Page 46 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAGE 'fIVO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 1Jnil'!" -C!1nlle 11iUil' ]Tu!"il'il1 ~Ol \IlG I ArnUnll 11'0 tl)l' C!1ulltpltn I A .REVIEW AND OF LIF1\ An unique stipulation was found in the Nl'U1n BOOKS, PLAYS a self-aatta lupse intD ugniu Oncc lied with the cording to eomc cr us the of pl'ovisions elusion cDmn, of the semester ,'cry exams, uppnrent COn· "I LOOK AT THE THEATRE" will of tho tete Albert E. Pillsbury. tllis Ac- will couteuted with passed our eoursee, Times are hurd-many theatres in New $25,000 was loft to each of three colleges, Officinl newspaper of Western Maryland College, publtahed on Thunday during successfully or otherwise, and others of us York are darl<, I.JUt in those where there Princeton, Harvard and Oolumbia to be the nendernie year by Ule students of Western Maryland College, WCBtminster, illAAncly gratified merely with having lire lights, the real season is swinging used t.o eombllt the modern feminist Marylalld. Entered 119 eeecnd-elasa matter nt the Westminster Poatonlee. waded through n samoster ts work, the ox aloug with the momentulll it always at- movement. All three of the institutions Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year nminntions being eoustdered, more or tains at this time of the year. nallled have refused to aceept the gifl less, all milestones Iu the rough nnd jueky "Grand Hotel" is getting the acelalm under the conditions. path to the nttaiument of that most dealr- that "Grecn Pastures" WOll last season. MANAGING STAFF able emblem, i'hl! sheepskin, engraved With t.icketa sold ont weeks ill advance, with B. A. Really the college diploma is its popularity is guarnuteed. All the Plans have been laid by the under- EO!'1'OR-IN-CnIEF . ..... Roy T. Edwards, '31 erublenmtic, if one regards it closely that have won partieular glory gradnatc~ of Amherst for the first inter Thomas W. Otto, '32 enougu ; emblema.tie of four years spong- the la~t few years have seemed collegiate daily newspaper to be produc- . . { Robert L. Rodgers, '32 ing on Dad; bouncing around ill heiro- to trent of big probl em~whole cress- ed in this vicinity,nnd the tirst of its lIbNAG1NO EOITORS .. "Srreet with BUSINESS l\fANAOER .... Paul L. Bates, '31 glyphieal _j<'ord~ nnd automobiles; wear sections of life. the people who Scene" in brown its scope, it is believed, in enllegtate circles. pictures of live AOVEIt1'ISING l\LI.NAGER . .. C. Robert Etzler, '32 ing erazy clothe~j yelling foolish muaie j srone front houses iu New York, "Green It is proposed to cover four tnstjbu- to syncopated CIRCULATION :MANAGER. ........... Wayne W. Moore, '32 inebriated dancing African tions with Ihis paper: Smith, Mcuut derivatlous ; and ecenaionnlly attending Pastures.' portraying all the beauty and Holyoke, Massachnsctts Aggie and Am· ASST. CIRCULATION IHANAGERS clnss, or perhaps plaJ'ing football. Aucl imager.)' that is in the negroes' religion, herst, on lin equal basis. Administ-rathe Mauriee C. Fleming, '34 .ill,tImr J. Downey, '34 then thiuk of ;Ill the poor sheep that are ~lld now "Grand Rotel" with itsmyria(l approval hilS bccn secured from Smith Lora 1'I. Outten, '34 David Trundle, '33 deprived of their SkjllS just beeause these impressions and glimpses into the life of an(l 1[ount Holyoke aud is I'irtually t\s- Jouthful I'llilllyproudofhav a city lIotel-we seem to demand and the sllred from Aggie. REPOR'l'ORI~ STAFF ing foolishly up ;lua (lawn the playwrights :msl1'er with a. big scoop of UIllI'Hse for foul' loafing YCllrs, are now lifrJ sitnations. The Theatre Gnild Temporor:1I Delay Oltu·scd ASSOCIATE EDITORS The projcet culls for two members Thelma Reid, '31 Duncan C. Murcbison, '32 dwirou~ of aih'ertising tlleir attainmenh for J"anIlnry calls "Orand no of the staff who are not ulldergrllduates, before the ,1dmiring public, and see Dad SPORTS Em'fORS fork over S hnnl eurned dol· the mnnager, editor·in·chief aHd the adl"erHsing of rU'Uling to ill)'lUre iutelligent Cfllherine W. Coc.kburn, '31 Jolm 0 'Leah' lnrs more, Hlld one more sheep seeks Ids tho from both au e[litorinl and n hIlPP.