Page 48 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. MUSIC STUDENTS TO HEAR CUR- TIS INSTITUTE RECITAL l~apprntngn Among tlIr Alumnt O1lannrn. O1lubn.anil ~ortdtrn (Continued from Pago l-Cel. 2) 'I'he third of the trio, Josef Levine, is Peg Hamilton, '30 not yot 20. His mother is au accent- WEBSTER. LITERARY SOOIETY LA OERCLE FRANCAISE p'lished organist, llis father both nn ar- Dr. William Fmuklin Elgin, '03, is Recent weddiuG's among our alumni tist aud a muetclan, while his uncle is receiving tho recogni!.ion of the rnedi- are: Miss Ervn Ruth Furwetl, '99, and A meeting of Wcbllter Literary Sod- La Cercle Frnneaise met on Tuesday onc of the best known nrtista in Phila- eal proreeaion fot hia workIu the iuanu- nee. JIlIn)' E. R. Reek, January I, ety was called to order vromptly at 7.00 afternoon at 4 utcloek iu McDaniel Hall delphia. He began taking piano ice- f~lelura of vacctnea. Dr, Elgin grad- o telock Inst Monday evcning by a short parlor. After tho reading of the mur- sons ut the egu of seven and tit four uated from tho University of )Ioryland 1931. prayer by Mf. neeeeu. The rouowtng ntes and roll call by the socretary, the teen he WIIS a eehnlarshlp pupil to Hof· medical school in 1887, :~]\d ill 1898 as' program was presented by the Soeiety : programme was put in c1I/1rge of An.n mann. lIe is also 'interested in con- aceinted himself with Mulford Labora- J\1iBsDorothy Lyle Gilligan, '28, anil "Spring" Dlmzles j'crlmsa Suttle and Evelyn Collison. The sub dncting and tile study of cbnrnber mu- tories. Siuee 1899 more than fifty mil- n1r. Clarence nenry Bennett, '28, all Readings from Shakespeare Eru-l Hiasey [eet was the first dilY ill Paris. "Misses sic. lion smallpox vnceinu ticna have been Christmas morning, ]930. "Sillelair Lewis and the Nobel Peace lIog-al', Collison, Johnson and Crozier, WesternMarylandisfortuuateinro· prodnc~d under his du-ect.ion. This is Prize" Ted Landis and Mr. Decou served as guldes and de' eeiYing twenty inl'itntiolls whieh can probably tho world'a record. Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Pusey, '~8, Debate: Resolved, That Dates impair scribed the important paris of the llity, be eXCllAllged for tickets. Severa.l tllld ~rr. William ROllltrk, Docember 27, Dr. David Marine, class of 1900, has the seeking of a. college man for fur- illustrating with numerous post·enrds members of the faenlty and atndent TecenUy beell :lwnrded the 1930 New 1930. ther academic knowledge. aud pictures. 1.1.i$sesJohnson, IDtllhelllJ, body arc plalllling to attend this con· York Acrrdemy of Mlrc out of sight; ". splendid work and illt,cresting lHojects. But fh('.\· ,1I"e there, Iiji:ldcn b"hind the REPRESENTED BY Negative: .T. Snydor, Rn.thhun, W. dulldarkeloUlla, 'Williams. lVoitillg for tho parting of the celestial BUCK CASH :Mr. :\lyors was recejved inte member WOI'IrEN'S STUDENT GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH IN· sllronds. ship a.ud tho meeting was cloae!l a 'i'he Women's Studeut Gel'erument STITUTES NEW COURSE prayer by the chaplain. And so it is Association held nn eleetioll of officers Westminster, Md. to fill the I'aeanci(ls in the Student Oo\" (Continued from Pnge I-Col. 4) DELTA SIGMA KAPPA er!llllent Bontd. Those who were eleeted conling to tl'eir Tennyson are liS follows: lJorm~1 view; SEE Delta Sigma Kaplla elected its offieers President Christina Rogan, '31 und Browning stu(1ied in SOllle Thus, for every jar, of SOITOWS ,ve for the second semester. 