Page 47 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I SPORTS/ BasKetball Boxing /SPORTS/ MT. ST. MARY'S DEFEATED TERROR MITTMENLOSETO TERRORS LOSETO LEADERS GIRLS' SEXTET DEFEATS LEATHER-PUSHERS MEET BY TERROR BASKETEERS ARMY LEATHER-PUSHERS IN STATE TITLE RACE ST. MARY'S ANDLEBANON CITY COLLEGE TONIGHT West<:-rn Maryland (lcfeated Mt. St. The boxing team dropped a 5lh to 1'h Loyola, apparent leaders in the State With two lI'iI1& already to their credit will j\lary's in a state contest last evO!ningby decision to the Oadets of the Army iu u champion~hip race ehnlked up a. 61·24. Western Maryland basketball girls will Western Maryland '8 boxing team leather u ~!} to 21 score. held at weet Saturdnj-, 1I_[arylllndclan hold a dual meet with the famous dual meet Point, I'ktory over the Western attempt to make it three atrnignt when pushers of City College of Noll' York, to- The score does not iluliea\e the differ· Jnnuury Bj , at the Evergreen gymnasium in Bnlti they meet the Blue Ridge eonege five at night lit 8.15 in (he local Armory. ..nee between the teams as the Terron The Soldiers won in every class except more last Saturday evening, thus clinch- !tome tomorrow afternoon . The New Yorkers arc likely to prove hnd an off-day in the basket. the 160·1b. clnsa, which was chalked on ing their hold on first place for tile title. Prospects tor un undefeated season are formidable opponents if theb- training Western L\1arylund took the lead from the Western Maryland win column due to Sensational shooting enabled the Grey· very promising this year. The teamwork under Benny Leonard, former profession- the opening whiatle nnd waa never in dun the clever fighting of Steese Brubaker, bounds to gain lin early lead and hold as a whole is advaneiug with every prac· al light·wcight champion, has begun to ger of being overtaken dnriug any per- who scored his aeeoud triumph in inter· it all the way, while. the Terrors had ttce, and with the exper-ience of another show results. iod of the gamE'. 'l'he score was 16-4 at collegiate competition by defeating Mc- trouble in loeafing the basket on many game or two, fast work may be antici- Terrors' meet {he the half. Aleer of the arm)' iu a three-round de occasions. pated. third Tonight's of the year, will and be the local mitt· fight Hammill lind Brown were tile out- cision. The play of 'I'wardowicz and Liston .llul'phy and Ebuughntoplayillg spteu- men arc out 1.0 break their losing streak standing performers for the lQ---( In olle of the most bitterly fought bllS' • ketbaJl contests of the ycar,wilhthesaere tied during most of the game thc St. ( > Which is the longer of these two John's basketball team was forced to thO! horizontal lines? If you know the limit to emerge vietor over an inspired -Western Maryland team at. the Armory answer-try it on someone else. last Thursdny evening. The Johnnies led at tha half 16·15, but the 'ferrors rallied in the second half aud tiell thCSl!ore at 22 all with five minutes to play. A finnl spurt by St. John's with a total of three bllskct~ and a £oul c1inel,ed the ,'ietoT.)' for the JohIlnies, the Terrors scor· ing onc goal :lfter the tie:lt 22·22. YOUR EYES MAY FOOL YOU Brown again led his team in scoriug, while }'l1der lUld M:wCartce starred for St. ,John's. $'1'. :rOHN'S BUT G. I'. T. ~flleCllrtee, f. 8 Hoff, f. -Wolanski,c. 2 YOUR TASTE tells the Truth! E'ader, g. 12 , Carpenter, g. 1'i'ESTERN MARYLAl--.'D G. >'. T. Woolley,f. Brown, f. 10 Hamill, c. 5 Wellinger, g. Cln,y, g. LmYTem:e, g. Referee--).;fenton. MILDER ... AND Good teamwork and Cousi8tent ~hlloting BETTER TASTE were marked in thegamebet-ween West· ern Maryland Freshmen and thc St. John's J.'resllDlen whieh the former won bya26-19S!lore, The searc of the game Will;dose all the way, although the Terro!'>! had a decided edge in the floor game and made their shots count lit the proper mOmCllta. Sad asky led the winners to yiat-ory with It total of]2 points, while Kilmore garner ed 110f his teams' total. (Box Scores 011 Page 4-Col. 3) & MYERS TOBACCO Co.
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