMONONTHE Present Three Plays DEFEATS WASHINGTON AT THE LYRIC THEATRE C, A. went to the Mnrylnud run Fall$ Y. Mid- ~L TEMPTATIONS OFCHRIST SP;::hj';;;:,:;:::~.::";~,:~::::,~:~:::;o COLLEGE DEBATORS College Western The Buck WiJlter Conference, Fl:"bruary 6-8. "The land College presented I\. Group of three BALTIMORE HEARS FOR THE Religion College d('bu.ters nrc making a lour of ll11ve also Qffered to help defray the ex· might have strength to resist these NatalieBodllnskaya days, rcferring iu pnrtieulnr to Bome the EnsterH ~tates, und will nice!. pense. things. Peter II"llS even excmplified as O"erture to "The Bartered Bride" physic experiments he IIod ClIl"TiNI Ollt prominent debnting teams in qnite a S1uel01la There arc an? nnmher of reasons why being the. "(lel';I" ill the life and trials in a morc or less slle{,eSSIlll fnshion few stutes. tile plan should be looked upon favor· of J"C8US. It II".1S Peter who representcd with It t.uning fork. He t.hen produccd -- spite WOMEN DEBATERS WILL ably The in purehMe of thc of faetthfltitwilluot. is spon· thc bran!ly temptations of it man. all nncI Yet in fhe the Master end II fork sueh M he ha{l once uscd, and NOTED LECTURER WILL radio tllo cndured eompoti· s.ueeessful MEET URSINUS COLLEGE qor~a 11y the tIl(! 'Women's Student Govern- Ho· ga,e up IJjs life that man might be savea. (lemonstrated noisy it (in radiator). Professor SPEAK TO STUDENT BODY tion lI"it.11 a mcut Christine presillent, and gan, said wll('n inten'iewed; The women's debating team of '''ea· "There are tiny number of renSQas College Calendar tern Maryland College will open its sen· wily the plnn sho~ld be looked upon fa· Dr. Ralph Van Deman Mugoffin, .Ph. ROll with an eng~g(llll()nt with UrsinuB ,"orably in spite of tile faet that it will 'l'l1e correct tuning of It pinno is vory D., Professor of Classies nnd IIe'ld of College \In February 27. Welltern Mary- necessitate llllrting with Bome money on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13- important, since the overtoncs whieh that clopllrtment at Kcw York Uni\-er- only ri{lliness PQssible lrllld's allirmath'e team will travel to (l. thing e\'n.r eollege studeut hates. At Alumni Banquet; Lord Baltimore give it the its instrulllent fire is prOller!r tnned. sit)", PrcBident of the Archncological when Ursinus to m('('t their llegative team the informal gathcrings that the va- Hotel, Ba.ltimore,Md. Our lives, must be ]!Toperly Institute cs to the right kina of peo- senting Vergili!1.ll subjects. A few will baters. eiansandorehestras. Lit()rary Societies; 7:00 P. M. show some of I1I1l best manuscripts of The subjeet for discussion in all the A meeting of the women etudents ple. Yergil, while others will show interellt· debates will be, "Resolved, thnt. the na- will be ealled in the ncar future by the TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17- ''Is there personnllibert.yf" Professor ing scenes from the Bimillennium V('r· lions should adopt a policy of free Student Council to diseuss the pUrch8SG Social Clubs; 7:()0 P. M. Holloway asked. "All we do nnd say gilianulll Aeneid OruLse nnd Pilgrlnlflgc trade." of a rlldiQ more fully. (Colltillllrd on Page +-Col. 2) of the summer of 1930.
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