'i'lJe followillg Viee President Vietorio SlIIith, '31 detail. hllve two. R. Mark Reed, '31 hal'e been elected: Honor Cl'airnHl.nCntherine Coekbnrll, '31 Vietol"inn literature deals with an im Only those with more than lwm(\11 17 LEVINE HALL President portnnt period. It is a bridge between faith, OR Vice President Sarab Reinecke the ideas and writings of sneh lUen as See tl,o h_qlOcris,r of t1IC seeming misty Treasurer Susan Strow Pope, Johnson, Swift, Cowper, Collins, E. N. Hassell. '33 Secretar'y Muriel Bishop and Buras, tlnd those nH'n of our own Chaplain Emilie Brown age. Some students have tended to ROOM 135 WARD HALL Susan Strow and Barbanl Daskam cn· ~light t.his literary age which is neeea· FOR tertained the club at a bridge tea s:uy to Anyonc desiring a complete Ull- CLEANING-PRESSING Thursday afternoou, January 29th. derstauiUng of prCS01ltday literaturo. Representatives of Uden Myers re\"iewed "Eli1.abelh the Qneen," and l1ary Ellen Sennt reviewed u. W. Miller BROWNING "Creell Grow the Lilncs." A BOngfrom JOHNNIES DEFEAT TERRORS IN BLUEJ A YS DOWN TERRORS IN tho lilst play was sung by Vic Smith. LAST MINUTES OF PLAY EXTRA PERIOD OF TILT At a short business meeting the pres idcnt nminded the soeiety members of (Continued froll' Page 3~Gol. 1) (Col1l.iJllledfrom Page 3~CoJ. 5) Smith & Reifsnider thceoming essnysand debates,and urged PHI ALPHA MU them to participate in tho contests. A W. ':\1.C. .E'ROSll W.ES'rERN ]0,11). G. F. 'r. \'Vestminster, Md. llIusic31program was presented, in whieh 'I'he Phi G. }'. T. Brown, f. 16 ':\lary Lee Shipley sang. Catherine Uer· Hestel', f. o WQ.()lcy,f. rilt gnve a violin solo, and Eva Draper FfammilJ, e. 2 LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES pla~'('{la piano 9010. :\f;lholler,f. lI'ellinger, g. AND COAL \villi~, f. 4 Clary, g. Sadllsky, e. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND CLARY LEAVES HILL GIRLS' SEXTET DEFEATS ST. Dik~a, g. 'l'otals 11 12 MARY'S AND LEBANON Hurley, g. -1 JOHNS IlOPl\TNS F. T. GENERAL MILL WORK Tues(1"." evclliJ)g, when !l10 Terror C. Kelley, f. b~~ketllUl1 tealll took the floor against (COlltillll(ld froUl Pnge 3~CoL 4) Toh!ls 13 26 'rllylor,f. o 'liT 1ft. SI. Marya, tlJere was a young man Brooke, e. missing from tho lineup who had start- ST, i\IA11Y'S SE)!WARY T. ST. JOliN 'S l~JWSll G\lmrett, e., g. ed in alJ fJre"iou~ bnsketball games to G. P. G. F. fr. Si1I'Cl"lnnl1,g. 'T dllte. , Liltle, r. f. I:! Kilm(Jr~, f 0, Kelly, g. 1'hnt individual was Frlll,klyu Clnry, BI:t1'kstone,1. f. 14 ; one of WestcI'n M">lryland's gridiron GnrclnH, c. SmlioJ"{l,f. Totals 13 39 ... l,eroes, who Iwd on more than one oe- Rpnldi!'f;, P. g. 1'roid, f. ~n~~u" T;iT cll.sion ])ulled lin importllllt football Gllfdoll, I. f. C'aaaijR~,c. to the Jollns Hop· ... gnllle out of t),,, nro. o Engl!', c. TELL YOUR ;- lk"ry, 1. g. at thl' }:I'ergreen last 1~::~;{~~~.lJ"~;;~l~T; withdrew frOID Western :Mar,\"' Wn.taOll,g. 'FRIENDS! lnml wl'ek, niter completing t\\·o 'rot.als 20 ?oIncCartee, g. theWestem lIInr:rlnlHl}'reshmen took the nnd oll~·half years of eollegll work. He Referee---DrNIllun. m(l,1sure of Johns Hopkins Junior VIlt" will be missed eqUAlly on the gridirOll, Tot."lis sit".. The Tl'rrors took nn Nlrly lead but In're forced lhronghouttho basketbnlJ eourt,andellllllllls. \\rr~Sl'.ERN ~fD. G. F. T. Rr.fcre!'--Ekaitis. their margin. gilllletokeep Mnrplly, r. f. 11 22 Eklllgh,1. f. H i\rnholl\!)",H~st~r, Hurlcy Westminster's Leading Store \Velll·cr,l.f. o TERRORS LOSE TO LEADERS IN were responsible for the greater sll3re I'LEASE PATRONIZE OUR Boga .., ['. STATE TITLE RACE Ihc'ir 1('Il111S'points. ADVERTISERS Coekbllrn, c. W.)1. C. FROf:ill G. F. ". Senal, r. g. (Gontinued fro Pngo 3-Col. 3) Hester, f. and "1Ilentirm"THE GOLD BUG" COoling, r. g. Bussard. f. Todd,1. g. o WESTERN _\ill .• Mahoney llumphreys, I. g. G. F. T. S:)ijnsky L."lwrenee o o o lIurley Brown's Goodie Shoppe 1,EBANO~ YALLEY JG G. F. 36 Brown, f. 7 Diksa '" 7JLJ?¥f!!:?:.~5 T. MurrllY, f. Ridgeville, Maryland Yingling, r. f. ]0 WooJlf'y,f. ]0 Iler~hey, 1. f. 1 O'Lenir ,f. .J. n. JR. VARSIT'!.· G. F . T. First Class :\lillcr,1.f. ilammill, c. 9 &'ott, f. Rnpp, e. o Schneck.f. SODA SERVICE o o Callaghan, g BO~'er,c. LUNCHEONETTE Kr()hs,e. o (,Iny, g. Rapport, g. Armacost, t. DANCING Wehrieli. r. g. Kopp, g. Russel, g. Bl'an1, 1. g. o '''ellinger, g. W~gller, g Adjoining the "Rinky Dink" Westminster's Leading Store Golf Links" Totals 6 24 Totals 16 Referee-Drennan. Referee-Neun; Umpire-Schlllid. Referee-Humiltoll.
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