\" ground, a nwrtyr to the COpyEDITORS mO(Iern system, his only r('(l' Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Stuart D. Snnday, '32 ompense h~ing in the photogtllhpie repre. To I1uwI Four' StUffs sentntion of his plllintive, dying eries of 'rhe undergradilflte staffs will be REPORTERS Ba! Bal Ba! (B. A.) on his fornwr sldn. Ilnd a Evelyn E. Collison, '31 J. Wesley Day, '31 Spenking of Ihe advant.ages of e(iuca heMIcd aml by fOllr day indiddulIl night college mauaging editor staffs, Margaret E. Hamilton, '31 George E. !lfeGowflll,'31 tion t.o modern ci\"ilizntion r n ncw 50lu ranging from a manuging editor and reo Victoria D. Smith, '31 Howard .A. Bolton, '32 tiou 10 the unemployment problem of porters down to the delivery departlllent. Ruth E. Woolcott, '31 Samuel G. Townshend, Jr., '32 Westminster has developed liS a Winifred S. Bush, '32 Howard !II. Amoss, '32 result of rcseareh of J~eonomics (Ie· pnrtmclIt, theinvcst"iga· thQ~tillluluMfo,. Stlru B. Rob.inson, '32 Stanford L Hoff, '32 !ion being the ,'ast snperJ!uity of cnnine 'l'ho !1IHOn11t of oxtrn-eurricular aetiv M. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 presence "On tlHoHill." A"r'logeatch ity in whidl flny onc student at George Betty Alien, '33 Thomas M. Gealey, '33 ing" ere\\' hUB been organized, lhe cop· Wushillgton limited University according cnn to llariieipate, plan i.~ to 11 be Mnrtha Harrison, '34 William G. Pyles, '33 li,'~s of its endeavors being turned ovor drawli up hy the Stndeut Coulleil, und to Om college dining room where by a which is to go into effect next fall. simple pl'oeess devised 11y J. D., the A~eordj_ng to the Unin~rsity Ralchrlied not by appro\'e parents the Euro· and does the case might be. Men !Sull~ :l lit companion. Thus, the parent must will be Jlublished at nn early !lllte. If en(lcnl'Or curlier to teach her the kind of Scholastic With the appearance of tilis issue of the Gold B1Igthe Biny indulges in torrid ~blutiolls of his n person to murry. New Year second semester will be well nnder way. The events of un\'crtnin physiognomy on three· more oe· Americll.n parents do too mneh for the first"scmester have been pleasing and to cllsiQnsin the n(!,,-t two weeks, t.hestnlis· their children. They:tll utfempt to give some, less so to others. JallUlll'Y 28, 10 'Yestern l\lal'~'land College liCB will be eOlllpl~te ;md definite COIl' ilfmiigon Squaw Ganlells the (:llild_ offi· tlwnl the things iulife which they them· students, marks the beginniJlg of a new period of endeavor, perhaps. elusiolls will be deduced. ~(!r8 hired lhe left·over eowboys for !lleir ~ch·e.q hu,'o liOt had, saying that the cltil netors is eert;liulr the soon 1'he elate ill a sort of New Year's clay, from a scholastic point of view. being TLer;hO"'nII tendency to go into their But there's no frielld in all the werld you've intended reading all yea.r! Wholesale and Retail shells. when they come to college and to I'emain there. The policy of \Yho rnres aboHt a sophomore. Th~ nbscnt·mill[lerl pl'ofessor was providing for supervised athletics one ,lftel'nOOnpcr week should do I claim n fellow ~hould be true crossing Lexington street n few days HARDWARE lll1lchto counteract this tendency. A college should be as responsible To all hi~ sumUlertime romances; a.gQ carrying Bobbie all his arm. Sud· for physical as well as for mental development, The new athletic pel'~ 1.'('t Be ean dnted that for litTle tIc frosh in blua dancesf denly he turncd to his wife saying. Phone 318 Christmas ioel will do mueh to pl'~vide for t.his. ~!;:ial1Tr(lay E,'eningPost, "::Uar~'! Wherc on earth is Bobbic'" Westminster, Md.
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